Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 27 March 2012
women and equalities
northern ireland
police service of northern ireland
serious organised crime agency
culture, media and sport
prime minister
environment, food and rural affairs
dogs: electronic training aids
departmental expenditure: drinks
english language: national curriculum tests
young people: alcoholic drinks
work and pensions
social security benefits: fraud
intelligence and security committee
iraq conflict: depleted uranium
nuclear power stations: safety
driver and vehicle licensing agency
large goods vehicles: fees and charges
cabinet office
business appointments advisory committee
communities and local government
affordable housing: birmingham
temporary accommodation: rural areas
troubled families initiative: peterborough
wind power: planning permission
remand in custody: expenditure
family courts: expert evidence
hague convention on civil aspects of international child abduction
international development
developing countries: tuberculosis
energy and climate change
combined heat and power: biofuels
environment protection: taxation
power stations: carbon emissions
renewable heat incentive scheme
foreign and commonwealth office
excise duties: alcoholic drinks
taxation: multinational companies
public health responsibility deal
care quality commission: consultants
general practitioners: management consultants
health visitors: crimes of violence
health: management consultants
maternity services: greater london
muscular dystrophy: east midlands
pancreatic cancer: health services
home department
alcoholic drinks: excise duties
crime prevention: motor vehicles
entry clearances: foreign workers
equality and human rights commission
foreign workers: domestic service
immigration controls: olympic games 2012
metropolitan police: public appointments
police and crime commissioners
business, innovation and skills
higher education: private sector
technology strategy board: expenditure
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
27 March 2012
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 1017W
Column: 1017W
Written Answers to Questions [27 March 2012]
Women and Equalities [27 March 2012]
Business: Females [27 March 2012]
Fiscal Policy: Females [27 March 2012]
Column: 1018W
Work Experience [27 March 2012]
Northern Ireland [27 March 2012]
Departmental Responsibilities [27 March 2012]
Police Service of Northern Ireland [27 March 2012]
Column: 1019W
Serious Organised Crime Agency [27 March 2012]
Scotland [27 March 2012]
Media Monitoring [27 March 2012]
Wales [27 March 2012]
Devolution [27 March 2012]
Health and Social Care Bill [27 March 2012]
Column: 1020W
Public Sector: Pay [27 March 2012]
Remploy [27 March 2012]
Culture, Media and Sport [27 March 2012]
Arts: Crime Prevention [27 March 2012]
Column: 1021W
Betting: Dormant Accounts [27 March 2012]
Broadband [27 March 2012]
Column: 1022W
Broadband: North East [27 March 2012]
Leisure: Industry [27 March 2012]
Manpower [27 March 2012]
Column: 1023W
Olympic Games 2012 [27 March 2012]
Radio Frequencies [27 March 2012]
Remploy [27 March 2012]
Column: 1024W
Sports [27 March 2012]
Sports: Schools [27 March 2012]
Prime Minister [27 March 2012]
Early Intervention Foundation [27 March 2012]
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [27 March 2012]
Dogs: Electronic Training Aids [27 March 2012]
Column: 1025W
Food [27 March 2012]
Food: Exports [27 March 2012]
Column: 1026W
Manpower [27 March 2012]
Nature Conservation: EU Law [27 March 2012]
Rural Areas: Broadband [27 March 2012]
Column: 1027W
Schmallenberg Virus [27 March 2012]
Taxis [27 March 2012]
Attorney-General [27 March 2012]
Work Experience [27 March 2012]
Column: 1028W
