Health | 1 |
A and E and Maternity Departments | 15 |
Access to Drugs | 3 |
Bowel Cancer Screening | 14 |
Cancer Drugs Fund | 5 |
Early Intervention | 16 |
Fuel Poverty | 8 |
Group B Streptococcus | 10 |
Health and Social Care Bill | 12 |
Hospital Volunteers | 1 |
NHS Reorganisation Cost | 11 |
NHS Reorganisation Cost | 15 |
NICE-approved Drugs | 6 |
Paediatric Cardiac Services | 4 |
Suicide Prevention | 8 |
Telecare and Telehealth Services (Congleton) | 9 |
Topical Questions | 18 |
Ministerial Statements
Communities and Local Government | 1WS |
Department's Work (Christmas Recess) | 1WS |
Culture, Media and Sport | 4WS |
Youth Sport Strategy | 4WS |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | 5WS |
Falkland Islands | 5WS |
Health | 6WS |
NHS Future Forum | 6WS |
PIP Silicone Gel Breast Implants | 7WS |
Justice | 7WS |
Legal Services Board and Office for Legal Complaints Triennial Reviews | 7WS |
Transport | 8WS |
Blue Badge Improvement Service | 8WS |
High Speed Rail | 9WS |
Treasury | 1WS |
Finance Bill | 1WS |
Energy and Climate Change | 1P |
Alternatives to a Nuclear Power Station at Hinkley Point (Somerset) | 1P |
Transport | 2P |
Keynsham Railway Station Access | 2P |
Attorney-General | 103W |
Cyber Crime: Business | 103W |
104W | |
Equality | 104W |
Japan Tobacco International | 104W |
Business, Innovation and Skills | 180W |
Apprentices | 180W |
Arms Trade | 181W |
Billing | 181W |
Business: Loans | 182W |
Business Regulation | 182W |
Conditions of Employment | 182W |
Copyright: Electronic Publishing | 183W |
Departmental Manpower | 184W |
Economics, Strategy and Better Regulation Directorate | 185W |
Green Investment Bank | 185W |
Higher Education: Admissions | 185W |
Local Enterprise Partnerships | 186W |
Manufacturing Industries: Government Assistance | 186W |
Overseas Trade | 187W |
Public Houses | 188W |
Regional Growth Fund | 187W |
Southampton Port | 188W |
Stamp Duties: Tax Avoidance | 189W |
Students: Loans | 190W |
Third Sector | 184W |
Working Hours: EU Law | 189W |
Written Questions: Government Responses | 191W |
Communities and Local Government | 42W |
Affordable Housing | 42W |
Apprentices | 49W |
Cleveland Fire Brigade | 43W |
Compulsory Purchase | 44W |
Co-operatives | 47W |
Council Tax: Non-Payment | 48W |
Debt Recovery | 49W |
Departmental Written Questions | 50W |
Empty Property | 51W |
Food Procurement | 49W |
Government Procurement Card | 52W |
High Street Review: Parking | 55W |
Housing Benefit: Greater London | 55W |
Housing: Berkshire | 55W |
Housing: Greater London | 56W |
Housing: Sales | 56W |
Japan Tobacco International | 56W |
Local Government Association: Finance | 56W |
Local Government Ombudsman | 57W |
Non-Domestic Rates | 57W |
Non-Domestic Rates: Retail Trade | 58W |
Parking: Fees and Charges | 58W |
Parking: Urban Areas | 58W |
Planning Permission | 58W |
Planning Permission: Rural Areas | 58W |
Planning: Property | 59W |
Planning: Urban Areas | 59W |
Renewable Energy | 59W |
Retail Trade: Empty Property | 60W |
Right-to-Buy Scheme | 60W |
Services: Social Value | 50W |
Temporary Accommodation | 61W |
Culture, Media and Sport | 27W |
Apprentices | 30W |
Arts Council England | 27W |
Arts Council England: Finance | 27W |
BBC: Expenditure | 28W |
BBC: Licensing | 28W |
Broadband | 28W |
Broadband: Scotland | 28W |
Co-operatives | 29W |
Copyright: Music | 29W |
Debt Collection | 29W |
Departmental Advertising | 30W |
Departmental Manpower | 31W |
Diamond Jubilee 2012: Local Government Expenditure | 32W |
Diamond Jubilee 2012: Medals | 32W |
Digital Technology | 33W |
Equality | 31W |
Food Procurement | 31W |
Infrastructure | 33W |
Japan Tobacco International | 35W |
Local Broadcasting | 33W |
Mobile Phones: Fees and Charges | 33W |
Mobile Phones: Health Hazards | 34W |
Museums and Galleries | 34W |
