Session 2010-12
Publications on the internet
To be published as HC 1473-i
House of COMMONS
Justice Committee
The Work of the Information Commissioner
Tuesday 13 September 2011
Christopher Graham
Evidence heard in Public Questions 1 – 29
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Oral Evidence
Taken before the Justice Committee
on Tuesday 13 September 2011
Members present:
Sir Alan Beith (Chair)
Jeremy Corbyn
Chris Evans
Yasmin Qureshi
Examination of Witness
Witness: Christopher Graham, Information Commissioner, gave evidence.
Chair: Welcome to the Information Commissioner, Chris Graham. We are very glad to have you with us again. We are very much depleted by Members serving on Bill Committees. There are several Bill Committees sitting this morning, which has had a drastic effect on our numbers.
Q1 Yasmin Qureshi: Good morning. I wanted to ask some questions regarding the practice of "blagging" that goes on. There has been a suggestion that some of the newspapers have been doing this or other bodies have been trying to get information illegally. Are you aware whether the police, the Press Complaints Commission or anybody has investigated any of the newspapers for blagging since 2006?
Christopher Graham: This is a section 55 offence. This is the unlawful accessing or disclosure of personal information without the authority of the data controller, to give it its technical term. We did a lot of work on that back in 2003-05 and in our publications What Price Privacy? and What Price Privacy Now? in 2006. To answer your question about press behaviour, apart from repeating the call that we made in 2006 for an effective deterrent to this in the form of the potential for a custodial penalty, at various stages, in two public consultations launched by the Ministry of Justice, we have repeated that point.
So far as the Information Commissioner is concerned, the activities of the press have not particularly come to our attention. My great concern about section 55 which remains is not really very much to do with the press. There is lots and lots of evidence of section 55 being breached on quite a routine basis, but it is really about financial services, debt collection, claims management companies, and also some quite worrying interference with the course of justice, perhaps attempted jury nobbling or witness tampering. That is the real issue.
I would like to draw the Committee’s attention to a case that came up yesterday before the Brighton magistrates of a section 55 prosecution, because it is pretty typical of what is really going on. I am not suggesting that the concerns about press standards are not real, but it does not really involve the Information Commissioner’s Office or blagging these days. It is much more a question of hacking, which is being investigated in another part of the wood. Yesterday’s court case in Brighton involved an employee of a high street bank whose husband had been jailed for a sexual assault. The 18-month prison sentence was being appealed by the victim as being unduly lenient, and subsequently the sentence was increased from 18 months to two years. While that appeal was in train, it appears that the bank employee was quite routinely accessing the accounts of the victim, who was a customer of her branch of the bank in Haywards Heath. It is being reported in the press today.
When that came to our attention, and we investigated and we prosecuted, under the Data Protection Act as it now stands, of course, a fine is the only available sentence. I am very disappointed that the going rate for a section 55 offence in the magistrates court has just gone down from £150 to £100. This is simply no deterrent. The case yesterday involved eight counts of a breach of section 55, £100 a count. Two months ago in July, in Bury, an NHS call centre worker was prosecuted under section 55 and the going rate then was £150 per count.
This simply is not a deterrent. The problem that we have is that the courts are bound by the fines laid down in the Act and they have to take into account people’s ability to pay. There is nothing but the fine; that is it. You cannot then access the full range of potential community sentences, tagging, curfews or whatever, because Parliament has not commenced sections 77 and 78 of the 2008 Criminal Justice and Immigration Act. By ministerial order, subject to the negative procedure, that could be accessed in pretty short order.
I am very concerned that this is now getting caught up in the reeds of the Leveson inquiry. This sort of thing does not have anything to do with the press. I know it was all stopped back in 2008 because the press were concerned that there was going to be a chilling effect on their ability to investigate matters in the public interest, but sections 77 and 78 provided a way forward. I am now concerned that everything stops because of Lord Justice Leveson’s inquiry and we cannot get on with putting in place this very necessary deterrent. It just beggars belief that, when more and more organisations have a right to our personal information, to access and process it, the courts do not have the full range of potential sentences to deal with an offence which can involve any of us. This is not about celebrities’ hospital appointments. This has the potential to wreck people’s lives.
The basis of the appeal in the court yesterday was that the victim was saying her life had been destroyed. The suggestion is that the attacker’s wife was breaching section 55 of the Data Protection Act to see whether the victim’s allegation that her life had been ruined was supported by the facts of her patterns of expenditure. Parliament cannot just sit back and watch this sort of thing happen. You cannot subcontract that to a High Court judge. Sections 77 and 78 of the 2008 Criminal Justice and Immigration Act are there to be commenced, and it is in your power to do that.
