Written evidence from the North West Chamber
of Commerce (HSR 02)
The Government is currently carrying out a consultation
on the development of a High Speed Rail (HSR) network connecting
London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds. This will be one of
the largest building projects for a generation providing an opportunity
to fundamentally reshape and improve the rail network. Based on
current research and business opinion of Chamber members across
the North West we highlight the scheme's economic importance below
and lend the support of sixteen regional chambers to the programme.
Over 40,000 jobs will be created
Around 9,000 would be created on the route's construction
and a further 1,500 jobs in its operation. Regeneration around
the stations would create 30,000 jobs.[4]
£44 billion of economic benefits
The net present value of the economic benefits generated
by High Speed Rail is forecast by HS2 Ltd to be £43.7 billion
over 60 years.[5]
HSR will help close the North-South economic divide
The North and the Midlands' average GVA per head
of the population is 16.3% below the UK average.[6]
A high-speed line would improve access to the North West, enhancing
opportunities for investment and economic development.
Faster journeys
Speeds of 225 miles per hour would transform journey
times, bringing Manchester, Liverpool and eventually Preston and
Blackpool to within 100 minutes of London and 80 minutes of Birmingham.
This would allow businesses to access wider markets and a larger
labour pool through more trains going to more destinations.
Modal shift
This enhanced capacity and connectivity could see
as many as six million air trips and nine million road trips a
year shift onto rail, freeing up capacity on motorways and enhancing
access to, and development of, regional airports.[7]
Additional rail capacity
The West Coast Main Line is predicted to be at full
capacity within the next 10 years. Without investment, travel
between the North West and London will be restricted and become
prohibitively expensive. A national high speed network would transform
rail capacity enabling 14 or more additional train services per
hour and be designed to accommodate larger and longer trains able
to carry up to 1,100 passengers.[8]
Capacity released on existing lines
A new line will allow for significant improvements
to freight paths and an increase to commuter services on the existing
High-speed rail is cost effective
A conventional new line will cost only 9% less than
a high speed line but provide none of the journey time improvements,
thus having a lower benefit-cost ratio.
Upgrading existing lines is not feasible
The West Coast Main Line has recently been upgraded
to enable trains to run at 125mph. This upgrade has provided only
limited capacity improvements, cost almost £10 billion and
caused a decade of disruption to train services.
May 2011
4 (The Daily Telegraph, 21 February 2011). Back
(DfT, High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future-Consultation
Summary, February 2011, p. 10). Back
(ONS, Regional, sub-regional and local gross value added 2009,
8 December 2010, p. 1) Back
DfT, High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future-Consultation
Summary, February 2011, p. 13). Back
DfT, High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future-Consultation
Summary, February 2011, p. 13 Back