Examination of Witnesses (Question Numbers
Jonathan Ledger and Matthew Lay
17 May 2011
Q364 Chair: Mr
Ledger is from Napo, with which many of us are quite familiar.
It is the trade union and professional association for family
court and probation staff. Mr Lay is from UNISON, as are many
members working in this field. We are very glad to have your help
this morning. Can I just start by asking you about the streamlining
of national standards? Is it a good thing and do practitioners
have the skills and knowledge to operate outwith such standards
if they are either moved or made much less specific?
Jonathan Ledger:
Good morning, and thank you. Going back over the history of the
national standards and having represented Napo when they were
first proposed in the mid- 1990s and when some of our concern
was expressed, we would have to say broadly that we certainly
welcome the streamlining of the national standards that has recently
been implemented. It does have our support, not least because
it improves and increases the discretion of probation staff, which
is one of the criticisms we had of the original standards and
indeed the way they were revised in subsequent years.
Our feeling is that returning greater discretion
to probation staff will be good for a variety of reasons, which
you may wish to explore. I certainly am confident that our members
in our unions and working in the Probation Service have the skills.
They have begun to work in what might be described as a slightly
different culture over the last 10 years or so where an enforcement
priority has characterised the approach very often, with perhaps
a move away from what we had previously worked to. But, certainly,
I would be very confident that the skilled and trained staff in
the Probation Service would be able to work in a more streamlined
environment and are quite capable.
Q365 Claire Perry: In
many ways I feel very sorry for the service because I feel you
have been put under many conflicting burdens over the years and
this is a welcome step in trying to say professional judgment
really matters. But I suppose I am worried about the implementation
of it. Does it just become another processheavy exercise
that does not actually deliver what I think we want, which is
more professional judgment? Stepping back a little, do you think
the offender management framework, if you like, which underpins
both the older system and perhaps this system, has been effective?
Has that allowed staff to manage young offenders effectively or
does more need to be done?
Jonathan Ledger:
Theoretically, we would be supportive of the offender management
approach because we are fully supportive of the idea of end-to-end
joined-up thinking and process of the way we work with offenders,
whether it is in prisons or in the community. In practice, we
have struggled to see it work properly, it has to be said. Not
least, a lot of that has to do with the very different ways in
which the Prison and Probation Services work, and quite legitimately
so because of the nature of the work they have to do in relation
to the sentencing outcomes.
In principle, yes, we would support that and think
that our members would, although our focus has tended to be on
the concept of supervision as opposed to management. Sometimes
there has been confusion about thatthat, in some way, the
management concept removes the individual worker from the facetoface
relationship they have with the offender with whom they are dealing.
Supervision and the quality of that supervision is key. That is
not saying Offender Management does not assist that, but sometimes
conceptually we think it shifts the focus into an overview rather
than in engagement, which is the key issue.
Matthew Lay: One
of the things about the OM process is that staff are familiar
with it. Therefore, any move away or change will impact on staff
in terms of how they view that. In terms of streamlining of the
national standards and the move towards greater freedoms and flexibilities
for practitioners, that is also going to be taking place in an
environment where there are reduced resources and therefore potentially
additional pressures on those individuals. That, potentially,
could create some vulnerability.
Q366 Claire Perry: Thank
you for that. If you look at the model, though, and I do not know
how it works on the ground, we have this slightly confusing definition
of the four worker roles, all essentially circling around the
same target, who is the person for whom responsibility has been
given to the Probation Service. Is that efficient? Is it confusing?
Does it work well in practice? Does it mean that people are reluctant
to exercise their professional judgment because it might be somebody
else's role? How does that actually work in practice?
Matthew Lay: I
do not think that is the case. There are blurrings in terms of
people's roles and boundaries, but they are well established in
terms of the way practitioners go about their work. Yes, it is
not faultless, but I think people are aware of their role and
aware of their part in that machine in terms of delivering that
offender supervision. I do not think they are necessarily a hindrance
in any way at all.
Jonathan Ledger:
I think the Probation Service has a great history of partnership
and cooperation. It is a very inherent part of the way the
service works. I let Matt go first here, because I am some years
out of practice, but I was a probation officer for 16 years. The
instinct is always to work both internally within the service
but also with other agencies in a cooperative manner. That
has not gone away, I believe, and I think we have adjusted okay.
Q367 Claire Perry: Just
following on from that, clearly the drive is towards more localism,
whether it is through commissioning or provision of services.
Do you feel that the current system can support that more local
assessment and local provision or commissioning of services?
Jonathan Ledger:
We get close here to the heart of some of the issues and problems
that we have highlighted as trade unions for some time. We get
confused by the messages that we are getting on behalf of our
members. On the one hand, there has been a focus on the concept
of localism, and that has been around for some time, as you say.
In general terms, we would support that. Again, the Probation
Service developed out of that local work, whether it was in the
courts and the communities. That was the focus. However, the creation
of the National Offender Management Service has confusedmuddied
the waters, you might saythe situation that we have faced.
Certainly, at times, it has to be said, for the workers and the
staff on the ground, and for us sometimes as unions representing
them, we are unclear where the responsibility lies effectively.
Is it at a national level with the National Offender Management
Service and with the Ministry of Justice, or is it with local
trusts who are trying to apply the localism agenda, perhaps? At
times it seems rather selective, according to what national policy
seems to be. That has confused the whole agenda, I think, substantially.
Chair: We are going to
explore that more fully the further we get on in this session.
Q368 Claire Perry: I
have two more quick questions. One is OASys, which is clearly
potentially a very useful source of data. Does that currently
deliver what it could in terms of helping trusts to make individual
decisions about offenders?
Matthew Lay: There
is a lot of support for OASys from practitioners, and we have
had dialogue in the past about whether that could be made more
user-friendly and some of the processes could be adapted to make
it more streamlined. But I think there is generally support, particularly
amongst our members, for the concept of OASys and what it delivers
in terms of effective risk management and analysis of that risk.
Q369 Claire Perry: There
is a lot of potential with that data to go further.
Jonathan Ledger:
I think this has already probably been said to you, but using
it is quite cumbersome for staff. That is certainly the message
we get. I would have to be frank with you. Within my union, there
is quite a divided opinion about the value of OASys. Sometimes
it is a generational view, it has to be said, where the debate
takes place; those who have grown up with it more probably like
it more. It has value in terms of what it sets out to do in terms
of risk management and assessment, which is fine. But the process
by which it is used, the time it takes and certainly where it
is encountered electronically has been cumbersome. Again, that
links into those familiar statistics you have about the amount
of facetoface time staff have with offenders.
Q370 Claire Perry: It
always seemed slightly that the missing link in the OASys data
pool was the lack of correlation of that with reoffending
data. The ultimate next step is to make it very transparent as
to what interventions and case management plans work in terms
of reducing reoffending. We have heard from several witnesses
that it has been a latent attempt, if you like, to add proper
reoffending data into the mix, and that would be one way,
presumably, to get your union members to feel this was quite valuable,
if you could really see the results of a particular intervention.