Chair: It is in Parliament’s power to do that.
Q2 Yasmin Qureshi: In light of the concern that you expressed about the prevalence of blagging across different groups such as debt collectors, solicitors, insurance companies-clearly you are very concerned about what needs to be done-you would be pressing for that particular provision to be fully implemented. Are you planning to do another report into this illegal trade in information?
Christopher Graham: I don’t think it’s a question of another report. We have already heard the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition and the Home Secretary regret that they did not take any notice of the 2006 reports. Subsequent to that, we have had two consultations from the Ministry of Justice and we have put in our position. This is now my third appearance before a Select Committee making the case for the commencement of the custodial penalty.
The Information Commissioner has said enough on this issue now. The ball really is in the court of the Ministry of Justice and Parliament to decide what they do about the evidence that we have presented.
Q3 Chris Evans: You have gone into some detail, saying it is a major trade in illegal blagging. Do you think in some ways we are behind the times, as when an illegal trade develops it becomes very sophisticated very quickly and calls for sophisticated and complex solutions rather than simple solutions? Do you think in some ways the Government have already missed the boat on this?
Christopher Graham: The Government, to be fair to them, have been doing quite a lot in different areas to reflect the fact that we are all doing our business online. We are all interacting with the public authorities and with private companies. Everything we do really is online. What the Government have been doing in response to the points that the Information Commissioner has made about rogue employees, carelessness and so on has been to explore the possibility of the restitution of the proceeds of crime, under the Proceeds of Crime Act. We have had one case, the T Mobile case, prosecuted in Chester Crown court in July, where we got a significant payback from rogue employees in the telecoms area. They are also investigating making section 55 offences recordable offences, which would be good. I believe the Secretary of State has approached the Sentencing Council. I am not saying the Government have not done anything. I am just saying that the courts are inevitably going to impose very minimal sentences where they naturally have to take into account people’s ability to pay if they do not have access to the full range of alternative sentences, because the Act currently says there can be a fine of up to £5,000 in the magistrates court, higher in the Crown court, but the courts are not encouraged to take these offences very seriously, whereas, of course, they can completely ruin people’s lives.
If you look at the Haywards Heath case, there was a woman who had been put through hell by her attacker, and she has to go through a different sort of hell because the bank that she trusts is able to access all her very private stuff and work out her patterns of expenditure and what she is doing with her time as well as her money.
Q4 Chris Evans: Do you offer any training to any companies where you feel that blagging is prevalent? Do you think it is possible to profile a rogue employee, as you say?
Christopher Graham: We produced a DVD back in 2006, Blaggers Beware, and we are updating that at the moment. Companies spend an awful lot of money on data protection. They can then be let down by individual carelessness or by rogue employees. I do not say you can guarantee to be able to spot a rogue employee. Presumably if you could, you would not hire him or her in the first place. Possibly, in addition to induction and training, you do need to have very regular checks, perhaps mystery shopping with databases to see who is accessing them and why. It should be very clearly part of the ongoing process of people management in organisations.
Sometimes people regard data protection as a rather arcane matter or else just a piece of bureaucracy, and so long as you tick the boxes and go through the motions that is fine. But there are very real victims when things go wrong. That is why the Information Commissioner’s Office takes this very seriously, whether it is imposing civil monetary penalties on data controllers who get things wrong or whether it is prosecuting vigorously where individuals have been abusing their position to access information which they should not be doing.
Q5 Chris Evans: If you take an example, I started my career in a bank and it probably was a more powerful position in terms of having access to personal data than I have now as a Member of Parliament. In my office at the moment I employ four members of staff. I can keep an eye on most of them in terms of the data they are processing, but how do you tailor solutions for an industry like the banking industry, with thousands of employees? Do you think there should be different solutions for different industries, or do you think there is a "one size fits all" answer to this problem?
Christopher Graham: All data controllers have to be aware of the risks. I know you all notify with the Information Commissioner’s Office. You run small offices and it is very important that you and your colleagues take these data protection issues very seriously. You are, through case work, dealing with very sensitive, personal information.
