Bus Services after the Spending Review - Transport Committee Contents

Written evidence from C Olley (BUS 121)


I wish to bring to your attention how the loss of bus service in our village has affected my life.

I am eighty years old a pensioner and a widow living alone, my only form of transport was the public bus service.

I have lived in Elwick 20+ years and love my home and the village but now feel isolated and a prisoner in my own home.

How am I and supposed to shop visit doctors, dentist, hospital and have any form of social life: meet friends visit parks seaside, cinema etc.

Taxies are much too expensive when you are on a limited pension income.

I appreciate that spending reviews where needed and could accept a reduced service but to discontinue the service altogether is appalling.

I trust we can have a satisfactory outcome.

April 2011

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Prepared 11 August 2011