Jonathan Ledger:
Yes, I think we would support that, if that link could be made.
It is not entirely easy. Again, assessing progress and rehabilitation
is always a complex matter and we would always argue is not simply
about recidivism rates. It is about far more than that. In principle,
making the tool more applicable to all the evidence is sensible
probably for all concerned, but certainly streamlining it and
making it more user-friendly would be a key component of that.
Matthew Lay: There
was some work undertaken and we were in a sense promised a more
refined version of it. That has not yet materialised. Whether
that is a project that has now bitten the dust I am not quite
sure. It is one of those projects that has not really come about.
Q371 Claire Perry: We
had a very interesting session with clients of the Probation Service,
current and previous, many of whom were repeat visitors. We were
very struck by the testimony of a woman my age, in her mid-40s,
who said, "I don't want my probation officer to be some young
kid who takes me out for coffee and has a chat. I want somebody
to say, 'Get your head in gear. Get your act together. Stop mucking
about. Sort yourself out'." Many of us were really struck
by that. It may have been a oneoff example. Do you think
that is an accurate reflection of the way that the relationships
have been going? You obviously have lots and lots of experience
in the profession. Is there a role for a slightly tougher management
system, if you like?
Jonathan Ledger:
I would be rather sceptical about that as being a general characteristic
of the way the Probation Service staff now work. In fact, if anything,
since the infamous Paul Boateng speech about us becoming a law
enforcement agency, the shift has been more to a punitive approach,
one could argue, rather than a more compassionate one. It depends
how you wish to characterise it. The idea of being soft is a misrepresentation
of the general way staff indeed have to work these days in the
context of enforcement and accountability.
However, as you know, there has also been an increasing
return to the concept of those onetoone relationships
and the key abilities and skills you need in order to develop
relationships with the people with whom you work and for whom
you have responsibility. If you do not now know how to engage
with people, how to get alongside them, you are very unlikely
to start to be able to challenge them and make demands of them
in terms of the behaviour they are presenting and actually effect
change. You need those skills where you have the empathy and you
know how to communicate with people.
Beyond that, though, it builds in a permission, once
you have built that relationship, to challenge people about the
sort of behaviour they are presenting, the things they have done
and the problems they have that might be contributing to that.
I would recharacterise it. Yes, we need people who are compassionate,
who understand and have those instincts to form relationships,
but that is combined with the ability then to confront people
and challenge them. That is what being tough is about. "Tough"
is sometimes misrepresented somehow as being distant and hard.
But we do not need that; we need people who can get alongside
others and then challenge and have some impact on people's attitudes
and behaviour.
Matthew Lay: It
is very easy to characterise the work that probation staff do
with offenders as being soft, in a sense, and there is a bit of
a myth out there. But if you came into any probation office on
any given day of the week, where offenders are coming in and out,
you would see the relationship that there is between the staff
and the offenders. It is very professional and the staff are diligent.
There are times where staff need to spend additional time with
offenders. I just don't buy into the fact that staff are going
out having cups of coffee because there just is not the time available.
But there may be the opportunity and it may be right for one person
to go out and have a coffee at that particular given moment in
time because that is the right thing to do. Generally speaking,
if you go into any probation office, you will see it is a hub
of activity and very businesslike. Offenders are treated with
courtesy, yes, but there is clearly an importance for enforcement,
for ensuring that offenders are compliant and making sure that
they understand what they are doing and why they are on probation,
etcetera. I am uncomfortable in a sense because it is such a common
myth that is always out there. Our staff and our members are always
having to battle against that and I do not think we will ever
necessarily achieve that.
Jonathan Ledger:
Can you forgive me for just being anecdotal on one point from
practice? I can remember one time in 16 years taking a young offender
out for a cup of coffee, essentially. He was a 17-year-old who
had not eaten or drunk anything for several days, who was extremely
vulnerable and ended up being murdered on the streets of London
not long afterwardsin the midst of committing an offence,
it has to be said. But that is the only occasion I can remember
doing it and there was a very particular context. As Matt says,
it is a false characterisation.
Q372 Chair: The
point was not about coffee; it was about challenge.
Jonathan Ledger: Indeed.
Q373 Chair: It
is fair to say that we have also had offenders in front of us,
two of whom had committed offences in order to get back inside
away from programmes which they found too challenging.
Jonathan Ledger: Precisely.
Chair: They preferred
the comfort of jail to the continuance of the programme.
Q374 Karl Turner: The
Ministry of Justice needs to make savings of 23% by 2014-15. I
wonder what the impact on efficiency savings and cuts to the front-line
service has been as a result, and whether there are any further
areas where efficiency savings could be made.
Matthew Lay: One
thing that you also need to add, and it is very important in the
context of the modern Probation Service, is that we have those
efficiency savings to reach, which are broadly around the 10%
mark for most trusts over the CSR period. You have to add on to
that the fact that Probation Service trusts up and down the country
are involved in lots of relationships with local government and
with the police, and they are also cutting back. In the Humberside
area, in the Hull area, the Integrated Offender Management Project
has had significant reductions in the amount of resource that
is going into it. Prisons are returning seconded staff. Because
prison staff are civil servants, they need to make redundancies
and make their own savings. They are returning probation staff,
adding to the burden that the probation staff are being taken
out of prisons, which is a bad thing.
If you add to that a whole series of other things
that are going on in terms of the partnership organisations that
we work with in local government and the police, the impact is
magnified. It would be easy to say that 10% efficiency savings
are manageable, which is what NOMS and the Ministry of Justice
say. We would argue that they are not, but, generally speaking,
if you compare all the other cuts that are being made, it is not
the worst. But if you add to that all of our staff, our members,
who are engaging in lots of other projects, and these projects
are being axed, it is creating a bit of a headwind which is going
to lead to significant problems further down the line.
Jonathan Ledger:
It is difficult for us to answer your question about making efficiencies.
You will understand, from a trade union perspective, that our
major concern is about the jobs of our members, as you will appreciate.
Having said that, we have also been working very cooperatively
with the MoJ, NOMS, the employers and trusts to try and calculate
and work out how changes and cuts are being implemented with the
least harm to the staff and on the service delivery that then
follows. The risks of it are that the sort of cuts that are being
made are generally probably targeted on what would be deemed as
lower risk areas of work. We know from the experience of representing
probation staff that risk is a very flexible and mobile issue.
Somebody can be low risk one week and perhaps change in terms
of how you might assess them within the next week or so, according
to various problems or issues that may arise. In that respect,
the danger is that, in looking at what might be seen as more easily
reduced areas of work, we are having a longer term impact on risk
for the communities we serve.
Q375 Karl Turner: What
is your current estimate of the volume of the decline in the front-line
probation work force then?