We can be helpful. The Information Commissioner’s Office makes all sorts of resources available to help people to keep information safe. We now have a programme of very professional audits of data controllers, large and small. It is a free service. It is the only free consultancy you will get. We are urging the big financial services companies to allow us in to audit their compliance with the Data Protection Act. Where there are problems we can then identify those, as any auditor would. There is a work programme. It then should be a badge of pride: we have been checked over by the Information Commissioner’s Office, which then gives confidence to customers. It is a win-win all round.
The Information Commissioner’s Office is not just looking around for people to prosecute. We are here to help. We want to educate, empower, enable and engage as well as enforce.
Q6 Chair: Can I turn to Europe? The Committee in the past has looked at European developments in data protection. We are now faced with the possibility of a European directive. What is your view about developments in this direction, and what do you think the British Government should do?
Christopher Graham: The Commission will be publishing its proposal probably in November or December. Then the fun begins with the negotiation over the framework directive which will set the course of data protection law in the period to come, although it will take a number of years to negotiate. We are very much engaged with that process. We are members of the Article 29 Working Party which advises the Commission. We hope very much that the proposal that emerges will be clear about the principles and reasonably future-proof. We do not want something that is so specific that it is immediately out of date because technology and business practices are changing so fast.
It would be appropriate in the spring, when we see what the proposal is, for the Information Commissioner’s Office to hold some sort of conference to bring the various stakeholders together so that we can be clear about the way that things ought to go and we can no doubt advise Government in the negotiations. It clearly is the big event for the back end of this year and the beginning of next.
Q7 Chair: Is it likely to land us with procedures that merely complicate without improving our own regime?
Christopher Graham: I hope, in the best principles of the seven habits of highly effective people, they will begin with the end in mind rather than be very specific about the means. The technology and what you can do online are changing so fast that the current rules are very much out of date. If the new directive or the regulation, or whatever it is, is overly specific as to particular procedures and not clear enough as to principles, then we will be in that outdated position again very quickly.
The important thing is to establish some principles-for example, the accountability of the data controller-and to make it the responsibility of the data controller to ensure that they are conducting their business in accordance with the principles under the Data Protection Act, rather than say to data protection authorities, "It is your job to sign off on everything and tick every box before things happen." The developments we are seeing in globalisation, cross-border transactions, processing in the cloud, as they say, mean that the old-fashioned, prescriptive way is clearly not the way of the future. The role of a data protection authority like mine in the regime that we advocate will be to keep data controllers up to the mark on a risk-based basis, rather than say, "We do what we do. You cannot do that here. We have to sign off on this and we will tick this box." That is clearly not going to be effective, whereas being very clear about the principles and the responsibility of data controllers and having effective data protection authorities properly funded, who can hold data controllers to account, is what we are looking for.
Q8 Chair: You mention the international nature of much business now. Does that leave an open back door in the absence of a new directive through which incursions can be made into data which would be illegal if carried out in the UK, but which can be achieved because of less stringent regimes in some other countries?
Christopher Graham: There is a lot of international co-operation and a lot of work done by the Article 29 Working Party in establishing the adequacy of different data protection regimes worldwide. The issue very often is not the adequacy of a national regime; it is the adequacy of the arrangements made by a particular data controller. It is not acceptable for a data controller to say, "It was okay leaving me and I didn’t know very much about the data processor I was dealing with or where the work was being carried out." The data controller should be held responsible for what happens to data that they have collected and are using.
I am going off to meetings tomorrow in Europe. We have to co-ordinate across the 27 member states of the European Union, but also it is very important to have good international contacts outside Europe. There is an upcoming international conference in Mexico City where I am leading a session. We are not little Englanders in this. We realise we are dealing with a global business and we need to make sure the messages get across worldwide.
Q9 Jeremy Corbyn: Only a fifth of private companies contacted by your office apparently took up any offer of a free audit and advice; yet the response from public sector organisations to your offers is apparently much better. Do you have any concerns about the level of private sector protection of data?
Christopher Graham: I very much regret that they are so backward in coming forward. The public sector has responded better. Some of them have to. Whitehall Departments don’t have a choice. I don’t have a general power to inspect without it being a consensual audit. I am concerned that some of the problems that are taking place, yes, are in the public sector-local government is particularly bad-but the private sector, too, is not as good as it thinks it is. The Barclays Bank case yesterday should give high street banks some pause for thought.
I simply cannot understand why you would not accept a free audit from the Information Commissioner. If I find something horrible, I am not going to impose a civil monetary penalty there and then. We are going to agree a work programme for you to get it right. It is very short-sighted of private companies not to engage more with the Information Commissioner, because their customers are engaging with these issues. Their customers will fall out of love with even familiar high street brands that do not respect them enough to take privacy seriously.