Olympic Games 2012 | 35W |
Olympic Games 2012: Hexham | 35W |
Olympic Games 2012: Local Government Expenditure | 35W |
Olympic Games 2012: National Lottery | 36W |
Olympic Games 2012: North East | 36W |
Olympic Games 2012: Plastic Bags | 37W |
Radio Frequencies | 37W |
Recruitment | 31W |
Redundancy Pay | 32W |
Sign Language | 38W |
Sikhs | 38W |
Telecommunications | 39W |
Telephone Services: Fees and Charges | 40W |
Temporary Employment | 32W |
UK Sport: Disability | 40W |
Defence | 1W |
A400M Aircraft | 1W |
Air Force: Ammunition | 5W |
Air Force: Radiation Exposure | 5W |
Aircraft Carriers | 6W |
Ammunition: Transport | 7W |
Armed Forces: Animals | 9W |
Armed Forces: Education | 10W |
Armed Forces: Food | 10W |
Armed Forces: Military Decorations | 10W |
Armed Forces: Recruitment | 11W |
Armed Forces: Training | 12W |
Arms Trade | 13W |
Challenger Tanks | 15W |
Challenger Tanks: International Law | 15W |
Debt Collection | 15W |
Defence: Inflation | 16W |
Defence Supplies | 15W |
Departmental Manpower | 16W |
Departmental Pay | 17W |
Departmental Travel | 19W |
Documentation: Security | 18W |
Ex-servicemen: Employment | 20W |
Ex-servicemen: War Pensions | 20W |
Gurkhas: Pensions | 21W |
Japan Tobacco International | 21W |
Jordan Bancroft | 21W |
Military Aircraft | 22W |
Military Attachés | 23W |
Military Bases: Kirknewton | 24W |
Motorways: Fires | 25W |
Navy | 25W |
Nimrod Aircraft | 26W |
Peacekeeping Operations: Commonwealth Personnel | 2W |
Procurement | 17W |
Recruitment | 18W |
Redundancy Pay | 19W |
Services: Social Value | 19W |
Voluntary Work | 20W |
Warships: Wrecks | 27W |
Written Questions: Government Responses | 27W |
Deputy Prime Minister | 222W |
Electoral Register | 222W |
Equality | 222W |
Lobbying | 223W |
Education | 224W |
Academies: Bournemouth | 224W |
Advertising: Job Vacancies | 225W |
Colleges | 224W |
Co-operatives | 225W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 228W |
Design: Education | 228W |
Drugs: Health Education | 228W |
Education: Harrow | 229W |
Education Maintenance Allowance | 228W |
Equality | 226W |
Free Schools | 229W |
GCSE | 230W |
Michaela Community School | 231W |
Mobile Phones | 226W |
Official Hospitality | 226W |
Physical Education | 231W |
Postgraduate Education: Admissions | 232W |
Private Education: Inspections | 233W |
Public Expenditure | 234W |
Pupil Exclusions | 234W |
Pupil Referral Units: Standards | 234W |
Pupils: Assessments | 237W |
Pupils: Bullying | 237W |
Reading: Primary Education | 238W |
Recruitment | 227W |
Redundancy Pay | 227W |
Residential Schools: Scotland | 238W |
School Meals: Academies | 239W |
Schools: Admissions | 240W |
Schools: Expenditure | 240W |
Schools: Olympic Games 2012 | 241W |
Schools: Sports | 242W |
Schools: Standards | 242W |
Schools: Transport | 243W |
Secondment | 227W |
Teachers | 244W |
Teachers: Disciplinary Proceedings | 245W |
Teachers: Qualifications | 246W |
Teachers: Scholarships | 246W |
Women's Rights: Curriculum | 247W |
Young People: Sports | 247W |
Young People: Training | 248W |
Young People: Unemployment | 248W |
Electoral Commission Committee | 41W |
Electoral Register | 41W |
Energy and Climate Change | 124W |
Apprentices | 125W |
Coal: Concessions | 125W |
Coal Fired Power Stations: Closures | 124W |
Debt Recovery | 126W |
Energy | 129W |
Energy: Billing | 131W |
Energy: Prices | 131W |
Energy: Wales | 132W |
Environment Protection | 132W |
Equality | 126W |
EU Emission Trading Scheme | 133W |
Fossil Fuel Levy | 134W |
Green Deal Scheme | 133W |
Natural Gas: Exploration | 135W |
Nuclear Power | 135W |
Nuclear Reactors | 136W |
Renewable Energy | 138W |
Renewable Energy: Costs | 139W |
Renewable Energy: Heating | 139W |
Renewables Obligation | 141W |
Solar Power | 143W |
Solar Power: Feed-in Tariffs | 143W |
