6 Compliance
155. HMRC's fundamental task is to collect taxes
and pay out those benefits it is responsible for. In recent years
HMRC has begun to produce estimates of the 'tax gap'the
difference between the tax it brings in and the tax that is theoretically
due. The accuracy with which the tax gap can be estimated is inherently
limited. Not only is the methodology in its infancy, but it involves
estimating the size of illegal activity, for example, the hidden
economy, which by definition cannot be known with any certainty.
156. HMRC estimate that the net tax gap was £42
billion in 2008-09roughly 9% of the UK's total tax liability.
HMRC ascribes elements of the tax gap to various "behaviours".
17.5% is ascribed to tax avoidance, whilst a further 17.5% is
assigned to tax evasion. Other elements include failure to take
reasonable care, error, the hidden economy and non-payment. HMRC's
estimate is not without its critics. Taxresearch LLP estimated
the tax gap to be substantially higher, around £120 billion.[180]
Andy Wells, a tax practitioner, argued HMRC's estimate is inflated
through the inclusion of legitimate legal disagreements about
the amount of tax to be paid.[181]
157. Whatever the actual figure, reducing the size
of the tax gap is a key part of HMRC's aims. The HMRC unions argued
in their evidence that the tax take has been diminished by the
resource cuts being made at HMRC. They pointed to an increase
in the tax gap and declining revenues alongside reductions in
the numbers of compliance officers. However, as noted above, intervention
yields have risen whilst the numbers working in compliance have
fallen and it is difficult to disentangle reductions in the tax
take due to HMRC performance from those caused by the recession
or changes to the law.
158. As part of the Government's deficit reduction
strategy, HMRC is being asked to raise more money through additional
compliance activity. This is reflected in the £917 million
that the Government is 'reinvesting' in tax compliance. In return
for this money HMRC is expected to raise £7 billion a year
in additional tax revenues by the end of the spending review period.
We intend to examine HMRC's
administrative and operational record at ensuring tax compliance
in future hearings. In this report we highlight two issues that
came to light during our early hearings.
Settlement of large tax cases
159. A particular source of controversy has been
HMRC's settlement of large tax cases involving corporations. Allegations
have been made in the press that cases have been settled inappropriately
for a lower yield than might have otherwise been achieved.[182]
We pressed HMRC witnesses and the Minister on whether the appropriate
processes had been used in two high-profile cases. Dave Hartnett,
the Permanent Secretary for Tax, vigorously defended the procedures
that had been used to achieve a settlement with Vodafone and argued
that figures cited in the press lacked credibility. HMRC said
they were unable to comment in relation to another high-profile
case for reasons of taxpayer confidentiality.[183]
We also pressed HMRC on their record in litigating against large
firms. Again, Dave Hartnett defended HMRC's record, saying that
HMRC had protected around £6.25 billion of revenue in 2009-10
through litigation. HMRC also observed that large companies account
for "less than a quarter" of their total tax gap estimate.[184]
160. We are not in a position to judge whether individual
cases were settled appropriately or not. Nor are we challenging
the need for taxpayers' affairs to be kept confidential. However,
the sums involved in some of these cases are enormous. Martin
Lewis, who worked in tax compliance during his time at HMRC, argued
in his evidence that there needed to be more transparency about
how these cases are resolved.[185]
If an individual taxpayer feels their case has been handled inappropriately
they can ultimately take HMRC to court. Taxpayers collectively
have no such recourse.
161. The National Audit Office has undertaken work
on HMRC's procedures for resolving large tax cases, whilst the
Committee of Public Accounts has already recommended that "the
Department should consider the scope for increasing transparency
in the area of large and complex tax cases and for assuring Parliament
and the public that due process in the resolution of these cases
is being followed."[186]
162. The Exchequer Secretary did not believe it would
be appropriate for politicians to be involved in settling individual
tax cases. However, he was concerned that the current process
did not allow HMRC to respond to allegations against it:
We have to remember that some of these allegations
question the integrity of dedicated public servants on the basis
of little or no evidence, and it concerns me that some of these
decisions are becoming politicised and it is quite difficult for
HMRC to answer back because they are not entitled to put confidential
information into the public domain.[187]
163. The
public needs to be assured that cases involving large sums of
money are being settled correctly. Equally it is unfair on HMRC
staff and damaging to public confidence that the Department can
be the subject of repeated allegations it cannot refute, even
if they are groundless. We agree with the Committee of Public
Accounts that HMRC should consider how the accountability and
transparency of the settlement of large and complex tax cases
might be improved. We are taking further evidence on how this
might be achieved.