Q10 Jeremy Corbyn: Where a private company has a significant public sector contract-and many do; they are perhaps operating in local government services, parts of the health service, that sort of thing-do you have any particular locus for putting slightly more encouragement on them to co-operate with you in those respects?
Christopher Graham: In a private company undertaking a contract for a public authority, the responsibility for the security of citizens’ information would remain with the data controller. We have had to issue a civil monetary penalty on two London local authorities. I know it’s the public sector, but it makes the point. In Ealing and Hounslow, one council had contracted with another to deliver a common service. Just because council A fouls up does not mean that council B is not responsible if council A was processing council B’s information. There are issues on where responsibility lies.
The point you make is also very relevant in the freedom of information area where public authorities, particularly under the Big Society umbrella, are dealing with any willing provider, private contractors, charities, third sector organisations and whatever. We have to be very clear that that does not exempt the public authority from its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act. You cannot subcontract your responsibility either for data protection or for freedom of information.
Q11 Jeremy Corbyn: Going back to the private sector issues for a second, if there is only a fifth take-up in the private sector, I realise that you have powers of encouragement. Is there any more you can do, such as badging, certificates, that sort of thing? It seems to me a whole area of public concern that private companies are not taking up your offers and therefore their data is potentially at risk.
Christopher Graham: The penny is beginning to drop with big companies that the public are very alert and concerned in these issues, and if they don’t catch up with the public they are going to lose business. That usually is the sort of language that they understand. The Information Commissioner’s Office has always taken the view that there ought to be the power of inspection. If we think there is a problem, I should not need to get a warrant to break the door down. The Information Commissioner, as the data protection authority, should have the right to come in and check on compliance.
It may well be that under the new directive that power will be given. It is power that we have in some areas, and sometimes we can negotiate ourselves in. That is what happened with Google. I did not have the right to audit Google Inc, but Google got themselves in such a difficult position that in the end they could not say no. There are ways and ways of doing it. It would be preferable, and I hope that under the next data protection regime we will get it, that the Information Commissioner’s Office would have the power to inspect whether or not invited.
Q12 Jeremy Corbyn: You mention public sector local authorities, but when it comes to health authorities it seems to me that there is endless scope for wrong releasing of information, because they send out endless text messages, e-mails, faxes, reminders for appointments and things like that. I can understand why they do it, but often that highly personal information can quite easily get into the wrong hands as a result. Do you have concerns? Do you give any general advice to the NHS in this respect?
Christopher Graham: I do, and I am very worried about the NHS. I raised the issue with the chief executive of the NHS, Sir David Nicholson, who was very responsive to my concerns. We have written a joint letter to all managers in the health service saying that this is really important. It is particularly important at the moment at a time of change and reorganisation. We had the shocking example of a hospital in Belfast, a cancer centre, where the local health authority was withdrawing from the hospital but they forgot to remove all the patient files of cancer patients. This is the Belvoir Park hospital in Belfast. They withdrew from the hospital and abandoned it. When the local vandals got in and started stripping out anything of value, they found all the patient notes for all the cancer patients. It is a huge issue. Presumably the data was not very high up on anyone’s risk register. When they left the hospital they thought they had abandoned their responsibility for those files, but in the health service all the time we are hearing of patient notes being left in a skip.
We had a case in Manchester of a medical student who was working for South Manchester NHS Teaching Trust. He left a whole load of patient data on a memory stick unencrypted. The answer was that the hospital thought the university would have trained the student in data protection and the university thought the hospital would have done. Because the health service is so big and naturally dealing with sensitive personal information all the time, it is a really important issue.
Q13 Jeremy Corbyn: You offer training to both hospitals and GP practices. It seems to me that GP practices are very vulnerable in this respect. They have often a very large turnover, particularly of reception staff, and there is a huge area there of potential for wrong release of personal information.
Christopher Graham: Yes, and pharmacies too, because it is just sort of chatting. To get back to the journalism issue, it was well established that one of the easiest ways of getting a story is just to ring up the GP practice or the hospital and say in a sufficiently confident voice, "It’s about those tests," and you will be given the information over the phone. You ask whether we are able to train. Yes, we are there to educate just as we are to enforce. If we can solve the problems before they arise, that has to be a more sensible approach. It is very much stick and carrot. Yes, there is a £500,000 civil monetary penalty there when things go spectacularly wrong, but I would much prefer to help everybody to understand the importance of these issues and to see that playing fast and loose with people’s personal information is not a victimless crime. These are real people, with real personal issues which they would prefer to keep private, thank you very much.