Jonathan Ledger:
I saw the figures last week, which are the most recent figures
produced from within the MoJ, which interestingly suggested there
had been a very small rise in the number of probation officers.
That is probably because all of those from the outstanding old
training arrangementsI say "all of them", but
many of themhad been employed. Where we have seen a significant
front-line loss is obviously probation services officers, which
both our unions represent. That reflects to some degree the point
I was making about lower risk and lower priority, and therefore
maybe that area of work being seen as one where cuts could be
more readily made. There is certainly a measurable drop in that
area of staff.
Q376 Karl Turner: Would
you say that the workload is going up for individual probation
officers and probation services officers?
Jonathan Ledger:
In general terms, workloads over a number of years have gone up
significantly. That was during a period where there was significant
growth in the staffing of the service as well. But of course it
is now going up because there are less staff to do the work, so
de facto there has to be an increase in the workload. In general
terms that has not changed significantly. The other workload implication
of all of this is that we have seen a lot of very experienced
probation staff lost in recent times through voluntary redundancy
or early retirement packages. There is something of a generational
loss going on for the newer staff who are coming through, who,
before that, would have been able to turn to a lot of experienced
staff to act as mentors and provide support in a very positive
Q377 Karl Turner: What
is an acceptable caseload for a probation officer or a probation
services officer? I have some experience of Humberside. In my
experience, they are extremely committed and extremely busy, but
remain very professional. I see them with many, many files, dealing
with many, many clients. What is acceptable? I do not think they
have an awful lot of time to do anything, never mind have coffee,
to be perfectly honest.
Jonathan Ledger:
From our point of view, this has been a 10-year question in trying
to define an acceptable workload. The problem is that there are
so many variables you have to take into account, which include
the level of risk and presenting problems of any individual, which
means a certain type of case has to be weighted more heavily than
another. But the fact is that the sort of description you have
of Humberside is true across a range of probation trusts for our
members. They are making workload measurement decisions all the
time. They are calculating on a one-by-one basis what they have
to prioritise because the structure is not there within the Service
to control that. Generally, workloads go up and up without any
great control, except by individual regulation.
Matthew Lay: It
is true to say that some trusts manage it better than others in
terms of their internal processes, and where there have been disputes
locally over workload it is generally because those trusts have
not been flexible or worked with staff effectively to manage that.
I just wanted to come back in terms of staffing numbers, because
it is worth bearing in mind that, for probation, we have been
on a downward path for about three years now, and resources have
been largely frozen or reduced over that period of time. In a
sense, the CSR has come on top of a couple of years where there
were already reduced resources. In terms of staffing numbers,
that pattern has been following that. As Jonathan said, a lot
of experienced staff through voluntary redundancy schemes have
been able to leave and there has been no real recruitment going
on for the last two or three years. That will have impact further
down the line, no doubt.
Q378 Karl Turner: Given
what you have said, it is probably a leading question, but what
is the impact on facetoface engagement with clients?
Is there any impact?
Matthew Lay: It
comes back to the questions about how we interface with offenders
and particularly about streamlining national standards, for instance.
It is all well and good having that flexibility for practitioners,
but, if they have less time because they have more offenders,
some of it becomes a bit of a pointless exercise. Therefore, we
have to balance that and we have to observe that, if staff are
going to engage more effectively with offenders in terms of facetoface
engagement, they have to have the time to do that.
Q379 Karl Turner: That
leads me to ask you about risk management and whether the existing
system for risk management is fit for purpose.
Jonathan Ledger:
We touched on this earlier with the discussion about OASys. We
said it does provide the basis of something that does that job.
But, again, it has a bureaucratic impact which affects the amount
of time, and then this goes back to your earlier question about
the amount of face-to-face time people can spend with those they
are supervising. Every day, individually, people and the individual
team level local managers are making decisions about where to
prioritise time and focus. A lot of people have been very concerned
that a sort of "tick box" approach to people coming
in for supervision is not acceptable, but workload pressures sometimes
created that situation. We do not support that. We think that
is an indictment of some of the pressures on the service.
Matthew Lay: In
terms of managing risk of harm, I think the Probation Service
does a very good job overall and I think OASys plays a part in
that. One of the interesting things about the debate on sentencing
is that the focus is on those offenders who do not have probation
supervision or generally have limited probation supervision and
reoffend many times. Perhaps OASys is most effective in
dealing with high risk of harm offenders and if they were to commit
another offence it would be of a serious nature.
Q380 Karl Turner: Finally,
how could the cuts in trust budgets have an impact on sentencing
outcomes and can you give any examples?
Jonathan Ledger:
This is a very grave worry because, quite clearly, if the Probation
Service is not able to provide the range of alternatives, there
must be a risk that sentencers will have to fall back on short
prison sentences where they might be looking for community alternatives.
Certainly, from what we have been picking up, there are cuts taking
place to some of the partnership approaches that we have had,
and this will impact on things like drugs and alcohol dependency
work, work in domestic violence and programmes generally that
we provide looking at offending behaviour.
We have also seen long delays in the takeup
of those programmes. When courts are sentencing, obviously there
is a significant delay sometimes and that undermines court confidence
to some degree in the impact of what they have sentenced. We would
support the fact that you need to pick something up. Once sentence
has been passed, you should be picking up and intervening quickly.
If you take the approach Napo have been talking about in terms
of an intensive programme approach, then you need to do that quickly,
soon after the sentence is passed, otherwise its relevance begins
to get lost. That affects the motivation of the individual offender
but it also undermines the confidence of the court. We really
are very concerned that we may see a rise in prison sentences
if the Probation Service is not funded to deliver the alternatives
it does very well.
Q381 Karl Turner: What
you are saying highlights my own experience. Sir Alan made the
point, I think. In my experience, I have had clients who have
asked me not to try and persuade the court to give them a drug
treatment and testing order, as an example, because a short prison
sentence is actually much easier for them. My concern, though,
is whether a probation officer, first, is going to be around to
assess the client prior to the sentence, and whether the resources
are going to be available to offer that as an alternative to custody.
What is your view about that?
Matthew Lay: We
are seeing cuts to
Q382 Karl Turner: Do
you have examples? I am sorry to interject. I am trying to get
an example from you.
Matthew Lay: There
are examples all over the country, because of the money for work
with offenders who have drug misuse. That comes through a different
channel. We know that money has been cut back. That impacts on
the ability for practitioners to do that sort of work. Working
with drug users in particular is quite intensive. If it is to
be effective, it needs to be intensive, and there is a resource
element to it. As you reduce that, you clearly are unable to offer
those services, and that goes for a range of other probation interventions
that are currently provided.
One of the things around sentencing culture is that
in a sense we are not there yet. A number of the cuts and the
impact in terms of being able to offer services to the court take
time so that some sentences are not going to be necessarily influenced
at this moment in time. It will be two or three years further
on before they start to see that those things that they previously
would have offered are not there.
