Astronomy and Particle Physics - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Annex 1: List of acronyms and abbreviations

ALICE    Accelerators and Lasers In Combined Experiments

ALMA     Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array

BIS    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

CCAT     Cornell Caltech Atacama Telescope

CCLRC   Central Laboratory of the Research Councils

E-ELT     European Extremely Large Telescope

EMMA    Electron Machine with Many Applications

ESA     European Space Agency

ESO     European Southern Observatory

FUAP     Far Universe Advisory Panel

GBFR     Ground Based Facilities Review

ILC    International Linear Collider

ING     Isaac Newton Group

INT     Isaac Newton Telescope

JCMT     James Clerk Maxwell Telescope

JAC     Joint Astronomy Centre

JIVE     Joint Institute for Very Long Baseline Interferometry in Europe

LHC    Large Hadron Collider

LJMU    Liverpool John Moores University

LOFAR   LOw Frequency ARray

LSST     Large Synoptic Survey Telescope

LT     Liverpool Telescope

MROI     Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer

NUAP     Near Universe Advisory Panel

PPARC   Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council

RCUK     Research Councils UK

SKA     Square Kilometre Array

STFC     Science and Technology Facilities Council

UKIRT   UK Infrared Telescope

VISTA     Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy

VLT     Very Large Telescopes

WFMOS   Wide-Field Multi-Object Spectrograph

WHT     William Herschel Telescope

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Prepared 13 May 2011