Corporation Tax in Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland Affairs Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume III on the Committee's website

Corporation Tax in Northern Ireland

19  Bombardier Aerospace Belfast  Ev w4

20  Ireland-U.S. Council  Ev w8

21  Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association  Ev w1

22  Peninsula Hi-Tech Ltd  Ev w5, w10

23  Alan Trench  Ev w11

Northern Ireland as an Enterprise Zone

24  Belfast City Council  Ev w22

25  Bombardier Aerospace Belfast  Ev w21

26  CB Richard Ellis Limited  Ev w26

27  Limavady Borough Council  Ev w18

28  Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action  Ev w30

29  Richard Glynn, CEO of Ladbrokes  Ev w21

30  Wilbert Garvin  Ev w14

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Prepared 24 May 2011