Jonathan Ledger:
We could provide examples. We have been doing so because we are
doing surveys of our branches. We will continue. I know MPs get
a lot of information from us on this sort of area. We survey our
branches in order to get that sort of information. I think your
question also links to the quality of the court reports that have
been produced as well and that is another area we would be very
happy to discuss with you if you wanted to pick it up with us.
Q383 Jeremy Corbyn: Following
the points that Karl Turner just made, how many of your members
complain about levels of workload and allocation of caseload?
I spent some time at a local probation office last year, and the
point they put to me was that it was the one Government service
that had no choice in the number of cases it had to receive. The
workload appeared just to grow and, with increasing levels of
probation, keeps on growing, and the staff levels appear to be
Jonathan Ledger:
I think that is right. In a sense, what we were saying earlier
picks up that point. Certainly it is the perennial concern and
issue that probably impacts across the whole of our membership
most consistently. Talking for Napo here, we have been in national
dispute with the probation employers for some four years about
workloads, in an attempt to try and force some form of agreement
that we can apply.
Q384 Jeremy Corbyn: Do
you have a fixed number of clients per officer?
Jonathan Ledger:
No, there is no agreement. As Matt was indicating, some areas
have systemsthey sometimes apply a traffic light system
as a warning process to try and control these things, and some
of those do work reasonably well; it is not a consistent picture
across the boardbut most do not. There is no figure, and
there is no system of control.
Q385 Jeremy Corbyn: Is
there no management guidance?
Matthew Lay: Interestingly,
there has been some movement in terms of some of the work that
was undertaken by NOMS in the specification benchmarking and costing
exercises because they are trying, in a sense, to deliver unit
costs for everything that goes on in the justice system. There
is obviously work that has come through which analyses that, but
they are tools that are inordinately complex and areas need to
manage them and interpret the data and respond to that because
it is very fluid. You are right to say that the number of people
that are committing offences and going to court and then require
this, this and this are not governed by the Probation Service.
They are the recipients and manage that accordingly, and a trust
does not suddenly get any more money to employ more staff if there
is a surge. They have to manage it. The complexities of that make
it inordinately difficult to manage demand and ensure that you
are supplying the right number of staff to do that. Most areas
will try and do that using their own management tools effectively
to do that. As I say, some trusts do it well and some less well.
Q386 Elizabeth Truss: I
am interested to understand your position on the restructuring
that is taking place in NOMS. I know that you were certainly critical
of its establishment in the first place. Clearly, Government have
now taken away the regional level. Do you see more scope for savings
at a senior level in NOMS, could you quantify those savings and,
also, how would you propose to see a more local accountability
structure work?
Matthew Lay: Both
unions were critical of the creation of NOMS. In a sense, our
criticisms were wellfounded at the time and they have proven
to be correct in that the whole level of bureaucracy that has
been created and the need to almost give them something to do
to manage the Probation Service has been, I think, destabilising
to probation.
Just to deal with your latter point, I think it was
the Justice Committee that produced a report a couple of years
ago called Primary Justice, which was quite an extensive piece
of work which looked at how justice could be better managed locally.
In terms of synergies and savings, it is clear that until probation
is put back in terms as a local service, with the freedoms and
flexibilities that even now they do not have over things like
estates, for instance, those efficiencies that would be relatively
deliverable are not going to happen. There are partnerships that
used to exist with local authorities going back many years which
were very successful in terms of the economies of scale on estates
and things like that. Those things are not there now, but they
could be recreated and those partnerships locally could be reestablished.
Q387 Elizabeth Truss: You
are essentially saying that they would be democratically accountable
to the local authority.
Matthew Lay: I
am not saying that is necessarily the solution. What I am saying
is that there are synergies locally that have been removed through
the creation of NOMS, which could be reestablished and which
would deliver greater efficiencies. Whether you have democratic
controlthat did not exist previously, because there used
to be a committeeis, in a sense, an argument by which,
as a trade union, I am not easily fazed. It is the efficiencies
and the ability to return money into the operational level to
ensure that we have the right staff that is critical here, and
those efficiencies could be delivered.
Jonathan Ledger:
I do not want to rake up too much old ground, and Matt has just
covered some of that, but we would have to ask whether the regional
approach in NOMS ever properly existed anyway. I think we are
sceptical about that. One of the problems that is a consequence
of that is that, from our members' point of view, there is a huge
amount of scepticism about the waste that seems to have gone on
in creating, first of all, regional offender managers and then
directors of offender management. We never were very clear what
they did. For years we used to argue as unions, "Could you
show us the ROMs' job descriptions?" No one ever did, and
they had been disbanded or removed before they ever appeared.
You can appreciate then, especially in the context of the more
difficult financial times that we are in, for our members, the
probation staff working on the ground, there is a fair degree
of cynicism created about the whole NOMS project from the very
beginning and I do not think that has ever gone away. As you may
be aware, Napo is now arguing that there should be separate arms,
essentially, in terms of the way it used to be with prison and
Q388 Elizabeth Truss: Could
you just try and quantify what you think the proportional cost
taken by the NOMS overlay is and, also, how much of that has been
removed by taking away the regional tier? How much more fat is
left in that organisation that could be disposed of?
Matthew Lay: It
is worth noting that the savings we have been informed of that
are taking place are quite big. The issue is not just about whether
they are absorbing too much money. It is also about whether they
are, in a sense, diverting priorities and creating work that need
not necessarily be required. There is duplication as well, certainly
when there was a regional level. It is worth questioning whether
that regional level has yet been removed. Where there is a regional
level there were duplications. There were trusts doing work and
there were regional managers doing the work, and they were not
even necessarily communicating about who was doing what. I think
there are huge issues on that. Clearly, that has been dissipated,
but then they have recreated it nationally anyway.
Jonathan Ledger:
I think our argument would be that it is difficult to quantify
and we would obviously be careful about where we do not represent
staff, to comment too much about how you might reduce staffing
within the NOMS organisation. But, certainly, under this proposal
we are developing whereby you have a probation and a prison arm
working closely together but separate because of the different
focus they have, you really need only a relatively slim, small
umbrella organisation to coordinate that. That is probably
the area we would be talking about.
Q389 Elizabeth Truss: It
strikes me that the reason NOMS was created was because of the
silos within the different services. If we simply went back to
the previous structure, there is a danger of that being recreated.
The issue was that NOMS was at a national level, so it failed
to engender the level of cooperation at a local level. Do
you think more could be done to create genuine end-to-end offender
management? I was struck by your answer to Claire's question about
the four different stages in that process. Would there be a possibility
for one individual to take responsibility for managing an offender
through their entire case history so you did not get the sense
of being passed on? One concern I have in this discussion about
computer systems is that we are getting away from the judgment
of a qualified professional at a local level. What NOMS has done
nationally is to partly take that away, but also having somebody
passed on from officer to officer may be diminishing the ability
of somebody to make a judgment. Would you say that is a fair comment?
