Oral Answers
Thursday 23 February 2012

Transport 997
      Aviation 997
      Brown Tourist Signs 1001
      Cycling 1008
      Drink-drive Rehabilitation Scheme 1008
      Flights (Scotland) 1003
      Freight Containers (Rail Network) 1004
      Local Bus Services 1005
      Rail Fares 999
      Railway Companies (Executive Pay) 1006
      Shipping (Armed Guards) 1000
      Topical Questions 1009
      Trailers (Height) 1002
      Transport Scheme Funding 1007
Women and Equalities 1013
      Disability Hate Crimes 1015
      Domestic and Family Violence 1017
      Economy 1013
      Female Genital Mutilation 1014
      Income Tax 1017
      Unemployment 1016

Written Ministerial Statements
Thursday 23 February 2012

Business, Innovation and Skills 81WS
      City Skills Fund 81WS
      Student Loan Repayment 81WS
Defence 82WS
      Annual Tri-Service Survey 82WS
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 82WS
      Central Asia 85WS
      Foreign Affairs Council/General Affairs Council 82WS
Health 86WS
      Care Quality Commission 88WS
      National Health Service Charges 86WS
      Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme 89WS
Work and Pensions 89WS
      Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council 89WS

Thursday 23 February 2012

Communities and Local Government 11P
      Park End Community Centre (Middlesbrough) 11P

Written Answers
Thursday 23 February 2012

Business, Innovation and Skills 935W
      Billing: EU Action 935W
      Copyright: Science 935W
      Departmental Responsibilities 936W
      Further Education: Higher Education 936W
      Higher Education: Admissions 936W
      Hydrofluorocarbons 937W
      Innovation 937W
      Members: Correspondence 938W
      National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts 938W
      Overseas Trade: Argentina 939W
      Post Offices 939W
      Post Offices: Closures 940W
      Public Houses 940W
      Science: Finance 941W
      Written Questions: Government Responses 941W
Cabinet Office 894W
      Advisory Services 894W
      Senior Civil Servants: Training 895W
      Working Hours: Scotland 896W
Communities and Local Government 892W
      HomeSwap Direct Scheme 892W
      Procurement 892W
      Written Questions: Government Responses 894W
Culture, Media and Sport 923W
      Mobile Phones: Telecommunications 923W
      Radio 923W
Defence 931W
      Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations 931W
      British Antarctic Survey 933W
      Falkland Islands: Armed Forces 933W
      MOD Bicester 933W
      MOD Bicester: Large Goods Vehicles 934W
Education 954W
      Academies: Vocational Guidance 954W
      Adoption: Self-employed 954W
      Pupil Numbers 955W
      Schools: Finance 957W
Energy and Climate Change 902W
      Armed Forces: Housing 902W
      British Antarctic Survey 902W
      Civil Nuclear Export Showcase 902W
      Electricity 903W
      Energy: Billing 904W
      Energy: Private Rented Housing 905W
      Green Deal Scheme 905W
      Members: Correspondence 905W
      Meters 906W
      Renewable Energy: Feed-in Tariffs 906W
      Solar Power 906W
      Third Sector 907W
      Warm Front Scheme 907W
      Warm Home Discount Scheme 908W
      Wind Power 908W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 889W
      Common Fisheries Policy 889W
      Marine Conservation Zones 890W
      Roads: Litter 890W
      Seal Conservation 890W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 941W
      British Antarctic Survey 941W
      China 942W
      Hotels: Hospitality 942W
      Occupied Territories 942W
      Scotland 943W
      Syria 943W
      Turks and Caicos Islands 943W
Health 898W
      Accident and Emergency Departments: Waiting Lists 898W
      Cardiovascular System: Health Services 898W
      Contraceptives 899W
      Infectious Diseases 899W
      Midwives 900W
      Patients: Illegal Immigrants 901W
      Prostate Cancer: Health Services 901W
Home Department 920W
      Antisocial Behaviour 920W
      Domestic Violence: Young People 920W
      Major Projects Leadership Academy 920W
      Marriage of Convenience 921W
      Metal Theft 921W
      Oil Theft 922W
      Tourism 922W
      Visits Abroad: Public Expenditure 923W
House of Commons Commission 891W
      Information and Communications Technology 891W
      Trees 891W
International Development 919W
      Hotels 919W
      Third Sector 919W
Justice 944W
      Court Orders: Compensation 944W
      Euthanasia: Prosecutions 951W
      Forced Marriage 952W
      Members: Correspondence 953W
      Prisoners: Pay 953W
      Racial Discrimination: Sports 944W
      Remand in Custody 953W
      Translation Services 953W
Scotland 918W
      Forth Bridge 919W
      Human Trafficking 918W
Transport 909W
      A49: Shropshire 909W
      Cycling: Safety 910W
      Departmental Data Protection 910W
      Departmental Pay 911W
      Driving Tests 912W
      East Anglia Railway Line 912W
      M54: Snow and Ice 912W
      Metal Theft 913W
      Network Rail: Compensation 913W
      Piracy 909W
      Rail Schemes: Inward Investment 909W
      Rescue Services 914W
      Roads 914W
      Roads: Accidents 916W
      Sustainable Transport 909W
      Transport: Finance 917W
      Transport: Health Services 918W
Treasury 925W
      Animation and Research: Meetings 925W
      Bank Levy 926W
      Civil Servants: Pay 926W
      Commission on Devolution in Wales 926W
      Departmental Work Experience 927W
      Employment 927W
      Gift Aid: Sports 927W
      Motor Vehicles: Insurance 928W
      National Insurance 928W
      Public Expenditure: Devolution 928W
      Public Sector: Pay 928W
      Student Loans Company: Pay 929W
      Sustainable Transport 930W
      Tax Avoidance: Pay 930W
      Third Sector 930W
      VAT: Business 931W
      VAT: Housing 931W
Women and Equalities 924W
      Departmental Data Protection 925W
      International Women’s Day 925W
      Public Lavatories 924W
      Sports Charter 924W
      Unemployment 925W
Work and Pensions 883W
      Departmental Data Protection 883W
      Departmental Responsibilities 884W
      E-mail 884W
      Employment and Support Allowance: Pensions 885W
      Farms: Accidents 886W
      Jobcentre Plus: Training 887W
      Procurement: Capital Bonds 883W
      UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 887W
      Universal Credit 888W
      Work Programme 888W
      Work Programme: Scotland 888W

Ministerial Corrections
Thursday 23 February 2012

Defence 4MC
      Military Aircraft: Procurement 4MC
Transport 1MC
      Cycling 1MC
      Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency: Manpower 1MC