Debt management
164. HMRC's approach to handling debts owed to it
was a matter of concern to some of our witnesses. The Committee
regularly receives correspondence from individuals and other Members
on behalf of their constituents who feel that they have been treated
in a heavy handed way by HMRC. We recognise the fact that any
revenue collection agency will face claims of this nature. Similarly,
we accept Dame Lesley's observation that no organisation dealing
with a billion transactions a year will be able to do so perfectly
in every case.[188]
However, the scale of the complaints that reached us and have
appeared in the press give us cause for concern. This section
examines a few such cases.
165. We have already noted the difficulties that
can arise when collectors seeking to follow-up a debt do so on
the basis of out-of-date information because relevant post has
not been processed. More widely, the Association of Tax Technicians
was concerned about wider failures of communication between Debt
Management and other areas of the Department.[189]
Andy Wells even suggested that there is no means for debt collection
to communicate with those who initially assessed the debt, raising
the alarming prospect that, when a debt is challenged, debt collectors
cannot easily check whether they are attempting to recover the
right amount.[190]
We seek confirmation from
HMRC that effective real-time lines of communication exist between
Debt Management and other areas of the Department. Effective communication
is especially important where private debt collectors are involved.
166. Accountancy Age recently reported that
HMRC had sent out letters to businesses who had failed to submit
a declaration that they owed nothing to the Department stating
that "outstanding tax debts" have been transferred to
the HMRC's Distraint Department "to list your goods so that
they may be sold at a public auction".[191]
With no indication in the letter that the amount owed was zero,
such letters are likely to cause unnecessary distress and confusion
and put further burdens on HMRC's already over-stretched customer
contact teams.
167. Similarly, we pressed the Minister on reports
in the Mail on Sunday that letters had been sent to taxpayers
saying that payment was required "to fund the schools and
hospitals we all rely on" and stating "We will do that
by taking your possessions and auctioning them publicly."[192]
He defended the letters, stating that they had been sent out only
after earlier communications had met with no response and "it
is not unreasonable to point out some of the potential consequences
of not responding" so long as the letters were only sent
in a highly selective way.[193]
The Department told us it has moved towards an approach to debt
management based on an assessment of individual's risk.[194]
168. It is inevitable
that HMRC will have to pursue some taxpayers for outstanding debts
and it may have to be forceful in doing so. However, the tone
of some of the letters being sent out suggest the "potential
consequences" are inevitable unless payment is immediately
forthcoming. These letters appear to have been widely used without
sufficient thought to whom they were sent to, even being sent
to people who did not actually owe money. Such language is appropriate
only where there is strong evidence of persistent and deliberate
non-payment; it is completely inappropriate where the amount owed
is in dispute, where the amount may be zero, or where the recipient
is vulnerable. We recommend HMRC take steps to ensure such hard-hitting
correspondence is used in a more proportionate way, is better
tailored to individual case histories and contains information
on the specific debt in question.
169. PCS expressed concern about HMRC's use of private
debt collectors. A pilot was introduced in 2009 and expanded as
part of the 2011 Spring Supplementary Estimate. At the time of
the Supplementary Estimate HMRC told us that the "earlier
pilot did not provide reliable evidence of relative cost effectiveness
of HMRC in-house versus outsourced debt collection".[195]
We asked the Minister why, if cost effectiveness had not been
proved, private sector recruitment had been preferred to additional
HMRC staff. He told us:
There is greater flexibility in making use of private
debt collecting agencies as opposed to taking on full, permanent
HMRC staff. As a consequence of the work that has already been
undertaken with private debt collecting agencies, something like
£140 million has been recovered that would otherwise have
had to have been written off. [196]
He went on to say that HMRC had no plans to sell
debts to private agencies, but did not rule out the possibility.[197]
We note
the Minister's assurance that HMRC has no existing plans to sell
debt and his refusal to rule out the possibility of such plans
in future. Any moves in this direction would be a major change
and should not be contemplated without widespread consultation
at an early stage.
180 Ev w52 Back
Ev w43-w44 Back
See for example, Private Eye, 21 Jun 2011 Back
Q152-Q165, Q402, Ev 126-130 Back
Q 160; Ev 125 Back
Ev w33 Back
Committee of Public Accounts, Eighteenth Report of Session 2010-12,
HM Revenue and Customs' 2009-10 Accounts Back
Q 432 Back
Q 222 Back
Ev w28 Back
Ev w43 Back
accessed 8 June 2011 Back
Mail on Sunday, 17 April 2011, Tax with menaces: We'll
take your TVs, cars and laptops and sell them for pittance, 'thuggish'
Revenue warns late payers in bizarre begging letter"
Q 456, Q 460 Back
Ev 120 Back
Ev 116-117 Back
Q 441 Back
Q 442-443 Back