Jonathan Ledger:
It is a fair comment. At the macro level, we have always said
that the problem with NOMS, especially since 2008, is that essentially
it was a hostile takeover of Probation by the Prison Service.
We never achieved a balance of voices within NOMS to make sure
the Probation perspective was adequately there. That really picks
up your local application point. I think we would support you
in arguing for continuity of contact. I do not know whether or
not one could realistically do that within a prison environment
and then within the community, because there are two separate
tasks to be done there. But with good communication and consistency
of the person who is there for the Probation Service and consistency
within the Prison Service, then you would achieve a lot more of
what you are describing. I would hasten to say that that was more
or less how it used to be. It was not perfect but we used to have
that going on. There was not the need or desire to constantly
change the responsible officer.
Q390 Elizabeth Truss: Could
you just comment on the specifics between the Prison Service and
the Probation Service. Would it be the case that both of those
services could learn from the cultures of the other Service? I
would be interested to understand what you thought the Prison
Service could learn from the Probation Service in terms of the
way you deal with offenders. Clearly, the reoffence rates
are better in the Probation Service. That may be just a selection
issue about the type of offenders who go to prison versus those
who serve community sentences, but how do you think that could
be better integrated and how could the different cultures in the
two separate organisations learn from each other?
Matthew Lay: One
issue that is paramount right now is that a lot of prisons are
removing probation staff from those establishments. For many years
prisons seconded probation staff to do offender management work
with prisoners. Due to resourcing issues within prison a lot of
those contracts are ending or being ended; therefore those prisons
are losing a very valuable resource. Some of it comes down to
the simplest of factors. In the whole of the NOMS exercise, probation
staff remained employees of local trusts and not civil servants
and that has clearly skewed how the processes of saving money
take place. That has had an impact. It can be overdone in a sense.
When you had probation staff working in prisons, they did that
work very professionally alongside prison staff. They did not
operate in a silo in the prison. They worked cheek by jowl with
other staff and with the offenders. That is now being removed.
That is not a good thing.
Jonathan Ledger:
The two cogs are complementary. Maybe we have spent too much time
worrying about somehow trying to subsume them and, in fact, we
should recognise that they are very different because imprisonment
and community supervision are very different concepts. But there
is a lot they can learn from each other. That is not of itself
an argument against a lack of communication. The roles are different
but they are complementary roles. There is evidence that people
are learning from each other, and Matt is right to highlight the
positive work that goes on in prisons and has gone on in prisons
where probation teams have been established and are working alongside
prison colleagues very effectively.
Q391 Ben Gummer: In
your submissions to the Ministry of Justice in the Green Paper,
both Napo and UNISON touch on an implied criticism of the Probation
Service. I have to say from my own personal experienceI
am sure this is shared by other members of the Committeewhenever
I meet probation officers they are incredibly committed and professional
people but working in a pretty dysfunctional structure, which
you have touched on. That seems to be the impression, too, of
Ministers. Given thatI say that merely as a preface to
talking about payment by resultsyou are right that, if
you set up an involvement of the private sector where the interests
are unaligned, you are going to end up with improper outcomes.
But if you were able to get the profit motive aligned with offender
rehabilitation in a true and pure payment-by-results model, how
could that not be a desirable end?
Matthew Lay: I
would say one thing. That is inordinately hard to achieve. One
of the concerns right now about the payment-by-results model is
that the providers are setting the framework by which they will
operate because of the commercial risk. Therefore, in a sense,
the balance is skewed. There is not a huge amount of evidence
anywhere else in the world around payment by results in terms
of criminal justice. It is not a well-trialled method. Therefore,
there has to be some caution about how that is approached. Clearly,
in an ideal world, there may be merits in that process. Can it
really be achieved or is it simply going to be handing money over
and, as we have now long discovered with PFI, simply another avenue
by which companies can make more revenue out of the state than
previously was the case?
Jonathan Ledger:
I am grateful for your initial comments, which reflect our beliefs
and views. The problem, I suppose, in defining this is that something
like payment by results has run quite against the traditional
approach of the Probation Service, which is very much based on
altruism and the belief in cooperation, and the sharing
of ideas and views. One of the great strengths is where academics
or probation practitioners have developed work. I know work with
racist offenders or hate-based crime, where a lot of very good
and excellent work has been done in the Probation Service. That
has been shared. It has not been something to sell or to keep
to yourself in order to compete over it. It has been something
that has been promoted across the whole service, because it is
recognised that we have a collective duty to do the very best
work possible and reduce risk. From our concept, payment or reward
is about the success we have with those with whom we work. We
want it to be recognised that we reduce offending, we change people's
lives, we have less victims and we protect our communities. We
would say our reward is achieving that. It is not about receiving
some sort of financial incentive to get there, because we don't
need it, actually. We believe in it. Fundamentally, that is what
the service is about.
With regard to introducing an element of competition,
we have seen it elsewhere. We have seen it in the Prison Service
where the previous Chief Inspector of Prisons highlighted the
fact that in some competition processes one prison had developed
some brilliant work with the prisoners they were responsible for
but were not sharing it in their region in case it had to be put
out to competition. That runs against the very fundamental concept
of trying to do excellent work across the piece within the Probation
Service. I have to say that some of where we are coming from probably
starts from that thinking and that attitude.
Q392 Ben Gummer: I
do not want to get dragged too far down in that. I take some of
your points. Of course, it is possible still for people in the
private sector to be working out of altruistic motives, but for
the allocation of investment resources it probably drives better
decisionmaking sometimes than NOMS has shown. Could I put
it another way? We had a very interesting evidence session in
this Committee with the back-to-work, payment-by-results providers,
which, if you have not read it, is worth reading, because it was
fascinating. They made a similar point. It really took 10 years
to get to the point where you are able to get the interests aligned
and the early PbR models were not working well. Do you think that
the unions have a positive role to play in trying to form good
PbR contracts so that we can get through that initial period where
contracts do not work so well, or is it just going to be, "No,
we don't agree with it" in that consultation with the Ministry
of Justice?
Matthew Lay: I
think we have a duty to represent the interests of our members
and to secure for them the best outcome possible, aligned with
the fact that our members live and work in communities where crime
is an issue and therefore they want to see the best for their
community and for society in general. We have been very proactive
and flexible in terms of working with employers, with NOMS, with
anybody frankly, to align those ends. It is just, in a sense,
frustrating that the skills and talents of our members have not
been perhaps fully utilised by the structures, but it seems to
move on and we have to throw all of that out to move to a competitive
environment where we know the public sector, as in our employers,
the Probation trusts, will be trying to compete with two hands
tied behind their back.
