Caroline Lucas
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Academies Bill [Lords] [26 July 2010]
Academies Bill [] [21 July 2010]
Afghanistan [17 April 2012]
Afghanistan [6 July 2011]
Afghanistan (Troop Levels) [26 April 2012]
Africa and the Middle East [29 June 2011]
Airlines (Industrial Action) [17 June 2010]
Alcohol Strategy [23 March 2012]
Alcohol Strategy [Westminster Hall] [7 February 2012]
Annual Energy Statement [23 November 2011]
Assisted Suicide [27 March 2012]
Autumn Statement [29 November 2011]
Babar Ahmad [20 December 2011]
Backbench Business Committee [15 June 2010]
Banking (Responsibility and Reform) [7 February 2012]
Bovine TB [14 December 2011]
Bovine TB [19 July 2011]
Brighton Digital Festival [8 September 2011]
BSkyB [3 March 2011]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [21 March 2012]
Business of the House [26 April 2012]
Business of the House [26 January 2012]
Business of the House [28 October 2010]
Business of the House [14 October 2010]
Business of the House [16 September 2010]
Business of the House [15 July 2010]
Capital Gains Tax (Rates) [23 June 2010]
Climate Change Conference [Westminster Hall] [18 November 2010]
Comprehensive Spending Review [28 October 2010]
Comprehensive Spending Review [20 October 2010]
Controlling Migration [23 November 2010]
Corporate Harm (Overseas Victims) [13 September 2011]
Counter-terrorism Review [26 January 2011]
CPI/RPI Pensions Uprating [1 March 2012]
Cycling [2 December 2010]
Daylight Saving Bill [3 December 2010]
Deep-water Drilling (Shetland) [18 November 2010]
Domestic Energy Costs [1 December 2011]
Drugs Policy [Westminster Hall] [16 December 2010]
Durban Climate Change Conference [12 December 2011]
East Jerusalem [1 February 2011]
Education Maintenance Allowance [19 January 2011]
Electricity Market Reform [12 July 2011]
Electricity Market Reform [16 December 2010]
Empty Homes [5 September 2011]
Energy and Climate Change [20 December 2011]
Energy and Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [27 May 2010]
Energy Bill [Lords] [14 September 2011]
Energy Bill [Lords] [10 May 2011]
Energy Bills [26 January 2012]
Energy Efficiency [30 June 2010]
Energy Suppliers and Prices [Westminster Hall] [28 February 2012]
Engagements [2 November 2011]
Engagements [1 December 2010]
Engagements [30 June 2010]
Environmental Protection and Green Growth [26 October 2011]
EU Council [12 December 2011]
EU Sanctions (Iran) [24 January 2012]
Extradition [Westminster Hall] [24 November 2011]
Feed-in Tariffs [31 October 2011]
Finance (No. 3) Bill [5 July 2011]
Finance (No. 4) Bill [19 April 2012]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [24 November 2010]
Forestry [19 January 2012]
Forestry (England) [17 February 2011]
Forestry Commission [4 November 2010]
Forests [3 February 2011]
Fourth Carbon Budget [17 May 2011]
Fuel Prices and the Cost of Living [16 March 2011]
Future of CDC [Westminster Hall] [14 July 2011]
Gaza Flotilla [2 June 2010]
Green Investment Bank [24 May 2011]
Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill [7 September 2011]
Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill [6 September 2011]
Health and Social Care Bill [20 March 2012]
Health and Social Care Bill [13 March 2012]
Health and Social Care Bill [28 February 2012]
Higher Education Fees [9 December 2010]
House of Lords Reform (Draft Bill) [17 May 2011]
Housing Benefit [Westminster Hall] [10 March 2011]
Housing Benefit [Westminster Hall] [13 July 2010]
Illegally Logged Timber (Prohibition of Import, Sale or Distribution) Bill [4 February 2011]
Independent Fuel Poverty Review [19 May 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [1 November 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [31 October 2011]
Libya [5 September 2011]
Libya [15 March 2011]
Libya (London Conference) [30 March 2011]
Media Training Programmes [16 June 2011]
Middle East and North Africa [26 April 2011]
Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan [16 May 2011]
National Planning Policy Framework [24 April 2012]
National Planning Policy Framework [27 March 2012]
National Planning Policy Framework [20 October 2011]
National Policy Statements (Energy) [18 July 2011]
National Referendum on the European Union [24 October 2011]
Neonicotinoid Pesticides [Westminster Hall] [25 January 2011]
Nuclear Deterrent [18 May 2011]
Nuclear Industry Safety [18 May 2011]
Nuclear Power Stations [24 March 2011]
Offshore Wind Infrastructure Competition [Westminster Hall] [12 October 2010]
Parliamentary Reform [Westminster Hall] [3 February 2011]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [12 October 2010]
Policing in the 21st Century [26 July 2010]
Policy for Growth [11 November 2010]
Post-16 Students [1 February 2011]
Postal Services Bill [12 January 2011]
Primates as Pets [9 December 2010]
Procedure Committee Reports [13 October 2011]
Promoting Democracy (Internet) [14 December 2010]
Pub Companies [12 January 2012]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Forest Estate (England) [2 February 2011]
Red Tape Challenge [12 May 2011]
Redfern Inquiry [16 November 2010]
Restorative Justice [13 December 2011]
Rio+20 Summit [28 February 2012]
Smallholder Farmers (Climate Change) [13 July 2011]
Solar Power (Feed-in Tariff) [23 November 2011]
Solar Power and Feed-in Tariffs [Westminster Hall] [29 March 2011]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [19 October 2010]
Summer Adjournment [19 July 2011]
Superannuation Bill [7 September 2010]
Sustainable Communities Act [28 March 2011]
Sustainable Transport [19 January 2011]
Syria [6 February 2012]
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill [5 September 2011]
Tianjin Conference [16 September 2010]
Topical Questions [26 April 2012]
Topical Questions [22 March 2012]
Topical Questions [1 March 2012]
Topical Questions [28 February 2012]
Topical Questions [24 January 2012]
Topical Questions [19 December 2011]
Topical Questions [20 October 2011]
Topical Questions [21 June 2011]
Topical Questions [24 March 2011]
Topical Questions [15 March 2011]
Topical Questions [16 December 2010]
Topical Questions [18 November 2010]
Topical Questions [16 September 2010]
Topical Questions [13 September 2010]
Topical Questions [20 July 2010]
Topical Questions [1 July 2010]
Trident [Westminster Hall] [7 December 2011]
UK Armed Forces in Afghanistan [9 September 2010]
UK Extradition Arrangements [5 December 2011]
Unauthorised Encampments (Brighton) [Westminster Hall] [15 June 2011]
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 [21 March 2011]
Use of the Chamber (United Kingdom Youth Parliament) [20 July 2010]
Violence against Women and Girls [Westminster Hall] [12 October 2011]
Warm Front Scheme [11 November 2010]
Water White Paper [8 December 2011]
Weightman Report (Fukushima) [11 October 2011]
Wild Animals (Circuses) [23 June 2011]
Wild Animals (Circuses) [Westminster Hall] [8 June 2011]
Wild Animals (Circuses) [19 May 2011]