Q14 Jeremy Corbyn: Would you favour a power or an encouragement for, say, local authorities where they are contracting out a service or part of a service or buying a service in from the private sector that they would be able to put a requirement in the contract that they had to co-operate with yourselves on information storage systems, training and all that sort of thing as a way of upping the threshold of protection of personal data?
Christopher Graham: It would be very good to have data protection on a procurement list of things to think about, but the contracting authority has responsibility as a data controller and so does the contracting company. One of our first civil monetary penalties was applied to the private company, A4e, who were very much involved in getting people back to work, providing services to quite disadvantaged people and, glory be, a laptop goes missing. It is both the contractor and the contracting party who have obligations under the Data Protection Act. I am not a great believer in getting people to sign up to a statement, "Yes, I understand I am subject to the Data Protection Act." You just are subject to the Data Protection Act. I can certainly help in raising awareness and providing training. Our website is a very good resource for information here. I would like to get these issues raised higher up the list of concerns that people have in these difficult times. It is not a nice add-on, it is pretty fundamental, both to private businesses and also to public authorities, to get this sort of thing right. If they don’t, they are in trouble with the Information Commissioner, but they are also in trouble with their customers and their constituents.
Q15 Chair: Can I clarify on general practice? In the NHS, general practices are subject to data protection, but are they not subject to freedom of information in respect of their private business, which is what they are?
Christopher Graham: Freedom of information covers public authorities. I would need to check back to see whether individual GP practices are public authorities. I suspect they are not.
Q16 Chair: I don’t think they are. For that reason, as far as I can recall, FOI does not generally apply to them, whereas data protection does.
Christopher Graham: No, but subject access does under the Data Protection Act, so you will be entitled to say, "I need to know what you have in my files." You are certainly entitled to expect that the seventh data protection principle will be observed. That is the one around security of information. To be fair, doctors are increasingly aware of their responsibilities. You have the system of Caldicott guardians. When I first came in as Information Commissioner and registered with a GP practice in central Manchester, the GP when he heard what I did very proudly said, "You will be glad to know I am a Caldicott guardian." I did not know what a Caldicott guardian was at the time, but I do now. Doctors in the health service do take this very seriously, but the health service is not just doctors, it is also a lot of support workers, receptionists, practice nurses and so on. There is a big job to do there.
Q17 Chris Evans: The MoJ is currently preparing a memorandum on post-legislative scrutiny of the Freedom of Information Act. Have you been involved in this and what conclusions do you think or hope it will draw?
Christopher Graham: I am aware that the Ministry of Justice is drawing up a memorandum which may come your way or may come the way of a Joint Committee of both Houses for post-legislative scrutiny. I have not been involved in the process. I am very keen to contribute to the process, because it is good after 10 years or so to see how the Freedom of Information Act is going, and there are all sorts of ideas for improvement. I am sure that, however that work is taken forward, it will be very important and we would like to be involved in it.
Q18 Chris Evans: Even though you are at the coal face, you have not been involved in any way in post-legislative scrutiny of the Freedom of Information Act. I find that a bit strange. You are dealing with it day to day and yet you have not been involved.
Christopher Graham: I would expect to be giving evidence to this Committee or to another Committee. What is happening at the moment is that the parameters of the debate are being scoped by the Ministry, and I don’t think I would expect to be involved in that specific process, but the Ministry is very well aware of where there are the stresses and strains. I am quite relaxed about this because I will not be backward in coming forward in terms of saying what I think when we get into the process of post-legislative scrutiny.
Q19 Chris Evans: It has been a much maligned Act. Some people love it; some people hate it. It is like Marmite, I suppose. You said "stresses and strains". Could you cover some of the main areas where you think there have been stresses and strains and what you think particularly has been wrong and right with the Act, in general themes?
Christopher Graham: The major problem that we faced in the Information Commissioner’s Office was that we were far busier than we expected we would be because the whole public service made much heavier weather of dealing with freedom of information requests than anyone anticipated. When I came before this Committee two and a half years ago, the whole system was grinding to a halt. I undertook that what I was going to prioritise was sorting out, managerially, the great backlog of freedom of information requests. I think I can claim that, working with my staff in the ICO, we have very largely achieved that over two years. There are still some cases that come to the Information Commissioner’s Office and it all takes too long, but, whereas it used to take years, we now have no cases that are older than 12 months. We are tackling those cases that are taking nine months, eight months and so on and driving down the backlog at a time when there is an increasing number of cases that come to the Information Commissioner’s Office on appeal from the decision of public authorities.