Education [27 March 2012]
Academies: Pensions [27 March 2012]
Catering [27 March 2012]
Column: 1029W
Children’s Centres: Leeds [27 March 2012]
Citizenship: Education [27 March 2012]
Day Care: North East [27 March 2012]
Column: 1030W
Departmental Expenditure: Drinks [27 March 2012]
English Baccalaureate [27 March 2012]
English Language: National Curriculum Tests [27 March 2012]
Column: 1031W
Column: 1032W
Free Schools [27 March 2012]
Free Schools: School Meals [27 March 2012]
GCSEs: GCE A-Levels [27 March 2012]
Column: 1033W
Column: 1034W
Column: 1035W
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
Literacy: Teaching Methods [27 March 2012]
Pupils: Disadvantaged [27 March 2012]
Column: 1036W
Remploy [27 March 2012]
Schools: Admissions [27 March 2012]
Schools: Birmingham [27 March 2012]
Schools: Fire Extinguishers [27 March 2012]
Column: 1037W
Schools: Inspections [27 March 2012]
Schools: Sanitation [27 March 2012]
Teachers: Trade Unions [27 March 2012]
Teachers: Training [27 March 2012]
Column: 1038W
Teachers: Wales [27 March 2012]
Column: 1039W
Truancy: Leeds [27 March 2012]
Young People: Alcoholic Drinks [27 March 2012]
Column: 1040W
Work and Pensions [27 March 2012]
Action for Employment [27 March 2012]
Apprentices: Pay [27 March 2012]
Column: 1041W
Consultants [27 March 2012]
Disability [27 March 2012]
Disability Living Allowance [27 March 2012]
Column: 1042W
Fuel Poverty [27 March 2012]
Housing Benefit [27 March 2012]
Column: 1043W
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
New Enterprise Allowance [27 March 2012]
Occupational Pensions [27 March 2012]
Column: 1044W
Pay [27 March 2012]
Personal Income [27 March 2012]
Column: 1045W
Personal Independence Payment [27 March 2012]
Column: 1046W
Remploy [27 March 2012]
Remploy: Wales [27 March 2012]
Column: 1047W
Social Security Benefits: Fraud [27 March 2012]
Unemployed People: Travel [27 March 2012]
Universal Credit [27 March 2012]
Column: 1048W
Work Capability Assessment [27 March 2012]
Defence [27 March 2012]
Afghanistan [27 March 2012]
Column: 1049W
Air Force: Languages [27 March 2012]
Air Travel [27 March 2012]
Aircraft Carriers [27 March 2012]
Column: 1050W
Armed Forces [27 March 2012]
Column: 1051W
Armed Forces: Police [27 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Scotland [27 March 2012]
Defence [27 March 2012]
Column: 1052W
Falkland Islands [27 March 2012]
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
Intelligence and Security Committee [27 March 2012]
Column: 1053W
Iraq Conflict: Depleted Uranium [27 March 2012]
Joint Strike Fighter Aircraft [27 March 2012]
Column: 1054W
Military Aircraft [27 March 2012]
Military Bases [27 March 2012]
Column: 1055W
Ministry of Defence Police [27 March 2012]
Nuclear Power Stations: Safety [27 March 2012]
RAF Menwith Hill [27 March 2012]
Column: 1056W
Somalia: Piracy [27 March 2012]
Syria [27 March 2012]
Taxis [27 March 2012]
Transport [27 March 2012]
Cycling: Safety [27 March 2012]
Column: 1057W
Column: 1058W
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency [27 March 2012]
Column: 1059W
High Speed 2 Railway Line [27 March 2012]
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
Large Goods Vehicles: Fees and Charges [27 March 2012]
Column: 1060W
Olympic Games 2012 [27 March 2012]
Railways: Fares [27 March 2012]
Rescue Services [27 March 2012]
Column: 1061W
Traffic Penalty Tribunal [27 March 2012]
Column: 1062W
Cabinet Office [27 March 2012]
Business Appointments Advisory Committee [27 March 2012]
Manpower [27 March 2012]
Column: 1063W
Statistics [27 March 2012]
Transport: Costs [27 March 2012]
Column: 1064W
Communities and Local Government [27 March 2012]
Affordable Housing: Birmingham [27 March 2012]
Column: 1065W