Q393 Ben Gummer: Your
point on the estates is a very good one and well taken, and you
are not allowed fair competition across the two sectors. You talked
about the skills of your members. A consistent theme I have picked
up from management is that those younger members of the service
who came in on a more target-driven culture and feel comfortable
with that find the idea of a freer and looser environment and
structure more frightening than the older members of the service,
who are used to selfmanagement motivation, more performance
management, and deciding how they are going to engage with offenders
rather than ticking boxes. They are the ones, interestingly, who
are more interested and excited about the possibilities within
the Green Paper. Do you think there is a generational problem?
Jonathan Ledger:
I mentioned it earlier, didn't I, in the context of OASys and
the perception, and inevitably there are generational issues.
As we also highlighted, though, we are losing a lot of that older
generation through the cuts process, and that is deeply regrettable.
People are capable of adjusting, and what is probably
positive in this context is that it opens up a debate about what
sort of working environment people want, and what freedom and
discretion mean. It should not mean that you are without support
and guidance in the decisions you make. Neither do we want a situation
where people are so restricted they have no discretion at all,
and of course they end up doing things by the number rather than
making proper assessments. There is a tension there, but I do
not think it is an insurmountable one, and it will be a debate.
In our unions and the sort of structures we have, we encourage
those debates and discussions and we will engage in that. I would
be confident that people will work through that.
Matthew Lay: It
is not necessarily destabilising, but it is interesting to acknowledge
how, when the centre decides it wants to have a different approach,
that skews how people do things. When the centre wanted very tough
enforcement, that was driven in to change the culture of the organisation.
When that increased enforcement led to higher rates of breach
and return to custody, then they said, "We now need to not
do that. We need to do something else." It is the same with
training. Now we need to have practitioners who can tick all the
boxes and do this and do that. Yes, clearly, as you move through
those processes people's anxieties are heightened, and as we get
into it, people will be anxious necessarily about those changes.
But they will adapt, because they are professionals, and ultimately
they are in the business of trying to turn around an offender
so that they are no longer an offender. That is the level they
will operate at. Sure, those changes are destabilising, but ultimately
you come through the other side. I have to say, though, I have
not picked up a huge amount of optimism around the future, whether
it be moving to payment by results or working for other providers.
It is the opposite. I do not think that our probation managers
are saying that our younger members are suddenly enthused by the
prospect of potentially losing their pension or having their terms
and conditions changed.
Ben Gummer: No, that wasn't
the question.
Chair: I think we need
to move on, actually.
Q394 Mrs Grant: The
Government in its Green Paper Breaking the Cycle emphasises
the importance of more robust community sentences. Do you think
there is evidence there at the moment that the existing community
sentences are not robust or effective enough?
Jonathan Ledger:
In some of our arguments we are supporting a move away from a
shorter prison sentence and reducing the prison population into
the idea of intensive supervision approaches, which make huge
demands on the individual who is the subject of the sentence.
Again, we come back to what we mean by "tough and robust".
In that senseand Sir Alan mentioned this earlier in one
of the comments he madepeople might prefer sometimes to
be in prison rather than to have to confront a tough community
penalty. Coming back to that, we would say that all the ingredients
are there within the Probation Servicethere is a resource
issue that goes on inside thisto provide an intensive,
demanding and challenging supervisory process.
We are not asking people, as was said in the earlier
conversations, to be put into something which is just a friendly
chat. We are talking here about confrontative, constructive and
challenging work. When you look at something like restorative
justice, its great strength seems to be about the fact that it
makes people confront not only what they have done but the people
they have done it to. By restoring those relationships, it has
a profound impact on all those who engage in it. That is not easy.
A lot of people say, "Yes, I'll take the six months inside,
thanks very much," rather than doing something like that,
because it is so difficult. All the elements are there, and the
way we define "robust and tough" might need to be discussed,
but in essence, I think we are saying similar things.
Matthew Lay: There
is also evidence in terms of community payback that communities
were developing greater confidence in that as a form of sentence,
particularly where they were engaged in suggesting schemes or
playing a part in voting for particular projects, and they were
able to see offenders out there doing that restorative justice.
There was a communication issue. Again, that showed the adaptability
of Probation to respond to those needs. Yes, we all would buy
into that and fully support that as a concept and believe in it.
The amount of resources you can throw at that, sadly, are not
unlimited. I noticed in the Green Paper and in some of the cues
for today, if you have electronic monitoring of people to ensure
they turn up, that is great, but there is a cost and resource
to it, and there is a limit to what you can do.
Q395 Mrs Grant: In
terms of the public confidence, do you think there is more work
that needs to be done there in, I suppose, convincing the public
that a community sentence is not a soft option? It is not just
the public, as well. I would extend that question and say do you
think we also need to work on judges and magistrates too, in terms
of convincing them that it is not an easy option? A community
sentence can be a very intensive intervention, and it is not a
soft and frilly let-out.
Jonathan Ledger:
I completely agree. This is the perennial issue and problem that
arises of course, as you have raised it. On the sentencer side,
a lot of us regret the passing of the liaison committees that
used to take place between the Probation Service and the magistrates'
courts, because people got alongside each other and talked about
the work. They sometimes talked about individual cases where they
had all worked with the same person, or perhaps a family, and
shared ideas and views and got more informed about the sort of
work that was taking place. The confidence of sentencers increased
as a consequence of that.
As far as the public is concerned, we have often
said that politicians bear a lot of the responsibility here rather
than sometimes the focus on the Probation Service itself. We do
obviously want to communicate and speak out, and studies have
shown that, the more you tell people about the process of sentencing,
what the outcomes are and what the background to a case is, the
more understanding the public are of community-based interventions,
for instance. It is a process, essentially, of education and communication.
We need politicians sometimes to be brave enough, whichever party
they are in, to speak out and say, "Actually, this is okay."
I would cite the example of the recent furore over
the prisoner voting. It seemed to me it was a relatively side
issue at one level in terms of the overall scheme of things in
criminal justice. Yet the reaction to it did not make sense for
me, when it was something that was encouraging a debate about
civil responsibility and potential rehabilitation in the context
of people engaging with a constructive process. But again, it
was represented as somehow being about being liberal and wishywashy.
You would have thought people were going to be let out of the
door to vote rather than having to do it in some controlled environment.
I think we have to have a more grown-up and mature discussion
about criminal justice sentencing policy if we are going to help
the public understand what it is we are doing.
Q396 Mrs Grant: But
do you think politicians should take more of a lead
on getting this message out about the effectiveness of these community
Matthew Lay: I
think the narrative in the Green Paper
Q397 Mrs Grant: Can
you just finish that?
Jonathan Ledger:
I will be fair and say, obviously, when you are elected and when
you are accountable to your constituencies, you have to take into
account the various opinions and views that are out there, so
it is not simple. But occasionally we would benefit certainly
from senior politicians saying, "This is a complex area of
work. It is a difficult and demanding area of work, but actually
it is valuable", rather than falling back on a more, I have
to say, tabloid approach to the way we communicate now.
