Transport Committee - Written Evidence [Back to Report]
Out of the jam: reducing congestion on our roads

Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 6 September 2011.


Joint supplementary written evidence from Urban Traffic Management & Control Development Group (UDG) and the Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) (ETM 05a)

Written evidence from Urban Traffic Management & Control Development Group (UDG) (ETM 05)

Supplementary written evidence from the Intelligent Transport Society UK (ITS (UK)) (ETM 06a)

Written evidence from the Intelligent Transport Society (ITS (UK)) (ETM 06)

Written evidence from the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) (ETM 07)

Further written evidence from Surrey County Council (ETM 11a)

Written evidence from Surrey County Council (ETM 11)

Written evidence from ADEPT (ETM 12)

Written evidence from the Cambridge Cycling Campaign (ETM 13)

Written evidence from the Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE) (ETM 14)

Supplementary written evidence from the Passenger Transport Executive Group (pteg) (ETM 16a)

Written evidence from the Passenger Transport Executive Group (pteg) (ETM 16)

Written evidence from the RAC Foundation (ETM 17)

Written evidence from the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) (ETM 22)

Supplementary written evidence from the Department for Transport (ETM 25a)

Written evidence from the Department for Transport (ETM 25)

Supplementary written evidence from National Grid plc (ETM 28a)

Written evidence from National Grid plc (ETM 28)

Supplementary written evidence from the National Joint Utilities Group Ltd (NJUG) (ETM 29a)

Written evidence from the National Joint Utilities Group Ltd (NJUG) (ETM 29)

Written evidence from Stagecoach Group plc (ETM 30)

Written evidence from the Road Haulage Association (RHA) (ETM 31)

Written evidence from Capita Symonds (ETM 32)

Supplementary written evidence from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK (ETM 36a)

Written evidence from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK (ETM 36)

Written evidence from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) (ETM 39)

Written evidence from the AA (ETM 41)

Written evidence from the Joint Authorities Group (UK) (ETM 42)

Written evidence from CTC, the national cyclists' organisation (ETM 43)

Written evidence from the Freight Transport Association (FTA) (ETM 47)

Written evidence from Living Streets (ETM 48)

Written evidence from the Motorcycle Action Group (UK) (ETM 49)

Written evidence from Cadence Driver Development (ETM 50)

Written evidence from the Greater London Authority (ETM 52)

Written evidence from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) (ETM 53)

Written evidence from London Councils (ETM 54)

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© Parliamentary copyright 2011
Prepared 15 September 2011