The business in the second quarter of the calendar year was about 10% up on the previous 12 months. It is a growth business. One of the stresses and strains is getting through the business. We have done it by simplifying our processes. We have also been much stricter with public authorities and we are insisting on timely responses. We are not afraid to tell truth to power when we are dealing with some very big beasts indeed-for example, the Cabinet Office. So the whole process has speeded up.
Where there are stresses and strains, apart from just the amount of business, is that, in the middle of a recession, many public authorities think they have better things to spend their money on than freedom of information. That is a bit misguided, because transparency and accountability are aids to efficiency, but you have to accept that it is not just a back office activity; it is pretty key to make sure that you put appropriate resources there. I do understand I am dealing with some very stressed public authorities who are finding it very difficult to keep up.
Post-legislative scrutiny will want to look at some ways in which the regime operates. Let us see how that goes.
Q20 Chris Evans: You have seen a 17% increase in complaints. Do you think that is down to people knowing their rights, or do you think it is companies and local authorities failing to comply? What do you think the reasons are behind that?
Christopher Graham: It is a bit of both. Public authorities could save themselves an awful lot of trouble if they spent less time thinking of excuses for not making information available and pro-actively published much more than they do. Very often it is the hunt for what you believe you are not supposed to know that is so fascinating, whether you are a journalist on a local newspaper or whether you are a concerned citizen. It is exciting to make the authorities reveal things they would prefer not to reveal. The information is probably deeply boring, and if it was revealed anyway, it would save an awful lot of time.
It is undoubtedly the case that citizens are waking up to their powers under the Data Protection Act to demand access to their own files, and under the Freedom of Information Act to inquire about decision-making processes. I suspect that what went on in this place a few years back rather whetted the appetite of citizens who realised that they did have rights under the Freedom of Information Act and they could find out things that their lords and masters would perhaps prefer they did not know. What happened here probably contributed to the process.
Q21 Chris Evans: If you had a wish list, what one change would you make to any Act or regulation which would impact positively on the work that you do? Is there anything particularly that you can think of?
Christopher Graham: If you are talking about data protection as well as freedom of information, I have said I would like to see sections 77 and 78 of the 2008 Criminal Justice and Immigration Act commenced. That is at the top of my wish list at the moment. A change which I would like to see on the freedom of information side is attention given to section 77 of the Act, which deals with the unlawful destruction and obstruction of the release of information under the Act, which I cannot do anything about if the offence took place more than six months ago.
It is a slightly arcane point, but if there had been misbehaviour in a public authority and information that had been requested was then conveniently lost or destroyed, that is a section 77 offence. I have to get there within six months or I cannot prosecute. It is very difficult to do that, because it probably doesn’t come to me to be investigated until it has gone through the request of the public authority and the internal review. Then it comes to me. If we think there has been some misbehaviour, it may have passed the six-month deadline. Instead of being an offence that is prosecuted in the magistrates court, it ought to be an offence that is prosecutable either way in the magistrates court or the Crown court, so that factor did not have to be taken into account. I am sorry, this is real geeky stuff, but that would make a considerable difference, because everybody would know then that, if you were stupid enough to delete data which had been requested under the Freedom of Information Act, the mountie was going to get his man.
Q22 Chair: Can I turn now to something which the House will be considering later today? The Government has already indicated that it is prepared to ban referral fees by insurance companies, but that raises the question, which you refer to on your website, whether some of the people who are passing on personal information about those who have had accidents might be acting illegally when doing so. That could apply to insurance companies, garages, car hire companies and towing companies. These all appear to be sources of information, usually paid for by the claims management companies who collect the information. Whereas it may be desirable to ban the fees which are paid for this, if the whole process is illegal, that puts it into even sharper focus.
Christopher Graham: It is illegal, but it is highly profitable. Until the referral fees are abolished, it is obviously hugely profitable. There is not much of a deterrent. If you are working for a car hire company, a towing company or a repair garage and you think you could get in and make that claim for the referral fee, it is a high-profit, low-risk business. That was what was going on with the NHS walk-in centre in Bury. We were investigating the nurse who was passing on information to her boyfriend, who was selling the information to a local claims management company. The prospect of getting a £150 charge per count in a magistrates court is not much of a deterrent when you are making hundreds and hundreds of pounds on these referrals.