Wind Power: Planning Permission | 144W |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office | 72W |
Adam Werritty | 72W |
Algeria: Christianity | 73W |
Algeria: Religious Freedom | 73W |
Apprentices | 78W |
Arms Trade | 74W |
Bahrain: Human Rights | 76W |
British Nationals Abroad: Kidnapping | 77W |
Colombia: Armed Conflict | 77W |
Debt Recovery | 78W |
Departmental Redundancy Pay | 79W |
Departmental Written Questions | 79W |
Diplomatic Service | 80W |
Employment Agencies | 81W |
Equality | 79W |
Eritrea: Politics and Government | 81W |
Ethiopia: Politics and Government | 82W |
Falkland Islands | 82W |
Forced Marriage | 83W |
Forced Marriage: Young People | 84W |
Haiti: Reconstruction | 85W |
Ilois: Resettlement | 85W |
Lancaster House: Energy Performance Certificates | 86W |
Laos: Diplomatic Service | 86W |
Libya: Assets | 86W |
Libya: Politics and Government | 86W |
Nigeria: Equality | 87W |
Occupied Territories: Housing | 87W |
Sikhs | 88W |
Somalia: Conferences | 88W |
Sri Lanka: Armed Conflict | 88W |
Sri Lanka: Politics and Government | 91W |
Syria: Christianity | 92W |
Syria: Opposition | 92W |
Syria: Politics and Government | 93W |
Unmanned Air Vehicles | 94W |
Yemen: Politics and Government | 94W |
Health | 105W |
A and E Departments | 106W |
Access to Drugs | 106W |
Alcoholic Drinks: Scotland | 107W |
Apprentices | 110W |
Brain Cancer | 107W |
Care Quality Commission: Recruitment | 107W |
Carers: Finance | 108W |
Computer Sciences Corporation | 108W |
Debt Recovery | 109W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 109W |
Disability: Children | 110W |
Doctors: Retirement | 110W |
Drugs: Licensing | 110W |
Dystonia | 111W |
Early Access Scheme | 105W |
Electro-convulsive Therapy | 112W |
Excess Winter Deaths | 106W |
General Practitioners | 112W |
Health Services: North East | 113W |
Health Visitors: North West | 113W |
Herbal Medicine | 114W |
Injuries: Dogs | 114W |
Japan Tobacco International | 115W |
Maternity Provision: Outer North East London | 105W |
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency: Redundancy | 115W |
Mental Health Services | 116W |
Muscular Dystrophy | 117W |
Neurology | 117W |
NHS | 118W |
NHS: Drugs | 119W |
NHS: ICT | 119W |
NHS: Pensions | 119W |
NHS: Redundancy Pay | 120W |
NHS Reorganisation | 105W |
Out of Area Treatment: Scotland | 120W |
Pain: Clinics | 121W |
Patient Data | 106W |
Radiotherapy | 121W |
Redundancy Pay | 109W |
Stem Cells | 123W |
Sugar | 123W |
Telemedicine: Care Homes | 123W |
Treatment Centres: Runcorn | 124W |
Tuberculosis: Drugs | 124W |
University College Hospital | 124W |
Whistleblowing | 105W |
Home Department | 145W |
Age: Discrimination | 146W |
Alcoholic Drinks: Antisocial Behaviour | 146W |
Animal Experiments | 146W |
Animal Experiments: Botulinum Toxin | 147W |
Animal Experiments: Primates | 148W |
Apprentices | 155W |
Arrest Warrants | 149W |
Asylum | 149W |
British Nationality | 151W |
Brodie Clark | 152W |
Brodie Clark | 157W |
Burglary | 152W |
Civil Disorder | 152W |
Civil Disorder: Greater London | 153W |
Crime | 153W |
Crime: Economic Situation | 154W |
Crime: Scotland | 154W |
Crimes of Violence | 154W |
Debt Recovery | 155W |
Departmental Manpower | 156W |
Departmental Responsibilities | 157W |
Departmental Temporary Staff | 157W |
Departmental Written Questions | 158W |
Deportation: Offenders | 158W |
Disability Living Allowance | 159W |
Domestic Violence: Charitable Trusts | 160W |
Domestic Violence: Crime Prevention | 160W |
Drugs | 161W |
Drugs: Arrests | 161W |
Drugs: UK Border Agency | 161W |
Drugs: Young People | 163W |
Equality | 156W |
Extradition: Russia | 163W |
Extradition: USA | 163W |
Forced Marriage | 164W |
Foreign Nationals: Offenders | 164W |
Forensic Science Service | 164W |
Forensic Science Service: Drugs | 165W |
