4 Conclusion
61. We regret that Sir Philip Mawer was not consulted
in the course of the events leading up to the resignation of Liam
Fox. This decision suggests an unwillingness to refer difficult
cases to the independent adviser and prompts questioning over
the role and remit of this post.
62. Sir Philip's retirement shortly afterwards provided
the Prime Minister with a timely opportunity to demonstrate the
value he places on having investigations into complaints against
Ministers investigated in a demonstrably independent way. We are
disappointed that this opportunity was not taken and that instead
a recently retired senior civil servant was appointed through
an entirely closed recruitment process.
63. These two events lead us to conclude that, at
present, the title of 'independent adviser' is a misnomer. We
regret Sir Alex Allan is therefore unsuited to a role which demands
demonstrable personal independence from Government. We also regret
that we were not given the opportunity to express these views
before Sir Alex took up post. We do not in any way question Sir
Alex's integrity, ability or commitment, but neither he nor the
role to which he has been appointed is independent of Government
in any meaningful sense.