Strategically important metals - Science and Technology Committee Contents


Wednesday 26 January 2011  Page
Professor David Manning, Secretary for Professional Matters, Geological Society, Dr Bernie Rickinson, Chief Executive, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and Dr Mike Pitts, Industry Technology Division, Royal Society of Chemistry Ev 1
Ian Hetherington, Director General, British Metals Recycling Association, Sophie Thomas, Council Member, The Design Council, Tony Hartwell, Knowledge Transfer Manager, The Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network, and Louis Brimacombe, Head, Environment and Sustainability Research Team, Tata Steel Ev 11

Wednesday 16 February 2011
Charles Emmerson, Senior Fellow, Chatham House, Dr Jonathan Di John, Senior Lecturer in Political Economy, School of Oriental and African Studies, Anthony Lipmann, Managing Director, Lipmann Walton and Co, and former Chairman, Minor Metals Trade Association, and Charles Swindon, Chair of the Trade and Lobby Committee, Minor Metals Trade Association Ev 20

Wednesday 2 March 2011
Professor Robert Watson, Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and Professor David Clary, Chief Scientific Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office Ev 29
Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science Ev 34

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Prepared 17 May 2011