Rt Hon Greg Knight
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Amendment of the Law [23 March 2011]
Backbench Business Committee [Westminster Hall] [26 April 2012]
Backbench Business Committee [12 March 2012]
Backbench Business Committee [15 June 2010]
BAE Systems [24 November 2011]
Business of the House [15 March 2012]
Business of the House [23 February 2012]
Business of the House [26 January 2012]
Business of the House [15 December 2011]
Business of the House [14 December 2011]
Business of the House [27 October 2011]
Business of the House [8 September 2011]
Business of the House [14 July 2011]
Business of the House [30 June 2011]
Business of the House [9 June 2011]
Business of the House [5 May 2011]
Business of the House [10 March 2011]
Business of the House [3 March 2011]
Business of the House [10 February 2011]
Business of the House [2 December 2010]
Business of the House [11 November 2010]
Business of the House [14 October 2010]
Business of the House [15 July 2010]
Business of the House [27 May 2010]
Caravans (VAT) [24 April 2012]
Coastguard Modernisation [14 July 2011]
Coastguard Service [Westminster Hall] [24 March 2011]
Code of Conduct [12 March 2012]
Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and Representations) Bill [Lords] [6 March 2012]
Criminal Records (Public Access) Bill [13 May 2011]
Daylight Saving Bill [20 January 2012]
Daylight Saving Bill [3 December 2010]
E-petitions [9 February 2012]
Early-day Motions [6 February 2012]
Education Bill [14 November 2011]
Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Bill [4 March 2011]
Estates of Deceased Persons (Forfeiture Rule and Law of Succession) Bill [21 January 2011]
European Union Bill [8 March 2011]
Finance (No. 4) Bill [18 April 2012]
Finance Bill [15 July 2010]
Fuel Prices and the Cost of Living [16 March 2011]
Further and Higher Education (Access) Bill [4 March 2011]
Information for Backbenchers on Statements [20 July 2010]
London Local Authorities Bill [Lords] [13 March 2012]
London Local Authorities Bill [Lords] [25 January 2012]
London Local Authorities Bill [Lords] [7 December 2011]
London Local Authorities Bill [Lords] (By Order) [13 October 2010]
Ministerial Statements [5 December 2011]
Ministerial Statements [28 April 2011]
MOT Tests [10 November 2011]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [19 October 2010]
Pig Farming [Westminster Hall] [23 March 2011]
Police [8 February 2012]
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill [30 March 2011]
Potholes [5 May 2011]
Prayers [21 January 2011]
Procedure Committee Reports [13 October 2011]
Public Bodies [19 January 2012]
Publication of a Select Committee Report [10 March 2011]
Regulatory Authorities (Level of Charges) Bill [13 May 2011]
Rural Broadband [Westminster Hall] [23 March 2011]
Scotland Bill [15 March 2011]
Speed Limits [12 January 2012]
Sports Grounds Safety Authority Bill [4 March 2011]
St George’s Day and St David’s Day Bill [13 May 2011]
Static Caravans (VAT) [26 April 2012]
The Future of Pubs [Westminster Hall] [9 December 2010]
Tourism in Yorkshire [Westminster Hall] [13 September 2011]