Q398 Mrs Grant: Do
you think that shortterm prison sentences are less effective
for women, and robust community interventions could be much better
in terms of reducing reoffending and stopping all the chaos
and family breakdown and children being taken into care when a
woman goes to prison?
Jonathan Ledger:
That is a very good and strong point, and absolutely, we completely
support that point. One of the problems when you take people briefly
out of their living environment for quite a short period of time
is that you impact upon families. For women, it has a profound
impact in terms of the dependent care responsibilities so often
falling in our society in that way. But, also, you disrupt people's
living and working arrangements, and they come out with more problems
than they went in with because a shortterm prison sentence
does not allow any work to be done anyway. It is counter-productive
in terms of what it is intended to do.
Matthew Lay: The
Corston report was a very impressive report and some of the actions
on that need to be followed up and given additional resources
because it is clear that there can be a good payoff in terms of
putting those resources in. I do not think we, in terms of probation
practitioners, will ever satisfy the need for people to want people
to go to prison, which exists in sections of the population. We
will never achieve that. We can do better. But I think one of
the pleasing things about the Green Paper, in terms of our response,
is some of the narrative around trying to get a debate about alternatives
to custody, trying to work with offenders in the community and
on building up restorative justice. Restorative justice already
does exist, and there are thousands and thousands of beneficiaries
every week from restorative justice through unpaid work schemes
and voluntary organisations. Huge projects are being undertaken.
We just need perhaps to sing a bit louder about it.
Q399 Mrs Grant: Can
you just let me have your views on curfews and electronic monitoring,
please? How effective are they in reducing reoffending,
Mr Ledger?
Jonathan Ledger:
From our experience and what we have been able to establish, we
have not been terribly impressed with the impact, in fact. Given
the cost and the amount of resources that have to be put in to
provide that service, and it is a significant cost, we think the
return on that has been pretty poor. The fact is, it does not
really have any intervention. It is a controlling element, and
it produces a prisonlike situation in the home, but beyond
that, so often it appears to be a cause for resentment rather
than understanding, in terms of why the constraint has been placed
on the individual. In the short term, to get out, people may well
think it is a good idea, but experience seems to prove that that
feeling does not last very long. We have really quite a poor perception
of it.
Matthew Lay: The
thing with curfew orders is that there are often other dynamics
behind the offending behaviour, and the curfew order only deals
with one small element of it. Being in the home may be part of
the offending behaviour, and without that additional input, it
may appear on the face of it to be a positive outcome, but deep
down it clearly is not, and no one is addressing the root cause
of the offending.
Q400 Chris Evans: The
new Probation Qualification Award was introduced in April 2010.
How do you think it is working?
Jonathan Ledger:
We supported this. As unions, we worked closely with NOMS and
the employers on the development of the PQFProbation Qualifications
Frameworkbecause we felt that it would open up opportunities
for existing staff in a way that had not previously existed. It
has had our backing and support. However, where we were not in
agreement with our colleagues in NOMS and the employers was that
we felt this had to be implemented nationally. It needed, essentially,
a quota system to ensure that work force planning would take place
over the next few years. It also needed agreements around things
like adequate time off for people to study, as well as meeting
their workload demands, for the reasons we discussed earlier in
the context of workloads. None of that was achievable and we did
not reach national agreements. It was left to local discretion.
Our own figures suggest that about 640 people are
currently on the gateways for both probation services officers
and probation officers. But, for instance, in London, from the
figures we have accrued as a union, there is something like a
40% attrition rate. That is a very significant figure at a relatively
early stage of the application of the PQF. We are really concerned
and we think a lot of that links to the lack of time off to study
and do the academic side of the work that people need to do. We
are very concerned that something that, in principle, is very
good, by being delivered at a local level with local agreements
rather than national ones is in danger of being lost, probably
because of the cuts and the lack of prioritisation of training
in the context of lower budgets, being lost.
Matthew Lay: We
are also seeing money, in a sense, returned back, because they
are not attracting enough people to go on to the training and
to develop the skills. We strongly support the PQF development,
primarily because a large element of it is on the job and upskilling
staff particularly around the PSO grade, which had received very
scant resources prior to the development of the PQF. But, unless
there is a clear incentive and a clear pathway for people to develop
those skills and move on, there are going to be some barriers
to that development.
What we have also seen, and members will have observed
this, is that under the previous system trainees have developed
their skills, gained the qualification and then find they haven't
got a job. The state has invested millions of pounds in trainee
probation officers and then they have been desperately trying
to secure employment and work. That legacy is still there and
people are thinking, "If I am going to expose myself in that
way, I am better off not doing it." That is a real problem.
Q401 Chris Evans: The
other thing I was quite interested in is that, in the Napo memorandum
you submitted, you say: "As far as post qualification training
is concerned, little if any occurs and the situation is unlikely
to improve in the foreseeable future." What did you base
that on, and, Mr Lay, is that your experience as well?
Matthew Lay: Yes,
we would echo that.
Jonathan Ledger:
I was just trying to think at what point that was written. I think
it was
Q402 Chris Evans: It
was point 7.37 and it was under the subsection headed "Is
the provision of training adequate?"
Jonathan Ledger:
We were certainly concerned about the fact that training opportunities
appear to be disappearing within the Service. Of course, we were
linking a lot of this to the cuts and the fact that opportunities
were gone. That is why we were investing quite a lot of energy
in the PQF being seen through and developed in this way. But,
as I say, it links to the point we were making that if there is
not agreementand we think it needs to be nationalabout
the numbers that are needed to be put through the various gateways,
there is a real risk of a shortfall of sufficiently qualified
staff to take on key jobs further down the line. That is where
we are really concerned that people in principle have something
that is very good and a framework that is very positive, but they
will be effectively denied the opportunity either because areas
cannot afford to put them through it, or because when they do
it, they do not have sufficient time to study.
Q403 Chris Evans: How
far away from a national unit are you? Are you a million miles
Jonathan Ledger:
We are nowhere near it, because there has been a resistance to
the idea. It was something that the unions put forward, and we
said there ought to be a national agreement on it, but in fact
NOMS and the employers did not agree with us. I am afraid we are
not in a position to see any agreement at the moment.
Q404 Chris Evans: What
is your experience, Mr Lay?
Matthew Lay: Likewise.
We argued also for protected learning time. We were not successful
in securing that. Clearly, the PQF is a very good model for training,
it encompasses all practitioner staff and has been moving now
into supporting case administrators as well. But until there are
the resources, and there is adequate planning going on in terms
of work force and protected time, there are these barriers that
prevent people from reaching their potential.
Q405 Chris Evans: Do
you envisage serious problems if there is no post-qualification
Jonathan Ledger:
I am sorry. I missed that.
