Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 1 February 2012
business, innovation and skills
manufacturing industries: west midlands
cabinet office
communities and local government
mortgages: government assistance
social rented housing: construction
culture, media and sport
olympic games 2012: northern ireland
deputy prime minister
health education: mental illness
energy and climate change
community energy saving programme
environment, food and rural affairs
foreign and commonwealth office
afghanistan: politics and government
mental health services: children
home department
police: conditions of employment
terrorism prevention and investigation measures
house of commons commission
communications: parliamentary estate
independent parliamentary standards authority committee
international development
global fund to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria
global schools partnership programme
leader of the house
northern ireland
queen elizabeth ii bridge: closures
renewable transport fuel obligation
hm revenue and customs: telephone services
revenue and customs: data protection
departmental expenditure: alcoholic drinks
work and pensions
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
1 February 2012
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 641W
Business, Innovation and Skills [1 February 2012]
Asia: Overseas Trade [1 February 2012]
Chemicals: North West [1 February 2012]
Column: 642W
Recruitment [1 February 2012]
Column: 643W
Higher Education: Electricity [1 February 2012]
Higher Education: Finance [1 February 2012]
Manufacturing Industries: West Midlands [1 February 2012]
Column: 644W
Renewable Energy: Investment [1 February 2012]
Students: Finance [1 February 2012]
Column: 645W
Third Sector [1 February 2012]
Column: 646W
Cabinet Office [1 February 2012]
Internships [1 February 2012]
Iraq Committee of Inquiry [1 February 2012]
JCB [1 February 2012]
Column: 647W
Public Bodies: Debts [1 February 2012]
Public Sector: Pay [1 February 2012]
Column: 648W
Communities and Local Government [1 February 2012]
Housing Benefit [1 February 2012]
Mortgages: Government Assistance [1 February 2012]
Social Rented Housing: Construction [1 February 2012]
Column: 649W
Culture, Media and Sport [1 February 2012]
Copyright [1 February 2012]
Olympic Games 2012: Northern Ireland [1 February 2012]
Defence [1 February 2012]
Aircraft Carriers [1 February 2012]
Column: 650W
Armed Forces: Life Insurance [1 February 2012]
Column: 651W
Civil Servants: Allowances [1 February 2012]
Recruitment [1 February 2012]
Column: 652W
Work Experience [1 February 2012]
Diamond Jubilee 2012: Medals [1 February 2012]
Ex-servicemen: Resettlement [1 February 2012]
Column: 653W
Harrier Aircraft: Sales [1 February 2012]
Military Aircraft [1 February 2012]
Column: 654W
Deputy Prime Minister [1 February 2012]
Departmental Data Protection [1 February 2012]
Electoral Register [1 February 2012]
EU Action [1 February 2012]
Education [1 February 2012]
Child Protection [1 February 2012]
Column: 655W
Column: 656W
Children: Social Services [1 February 2012]
Column: 657W
Health Education: Mental Illness [1 February 2012]
Column: 658W
Energy and Climate Change [1 February 2012]
Community Energy Saving Programme [1 February 2012]
Departmental Data Protection [1 February 2012]
Departmental Travel [1 February 2012]
Column: 659W
Energy [1 February 2012]
Energy: Conservation [1 February 2012]
Column: 660W
Fuel Poverty [1 February 2012]
Column: 661W
Green Deal [1 February 2012]
Insulation: Housing [1 February 2012]
Column: 662W
Renewable Energy: Heating [1 February 2012]
Thermal Insulation [1 February 2012]
Column: 663W
Water Turbines [1 February 2012]
Column: 664W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [1 February 2012]
Agricultural Products: Prices [1 February 2012]
Column: 665W
Column: 666W
Column: 667W
Column: 668W
Agriculture: Employment [1 February 2012]
Agriculture: Exports [1 February 2012]
Agriculture: Subsidies [1 February 2012]
Animal Welfare: Circuses [1 February 2012]
Deer Farms [1 February 2012]
Column: 669W
Fruit [1 February 2012]
Column: 670W
Veterinary Services [1 February 2012]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [1 February 2012]
Afghanistan: Politics and Government [1 February 2012]
Bahrain: Overseas Workers [1 February 2012]
Column: 671W
Cyprus: Arms Control [1 February 2012]
Diego Garcia: Aviation [1 February 2012]
Column: 672W
Egypt: Elections [1 February 2012]
Egypt: Human Rights [1 February 2012]
Freedom of Information [1 February 2012]
Column: 673W
Friends of Yemen [1 February 2012]
Haiti: Foreign Aid [1 February 2012]
