Mr Graham Stringer
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Airports [23 June 2011]
Aviation Industry [Westminster Hall] [15 November 2011]
BBC Local Radio [Westminster Hall] [5 April 2011]
Bus Industry [Westminster Hall] [6 September 2011]
Bus Services (Competition Commission Report) [19 April 2012]
Business of the House [20 October 2011]
Cancun Climate Change Conference [13 December 2010]
Civil Aviation Bill [25 April 2012]
Coal-fired Power Stations [Westminster Hall] [29 June 2011]
Connecting Europe Facility [19 January 2012]
Credit Institutions and Investment Firms [8 November 2011]
Daylight Saving Bill [3 December 2010]
Dyslexia [Westminster Hall] [14 December 2011]
Economic Growth (North-West) [13 July 2010]
Energy Bill [Lords] [14 September 2011]
Energy Bills [8 March 2012]
Energy Efficiency Measures [Westminster Hall] [17 November 2010]
Energy Prices [11 January 2012]
Engagements [25 January 2012]
Engagements [19 October 2011]
EU Council [12 December 2011]
European Council [27 June 2011]
European Council [1 November 2010]
European Union Bill [11 July 2011]
European Union Bill [1 February 2011]
European Union Bill [25 January 2011]
European Union Bill [24 January 2011]
European Union Bill [11 January 2011]
European Union Bill [7 December 2010]
European Union Fiscal Union [Westminster Hall] [14 September 2011]
Eurozone [10 October 2011]
Eurozone (Contingency Plans) [20 June 2011]
Eurozone Crisis [Westminster Hall] [15 November 2011]
Eurozone Financial Assistance [24 May 2011]
Finance (No. 3) Bill [3 May 2011]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [13 July 2011]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [24 November 2010]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [16 November 2010]
Forensic Science Service [27 February 2012]
Fourth Carbon Budget [17 May 2011]
Future of Biomass [20 February 2012]
G20 [7 November 2011]
Graphene [8 December 2011]
Green Investment Bank [1 February 2012]
High Speed 2 [13 October 2011]
High Speed Rail [20 December 2010]
High Speed Rail [Westminster Hall] [9 June 2010]
High-speed Rail [10 January 2012]
High-Speed Rail [Westminster Hall] [2 November 2011]
Higher Education Fees [9 December 2010]
Higher Education Policy [27 April 2011]
House of Lords Reform [27 June 2011]
House of Lords Reform (Draft Bill) [17 May 2011]
Identity Documents Bill [9 June 2010]
Informal European Council [31 January 2012]
Israel and the Peace Process [Westminster Hall] [27 March 2012]
Libya [24 May 2011]
Local Authority Transport Schemes [2 December 2010]
Local Government Finance [9 February 2011]
Local Government Finance Bill [18 January 2012]
Localism Bill [7 November 2011]
Localism Bill [17 May 2011]
Middle East and North Africa [26 April 2011]
Musculoskeletal Diseases [4 July 2011]
National Planning Policy Framework [20 October 2011]
National Referendum on the European Union [24 October 2011]
North Africa and the Middle East [24 March 2011]
North Africa and the Near and Middle East [28 November 2011]
North-West Economy [Westminster Hall] [20 July 2010]
Northern Rail Hub [Westminster Hall] [18 January 2012]
Nuclear Energy [Westminster Hall] [22 June 2010]
Offenders (Skills) [9 June 2011]
Olympics (Economic Effects) [28 April 2011]
Onshore Wind Energy [Westminster Hall] [10 February 2011]
Parliamentary Constituencies [1 March 2011]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [15 February 2011]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [2 November 2010]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [20 October 2010]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [19 October 2010]
Parliamentary Voting System and Constituencies Bill [12 October 2010]
Points of Order [29 June 2010]
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill [12 September 2011]
Private Finance Initiative Hospitals [Westminster Hall] [4 May 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Railway Expansion [Westminster Hall] [27 April 2011]
Science Research [Westminster Hall] [10 November 2010]
Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 [24 April 2012]
Size of the Executive [11 October 2011]
Stem Cell Research [27 October 2011]
Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill [Lords] [30 April 2012]
Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill [Lords] (Allocation of Time) [30 April 2012]
The Riots [Westminster Hall] [13 October 2011]
Topical Questions [5 July 2011]
Topical Questions [20 June 2011]
Topical Questions [24 May 2011]
Topical Questions [2 November 2010]
Treaty on Stability, Co-ordination and Governance [29 February 2012]
Tunisia [14 June 2011]
UK Border Force [7 November 2011]
UK Parliamentary Sovereignty and the EU [Westminster Hall] [15 June 2010]
UK Relations: Libya [Westminster Hall] [1 November 2011]
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 [21 March 2011]