Oral Answers
Monday 16 January 2012

Education 451
      Arts and Creative Education 451
      Child Care 461
      Children in Care 458
      Domestic Violence 465
      Free Nursery Care 463
      General Teaching Council 465
      Human Trafficking 459
      Primary School Places 454
      School Playing Fields 452
      Special Needs 456
      Special Schools 460
      Teachers (Administration) 464
      Teaching Standards 462
      Topical Questions 466
      Youth Services 453

Written Ministerial Statements
Monday 16 January 2012

Communities and Local Government 27WS
      Local Democracy 27WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 27WS
      Ministerial Visits (Burma) 27WS
      Visa Applications in Iran (Correction) 29WS
Home Department 29WS
      Police (Financial Management Code of Practice) 29WS
Justice 30WS
      The Detainee Inquiry 30WS
Transport 30WS
      Ministerial Cars 30WS

Written Answers
Monday 16 January 2012

Business, Innovation and Skills 562W
      Business: Bexley 562W
      Business: Cybercrime 561W
      Business: Finance 563W
      Construction: Insolvency 563W
      Credit: Interest Rates 563W
      Employment Tribunals Service 564W
      EU Grants and Loans 565W
      EU Grants and Loans: Northern Ireland 565W
      Executives: Pay 567W
      Foreign Companies 567W
      Higher Education: Admissions 567W
      Higher Education: North East 567W
      Insolvency 568W
      Internships 564W
      Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft 568W
      National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers 569W
      Overseas Trade 569W
      Patents 570W
      Regional Development Agencies: Assets 571W
      Regional Development Agencies: Redundancy 571W
      Skilled Workers: West Midlands 571W
      Speechwriters 564W
      Student Loans 572W
      Vetting: Trade Unions 582W
Cabinet Office 600W
      Apprentices 603W
      Cancer: Redditch 600W
      Children 606W
      Death 601W
      Death: Greater London 601W
      Departmental Security 603W
      Disadvantaged 604W
      Equality 603W
      Honours 605W
      Internships 604W
      Public Sector: Manpower 605W
Communities and Local Government 550W
      Allotments 550W
      Biofuels 551W
      Business Improvement Districts 551W
      Charities: Shops 551W
      Departmental Manpower 552W
      Empty Property: Shops 552W
      Fire Services: Somerset 552W
      First-time Buyers 552W
      Green Belt 553W
      Housing: Construction 553W
      Housing: Students 554W
      Landlords: Blackpool 555W
      Local Development Frameworks 555W
      Local Government Act 1972 555W
      Local Government Finance: Housing 556W
      Mortgages 556W
      Piers: Redcar and Cleveland 557W
      Planning 557W
      Planning Permission: Leiston 557W
      Public Houses 558W
      Rents 558W
      Social Rented Housing 558W
      Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation 559W
Culture, Media and Sport 445W
      Advertising 445W
      Apprentices 448W
      Arts 445W
      Arts: Expenditure 446W
      Audio Equipment 446W
      BBC 446W
      Broadband 447W
      Broadband: Brighton and Hove 447W
      Civil Wars 448W
      Digital Broadcasting: Northern Ireland 449W
      Digital Broadcasting: Radio 449W
      Direct Selling 449W
      EU Law 450W
      Libraries and Museums 450W
      Radio Frequencies 451W
Defence 437W
      Armed Conflict: South Atlantic 437W
      Armed Forces: Life Insurance 437W
      Documents: Data Protection 438W
      EU Law 439W
      European Fighter Aircraft: Exports 439W
      Japan: Military Aircraft 439W
      Military Attachés 440W
      NATO 440W
      Recruitment 438W
Deputy Prime Minister 588W
      Sovereignty: Scotland 588W
      Wales 589W
Education 487W
      Academies 488W
      Apprenticeships 487W
      Children's Centres 489W
      Free Schools 489W
      Magazine Press: Retail Trade 489W
      School Sport 488W
      School Transport 488W
      Special Needs 487W
Energy and Climate Change 614W
      Carbon Emissions 614W
      Carbon Emissions: EU Action 615W
      Coal: Imports 615W
      Electricity 616W
      Electricity: Imports 616W
