The role of the Probation Service - Justice Committee Contents

Supplementary written evidence from by Women in Prison (PB 53a)

Further to our written evidence submitted to the Justice Committee's Inquiry on the Role of the Probation Service please find attached new evidence we have received following a freedom of information request.

In summary the response shows

—  on 31 March 2010 there were 26,158 women on the Probation caseload (11% of the caseload);

—  during the year April 2009-March 2010 209 women commenced the probation service's Women's Programme;

—  if there were 209 women on the Women's Programme on any given day (which is not the case) this would equate to less than 1% of the women on the probation caseload; and

—  four of the 35 Probation Trusts in England and Wales provided the Women's Programme between April 2009.

I hope that it is still possible for Committee to take this additional information into account when considering the specific question on the ability of the service to provide for particular groups of offenders, including women.

October 2010

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