Human Trafficking | 165W |
Human Trafficking: Moldova | 165W |
Human Trafficking: Prosecutions | 166W |
Human Trafficking: Sexual Offences | 166W |
Human Trafficking: Victims | 166W |
Illegal Immigrants | 167W |
Illegal Immigrants: Northern Ireland | 167W |
Immigrants: Detainees | 168W |
Immigration | 168W |
Immigration Controls | 170W |
Immobilisation of Vehicles | 170W |
Japan: Tobacco International | 178W |
Legal Advice and Assistance | 170W |
Legal Services | 171W |
Members: Correspondence | 171W |
Metal Theft | 178W |
Metropolitan Police | 172W |
National Policing Improvement Agency | 172W |
Non-molestation Orders | 172W |
Offenders: EU Nationals | 173W |
Offensive Behaviour: Football | 173W |
Police | 173W |
Police and Crime Commissioners | 174W |
Police: Bureaucracy | 175W |
Police Federation | 174W |
Police: Manpower | 175W |
Police: Olympic Games 2012 | 175W |
Police Stations: Medway | 174W |
Police: Surveillance | 176W |
Police: Wales | 176W |
Postcodes | 176W |
Prevent Strategy | 176W |
Recruitment | 157W |
Security Vetting | 179W |
Security Vetting: Third Sector | 179W |
Smuggling: Tobacco | 177W |
Social Justice Committee | 178W |
Stalking And Harassment: Internet | 145W |
Statisticians | 178W |
Victims: Gender Recognition | 179W |
Visas | 179W |
Written Questions: Government Responses | 180W |
International Development | 144W |
Arms Trade | 144W |
Debt Recovery | 145W |
Developing Countries: Water | 145W |
Nigeria: Equality | 145W |
Leader of the House | 42W |
Legislation | 42W |
Northern Ireland | 99W |
Departmental Manpower | 99W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 100W |
Japan Tobacco International | 100W |
Recruitment | 100W |
Redundancy Pay | 100W |
Prime Minister | 41W |
Departmental Guidance: Email | 41W |
Festivals and Special Occasions | 41W |
Ministerial Committees | 42W |
Scotland | 100W |
Banks: Regulation | 100W |
Debt Recovery | 101W |
Departmental Manpower | 101W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 102W |
Devolution | 102W |
Employment Schemes: Young People | 102W |
Equality | 101W |
Japan Tobacco International | 103W |
Judicial Review | 103W |
Railways | 103W |
Recruitment | 101W |
Redundancy Pay | 102W |
Transport | 193W |
Community Transport | 193W |
Co-operatives | 193W |
Correspondence | 194W |
Crossrail | 194W |
Departmental Written Questions | 194W |
Electrification: Greater London | 195W |
Invalid Vehicles: Accidents | 195W |
Invalid Vehicles: Safety | 195W |
Network Rail: Level Crossings | 196W |
Ports: Greater London | 196W |
Railway Stations: Greater London | 197W |
Railway Stations: Manpower | 197W |
Railways: East Anglia | 197W |
River Thames: Bridges | 198W |
Severn Bridges Act 1992 | 198W |
Transport: Planned Public Expenditure | 198W |
Transport: Weather | 205W |
Underground Railways: Greater London | 206W |
Treasury | 61W |
Air Passenger Duty | 61W |
Banks: China | 62W |
Business: Loans | 62W |
Carbon Sequestration: Finance | 63W |
Charitable Trusts | 63W |
Child Benefit | 63W |
Combined Heat and Power: Feed-in Tariffs | 64W |
Company Liquidations | 64W |
Debit Cards: Fees and Charges | 64W |
Debt Recovery | 65W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 65W |
Devolution: Finance | 65W |
Excise Duties: Fuels | 66W |
Excise Duties: Tobacco | 66W |
Get Britain Building Investment Fund | 62W |
Housing Revenue Accounts: Wales | 66W |
Income Tax | 66W |
Income Tax: Overpayments | 68W |
Inland Revenue: Gifts and Endowments | 68W |
Non-domestic Rates: Appeals | 68W |
Personal Savings | 68W |
Public Expenditure: Housing | 69W |
Public Sector: Pensions | 69W |
Redundancy Pay | 65W |
Revenue and Customs: Contracts | 69W |
Revenue and Customs: Redundancy Pay | 70W |
Risk Assessment | 65W |
Stamp Duties | 70W |
Trading Funds | 71W |
Universal Credit | 71W |