Community Relations [27 March 2012]
Fire Extinguishers: Schools [27 March 2012]
Fire Prevention: Free Schools [27 March 2012]
Column: 1066W
Housing: Energy [27 March 2012]
Housing: Rural Areas [27 March 2012]
Column: 1067W
Shared Ownership Schemes [27 March 2012]
Social Rented Housing [27 March 2012]
Temporary Accommodation: Rural Areas [27 March 2012]
Column: 1068W
Troubled Families Initiative: Peterborough [27 March 2012]
Column: 1069W
Wind Power: Planning Permission [27 March 2012]
Justice [27 March 2012]
Remand in Custody: Expenditure [27 March 2012]
Column: 1070W
Bill of Rights [27 March 2012]
Chief Coroner [27 March 2012]
Column: 1071W
Corruption: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Courts: Translation Services [27 March 2012]
Column: 1072W
Criminal Records: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Departmental Expenditure [27 March 2012]
Column: 1073W
Employment Tribunals Service [27 March 2012]
Column: 1074W
Family Courts: Expert Evidence [27 March 2012]
Fines: EU Law [27 March 2012]
Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction [27 March 2012]
Column: 1075W
Legal Aid Scheme [27 March 2012]
Column: 1076W
Location [27 March 2012]
Prisoners [27 March 2012]
Column: 1077W
Prisons: Private Sector [27 March 2012]
Column: 1078W
Telephone Tapping: Business [27 March 2012]
International Development [27 March 2012]
Developing Countries: Tuberculosis [27 March 2012]
Column: 1079W
Iraq [27 March 2012]
Sri Lanka [27 March 2012]
Energy and Climate Change [27 March 2012]
Clean Coal Technology [27 March 2012]
Column: 1080W
Combined Heat and Power: Biofuels [27 March 2012]
Energy: Carbon Emissions [27 March 2012]
Column: 1081W
Energy: Disconnections [27 March 2012]
Energy: Meters [27 March 2012]
Column: 1082W
Energy: Prices [27 March 2012]
Environment Protection [27 March 2012]
Column: 1083W
Environment Protection: Taxation [27 March 2012]
Green Deal Scheme [27 March 2012]
Column: 1084W
Manpower [27 March 2012]
Column: 1085W
Power Stations: Carbon Emissions [27 March 2012]
Renewable Energy [27 March 2012]
Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme [27 March 2012]
Column: 1086W
Renewables Obligation [27 March 2012]
Wind Power [27 March 2012]
Column: 1087W
Wind Power: Seas and Oceans [27 March 2012]
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [27 March 2012]
1 Carlton Gardens [27 March 2012]
Column: 1088W
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
Column: 1089W
Iraq [27 March 2012]
Column: 1090W
Libya [27 March 2012]
Column: 1091W
Mauritania [27 March 2012]
Syria [27 March 2012]
Column: 1092W
Treasury [27 March 2012]
Child Benefit [27 March 2012]
Column: 1093W
Column: 1094W
CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme [27 March 2012]
Recruitment [27 March 2012]
Column: 1095W
Employment Agencies [27 March 2012]
Column: 1096W
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks [27 March 2012]
Income Tax: Rates and Bands [27 March 2012]
Column: 1097W
Minimum Wage [27 March 2012]
PAYE [27 March 2012]
Column: 1098W
Stamp Duty Land Tax [27 March 2012]
Taxation: Multinational Companies [27 March 2012]
Tobacco: Smuggling [27 March 2012]
Column: 1099W
VAT [27 March 2012]
Welfare Tax Credits [27 March 2012]
Column: 1100W
Health [27 March 2012]
NHS: Scotland [27 March 2012]
Public Health Responsibility Deal [27 March 2012]
Private Health Care Sector [27 March 2012]
GP Waiting Times [27 March 2012]
Column: 1101W
Health Allocation Formula [27 March 2012]
NHS: Scotland [27 March 2012]
Asperger’s Syndrome [27 March 2012]
Column: 1102W
Care Quality Commission [27 March 2012]
Care Quality Commission: Consultants [27 March 2012]
Column: 1103W
Column: 1104W
Column: 1105W
Cholesterol [27 March 2012]