That is a very good example of what the section 55 issue is about. It is not about celebrities and their hospital appointments. It is about citizens’ car insurance premiums. That is why I simply cannot understand why it is so difficult to commence those proposals under the 2008 Act. I am sorry it is becoming a bit of a gramophone record, but it is so easy to do and it is so obvious. It is for the benefit of the citizenry. The insurance issue is complicated because part of it may be that, deep in the small print of what we sign up to within an insurance policy, there is, "The company reserves the right to assist you in a claim by providing your information to a lawyer." I cannot say I read very carefully to page 14 of an insurance policy to see whether that is the case. The insurance companies will say, "We have the consent of the insured driver," but we are dealing with two other things that give me concern. First of all, it is all the other parties who are getting in first to claim the fee. That is clearly going on, but it is very difficult to pin down. Until you have an effective sanction for section 55 offences, there is not an awful lot more I can do about it. Secondly, there is the question of spam texts. A lot of the concern has been driven by these texts that appear saying, "Our records show that you are in line for a compensation payment of £4,750 for that accident you had. Text CLAIM or STOP." If you text either, you are confirming that you are there and providing a marketing lead, because these are randomly generated texts. People who have had a car accident think, "Good heavens, how did they get that information?" That is disgraceful, but it is probably just that random text.
We are working very hard with Ofcom and the telecom companies to try to get to the source of these spam texts, but it is a bit like looking for the launch sites of V2 bombers in the second world war: we will get there, but it is taking us a long time.
Q23 Chair: You mention insurance companies including provisions in contracts, with or without box ticking-it could be either way-which give them the ability to pass on information. Is that not something you should work with the insurance companies on?
Christopher Graham: We have contacted the Association of British Insurers following MP Jack Straw’s intervention on the issue, because he talked about insurance companies having admitted to the insurance industry’s dirty little secret. We are trying to find out from the Association of British Insurers what they have to say about that, and frankly they are not being very helpful at the moment. I don’t know whether the Government announcement about referral fees will change their tune.
This is where I am frustrated that I do not have the power to inspect. We have invited a number of insurance companies to undergo voluntary auditing and, surprise, surprise, they are not interested. There is sufficient concern now in Parliament for this issue to be brought to a head. I expect to get greater co-operation from reputable brands in the insurance business.
Q24 Chair: They are arguing that they would like to get rid of referral fees, but they may have hidden in their contracts provisions absolving them of any legal responsibility for giving away the information in the first place.
Christopher Graham: Potentially it is a breach of the first data protection principle. It is not fair processing if you claim consent and all your policy holders say, "I don’t know what you’re talking about-I never knew." Frankly, I am fed up with hearing from the car insurance companies, "We just can’t help ourselves-it’s the system, you understand." The Information Commissioner will help you get off this drug, but you need to co-operate with the ICO.
Q25 Chair: I still find it quite striking that we are in a situation where we are looking to remove the fees for a practice which may itself be illegal.
Christopher Graham: I suppose it could be argued that the fees are aiding access to justice. That is really outside my territory. You could have a system of perfectly legal fees but nevertheless that encouragement breaches section 55 of the Data Protection Act, which is certainly an offence. Both could be true. The Government says it is going to abolish referral fees. I would also like it to take section 55 offences a little more seriously than it is taking them at the moment.
Q26 Chair: You outlined some concerns about the Protection of Freedoms Bill in evidence to the Public Bill Committee. Do you think you are making any progress on that?
Christopher Graham: I am not sure. The Bill seems to be taking an awfully long time. It is coming back for report stage in the Commons next month. Then it goes off to the House of Lords. We are a bit disappointed that we are not seeing progress on issues that we are concerned about. Very often the devil is in the detail but I do emphasise the devilishness of it. I applaud the intentions behind the Bill, but some of the intentions appear to be frustrated by either the lack of detail or specific reservations that stop the solution being as good as it could be. We have concerns over the DNA regime where it relates to innocent people or people who are no longer of interest to the police, where it is proving very difficult to get a solution that ensures that the record on the police national computer also gets deleted. I have concerns around CCTV and automatic number plate recognition, where the consistency and comprehensiveness of the approach are concerns. I don’t see how it runs alongside the Information Commissioner’s code for CCTV. It is a regime that will apply not to every sector in England and Wales and so on. I am concerned that the proposals on criminal records disclosure don’t really seem to be taking into account the recommendations of the expert adviser who produced the report A Balanced Approach. The approach seems to be anything but balanced.
