Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers

543 291

House of Commons Written Answers 19 April 2012



prosecutions: business

church commissioners

metal theft

home department

animal experiments


child protection

cycling: pavements

deportation: gary mckinnon

female genital mutilation

hizb ut-tahrir

human trafficking

human trafficking: children

immigration: students

human trafficking

members: correspondence

national policing improvement agency


passports: scotland

peter cruddas

preventing programme

proceeds of crime

refugees: asylum

refugees: kuwait

rob whiteman: pay

sarah southern

metal theft


uk borders

work and pensions

child maintenance

deep-vein thrombosis

guaranteed minimum pensions

housing benefit

pension credit

universal credit




asperger’s syndrome

brain tumours

cleveland fire brigade

health services: north yorkshire

information officers

leukaemia: drugs

nhs north of england strategic health authority

north yorkshire and york primary care trust

nottingham university hospitals nhs trust


prescription drugs



social services



women and equalities

sexual harassment


black and minority ethnic communities


equality and human rights commission

human rights: religion

marriage: eu action


civil servants: code of practice



vodafone group

electoral commission committee

electoral register: students

energy and climate change

carbon emissions

community energy saving programme

community energy saving programme


environment protection

fuel poverty

green deal scheme

official visits

renewable energy: feed-in tariffs

renewables obligation

sarah southern

solar power

tidal power

warm front scheme

foreign and commonwealth office


democratic republic of congo




private military and security companies



environment, food and rural affairs

agriculture: droughts

animal welfare


electricity generation

farms: taxation


fishery agreements


public bodies

un convention on the law of the sea

water supply

international development

developing countries: children

developing countries: food prices

developing countries: females



confiscation orders

corston review

crime: victims

foreign companies

legal profession: pay

prison sentences: females

prison service

prisoners: voting rights

prisoners: self-harm

translation services

young offenders: haringey

culture, media and sport


broadband: liverpool

ministerial meetings

listed places of worship grant scheme

members: correspondence

olympic games 2012

sports: charitable donations


communities and local government

disabled facilities grants

high speed 2 railway line

high street review

infrastructure: environment protection

local nature partnerships

localism act 2011

parking: fees and charges

peter cruddas

planning permission

sarah southern


aircraft carriers

armed forces: allowances

armed forces: housing

armed forces: surveillance

armoured fighting vehicles

army: scotland


defence equipment

defence equipment and support

falkland islands

military aircraft


sentry aircraft



budget march 2012

child benefit


income tax: tax rates and bands

land: sales


money advice service

public sector: pay

tax allowances: motor vehicles


welfare tax credits



children: obesity


gcse: disadvantaged pupils

music education

nursery schools


pupil exclusions

special educational needs


airport expansion: south-east

trunk roads

bus service operator grant

high speed 2 railway line

public transport: london

local transport schemes: funding

energy use

bus fares

blue badge scheme

driving: licensing

heathrow airport

official cars

motor vehicles: excise duties


railways: electrification

railways: franchises

rolling stock


shipping: government assistance

shipping: pollution

tonnage tax

vodafone group

cabinet office



departmental standards

efficiency and reform group

entry clearances: iran

national lottery

business, innovation and skills

airbus sas: china


aviation: eu emissions trading scheme

small businesses

small business: research

export controls: drugs

higher education: admissions

oecd: multinational companies

office of fair trading

postage stamps: prices

students: fees and charges

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
19 April 2012

543 291

Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 455W

Written Answers to Questions [19 April 2012]

Attorney-General [19 April 2012]

Prosecutions [19 April 2012]

Mr Thomas:

The Attorney-General:

Prosecutions: Business [19 April 2012]

Emily Thornberry:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 456W

Church Commissioners [19 April 2012]

Metal Theft [19 April 2012]

Jonathan Lord:

Tony Baldry:

Home Department [19 April 2012]

Animal Experiments [19 April 2012]

Henry Smith:

Lynne Featherstone:

Asylum [19 April 2012]

Jon Cruddas:

Column: 457W

Damian Green:

Jon Cruddas:

Damian Green:

Child Protection [19 April 2012]

Lisa Nandy:

Fiona Mactaggart:

Lynne Featherstone:

Cycling: Pavements [19 April 2012]

Stephen Pound:

Column: 458W

Nick Herbert:

Deportation: Gary McKinnon [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Damian Green:

Female Genital Mutilation [19 April 2012]

Mr Spellar:

Lynne Featherstone:

Hizb ut-Tahrir [19 April 2012]

Mr Spellar:

James Brokenshire:

Human Trafficking [19 April 2012]

Fiona Mactaggart:

Column: 459W

Fiona Mactaggart:

Damian Green:

Mark Durkan:

Damian Green:

Human Trafficking: Children [19 April 2012]

John Robertson:

Damian Green:

Immigration: Students [19 April 2012]

Nicholas Soames:

Damian Green

Column: 460W

Human Trafficking [19 April 2012]

Andrew Selous:

Damian Green:

Members: Correspondence [19 April 2012]

Sir Gerald Kaufman:

Damian Green:

National Policing Improvement Agency [19 April 2012]

Mr Hanson:

Nick Herbert:

Passports [19 April 2012]

Mrs Moon:

Damian Green:

Column: 461W

Passports: Scotland [19 April 2012]

John Robertson:

Damian Green:

Peter Cruddas [19 April 2012]

John Robertson:

Damian Green

Preventing Programme [19 April 2012]

Andrew Selous:

James Brokenshire:

Column: 462W

Proceeds of Crime [19 April 2012]

Tom Blenkinsop:

James Brokenshire:

Refugees: Asylum [19 April 2012]

Mike Wood:

Damian Green:

Refugees: Kuwait [19 April 2012]

Mike Wood:

Damian Green:

Column: 463W

Rob Whiteman: Pay [19 April 2012]

Mark Reckless:

Damian Green:

Sarah Southern [19 April 2012]

John Robertson:

Damian Green

Metal Theft [19 April 2012]

Graham Jones:

James Brokenshire:

Graham Jones:

Damian Green:

Ian Austin:

James Brokenshire:

Ian Austin:

Column: 464W

James Brokenshire:

Ian Austin:

James Brokenshire:

Ian Austin:

James Brokenshire:

Ian Austin:

James Brokenshire:

Travellers [19 April 2012]

Graham Jones:

Column: 465W

Nick Herbert:

UK Borders [19 April 2012]

Chris Bryant:

Damian Green:

Work and Pensions [19 April 2012]

Child Maintenance [19 April 2012]

Oliver Heald:

Maria Miller:

Column: 466W

Deep-vein Thrombosis [19 April 2012]

Andrew Gwynne:

Chris Grayling:

Guaranteed Minimum Pensions [19 April 2012]

Brandon Lewis:

Steve Webb:

Column: 467W

Housing Benefit [19 April 2012]

Mrs Moon:

Steve Webb:

Pension Credit [19 April 2012]

Ann Coffey:

Steve Webb:

Universal Credit [19 April 2012]

Stephen Timms:

Chris Grayling:

Stephen Timms:

Chris Grayling:

Column: 468W

Stephen Timms:

Chris Grayling:

Health [19 April 2012]

Abortion [19 April 2012]

Andy Burnham:

Anne Milton:

Antibiotics [19 April 2012]

Dr Huppert:

Mr Simon Burns:

Asperger’s Syndrome [19 April 2012]

Richard Harrington:

Paul Burstow:

Column: 469W

Brain Tumours [19 April 2012]

Andrew Selous:

Paul Burstow:

Andrew Selous:

Mr Simon Burns:

Column: 470W

Cleveland Fire Brigade [19 April 2012]

Tom Blenkinsop:

Paul Burstow:

Health Services: North Yorkshire [19 April 2012]

Julian Smith:

Mr Simon Burns:

Information Officers [19 April 2012]

Ms Abbott:

Mr Simon Burns:

Ms Abbott:

Mr Simon Burns:

Leukaemia: Drugs [19 April 2012]

Karl McCartney:

Column: 471W

Mr Simon Burns:

NHS North of England Strategic Health Authority [19 April 2012]

Julian Smith:

Mr Simon Burns:

North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust [19 April 2012]

Julian Smith:

Mr Simon Burns:

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust [19 April 2012]

Chris Leslie:

Column: 472W

Mr Simon Burns:

Obesity [19 April 2012]

Margot James:

Anne Milton:

Margot James:

Anne Milton:

Column: 473W

Column: 474W

Margot James:

Paul Burstow:

Margot James:

Anne Milton:

Prescription Drugs [19 April 2012]

Chris Ruane:

Mr Simon Burns:

Column: 475W

Radiotherapy [19 April 2012]

Tessa Munt:

Column: 476W

Paul Burstow:

Tessa Munt:

Mr Simon Burns:

Column: 477W

Schizophrenia [19 April 2012]

Mr Buckland:

Paul Burstow:

Social Services [19 April 2012]

Richard Harrington:

Paul Burstow:

Thromboembolism [19 April 2012]

Andrew Gwynne:

Anne Milton:

Column: 478W

Tuberculosis [19 April 2012]

Mr Virendra Sharma:

Anne Milton:

Women and Equalities [19 April 2012]

Sexual Harassment [19 April 2012]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Lynne Featherstone:

Unemployment [19 April 2012]

Joan Walley:

Mrs May:

Black and Minority Ethnic Communities [19 April 2012]

Shabana Mahmood:

Maria Miller:

Column: 479W

Christianity [19 April 2012]

Mr Bone:

Lynne Featherstone:

Equality and Human Rights Commission [19 April 2012]

Kate Green:

Lynne Featherstone:

Human Rights: Religion [19 April 2012]

Karl McCartney:

Lynne Featherstone:

Marriage: EU Action [19 April 2012]

Mr Hollobone:

Lynne Featherstone:

Column: 480W

Scotland [19 April 2012]

Civil Servants: Code of Practice [19 April 2012]

Jon Trickett:

David Mundell:

E-mail [19 April 2012]

Mr Denham:

David Mundell:

Sovereignty [19 April 2012]

Jim Shannon:

David Mundell:

Vodafone Group [19 April 2012]

Jon Trickett:

David Mundell:

Jon Trickett:

Column: 481W

David Mundell:

Jon Trickett:

David Mundell:

Electoral Commission Committee [19 April 2012]

Electoral Register: Students [19 April 2012]

Tom Blenkinsop:

Mr Streeter:

Tom Blenkinsop:

Mr Streeter:

Column: 482W

Energy and Climate Change [19 April 2012]

Carbon Emissions [19 April 2012]

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Community Energy Saving Programme [19 April 2012]

Alex Cunningham:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 483W

Community Energy Saving Programme [19 April 2012]

Barry Gardiner:

Gregory Barker:

Energy [19 April 2012]

Alex Cunningham:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 484W

Zac Goldsmith:

Gregory Barker:

Environment Protection [19 April 2012]

Caroline Flint:

Charles Hendry:

Caroline Flint:

Charles Hendry:

Fuel Poverty [19 April 2012]

Ian Lucas:

Column: 485W

Gregory Barker:

Column: 486W

Green Deal Scheme [19 April 2012]

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 487W

Barry Gardiner:

Gregory Barker:

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 488W

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Official Visits [19 April 2012]

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Renewable Energy: Feed-in Tariffs [19 April 2012]

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 489W

Renewables Obligation [19 April 2012]

David Mowat:

Charles Hendry:

Sarah Southern [19 April 2012]

Julie Elliott:

Gregory Barker:

Solar Power [19 April 2012]

Graeme Morrice:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 490W

Graeme Morrice:

Gregory Barker:

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Tidal Power [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Gregory Barker:

Column: 491W

Zac Goldsmith:

Gregory Barker:

Warm Front Scheme [19 April 2012]

Caroline Flint:

Gregory Barker:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [19 April 2012]

Afghanistan [19 April 2012]

Mrs Moon:

Alistair Burt:

Mrs Moon:

Alistair Burt:

Column: 492W

Mrs Moon:

Alistair Burt:

Mrs Moon:

Alistair Burt:

Democratic Republic of Congo [19 April 2012]

Tom Blenkinsop:

Mr Bellingham:

Column: 493W

India [19 April 2012]

Andrew Selous:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Libya [19 April 2012]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Alistair Burt:

Mali [19 April 2012]

Ian Lucas:

Mr Bellingham:

Column: 494W

Private Military and Security Companies [19 April 2012]

Martin Horwood:

Mr Bellingham:

Rendition [19 April 2012]

Mr David Davis:

Alistair Burt:

Column: 495W

Somalia [19 April 2012]

Ian Lucas:

Mr Bellingham:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [19 April 2012]

