Mr Eric Pickles
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies (Government Response) [Statement] [23 June 2011]
Business Rates [Statement] [24 November 2010]
Coastal Regeneration [Statement] [9 February 2012]
Community Budgets [Statement] [17 October 2011]
Conference Adjournment 2010 [Statement] [11 October 2010]
Council Tax [30 April 2012]
Council Tax [12 March 2012]
Council Tax [Statement] [14 November 2011]
Council Tax [Statement] [23 March 2011]
Council Tax [Statement] [9 February 2011]
Council Tax [Statement] [21 October 2010]
Council Tax Benefit [Statement] [17 February 2011]
DCLG (Summer Recess Work) [Statement] [5 September 2011]
Department's Work (Christmas Recess) [Statement] [10 January 2012]
Department's Work (Easter Recess) [Statement] [16 April 2012]
Department's Work (Whitsun Recess 2011) [Statement] [7 June 2011]
Departmental Business (Recess) [Statement] [6 September 2010]
Departmental Expenditure Limit (2010-11) [Statement] [14 February 2011]
Departmental Expenditure Limits [Statement] [23 November 2010]
Departmental Work (Easter Recess 2011) [Statement] [27 April 2011]
East Midlands, South East and West Midlands Regional Committee [Statement] [15 July 2010]
Garden Development [10 June 2010]
Government Procurement Card [5 December 2011]
Greater London Authority [30 April 2012]
Guidance on Work Force Matters [Statement] [23 March 2011]
Infrastructure [Statement] [7 November 2011]
Integration [Statement] [21 February 2012]
Local Authorities: Administrative Burden [21 October 2010]
Local Authority Expenditure: Online Publication [21 October 2010]
Local Authority Pay [4 April 2011]
Local Authority Spending Details: Online Publication [17 January 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships [Statement] [17 February 2011]
Local Government (Doncaster) [Statement] [2 June 2010]
Local Government Accountability [Statement] [13 October 2010]
Local Government Finance [Statement] [19 December 2011]
Local Government Finance [Statement] [31 October 2011]
Local Government Finance [Statement] [17 March 2011]
Local Government Pension Scheme [Statement] [20 December 2011]
Local Government Resources Review [20 June 2011]
Local Government Savings Package [Statement] [10 June 2010]
Localism Bill [Statement] [13 December 2010]
Localism Bill and Planning [Statement] [10 November 2010]
London [Statement] [6 February 2012]
London Reforms and the Localism Bill [Statement] [1 December 2010]
Non-departmental Public Bodies [28 February 2011]
Public Disorder (Community Support) [Statement] [11 August 2011]
Regional Government [Statement] [22 July 2010]
Regional Strategies [Statement] [6 July 2010]
Regulatory Burden [17 January 2011]
Removing Planning Barriers (Schools) [Statement] [26 July 2010]
Tottenham Regeneration [5 December 2011]
Travellers [10 June 2010]
Troubled Families [Statement] [15 December 2011]
Unauthorised Development [30 April 2012]
Work of the Department (Conference Recess) [Statement] [10 October 2011]
Work of the Department (Half-term Recess) [Statement] [20 February 2012]
Work of the Department During Recess [Statement] [10 January 2011]
Youth Volunteering [Statement] [1 February 2012]