Q406 Chris Evans:
Do you envisage serious problems if there is a continued lack
of support in qualification and training?
Jonathan Ledger:
It is a numbers issue. The framework is fit for purpose. We have
supported its development and now we are working on a casework
administrator, in extending that, and that is again a very positive
development. It is all about whether there is going to be an investment
in it. Individual trusts, you can understand in a way, might argue
that that is not a priority. The development of staff is not a
priority for them at the point when they are struggling to deliver
on the various fronts they need to cover. Given, as Matt said,
that half the NOMS budget that was put aside for training and
development was lost in the last year because it was not taken
up, that demonstrates that areas clearly are nervous about how
much investment they can make. We think this does need to be owned
nationally, and the resource issue needs to be addressed nationally,
so that areas can prevent a crisis in the future in terms of sufficiently
qualified staff.
Q407 Chris Evans: I
want to move just quickly on to sickness. The trusts have been
successful in reducing their sickness absences. What do you think
the reasons are for them achieving this?
Matthew Lay: It
is an example of where we have worked constructively with NOMS
and with the Probation Association to hammer out agreements. Locally,
again, there have been variances which have been problematic,
but when the NAO report a few years ago was highly critical of
staff absences we sat down and we hammered out an agreement. We
have taken some flack from members potentially over it, but we
felt that, in general, it was a positive move. Members who are
at work suffer when people are not at work and vice versa. We
had a constructive engagement. That has delivered some returns
and has contributed to the reduced absence. We have also focused
on wellbeing in work and ensuring that people are respected.
Those areas that have good sickness or good attendance at work
generally are better places to work and have probably better local
Jonathan Ledger:
I would need to say just a little word about disabled staff, because
certainly we had concerns from some of our disabled members, who
talk about a greater focus and pressure at times on them in the
context of some of the criteria that are applied. But Matt is
right. Where an employer has been reasonable and flexible in their
application of this, then it is possible to improve the working
environment from everybody's point of view.
Q408 Chris Evans: My
last question is directly to you, Mr Lay. In your own evidence
you report a number of local disputes about workload pressure.
Can you give some examples of these types of disputes and more
detail about it, please?
Matthew Lay: We
are aware of them. They are generally joint disputes between ourselves
and Napo. The most recent one was a Napo dispute in Nottinghamshire.
The key issue is that we have a disputes process where we are
alerted very early on to problems and we seek to intervene to
try and bring about a positive outcome. It comes back to the earlier
discussions we had. Workload is a perennial problem. We, as trade
unions, seek to intervene to protect staff to make sure that they
are able to do their job as effectively as possible. Where those
disputes cannot be resolved, often through something intransigent
that sometimes exists locally, then they will rear their head
in terms of a dispute.
Jonathan Ledger:
We have managed to resolve most, but they will continue to arise
for the reasons and the discussions we have had earlier, because
of the pressures that arise. It usually reflects the attitude
locally, as Matt says. Nottinghamshire was the most extreme example
we have had recently, and we did have a ballot. You are talking
about an environment, the Probation Service, which has pretty
good employment relations. It has a history of very strong employment
relations actually. That is something we have all generally been
committed to. It is quite an event and an issue when a ballot
takes place about something like workloads, as it did in Nottinghamshire.
We managed to find an agreement there and we did manage to get
back on track with things. But we cannot say it will not happen
again because of the current pressures which we have been discussing
Q409 Jeremy Corbyn: Do
you do any surveys of your members on workload levels so you can
collate it into both a regional and a national picture?
Matthew Lay: We
did a big member survey last year around a whole range of things.
Workloads was an issue. It was not the foremost issue for our
members, but workloads are an issue.
Q410 Chair: Did
you publish the survey?
Matthew Lay: Yes.
We can leave you with a copy, which I will do. I have a copy with
me. You will not be surprised to learn that the biggest concern
of our members is job security. That dominates proceedings, but
there is a lot of detail in that. Work pressure is a key one for
people, because they want to be able to do their job as effectively
as possible.
Q411 Jeremy Corbyn: When
you came to a settlement in Nottingham, did you agree on a figure
of caseloads for the future or what was the outcome?
Jonathan Ledger:
It was not a number-based settlement. It was a process-based settlement.
Essentially, it was the traffic light system with red and green,
etc. There is a ratio that is applied and it was putting something
in place which already had been in place but essentially was not
being implemented. It was getting agreement to implement that
and that is what was achieved in that particular example.
Q412 Jeremy Corbyn: Did
you do a survey from your union?
Jonathan Ledger:
We have done previously. Not as recently as Matt's, although it
is a perennial issue. As I said earlier, it is always top of the
agenda, virtually, for our AGM and the discussions we have. But
over the years we have done research on the figures, calculating
what the workloads are to which people are working. We have information,
although, as I say, I think Matt's is more up to date than ours
at the moment.
Matthew Lay: Our
survey showed, with regard to perceptions of staff over the past
12 months, that 80% of our members had a perception that workload
pressure had increased over the previous 12 months, which is a
very significant number, and we had a high level of response to
our survey. It does demonstrate that, and that clearly has an
impact in the workplace.
Q413 Chair: I
am not sure I have ever seen a survey result in which members
said that the pressure on work had decreased.
Matthew Lay: That
is quite a good observation, I am sure.
Q414 Ben Gummer: I
have two very rapid points. The first one is, again, a point made
by management to me on a number of occasions. It is their wish
to have more ability to performance manage, which I suppose might,
if it is a good manager, remedy some of the points you are making
about the caseload in a more organic and responsive way. Is that
something that you would welcome?
Jonathan Ledger:
I would want to have a discussion about it, to have a good understanding
of what it was that was intended, because I recognise that sometimes
you get into phrases that can mean different things to different
people. As we said in the context of attendance and sickness,
where there is good joint discussion, we recognise we have a joint
responsibility to ensure that the best professional practice is
delivered. It is about how you get there. A good performance manager
might assist that, but it needs to be a twoway street rather
than a top down approach.
Q415 Ben Gummer: I
think most of us agree with you entirely about the takeover of
a functional organisation by a dysfunctional one in the creation
of NOMS, and the problems that you were raising, Mr Lay, about
probation officers in prisons. However, there is a good argument,
which follows on from your points about the haphazard nature of
some of these pilots being put out, for one pilot being on a vertical
integration model where you take a Probation trust area, a number
of prisons in that area, and you manage an end-to-end offender
process in the way that my colleague was discussing. That has
problems within it with your relationship with the POA and how
that would be structured. I just wonder if I could put that to
you as a possible pitfall and one on which you might like to comment.
Jonathan Ledger:
We work very closely with the POA already, so I think in that
respect I would be more confident of our ability to work out the
working relationships than I might be of the structural tensions
that might apply.
Chair: Thank you very
much, both of you. We are very grateful for the time you have
spent with us this morning and the answers that you have given