Agriculture: Droughts [19 April 2012]

Gavin Shuker:

Richard Benyon:

Animal Welfare [19 April 2012]

Andrew Rosindell:

Column: 496W

Mr Paice:

Droughts [19 April 2012]

Gavin Shuker:

Richard Benyon:

Gavin Shuker:

Richard Benyon:

Electricity Generation [19 April 2012]

Gavin Shuker:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 497W

Gavin Shuker:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 498W

Farms: Taxation [19 April 2012]

Huw Irranca-Davies:

Mr Gauke:

Fisheries [19 April 2012]

Sheryll Murray:

Mr Jeremy Browne:

Column: 499W

Sheryll Murray:

Richard Benyon:

Fishery Agreements [19 April 2012]

Sheryll Murray:

Richard Benyon:

Peat [19 April 2012]

Fiona O'Donnell:

Richard Benyon:

Public Bodies [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 500W

UN Convention on the Law of the Sea [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Richard Benyon:

Water Supply [19 April 2012]

Thomas Docherty:

Richard Benyon:

Column: 501W

International Development [19 April 2012]

Developing Countries: Children [19 April 2012]

Mr Virendra Sharma:

Mr O'Brien:

Developing Countries: Food Prices [19 April 2012]

Anna Soubry:

Mr O'Brien:

Column: 502W

Developing Countries: Females [19 April 2012]

Mr David Hamilton:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Sahel [19 April 2012]

Mr Ivan Lewis:

Mr Andrew Mitchell:

Column: 503W

Justice [19 April 2012]

Confiscation Orders [19 April 2012]

Martin Horwood:

James Brokenshire

Corston Review [19 April 2012]

Dr Huppert:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 504W

Crime: Victims [19 April 2012]

Simon Danczuk:

Mr Blunt:

Foreign Companies [19 April 2012]

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Djanogly:

Legal Profession: Pay [19 April 2012]

Mr Slaughter:

Mr Djanogly:

Prison Sentences: Females [19 April 2012]

Tom Brake:

Column: 505W

Mr Blunt:

Prison Service [19 April 2012]

John Mann:

Mr Blunt:

Prisoners: Voting Rights [19 April 2012]

Mr Spellar:

Mr Harper:

Prisoners: Self-Harm [19 April 2012]

Tom Brake:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 506W

Translation Services [19 April 2012]

Mr Slaughter:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 507W

Young Offenders: Haringey [19 April 2012]

Mr Lammy:

Mr Blunt:

Column: 508W

Column: 509W

Column: 510W

Column: 511W

Column: 512W

Column: 513W

Column: 514W

Culture, Media and Sport [19 April 2012]

Broadband [19 April 2012]

Caroline Lucas:

Mr Vaizey:

Chi Onwurah:

Mr Vaizey:

Column: 515W

Broadband: Liverpool [19 April 2012]

Mrs Ellman:

Mr Vaizey:

Ministerial Meetings [19 April 2012]

Ian Lavery:

John Penrose:

Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme [19 April 2012]

Helen Goodman:

John Penrose:

Helen Goodman:

John Penrose:

Column: 516W

Dan Jarvis:

John Penrose:

Members: Correspondence [19 April 2012]

Sir Gerald Kaufman:

John Penrose:

Olympic Games 2012 [19 April 2012]

Jonathan Lord:

Hugh Robertson:

Column: 517W

Sports: Charitable Donations [19 April 2012]

Clive Efford:

Hugh Robertson:

Clive Efford:

Column: 518W

Hugh Robertson:

Travel [19 April 2012]

Chi Onwurah:

John Penrose:

Communities and Local Government [19 April 2012]

Disabled Facilities Grants [19 April 2012]

Mrs McGuire:

Andrew Stunell:

Column: 519W

Mrs McGuire:

Andrew Stunell:

High Speed 2 Railway Line [19 April 2012]

Dan Byles:

Greg Clark:

Column: 520W

High Street Review [19 April 2012]

Roberta Blackman-Woods:

Grant Shapps:

Infrastructure: Environment Protection [19 April 2012]

Sir Bob Russell:

Greg Clark:

Local Nature Partnerships [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Greg Clark:

Column: 521W

Localism Act 2011 [19 April 2012]

Mark Menzies:

Robert Neill:

Parking: Fees and Charges [19 April 2012]