VAT: Overpayments | 72W |
Working Tax Credit | 72W |
Wales | 95W |
Business Support | 95W |
Christmas | 95W |
Coal | 95W |
Debt Recovery | 96W |
Departmental Manpower | 96W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 96W |
Devolution | 96W |
Domestic Visits | 96W |
Domestic Visits: Higher Education | 97W |
Domestic Visits: Schools | 98W |
Employment Agencies | 98W |
Redundancy Pay | 96W |
Secondment | 96W |
Social Fund | 98W |
Tourism | 99W |
Welsh Conservative Group | 99W |
Women and Equalities | 191W |
Advertising: Education | 191W |
Barristers: Females | 191W |
Equal Opportunities | 192W |
Equality | 192W |
Equality and Human Rights Commission: Finance | 192W |
Work and Pensions | 206W |
Atos Healthcare | 206W |
Carers | 207W |
Cold Weather Payments | 208W |
Departmental Manpower | 210W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 210W |
Disability Living Allowance | 211W |
Disability Living Allowance: Autism | 212W |
Disability Living Allowance: Children | 212W |
Disability Living Allowance: Prisoners | 213W |
Electrical Safety | 214W |
Employment and Support Allowance | 213W |
Employment Schemes | 214W |
Employment: Young People | 215W |
Future Jobs Fund | 215W |
Housing Benefit: Females | 216W |
Jobcentre Plus: Finance | 217W |
National Insurance Contributions | 217W |
NDPBs | 210W |
New Enterprise Allowance | 218W |
Pensions | 218W |
Poverty: Children | 219W |
Redundancy Pay | 209W |
Sick Leave: Pain | 219W |
Social Security Benefits: Gurkhas | 219W |
Troubled Families Scheme: Wales | 220W |
Unemployment: Older Workers | 220W |
Unemployment: Young People | 220W |
Work Capability Assessments: Kilmarnock | 221W |
Work Experience: Private Sector | 222W |
10 Jan 2012 : Column 249
10 Jan 2012 : Column 249
10 January 2012
Cabinet Office | 249W |
Charity Commission: Public Appointments | 249W |
Civil Proceedings | 251W |
Deloitte | 250W |
Departmental Judicial Review | 251W |
Departmental Manpower | 252W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 252W |
Disadvantaged | 253W |
Electoral Register | 253W |
Employment: Private Sector | 254W |
Food: Prices | 255W |
Job Creation: Private Sector | 255W |
Public Sector: Females | 256W |
Public Sector: Morale | 256W |
Public Sector: Pensions | 256W |
Public Sector: Procurement | 257W |
Public Sector: Stress | 257W |
Public Sector: Trade Unions | 258W |
Redundancy Pay | 249W |
Third Sector | 258W |
Trade Unions | 258W |
Voluntary Work: Young People | 258W |
Wales | 260W |
Justice | 260W |
Apprentices | 265W |
Bail and Accommodation Support Service: Thanet | 260W |
Bailiffs | 265W |
Chief Coroner | 260W |
Contempt of Court: Non-Molestation Orders | 261W |
Co-operatives | 261W |
Courts | 262W |
Defamation Bill: Draft | 265W |
Departmental Manpower | 266W |
Departmental Temporary Employment | 268W |
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 | 268W |
271W | |
Equality | 266W |
European Court of Human Rights | 271W |
Fisheries: North West | 272W |
Harassment | 272W |
Harassment | 287W |
Homicide: Life Imprisonment | 272W |
Human Trafficking | 272W |
Information Commissioner | 277W |
Japan Tobacco International | 277W |
Legal Aid Scheme: Social Security Benefits | 277W |
Non-Governmental Organisations | 278W |
Offenders: Compensation | 279W |
Offenders: Expenditure | 279W |
Offenders: Rehabilitation | 279W |
Police: Crimes of Violence | 281W |
Prisoners Employment | 281W |
Prisoners: Learning Disability | 284W |
Prisoners’ Transfers: Scotland | 282W |
Prisons: Energy | 284W |
Prisons: Foreign Nationals | 287W |
Recruitment | 266W |
Redundancy Pay | 267W |
Rights of Accused: EU Action | 288W |
Secondment | 267W |
Sentencing: Drugs | 289W |
Sexual Offences | 289W |
Witnesses: Finance | 290W |
Young Offenders: Learning Difficulty | 290W |
Youth Justice | 291W |