I am still hoping that we will get a better solution for filtering out old and minor convictions from employer vetting checks. It is absolutely vital that we get progress on what we call enforced subject access. For example, if the law says the employer cannot check out your past but he can say, "If you want this job, you exercise your rights under the Data Protection Act and bring the results to me," that ought to be banned.
I am holding my breath on the proposals for the enhanced independence of the Information Commissioner, which is very much at the back of the Bill, and I hope it is still there at the end when it becomes an Act.
Q27 Chair: This Committee is on record in the past as having argued that the Commissioner should be a creature of Parliament, like the Ombudsman, rather than answerable to a Department.
Christopher Graham: A creature of?
Chair: In the sense of being created by and owing its independence to Parliament.
Christopher Graham: We are making some progress on the general point. Reference is made to a framework agreement. We have reached agreement with the Ministry of Justice on a framework agreement. That will be in the Library of both Houses before too long. It does give me greater confidence about relations with the Ministry of Justice, but the Ministry of Justice, frankly, is not my problem. My problem, if it is a problem, is, if I am not seen as an officer of Parliament, reporting directly to Parliament, I have to negotiate my way through with many other Departments of State. I have to deal with the Cabinet Office Efficiency and Reform Group controls on marketing activity, which apparently cover the Commissioner’s responsibility to offer advice and guidance. I have to get a tick on anything I propose to do.
I am concerned about my website being dragged into some monster Government website, I am sometimes concerned about aspects of the transparency and accountability drive, where I applaud the direction of travel, but I find sometimes a confusion between the right to know and the right to privacy. The Information Commissioner has a bit of work to do to help clarify where the citizens’ rights are there.
Q28 Jeremy Corbyn: Are you asked to make recommendations on that distinction?
Christopher Graham: I am going to make recommendations on that distinction.
Q29 Jeremy Corbyn: To whom?
Christopher Graham: There is a consultation at the moment launched by the Cabinet Office about the approach to transparency and open data. We will certainly be making our views clear on that. There are some general points here. There is a lot of good work being done under the banner of transparency, accountability and open data, but sometimes the enthusiasm of the modernisers rather brushes aside the issues around privacy.
For various Departments of State to say very wisely, "There is a balance to be struck between the right to know and the right to privacy," does not say where the balance should be drawn. That is what the Information Commissioner is there to do, and that is what I certainly will do.
Another point I should make before I finish is that we all have to operate in very difficult financial circumstances. All public authorities have to do better for less and that is what we are getting on and doing. I have to make a saving of £250,000 on the freedom of information side of my budget which is paid for by grant in aid by the Ministry of Justice. From my current budget, which is £4.5 million, it is a pretty significant cut following a cut this year and there are more cuts to come.
We are certainly getting on with making changes so that we can achieve value for money, but I would make two points, if I may. I have highlighted in the foreword to this year’s annual report the unsatisfactory nature of the hybrid funding that funds the ICO with three quarters of the money coming from notification fees for data protection and a quarter coming from grant in aid for freedom of information. Under public spending rules I cannot treat information rights as the seamless project that it is. I have to work out that this bit is data protection and that bit is freedom of information. Sometimes that has a perverse effect. In order to save a pound of freedom of information money, I probably have to save three pounds of data protection money just when everyone is screaming at me to help to publicise and give guidance on data protection.
It is time to look at the way we fund the ICO. Possibly the new directive will give us a way forward on this, but I am spending far too much of my time trying to work out apportionment of costs between FOI and DPA in order to keep the National Audit Office happy.
I am not rattling the tin. When I came before you two years ago, I remember I was put under a lot of pressure to say, "Don’t accept this job until you have a guarantee on the funding." I said, "No, there is a management issue here. I will sort that out first." I am still not rattling the tin, even though we have sorted out the management issue and we have this big increase in freedom of information business, but I will make the business case for additional resources if I am asked to take on additional responsibilities, either as a result of the post-legislative scrutiny under FOI or as a result of transparency, accountability and open data. I will look after the efficiencies and the growth in volume, but what I cannot look after from my own resources is the additional responsibilities that look like they are coming my way. I will make business cases to say that I will take on those responsibilities but I need the budget to do it.
Chair: Mr Graham, thank you very much indeed for your helpful evidence this morning.