Contraceptives [27 March 2012]
Crosby-Textor [27 March 2012]
Column: 1106W
Doctors: Training [27 March 2012]
Epilepsy: Health Services [27 March 2012]
Column: 1107W
General Practitioners [27 March 2012]
Column: 1108W
General Practitioners: Management Consultants [27 March 2012]
Health Visitors: Crimes of Violence [27 March 2012]
Column: 1109W
Health: Management Consultants [27 March 2012]
Herbal Medicine: EU Law [27 March 2012]
Column: 1110W
Hospital Beds [27 March 2012]
Maternity Services: Greater London [27 March 2012]
Monitor: Consultants [27 March 2012]
Column: 1111W
Column: 1112W
Monitor: McKinsey and Company [27 March 2012]
Muscular Dystrophy: East Midlands [27 March 2012]
NHS Foundation Trusts [27 March 2012]
Column: 1113W
NHS: Advocacy [27 March 2012]
Column: 1114W
NHS: Management Consultants [27 March 2012]
Column: 1115W
NHS: Standards [27 March 2012]
NHS: Theft [27 March 2012]
Pancreatic Cancer: Health Services [27 March 2012]
Column: 1116W
Column: 1117W
Prostate Cancer [27 March 2012]
Royal Sussex County Hospital [27 March 2012]
Column: 1118W
Tuberculosis [27 March 2012]
Column: 1119W
Home Department [27 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Excise Duties [27 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [27 March 2012]
Aviation: Security [27 March 2012]
British Nationality: Families [27 March 2012]
Column: 1120W
Crime Prevention: Motor Vehicles [27 March 2012]
Drugs: Crime [27 March 2012]
Column: 1121W
Drugs: Regulation [27 March 2012]
Column: 1122W
Entry Clearances: Foreign Workers [27 March 2012]
Column: 1123W
Equality and Human Rights Commission [27 March 2012]
Foreign Workers: Domestic Service [27 March 2012]
Column: 1124W
Freezing Orders: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Immigration [27 March 2012]
Column: 1125W
Immigration Controls: Olympic Games 2012 [27 March 2012]
Immigration: Lewisham [27 March 2012]
Immunity Certificates [27 March 2012]
Column: 1126W
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
Lasers [27 March 2012]
Lost Property [27 March 2012]
Column: 1127W
Metropolitan Police: Public Appointments [27 March 2012]
Money Laundering [27 March 2012]
Olympic Games 2012 [27 March 2012]
Column: 1128W
Organised Crime [27 March 2012]
Organised Crime: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [27 March 2012]
Column: 1129W
Police: Private Sector [27 March 2012]
Column: 1130W
Proceeds of Crime: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Security: Football [27 March 2012]
Column: 1131W
Taxis [27 March 2012]
Metal Theft [27 March 2012]
UK Border Agency: Manpower [27 March 2012]
UK Border Force [27 March 2012]
Column: 1132W
UK Border Force: Manpower [27 March 2012]
War Crimes: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Business, Innovation and Skills [27 March 2012]
Arms Trade [27 March 2012]
Column: 1133W
Basic Skills [27 March 2012]
Business: Loans [27 March 2012]
Column: 1134W
Catering [27 March 2012]
Duke of York [27 March 2012]
Column: 1135W
EU Internal Trade [27 March 2012]
Exports: Bahrain [27 March 2012]
Column: 1136W
Exports: Egypt [27 March 2012]
Exports: Libya [27 March 2012]
Column: 1137W
Exports: Syria [27 March 2012]
Exports: Tunisia [27 March 2012]
Column: 1138W
Column: 1139W
Exports: Yemen [27 March 2012]
Column: 1140W
Foreign Companies [27 March 2012]
Column: 1141W
Higher Education: Private Sector [27 March 2012]
Intellectual Property [27 March 2012]
Intellectual Property Office [27 March 2012]
Column: 1142W
Mature Students [27 March 2012]
Column: 1143W
Column: 1144W
Column: 1145W
Column: 1146W
Property Development [27 March 2012]
Research [27 March 2012]
Column: 1147W
Technology Strategy Board: Expenditure [27 March 2012]
Training [27 March 2012]
Column: 1148W