Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 21 March 2012
house of commons commission
culture, media and sport
northern ireland
communities and local government
areas of outstanding natural beauty: planning permission
work and pensions
employment and support allowance
employment and support allowance: birmingham
employment schemes: young people
health and safety executive: redundancy
new enterprise allowance: birmingham
foreign and commonwealth office
armed forces: post-traumatic stress disorder
general practitioners: training
pancreatic cancer: health services
environment, food and rural affairs
natural england: operating costs
business, innovation and skills
assisted areas: northern ireland
english language: qualifications
inward investment: west midlands
learning and skills improvement service
international development
energy and climate change
environment protection: taxation
special educational needs: complaints
air passenger duty: northern ireland
cabinet office
voluntary and community sector
driving offences: mobile phones
presumption of death (scotland) act 1997
home department
british overseas citizenship: malaysia
independent police complaints commission
national policing improvement agency: public appointments
women and equalities
equality and human rights commission: scotland
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
21 March 2012
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 693W
House of Commons Commission [21 March 2012]
Food Waste [21 March 2012]
Culture, Media and Sport [21 March 2012]
Betting: Dormant Accounts [21 March 2012]
Broadband [21 March 2012]
Column: 694W
Digital Technology [21 March 2012]
Libraries [21 March 2012]
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Column: 695W
Northern Ireland [21 March 2012]
Lost Property [21 March 2012]
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Parades Commission [21 March 2012]
Terrorism [21 March 2012]
Column: 696W
Welfare Reform Act 2012 [21 March 2012]
Work Experience [21 March 2012]
Column: 697W
Wales [21 March 2012]
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Work Experience [21 March 2012]
Communities and Local Government [21 March 2012]
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty: Planning Permission [21 March 2012]
Column: 698W
Building Regulations [21 March 2012]
Landlords [21 March 2012]
Local Government: Newspapers [21 March 2012]
Column: 699W
Localism Act 2011 [21 March 2012]
NewBuy Guarantee Scheme [21 March 2012]
Parish Councils: Bureaucracy [21 March 2012]
Column: 700W
Shared Room Rate: Lancashire [21 March 2012]
Wind Power: Shropshire [21 March 2012]
Column: 701W
Work Experience [21 March 2012]
Column: 702W
Work and Pensions [21 March 2012]
Access to Work Programme [21 March 2012]
Column: 703W
Column: 704W
Column: 705W
Column: 706W
Atos Healthcare [21 March 2012]
Attendance Allowance [21 March 2012]
Column: 707W
Employment and Support Allowance [21 March 2012]
Employment and Support Allowance: Birmingham [21 March 2012]
Employment Schemes [21 March 2012]
Column: 708W
Employment Schemes: Bicycles [21 March 2012]
Column: 709W
Employment Schemes: Young People [21 March 2012]
Health and Safety Executive: Redundancy [21 March 2012]
Income [21 March 2012]
Information Commissioner [21 March 2012]
Column: 710W
Mobility Vehicles [21 March 2012]
Jobseeker's Allowance [21 March 2012]
Lost Property [21 March 2012]
New Enterprise Allowance: Birmingham [21 March 2012]
Column: 711W
Personal Independence Payment [21 March 2012]
Column: 712W
Remploy [21 March 2012]
Remploy: Redundancy [21 March 2012]
Column: 713W
Remploy: Wales [21 March 2012]
Social Security Benefits [21 March 2012]
Column: 714W
Column: 715W
Column: 716W
Unemployment: Poverty [21 March 2012]
Column: 717W
Column: 718W
Column: 719W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [21 March 2012]
Afghanistan [21 March 2012]
Belarus [21 March 2012]
Democratic Republic of Congo [21 March 2012]
Iceland [21 March 2012]
Column: 720W
Information Commissioner [21 March 2012]
Libya [21 March 2012]
Column: 721W
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Middle East [21 March 2012]
Column: 722W
Palestinians [21 March 2012]
Tunisia [21 March 2012]
Column: 723W
Defence [21 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Housing [21 March 2012]
Column: 724W
Armed Forces: Life Insurance [21 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Married People [21 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder [21 March 2012]
Column: 725W
Freedom of Information [21 March 2012]
Katrice Lee [21 March 2012]
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Navy: Reserve Forces [21 March 2012]
Column: 726W
Reserve Forces: South East [21 March 2012]
Veterans: Staffordshire [21 March 2012]
War Pensions [21 March 2012]
Work Experience [21 March 2012]
Column: 727W
Transport [21 March 2012]
Bus Services: Birmingham [21 March 2012]
Column: 728W
Bus Services: Concessions [21 March 2012]
Driving Under Influence [21 March 2012]
Column: 729W
High Speed 2 Railway Line [21 March 2012]