Simon Kirby:

Grant Shapps:

Column: 522W

Peter Cruddas [19 April 2012]

Paul Blomfield:

Robert Neill

Planning Permission [19 April 2012]

Roberta Blackman-Woods:

Greg Clark:

Roberta Blackman-Woods:

Greg Clark:

Column: 523W

Roberta Blackman-Woods:

Andrew Stunell:

Sarah Southern [19 April 2012]

Paul Blomfield:

Robert Neill

Defence [19 April 2012]

Aircraft Carriers [19 April 2012]

Mr Ellwood:

Peter Luff

Column: 524W

Armed Forces: Allowances [19 April 2012]

Sheryll Murray:

Mr Robathan:

Armed Forces: Housing [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Mr Robathan:

Column: 525W

Armed Forces: Surveillance [19 April 2012]

Mr Jim Murphy:

Peter Luff:

Armoured Fighting Vehicles [19 April 2012]

Philip Davies:

Nick Harvey:

Philip Davies:

Nick Harvey:

Column: 526W

Army: Scotland [19 April 2012]

Mike Crockart:

Mr Robathan:

Assets [19 April 2012]

Angus Robertson:

Mr Robathan:

Defence Equipment [19 April 2012]

Gemma Doyle:

Mr Robathan:

Defence Equipment and Support [19 April 2012]

Mr Carswell:

Column: 527W

Peter Luff

Falkland Islands [19 April 2012]

Mrs Moon:

Nick Harvey:

Military Aircraft [19 April 2012]

Angus Robertson:

Peter Luff:

Research [19 April 2012]

Mr Umunna:

Column: 528W

Peter Luff:

Sentry Aircraft [19 April 2012]

Angus Robertson:

Peter Luff:

Angus Robertson:

Peter Luff:

Treasury [19 April 2012]

Bankruptcy [19 April 2012]

Mr Sanders:

Mr Gauke:

Budget March 2012 [19 April 2012]

Kerry McCarthy:

Column: 529W

Miss Chloe Smith:

Child Benefit [19 April 2012]

Mr Chope:

Mr Gauke:

Credit [19 April 2012]

Caroline Lucas:

Mr Hoban

Income Tax: Tax Rates and Bands [19 April 2012]

John McDonnell:

Column: 530W

Mr Gauke:

Land: Sales [19 April 2012]

Ian Lucas:

Mr Gauke:

Loans [19 April 2012]

Conor Burns:

Mr Hoban:

Money Advice Service [19 April 2012]

Jackie Doyle-Price:

Mr Hoban:

Jackie Doyle-Price:

Mr Hoban:

Column: 531W

Public Sector: Pay [19 April 2012]

Tony Lloyd:

Miss Chloe Smith:

Tax Allowances: Motor Vehicles [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Miss Chloe Smith:

VAT [19 April 2012]

Mark Menzies:

Mr Gauke:

Welfare Tax Credits [19 April 2012]

Ann Coffey:

Column: 532W

Mr Gauke:

Ann Coffey:

Mr Gauke:

Ann Coffey:

Mr Gauke:

Column: 533W

Ann Coffey:

Mr Gauke:

Ann Coffey:

Mr Gauke:

Mr Woodward:

Column: 534W

Mr Gauke:

Education [19 April 2012]

Academies [19 April 2012]

Ian Mearns:

Mr Gibb:

Children: Obesity [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Sarah Teather:

GCSE [19 April 2012]

Damian Hinds:

Column: 535W

Mr Gibb:

GCSE: Disadvantaged Pupils [19 April 2012]

Tristram Hunt:

Column: 536W

Mr Gibb:

Tristram Hunt:

Mr Gibb:

Column: 537W

Column: 538W

Tristram Hunt:

Mr Gibb:

Column: 539W

Column: 540W

Music Education [19 April 2012]

Mr Andrew Turner:

Mr Gibb

Column: 541W

Nursery Schools [19 April 2012]

Jonathan Lord:

Sarah Teather:

Ofsted [19 April 2012]

Rosie Cooper:

Mr Gibb

Pupil Exclusions [19 April 2012]

Greg Mulholland:

Column: 542W

Mr Gibb:

Special Educational Needs [19 April 2012]

Helen Jones:

Sarah Teather

Helen Jones:

Sarah Teather

Column: 543W

Transport [19 April 2012]

Airport Expansion: South-East [19 April 2012]

Simon Hughes:

Justine Greening:

Trunk Roads [19 April 2012]

Sir Alan Beith:

Mike Penning:

Bus Service Operator Grant [19 April 2012]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Norman Baker:

Caroline Nokes:

Column: 544W

Norman Baker:

High Speed 2 Railway Line [19 April 2012]

Chris White:

Justine Greening:

Public Transport: London [19 April 2012]

Teresa Pearce:

Mrs Villiers:

Local Transport Schemes: Funding [19 April 2012]

John Stevenson:

Norman Baker:

Energy Use [19 April 2012]

Mr Leigh:

Norman Baker:

Column: 545W

Bus Fares [19 April 2012]

Shabana Mahmood:

Norman Baker:

Blue Badge Scheme [19 April 2012]

Dr Thérèse Coffey:

Norman Baker:

Driving: Licensing [19 April 2012]

Nic Dakin:

Mike Penning:

Column: 546W

Heathrow Airport [19 April 2012]

Zac Goldsmith:

Mrs Villiers:

Official Cars [19 April 2012]

Jake Berry:

Mike Penning:

Motor Vehicles: Excise Duties [19 April 2012]

John Woodcock:

Mike Penning

John Woodcock:

Mike Penning

Column: 547W

Column: 548W

Railways [19 April 2012]

Paul Maynard:

Mrs Villiers:

Column: 549W

Railways: Electrification [19 April 2012]

Alun Cairns:

Mrs Villiers:

Alun Cairns:

Mrs Villiers:

Mr Hollobone:

Mrs Villiers:

Railways: Franchises [19 April 2012]

Kerry McCarthy:

Mrs Villiers

Column: 550W

Rolling Stock [19 April 2012]

Mr Tom Harris:

Mrs Villiers:

Mr Tom Harris:

Mrs Villiers:

Shipping [19 April 2012]

Mr Offord:

Mike Penning:

Shipping: Government Assistance [19 April 2012]

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Column: 551W

Shipping: Pollution [19 April 2012]

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Column: 552W

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Column: 553W

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Tonnage Tax [19 April 2012]

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Mr Mike Hancock:

Mike Penning:

Vodafone Group [19 April 2012]

Jon Trickett:

Column: 554W

Norman Baker:

Cabinet Office [19 April 2012]

Buildings [19 April 2012]

Jon Trickett:

Mr Maude:

Charities [19 April 2012]

Lyn Brown:

Mr Hurd:

Column: 555W

Departmental Standards [19 April 2012]

Chi Onwurah:

Mr Maude:

Column: 556W

Efficiency and Reform Group [19 April 2012]

Jon Trickett:

Mr Maude:

Jon Trickett:

Mr Maude:

Entry Clearances: Iran [19 April 2012]

Mark Pritchard:

Mr Hurd:

Column: 557W

National Lottery [19 April 2012]

Mr Thomas:

Mr Hurd:

Business, Innovation and Skills [19 April 2012]

Airbus SAS: China [19 April 2012]

Kwasi Kwarteng:

Mr Prisk:

Antarctic [19 April 2012]

Dr Huppert:

Mr Willetts

Column: 558W

Aviation: EU Emissions Trading Scheme [19 April 2012]

Kwasi Kwarteng:

Mr Prisk:

Small Businesses [19 April 2012]

Gordon Banks:

Mr Prisk

Column: 559W

Small Business: Research [19 April 2012]

Mr Umunna:

Mr Prisk:

Column: 560W

Export Controls: Drugs [19 April 2012]

Anna Soubry:

Mr Prisk:

Higher Education: Admissions [19 April 2012]

Mr Clappison:

Column: 561W

Mr Willetts

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Mr Willetts

Column: 562W

OECD: Multinational Companies [19 April 2012]

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Prisk:

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Prisk:

Lisa Nandy:

Mr Prisk:

Column: 563W

Office of Fair Trading [19 April 2012]

Mr Thomas:

Norman Lamb:

Mr Thomas:

Norman Lamb:

Postage Stamps: Prices [19 April 2012]

Chi Onwurah:

Norman Lamb:

Column: 564W

Students: Fees and Charges [19 April 2012]

Mr Jim Cunningham:

Mr Willetts