Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 15 March 2012
culture, media and sport
mobile phones: fees and charges
theatres: museums and galleries
work and pensions
employment and support allowance
industrial health and safety: mining
house of commons commission
women and equalities
senior civil servants: ethnic minorities
northern ireland
police service of northern ireland: intelligence services
serious fraud office: manpower
written questions: government responses
energy and climate change
energy saving trust: consultants
renewable energy: feed-in tariffs
home department
domestic violence: human trafficking
entry clearances: domestic service
manufacturing industries: prosecutions
police and crime commissioners
sexual offences: foreign travel orders
nhs confederation: older people
shrewsbury and telford hospitals nhs trust
cabinet office
government departments: procurement
government departments: secondment
military aircraft: helicopters
aviation: environment protection
lorries: government assistance
communities and local government
senior civil servants: ethnic minorities staff
local government services: fees and charges
social rented housing: solar power
wind power: planning permission
international development
developing countries: private sector
developing countries: tuberculosis
foreign and commonwealth office
environment, food and rural affairs
senior civil servants: ethnic minorities
environment protection: eu law
business, innovation and skills
senior civil servants: ethnic minorities
telephone services: fees and charges
department relocation: wellingborough
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
15 March 2012
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 343W
Culture, Media and Sport [15 March 2012]
Broadband [15 March 2012]
Mobile Phones: Fees and Charges [15 March 2012]
Column: 344W
Olympic Games 2012: Contracts [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 345W
Telephone Services [15 March 2012]
Column: 346W
Column: 347W
Theatres: Museums and Galleries [15 March 2012]
Work and Pensions [15 March 2012]
Employment and Support Allowance [15 March 2012]
Employment Schemes [15 March 2012]
Column: 348W
Fraud [15 March 2012]
Housing Benefit [15 March 2012]
Industrial Health and Safety: Mining [15 March 2012]
Column: 349W
Jobcentre Plus: Complaints [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 350W
Column: 351W
Universal Credit [15 March 2012]
Column: 352W
Work Capability Assessment [15 March 2012]
House of Commons Commission [15 March 2012]
Lobbying [15 March 2012]
Women and Equalities [15 March 2012]
Senior Civil Servants: Ethnic Minorities [15 March 2012]
Column: 353W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Northern Ireland [15 March 2012]
Departmental Manpower [15 March 2012]
Column: 354W
Police Service of Northern Ireland: Intelligence Services [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Attorney-General [15 March 2012]
Courts: Interpreters [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 355W
Serious Fraud Office: Manpower [15 March 2012]
Wales [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Scotland [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 356W
Treasury [15 March 2012]
Tax Avoidance [15 March 2012]
Child Tax Credit: Birmingham [15 March 2012]
Infrastructure: Wales [15 March 2012]
Column: 357W
Overseas Trade: Libya [15 March 2012]
Personal Income [15 March 2012]
Column: 358W
Private Finance Initiative [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Taxation: Bingo [15 March 2012]
Column: 359W
VAT: Air Ambulance Services [15 March 2012]
VAT: Green Deal Scheme [15 March 2012]
Written Questions: Government Responses [15 March 2012]
Column: 360W
Energy and Climate Change [15 March 2012]
Energy Saving Trust: Consultants [15 March 2012]
Fossil Fuels: Exploration [15 March 2012]
Green Deal Scheme [15 March 2012]
Column: 361W
Local Energy Assessment Fund [15 March 2012]
Column: 362W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Renewable Energy [15 March 2012]
Column: 363W
Renewable Energy: Feed-in Tariffs [15 March 2012]
Renewable Energy: Scotland [15 March 2012]
Renewables Obligation [15 March 2012]
Column: 364W
Justice [15 March 2012]
Crime: Voluntary Workers [15 March 2012]
Families [15 March 2012]
Column: 365W
Fraud: EU Law [15 March 2012]
Organised Crime: Witnesses [15 March 2012]
Prison Sentences [15 March 2012]
Prisons [15 March 2012]
Column: 366W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Reoffenders [15 March 2012]
Column: 367W
Young Offenders: Islington [15 March 2012]
Column: 368W
Column: 369W
Column: 370W
Home Department [15 March 2012]
Asylum [15 March 2012]
Column: 371W
Crime: USA [15 March 2012]
ICT [15 March 2012]
Deportation [15 March 2012]
Column: 372W
Domestic Violence: Human Trafficking [15 March 2012]
Entry Clearances: Domestic Service [15 March 2012]
Column: 373W
G4S [15 March 2012]
Gurkhas [15 March 2012]
Column: 374W
Immigrants: EU Countries [15 March 2012]
Manufacturing Industries: Prosecutions [15 March 2012]
Column: 375W
Police and Crime Commissioners [15 March 2012]
Police: G4S [15 March 2012]