McKinsey and Company [21 March 2012]
Moor Vehicles: Imports [21 March 2012]
Procurement [21 March 2012]
Column: 730W
Railways: Electrification [21 March 2012]
Railways: North West [21 March 2012]
Road Works: Fees and Charges [21 March 2012]
Column: 731W
Health [21 March 2012]
Diabetes: Health Services [21 March 2012]
Drugs: Prisons [21 March 2012]
Column: 732W
General Practitioners: Training [21 March 2012]
Lost Property [21 March 2012]
Column: 733W
Column: 734W
Lung Cancer: Health Services [21 March 2012]
Column: 735W
Column: 736W
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
MMR Vaccine [21 March 2012]
NHS: Drugs [21 March 2012]
Column: 737W
NHS: Standards [21 March 2012]
Column: 738W
Nutrition: Children [21 March 2012]
Pancreatic Cancer: Health Services [21 March 2012]
Column: 739W
Tuberculosis [21 March 2012]
Column: 740W
Vaccination: Schools [21 March 2012]
Work Experience [21 March 2012]
Column: 741W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [21 March 2012]
Biodiversity: Havering [21 March 2012]
BSE: USA [21 March 2012]
Column: 742W
Dangerous Dogs [21 March 2012]
Column: 743W
Farmers [21 March 2012]
Food Supply [21 March 2012]
Horses: Passports [21 March 2012]
Natural England: Operating Costs [21 March 2012]
Column: 744W
Poultry: EU Law [21 March 2012]
Regulation [21 March 2012]
Column: 745W
Column: 746W
Column: 747W
Regulation [21 March 2012]
Column: 748W
Business, Innovation and Skills [21 March 2012]
Assisted Areas: Northern Ireland [21 March 2012]
Column: 749W
Construction [21 March 2012]
Digital Technology [21 March 2012]
Column: 750W
English Language: Qualifications [21 March 2012]
Exports: Angola [21 March 2012]
Exports: Niger [21 March 2012]
Foreign Investment in UK [21 March 2012]
Column: 751W
ICT [21 March 2012]
Column: 752W
Inward Investment: West Midlands [21 March 2012]
Column: 753W
Learning and Skills Improvement Service [21 March 2012]
Overseas Trade: Africa [21 March 2012]
Overseas Trade: Algeria [21 March 2012]
Column: 754W
Regulation [21 March 2012]
Tobacco: Packaging [21 March 2012]
Column: 755W
UK Trade & Investment: Libya [21 March 2012]
Column: 756W
International Development [21 March 2012]
Bangladesh [21 March 2012]
Bangladesh: Overseas Aid [21 March 2012]
British Overseas Territories [21 March 2012]
Information Commissioner [21 March 2012]
Column: 757W
Lost Property [21 March 2012]
Procurement [21 March 2012]
Rwanda [21 March 2012]
Column: 758W
Work Experience [21 March 2012]
Energy and Climate Change [21 March 2012]
British Overseas Territories [21 March 2012]
Energy: Billing [21 March 2012]
Column: 759W
Energy: Carbon Emissions [21 March 2012]
Column: 760W
Energy: Prices [21 March 2012]
Environment Protection [21 March 2012]
Column: 761W
Environment Protection: Taxation [21 March 2012]
Green Deal Scheme [21 March 2012]
Column: 762W
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Nuclear Power [21 March 2012]
Renewable Energy [21 March 2012]
Column: 763W
Wind Power: Health Hazards [21 March 2012]
Wind Power: Seas and Oceans [21 March 2012]
Column: 765W
Education [21 March 2012]
Adoption: Kent [21 March 2012]
Column: 766W
Column: 767W
Column: 768W
Media Monitoring [21 March 2012]
Pupils: Peterborough [21 March 2012]
Column: 769W
Column: 770W
Column: 771W
Column: 772W
Column: 773W
Column: 774W
Schools: Asbestos [21 March 2012]
Schools: Fire Sprinklers [21 March 2012]
Special Educational Needs: Complaints [21 March 2012]
Column: 775W
Treasury [21 March 2012]
Air Passenger Duty: Northern Ireland [21 March 2012]
Gift Aid [21 March 2012]
ICT [21 March 2012]
Column: 776W
Income Tax: Rates and Bands [21 March 2012]
Column: 777W
Inheritance Tax [21 March 2012]
VAT: Third Sector [21 March 2012]
Column: 778W
Cabinet Office [21 March 2012]
Voluntary and Community Sector [21 March 2012]
Open Source Software [21 March 2012]
Public Sector Procurement [21 March 2012]
Column: 779W
Population: Unitary Councils [21 March 2012]
Unemployment [21 March 2012]
Column: 780W
Voluntary Work [21 March 2012]
Justice [21 March 2012]
Claims Management Services [21 March 2012]
Column: 781W
Driving Offences: Mobile Phones [21 March 2012]
Employment Tribunals Service [21 March 2012]
Column: 782W
Presumption of Death (Scotland) Act 1997 [21 March 2012]
Prisons: Drugs [21 March 2012]
Translation Services [21 March 2012]
Home Department [21 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Pricing [21 March 2012]
Column: 785W
British Overseas Citizenship: Malaysia [21 March 2012]
Cybercrime [21 March 2012]
Deportation: Offenders [21 March 2012]
Column: 786W
Immigration Controls [21 March 2012]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [21 March 2012]
Information Commissioner [21 March 2012]
Column: 787W
National Policing Improvement Agency: Public Appointments [21 March 2012]
Police: Baton Rounds [21 March 2012]
Police: Private Sector [21 March 2012]
Column: 788W
Police: Public Finance [21 March 2012]
Private Investigators [21 March 2012]
Sexual Offences: Registration [21 March 2012]
Suicide [21 March 2012]
Column: 789W
Police Response: Rural Areas [21 March 2012]
Column: 790W