Astronomy and Particle Physics - Science and Technology Committee Contents

List of printed written evidence

1  The Government (APP 00)  Ev 38

2  Royal Astronomical Society (APP 11)  Ev 39

3  Robert Kennicutt, Plumian Professor and Director, Institute of Astronomy,
University of Cambridge (APP 12)  Ev 43

4  Institute of Physics (APP 17 and 17a)  Ev 45, Ev 49

5  Science and Technology Facilities Council (APP 33, 33a and 33b)  Ev 51, Ev 54, Ev 55

6  Senior figures within the UK experimental particle physics, theoretical
particle physics and astro-particle physics communities (APP 34)  Ev 90

7  Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University (APP 35)  Ev 93

8  Professor Mike Bode, Director of the Astrophysics Research Institute,
Liverpool John Moores University (APP 36)  Ev 96

9  Professor John Peacock (APP 37 and 37a)  Ev 99, Ev 101

10  Professor Patrick Roche, Head of Astrophysics, Oxford University (APP 38)  Ev 102

11  Professor Phil Allport, Head of Particle Physics, Director of the Liverpool Semiconductor Detector Centre, Chair, Institute of Physics High Energy
Particle Physics Group, University of Liverpool (APP 41)  Ev 104

12  Andrea Fesmer (APP 42)  Ev 105

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