Libya: Elections [1 February 2012]
Column: 674W
Occupied Territories: Housing [1 February 2012]
Yemen: Foreign Relations [1 February 2012]
Column: 675W
Health [1 February 2012]
Benzodiazepines [1 February 2012]
Disability: Children [1 February 2012]
Column: 676W
Drugs: Prices [1 February 2012]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [1 February 2012]
Column: 677W
Family Planning [1 February 2012]
Fractures: Care Homes [1 February 2012]
Fractures: Databases [1 February 2012]
Column: 678W
Herbal Medicine [1 February 2012]
Hospitals: Inspections [1 February 2012]
Column: 679W
Mental Health Services: Children [1 February 2012]
Obesity: Surgery [1 February 2012]
Organs: Donors [1 February 2012]
Column: 680W
Osteoporosis: Health Services [1 February 2012]
Pain [1 February 2012]
Parents: Education [1 February 2012]
Column: 681W
Seroxat [1 February 2012]
Surgery [1 February 2012]
Column: 682W
Column: 683W
Column: 684W
Column: 685W
Column: 686W
Column: 689W
Column: 690W
Home Department [1 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [1 February 2012]
CCTV [1 February 2012]
Knives: Crime [1 February 2012]
Members: Surveillance [1 February 2012]
Column: 691W
Police [1 February 2012]
Police: Bureaucracy [1 February 2012]
Police: Conditions of Employment [1 February 2012]
Police: ICT [1 February 2012]
Column: 692W
Police: Motor Vehicles [1 February 2012]
Young People: Stop and Search [1 February 2012]
Column: 693W
Column: 694W
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures [1 February 2012]
Voluntary Organisations [1 February 2012]
House of Commons Commission [1 February 2012]
Parliamentary ICT [1 February 2012]
Column: 695W
Communications: Parliamentary Estate [1 February 2012]
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee [1 February 2012]
Complaints: Members [1 February 2012]
Freedom of Information [1 February 2012]
Column: 696W
Confidentiality [1 February 2012]
Column: 697W
International Development [1 February 2012]
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria [1 February 2012]
Development Policy [1 February 2012]
Foreign Aid Programmes [1 February 2012]
Global Schools Partnership Programme [1 February 2012]
Democratic Republic of Congo [1 February 2012]
Column: 698W
Horn of Africa [1 February 2012]
Afghanistan: Taxation [1 February 2012]
Recruitment [1 February 2012]
Column: 699W
Work Experience [1 February 2012]
East Africa: Droughts [1 February 2012]
East Africa: Overseas Aid [1 February 2012]
Column: 700W
Food Aid [1 February 2012]
Voluntary Organisations [1 February 2012]
Column: 701W
Yemen: Overseas Aid [1 February 2012]
Justice [1 February 2012]
Aarhus Convention [1 February 2012]
Recruitment [1 February 2012]
Column: 702W
Work Experience [1 February 2012]
Legal Aid: Personal Injury [1 February 2012]
Legal Aid: Asil Nadir [1 February 2012]
Prisoners [1 February 2012]
Column: 703W
Prisoners: Human Rights [1 February 2012]
Prisons [1 February 2012]
Prisons: Private Sector [1 February 2012]
Column: 704W
Prostitution: Convictions [1 February 2012]
Repossessions [1 February 2012]
Column: 706W
Youth Custody: Advocacy [1 February 2012]
Leader of the House [1 February 2012]
Political Parties: Finance [1 February 2012]
Column: 707W
Northern Ireland [1 February 2012]
Recruitment [1 February 2012]
Transport [1 February 2012]
Bus Services: Complaints [1 February 2012]
Buses: Testing [1 February 2012]
Column: 708W
Departmental Contracts [1 February 2012]
Electric Vehicles: Finance [1 February 2012]
EU Law [1 February 2012]
Column: 709W
High Speed 2 [1 February 2012]
Column: 710W
Column: 711W
Motorways: Accidents [1 February 2012]
Northern Rail: Expenditure [1 February 2012]
Queen Elizabeth II Bridge: Closures [1 February 2012]
Column: 712W
Railways: East of England [1 February 2012]
Railways: South West [1 February 2012]
Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation [1 February 2012]
Column: 713W
Treasury [1 February 2012]
Executives: Pay [1 February 2012]
HM Revenue and Customs: Telephone Services [1 February 2012]
Column: 714W
M6 Toll [1 February 2012]
Revenue and Customs: Data Protection [1 February 2012]
Social Services: Finance [1 February 2012]
Column: 715W
Tax Allowances [1 February 2012]
Column: 716W
Taxation: Sports [1 February 2012]
Column: 717W
VAT: Scotland [1 February 2012]
Wales [1 February 2012]
Departmental Expenditure: Alcoholic Drinks [1 February 2012]
Recruitment [1 February 2012]
Column: 718W
Departmental Travel Costs [1 February 2012]
Work and Pensions [1 February 2012]
Free School Meals [1 February 2012]
Working Tax Credit [1 February 2012]
Column: 719W
Column: 720W