Weekly Information Bulletin: 14th May 2011
White Papers and Green Papers
received since last Bulletin
WHITE PAPERS are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes, which may be debated before a Bill is introduced. Some White Papers may invite comments.
GREEN PAPERS set out for discussion, proposals which are still at a formative stage.
Not all discussion papers are published and put on general release: some are sent only to a predetermined list of consultees. This is a matter solely for the Department concerned.
Papers to which an ISBN and price are appended are normally available through The Stationery Office. For others, application should be made to the department concerned. External links provided in this section are correct as at the time of going to press, however they are not updated after that date.
White Papers
Green Papers
Impact Assessments received since the last Bulletin
Continuous insurance Enforcement
Pauline Morgan
Department for Transport
Great Minster House 76 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DR
Tel: 0300 330 3000
Email: Pauline.morgan@dft.gsi.gov.uk
Concessionary Travel Reimbursement
Shamanthy Ganeshan
Department for Transport
Great Minster House 76 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DR
Tel: 0207 944 5427
The Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations and General Directions 2011
Sally Dutton
Department for Transport
Great Minster House 76 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DR
Tel: 0207 944 2917
Email: sally.dutton@dft.gsi.gov.uk
M1 Junction 6A-10 Controlled Motorway
John Dutson
Highways Agency
Tel: 0121 678 8361
Email: john.dutson@highways.gsi.gov.uk
M1 Junctions 25 to 28
Steve Wrenn
Highways Agency
Tel: 0121 6788039
Email: steve.wrenn@highways.gsi.gov.uk
Other Papers
British Hallmarking Council: Annual Report and Accounts for year ending 31 December 2010, HC 957, ISBN: 010 2971835, £10.25
Department of Education: The Munro Review of Child Protection: Final Report, A child-centred system, CM 8062, ISBN: 010 1806220, £37.00
HM Government: Climate Resilient Infrastructure: preparing for a Changing Climate, CM 8065, ISBN: 010 1806527, £20.50
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority: The MPs’ Expenses Scheme, 3rd, Edition, HC 954, ISBN: 010 2971798, £15.50
Law Commission: Adult Social Care, HC 941, ISBN: 010 2971682, £37.00
School Teachers’ Review Body: CM 8037, ISBN: 010 1803724, £15.50