      Energy 617W
      Energy Costs: Older People 618W
      Energy Performance Certificates 617W
      Forests: Developing Countries 618W
      Green Deal Scheme 619W
      Natural Gas: Pipelines 619W
      Postal Services: Carbon Emissions 619W
      Renewable Energy 620W
      Renewables Obligation 620W
      Solar Power: Feed-in Tariffs 622W
      Wind Power 622W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 452W
      Agriculture: Environment Protection 452W
      Agriculture: Subsidies 452W
      Animal Feed 455W
      Animal Welfare: Circuses 456W
      British Waterways: Pensions 457W
      Cattle: Transport 457W
      Common Agricultural Policy 458W
      Co-operatives 458W
      Dredging 458W
      Flood and Water Management Act 2010 459W
      Services: Social Value 458W
      Water Charges: South West 459W
      Water: Meters 460W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 582W
      Belarus: Political Prisoners 582W
      Departmental Official Visits 583W
      Egypt: Politics and Government 584W
      Falkland Islands: Sovereignty 584W
      Foreign Policy 584W
      Iraq: Christianity 585W
      Israel: Borders 585W
      Israel: Prisoners 585W
      Kashmir: Politics and Government 586W
      Middle East: Armed Conflict 586W
      Nagorno-Karabakh: Peace Negotiations 587W
      Speechwriters 583W
      Stephen Crouch 587W
      Sudan: Ethnic Groups 587W
      Syria: Human Rights 588W
Health 523W
      Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse 523W
      Apprentices 526W
      Cardiovascular System: Diseases 523W
      Care Quality Commission: Manpower 524W
      Children 524W
      Circle Health 540W
      Co-operatives 525W
      Disability: Children 533W
      Diseases: Health Services 535W
      Drugs: Rehabilitation 535W
      Epilepsy 536W
      Equality 527W
      EU Law 536W
      Eyesight: Children 536W
      General Practitioners: Contracts 537W
      Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome: Drugs 537W
      Health Services: Finance 537W
      Health Services: Foreign Nationals 538W
      Hearing Impaired: Children 538W
      Heart Diseases: Young People 539W
      Hospital Beds 540W
      Hospitals: Infectious Diseases 541W
      Invalid Vehicles: Standards 541W
      Medicine: Licensing 542W
      Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency: Finance 543W
      Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency: Manpower 543W
      Mental Health Services: Standards 543W
      Mental Illness 544W
      Ministerial Policy Advisers 533W
      Multiple Sclerosis: Drugs 545W
      Muscular Dystrophy: Health Services 548W
      Prescription Drugs: Prices 549W
      Social Services: Costs 549W
      Telemedicine: Prisons 550W
      Telephone Services 533W
      Visual Impairment: Driving 550W
Home Department 462W
      Apprentices 462W
      British Nationality: English Language 462W
      Deportation 463W
      Detention Centres: Children 464W
      Detention Centres: Pregnant Women 465W
      Embassies: Tehran 465W
      EU Immigration 466W
      European Commission: Legislation 466W
      Human Trafficking 466W
      Human Trafficking: Sexual Offences 466W
      Independent Police Complaints Commission 467W
      Internships 462W
      Members: Correspondence 467W
      Stephen Lawrence 467W
      Telecommunications: Databases 468W
      UK Border Agency: Sick Leave 468W
International Development 606W
      Arms Trade 606W
      Bhutan: Overseas Aid 608W
      Departmental Location 608W
      Departmental Records 609W
      Departmental Responsibilities 609W
      Developing Countries: Agriculture 610W
      Developing Countries: Education 610W
      Developing Countries: Elections 611W
      Food Aid 611W
      International Assistance: Pilot Schemes 612W
      International Citizen Service 613W
      Overseas Aid 613W
      Reviews: Internet 613W
      Speechwriters 609W
      UN Central Emergency Response Fund 614W
Justice 497W
      Bail 497W
      Brain: Injuries 497W
      Chief Coroner 498W
      Civil Justice Council 498W
      Civil Proceedings 498W
      Community Orders 498W