Column: 376W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 377W
Sexual Offences: Foreign Travel Orders [15 March 2012]
Health [15 March 2012]
Continuing Care [15 March 2012]
Drugs: Olympic Games 2012 [15 March 2012]
Column: 378W
Drugs: Shortages [15 March 2012]
Food [15 March 2012]
Meningitis [15 March 2012]
Column: 379W
NHS Confederation: Older People [15 March 2012]
NHS: Reorganisation [15 March 2012]
Column: 380W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 381W
Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust [15 March 2012]
Speech Therapy [15 March 2012]
Column: 382W
Cabinet Office [15 March 2012]
Government Departments: Procurement [15 March 2012]
Government Departments: Secondment [15 March 2012]
Mortality Rates [15 March 2012]
Column: 383W
Column: 384W
Column: 385W
Column: 386W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Unemployment: Disability [15 March 2012]
Defence [15 March 2012]
Libya: Immigration [15 March 2012]
Column: 387W
Military Aircraft: Helicopters [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 388W
Transport [15 March 2012]
Aviation: Environment Protection [15 March 2012]
Aviation: Working Hours [15 March 2012]
Civil Aviation Authority [15 March 2012]
Driving Tests: Motorcycles [15 March 2012]
Column: 389W
Lorries: EU Law [15 March 2012]
Lorries: Government Assistance [15 March 2012]
Metal Theft [15 March 2012]
Column: 390W
Public Transport: Safety [15 March 2012]
Railways: Electrification [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Column: 391W
Roads: Accidents [15 March 2012]
Column: 392W
Rolling Stock: Procurement [15 March 2012]
Swindon-Kemble Railway Line [15 March 2012]
Thames Estuary Airport [15 March 2012]
Column: 393W
Communities and Local Government [15 March 2012]
Action for Employment [15 March 2012]
Council Tax Benefits [15 March 2012]
Senior Civil Servants: Ethnic Minorities Staff [15 March 2012]
Column: 394W
Families [15 March 2012]
Fire Services [15 March 2012]
Column: 395W
Homelessness: Pendle [15 March 2012]
Incinerators: Shrewsbury [15 March 2012]
Column: 396W
Landlords: Registration [15 March 2012]
Liverpool Port: Finance [15 March 2012]
Local Government Services: Fees and Charges [15 March 2012]
Column: 397W
Non-domestic Rates [15 March 2012]
Planning Permission: Appeals [15 March 2012]
Column: 398W
Social Rented Housing: Solar Power [15 March 2012]
Social Services: Finance [15 March 2012]
Wind Power: Planning Permission [15 March 2012]
Column: 399W
International Development [15 March 2012]
Argentina [15 March 2012]
Column: 400W
Column: 401W
Column: 402W
Developing Countries: Private Sector [15 March 2012]
Developing Countries: Tuberculosis [15 March 2012]
Column: 403W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Sahel [15 March 2012]
Column: 404W
St Helena [15 March 2012]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [15 March 2012]
Air Travel [15 March 2012]
Bahrain [15 March 2012]
Column: 405W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Food [15 March 2012]
Column: 406W
Iran [15 March 2012]
Middle East [15 March 2012]
Column: 407W
Palestinians [15 March 2012]
Column: 408W
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Shaker Aamer [15 March 2012]
Syria [15 March 2012]
Column: 409W
Uganda [15 March 2012]
Column: 410W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [15 March 2012]
Apprentices [15 March 2012]
Senior Civil Servants: Ethnic Minorities [15 March 2012]
Online Services [15 March 2012]
Column: 411W
Departmental Responsibilities [15 March 2012]
Column: 412W
Secondment [15 March 2012]
Environment Protection: EU Law [15 March 2012]
Column: 413W
Farmers: Income [15 March 2012]
Food: Waste [15 March 2012]
Forests [15 March 2012]
Horses: Transport [15 March 2012]
Column: 414W
Natural Capital Committee [15 March 2012]
Natural Resources [15 March 2012]
Recycling: South Lakeland [15 March 2012]
Column: 415W
Timber: Waste [15 March 2012]
Column: 416W
Water Supply: Prices [15 March 2012]
Column: 417W
Column: 418W
Column: 419W
Column: 420W
Business, Innovation and Skills [15 March 2012]
Deregulation [15 March 2012]
University Applications [15 March 2012]
Senior Civil Servants: Ethnic Minorities [15 March 2012]
Employment: Economic Growth [15 March 2012]
Column: 421W
Food Procurement [15 March 2012]
Post Offices: Photography [15 March 2012]
Column: 422W
Regional Growth Fund [15 March 2012]
Regulation [15 March 2012]
Royal Mail: Pensions [15 March 2012]
Telephone Services: Fees and Charges [15 March 2012]
Column: 423W
Trade Agreements: South Korea [15 March 2012]
Trading Standards [15 March 2012]
Department Relocation: Wellingborough [15 March 2012]
Education [15 March 2012]
Adoption [15 March 2012]
Column: 424W
Child Protection Review [15 March 2012]
Column: 425W
Child Abuse [15 March 2012]
Children: Day Care [15 March 2012]
Column: 426W
Child Protection [15 March 2012]
Column: 427W
Families [15 March 2012]
Food Procurement [15 March 2012]
Column: 428W
GCE A Level [15 March 2012]
GCSE [15 March 2012]
Column: 429W
Column: 430W
Column: 431W
Column: 432W
Column: 433W
Column: 434W
Column: 435W
Geography: GCSE [15 March 2012]
Grammar Schools [15 March 2012]
Column: 436W