Dr John Pugh
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Abortion: Research [12 December 2011]
Abortion: Young People [12 December 2011]
Academies: Capital Investment [30 March 2011]
Accident and Emergency Departments [23 April 2012]
Apprentices: North West [12 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Mental Health Services [2 June 2010]
Banks: Finance [16 June 2010]
Black Economy [24 June 2010]
Bradford & Bingley [9 June 2010]
Bribery Act 2010 [17 November 2010]
British Overseas Territories [30 June 2010]
Burma: Elections [15 September 2010]
Burma: Internally Displaced Persons [16 September 2010]
Childbirth [9 February 2011]
Children's Trusts [18 October 2010]
Children: Maintenance [18 July 2011]
Chinook Helicopters [10 June 2010]
Civil Servants: Recruitment [28 June 2010]
Classroom Assistants: Pay [15 June 2011]
Clinical Commissioning Group [19 March 2012]
Clinical Commissioning Group [19 March 2012]
Companies: North West [20 June 2011]
Corporation Tax [30 April 2012]
Credit [6 March 2012]
Crossrail Line: Finance [7 June 2010]
Crossrail Line: Finance [3 June 2010]
Crossrail: Finance [26 July 2010]
Democratic Republic of Congo: Peacekeeping Operations [8 June 2010]
Dental Services [22 October 2010]
Dental Services [21 October 2010]
Dental Services [18 October 2010]
Dental Services: Fees and Charges [19 November 2010]
Dental Services: Fees and Charges [21 October 2010]
Departmental Consultants [24 March 2011]
Departmental Manpower [20 February 2012]
Departmental Manpower [20 February 2012]
Departmental Telephone Services [21 June 2011]
Digital Broadcasting: Motor Vehicles [21 July 2010]
Doctors: Foreign Workers [22 July 2010]
Domestic Waste: Recycling [15 July 2010]
Employment Schemes [2 February 2012]
Food: Procurement [28 June 2010]
General Practitioners [27 March 2012]
General Practitioners [18 October 2010]
General Practitioners [26 July 2010]
General Practitioners: Bureaucracy [22 July 2010]
General Practitioners: Manpower [22 July 2010]
Government Departments: Cost-effectiveness [15 November 2010]
Government Departments: ICT [29 June 2010]
Government Departments: ICT [14 June 2010]
Government Departments: Procurement [30 June 2010]
Government: Assets [18 October 2010]
Health Services [15 September 2010]
Health Services: Children [4 October 2010]
Health Services: EU Countries [12 January 2012]
Health Services: Foreign Nationals [16 January 2012]
Health Services: Greater London [13 July 2011]
Health Services: Reciprocal Arrangements [25 January 2012]
Health Services: Voluntary Organisations [15 September 2010]
Higher Education: Finance [25 November 2010]
Higher Education: Finance [11 November 2010]
Higher Education: Pay [29 November 2010]
Higher Education: Student Numbers [6 March 2012]
Homelessness: North West [13 March 2012]
Hospital Wards: Closures [10 February 2011]
Hospitals: Private Finance Initiative [20 February 2012]
Housing Benefit [16 June 2010]
Housing: Owner Occupation [28 March 2011]
Housing: Regeneration [8 June 2010]
Immigration [14 June 2011]
Level Crossings [20 December 2011]
Level Crossings: Accidents [20 December 2011]
Local Government: Third Sector [8 June 2010]
McKinsey Consultancy [27 February 2012]
Mental Health Services [15 September 2010]
National Curriculum: Primary Schools [17 October 2011]
National Lottery [30 January 2012]
NDPBs: Finance [29 November 2010]
NHS [28 March 2011]
NHS [18 November 2010]
NHS [22 October 2010]
NHS [15 September 2010]
NHS [27 July 2010]
NHS: Accountability [19 October 2010]
NHS: Accountability [18 October 2010]
NHS: Compensation [25 January 2012]
NHS: Costs [21 July 2010]
NHS: Finance [18 October 2010]
NHS: Freedom of Information [21 October 2010]
NHS: ICT [13 March 2012]
NHS: Information and Communications Technology [18 October 2011]
NHS: Per Capita Costs [18 October 2010]
NHS: Private Finance Initiative [13 October 2010]
NHS: Redundancy [18 October 2010]
Nurses: Schools [10 March 2011]
Office for Budget Responsibility [16 June 2010]
Office for Budget Responsibility [9 June 2010]
Office for Budget Responsibility [3 June 2010]
Open Source Software [21 March 2012]
Paediatrics: Incontinence [14 March 2011]
Physiology: Regulation [19 November 2010]
Physiology: Regulation [18 November 2010]
Political Party Funding [20 March 2012]
Pressure Sores [30 March 2011]
Primary Care Trusts: Buildings [8 February 2011]
Primary Care Trusts: Costs [10 February 2011]
Primary Education: Technology [22 November 2010]
Prisoners [13 June 2011]
Private Sector: Mutual Societies [14 June 2011]
Public Bodies: Procurement [27 October 2010]
Public Expenditure [4 November 2010]
Public Expenditure [14 July 2010]
Public Finance [14 July 2010]
Public Finance [28 June 2010]
Railways: North West [2 December 2010]
Railways: North West [7 June 2010]
Reconfiguration Panel [10 February 2011]
Recruitment: Quotas [6 March 2012]
Regional Development Agencies [7 June 2010]
Sanitation: Schools [10 March 2011]
Schools: Drugs [22 March 2011]
Schools: Sports [30 March 2011]
Schools: Sports [28 March 2011]
Schools: Sports [22 March 2011]
Schools: Sports [10 January 2011]
Social Fund [14 June 2010]
Students: Loans [1 February 2011]
Students: Loans [6 December 2010]
Students: Loans [2 December 2010]
Tax Avoidance: Business [18 October 2010]
Technology: Teachers [29 November 2010]
Teenage Pregnancy [20 December 2011]
Tissue Viability Nurses [14 March 2011]
Tissue Viability Sores: Infections [14 March 2011]
Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations [13 December 2011]
Unemployment: Older People [23 January 2012]
Unpaid Taxes [24 June 2010]
Welfare State: Reform [12 July 2010]