      Courts: Video Conferencing 501W
      Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority 501W
      Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority: Manpower 503W
      Debt Collection 503W
      Debt Collection: Regulation 503W
      Defamation Bill 504W
      Departmental Buildings 504W
      Departmental Buildings 504W
      Departmental Manpower 504W
      Driving Under Influence: Kent 507W
      EU Law 507W
      Euthanasia 508W
      Feltham Young Offender Institution 509W
      Freedom (Great Repeal) Bill (Draft) 509W
      Freedom of Information 509W
      Human Rights: Business 510W
      Information Commissioner 510W
      Internships 507W
      Judges 511W
      Legal Aid Scheme: Social Security Benefits 511W
      Legal Aid Scheme: Telephones 512W
      Ministerial Policy Advisers 512W
      Pay 505W
      Prisoners: Jamaica 512W
      Prisons: Public Expenditure 512W
      Probation 513W
      Secure Accommodation 513W
      Sexual Offences: Rehabilitation 515W
      Third Sector 516W
      Trade Unions 516W
      Young Offenders: Haringey 516W
      Young Offenders: Wigan 520W
Leader of the House 461W
      Times of Sittings 461W
Northern Ireland 443W
      Correspondence 443W
      Departmental Manpower 443W
      EU Law 444W
      Joint Ministerial Group on Corporation Tax 444W
      Police: Intelligence Services 444W
      Poverty 445W
Scotland 441W
      Aviation 441W
      Departmental Manpower 441W
      EU Law 442W
      Housing Benefit 442W
      Pay 441W
      Sovereignty 443W
Transport 468W
      A1 468W
      A64 469W
      Apprentices 473W
      Aviation: Exhaust Emissions 470W
      Aviation: Fuels 470W
      Aviation: Mergers 471W
      Aviation: Scotland 471W
      BMI 471W
      Bus Services: Disability 472W
      Cycling: Accidents 472W
      Debt Recovery 472W
      Departmental Manpower 474W
      Departmental Temporary Employment 475W
      Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 475W
      Driving: Disability 477W
      Driving: Eye Sight 477W
      Driving Under Influence: Rehabilitation 476W
      Equality 473W
      EU Law 478W
      Food Procurement 474W
      Heathrow Airport 478W
      Level Crossings 479W
      M6 480W
      Members: Correspondence 480W
      Motor Vehicles: Testing 481W
      Motorcycles: EU Law 482W
      Motorways: Safety 482W
      Northern Line: Expenditure 482W
      Parking: Fees and Charges 483W
      Piers: Redcar and Cleveland 483W
      Railways 483W
      Recruitment 474W
      Redundancy 474W
      Regional Airports 484W
      River Thames: Bridges 484W
      Roads: Safety 484W
      Shipping: Oil 484W
      Swanley Railway Station 485W
      Transport: Merseyside 485W
      Transport: Planned Public Expenditure 486W
      Travel Information: Disability 486W
Treasury 490W
      Bankruptcy 490W
      Banks: Finance 491W
      Banks: Iceland 491W
      Banks: Pay 492W
      Banks: Profits 492W
      Capital Allowances 492W
      Coinage 492W
      Coinage: Local Government 493W
      Financial Services: Compensation 493W
      Household Debt 493W
      Members: Correspondence 494W
      Ministerial Meetings 490W
      Pensions: Greece 494W
      Personal Pensions 494W
      Petrol: Prices 494W
      Revenue and Customs: Manpower 495W
      Secondment 493W
      Tax Evasion 495W
      Tax Evasion: Northern Ireland 495W
      Taxation: Self-assessment 496W
      VAT: Charities 496W
      VAT: Home Care Services 496W
      Veolia Environment: Taxation 496W
      Written Questions: Government Responses 497W
Wales 440W
      Co-operatives 440W
      Departmental Manpower 441W
      Equality 441W
Work and Pensions 589W
      Apprentices 589W
      Apprentices 590W
      Debt Recovery 589W
      Employment Agencies 594W
      Employment: Overseas Residence 594W
      Employment Schemes 593W
      Equality 592W
      Food Procurement 592W
      Housing Benefit 594W
      Maternity Pay: Public Expenditure 595W
      Pension Credit 596W
      Social Security Benefits: Overseas Residence 596W
      Speechwriters 594W
      Universal Credit 597W
      Work Capability Assessments 597W
      Work Programme 599W