Astronomy and Particle Physics - Science and Technology Committee Contents

List of additional written evidence

(published in Volume II on the Committee's website

1  University of York (APP 01)  Ev w1

2  Professor George Efstathious, Director, Kavli Institute for Cosmology,
University of Cambridge (APP 03 and 03a)  Ev w1, Ev w3

3  Science Faculty, Durham University (APP 04)  Ev w7

4  Professor Don Pollacco, Astrophysics Research Centre, Queens University of
Belfast (APP 05)  Ev w8

5  John Beckman (FRAS), CSIC Research Professor in Astrophysics, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (APP 06)  Ev w9

6  Association for Astronomy Education (APP 07)  Ev w10

7  Professor Mike Barlow, University College London (APP 08)  Ev w11

8  Daresbury Laboratory Section of Prospect (APP 09)  Ev w12

9  Heads of Nuclear Physics Research Groups in UK (APP 10)  Ev w15

10  Professor David Carter, Professor of Observational Astronomy, Liverpool
John Moores University (APP 13)  Ev w16

11  ESERO UK, National STEM Centre, University of York (APP 14)  Ev w17

12  Dr Sandra Voss, Science Director, The Observatory Science Centre,
Herstmonceux (APP 15)  Ev w18

13  Chair and Vice-Chair of STFC's Ground Based Facilities Review panel (APP 16)  Ev w20

14  Professor Gerry Gilmore, UK Principal Investigator, Gaia mission (APP 18)  Ev w22

15  Professor Paul Crowther, University of Sheffield (APP 19)  Ev w23

16  Professor Francisco Sanchez, Director, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
(APP 20)  Ev w25

17  Far Universe Advisory Panel (FUAP) and Near Universe Advisory Panel
(NUAP) (APP 21)  Ev w26

18  Stephen W Hawking CH, CBE, FRS (APP 22)  Ev w27

19  Dr Don Carlos Abrams, Head of Engineering, Isaac Newton Group of
Telescopes (APP 23)  Ev w28

20  Dr Marc Balcells, Director, Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (APP 24)  Ev w29

21  Professor N R Tanvir, University of Leicester (APP 25)  Ev w30

22  Dr Bryn Jones (APP 26)  Ev w32

23  Gemini UK National Time Allocation Committee (NTAC) (APP 27)  Ev w35

24  School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester (APP 28)  Ev w38

25  Janet Drew, Professor of Astronomy, and Director of the Centre for
Astrophysics Research, STRI, University of Hertfordshire (APP 29)  Ev w40

26  Professor Carole Mundell and Dr David Shone (APP 30)  Ev w41

27  Chris Benn, Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (APP 31)  Ev w45

28  Dr Gavin Ramsay, Chairman, UK ING Panel for the Allocation of Telescope
Time (APP 32)  Ev w45

29  Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial (MIST) council on
behalf of the MIST science community (APP 39)  Ev w46

30  Research Councils UK (APP 40)  Ev w47

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Prepared 13 May 2011