Annex 2: 2009 STFC prioritisation exercise
The 2009 Ground-Based Facility Review panel's final
priority list for UK-funded facilities is summarised below:[200]
High cost(>£5m/yr) Medium
cost(£1-4m/yr) Lower cost(<£1m/yr)
Very high ESO subscription ELT
priority (VLT,
VISTA etc)
High priority N.Hemisphere
8m access WHT to 2017
JCMT to 2014 LOFAR
running costs
WFMOS on Subaru SuperWASP
to 2012
e-Merlin to 2014 Wide
field units
UKIRT(if UPF) to 2014 Alma
Regional Cent.
Medium high 25% share
in MOS on WHT MROI beam-combnr
priority Gemini partnership
Good science INT
but lower JIVE
priority LT
Gemini support
The key decisions made by the STFC following its
2009 prioritisation exercise in relation to astronomy and participle
physics projects are summarised below:
projects to be funded:
Astronomy - Advanced LIGO, JCMT (to 2012), Gemini
(until end 2012), ING (to 2012), KMOS, VISTA, Dark Energy Survey,
E-ELT R&D, SKA R&D, SuperWASP, e-Merlin, Zeplin III; Total
cost of £87m over 5 years
Particle Physics - ATLAS, CMS, GridPP, nEDM, Cockroft
Institute, IPPP, LHCb, MICE, SuperNEMO, T2K, John Adams Institute;
Total cost of £155m over 5 years
Projects subject to discussions leading to managed
Astronomy - Auger, Inverse Square Law, ROSA, ALMA
regional centre, JIVE, Liverpool Telescope, UKIRT. Additional
reduction imposed on ongoing projects of £16m. Total savings
of £29m over 5 years
Particle Physics - Boulby, CDF, D0, eEDM, Low Mass,
MINOS, Particle Calorimeter, Spider, UK Neutrino Factory. Additional
reduction imposed on ongoing projects of £25m. Total Savings
of £32m over 5 years
200 The Chair and Vice-Chair (Professor Michael Rowan-Robinson
and Prof Robert Kennicutt) the Ground Based Facilities Review
have both submitted evidence to the inquiry (Ev 43 and Ev w20).
The priority list is summarised from Ev w20. Back