Mr Keith Vaz
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Education Funding [5 July 2010]
Abu Qatada [19 April 2012]
Abu Qatada [17 April 2012]
Abu Qatada [7 February 2012]
Act of Settlement [18 January 2011]
Administration (Police Time) [28 June 2010]
Adult and Community Learning [14 October 2010]
Afghanistan [6 July 2011]
Afghanistan [14 June 2011]
Afghanistan (Civilian Killings) [12 March 2012]
Africa and the Middle East [4 April 2011]
Alcohol (Licensing) [24 January 2011]
Alcohol (Minimum Pricing) [Westminster Hall] [2 February 2011]
Alcohol-related Crime [6 February 2012]
Alleged War Crimes (Sri Lanka) [Westminster Hall] [16 June 2010]
Alternatives to Child Detention [Westminster Hall] [17 June 2010]
Anti-Slavery Day [14 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour [9 May 2011]
Aviation Security Incident [1 November 2010]
Bahrain [17 February 2011]
Bangladesh [1 February 2012]
Bank of Credit and Commerce International [8 December 2011]
Banking (Responsibility and Reform) [7 February 2012]
Banking Commission Report [19 December 2011]
BBC World Service [19 May 2011]
Biometric Centre, Leicester [26 April 2012]
Border Checks Summer 2011 [9 November 2011]
Border Controls [19 March 2012]
British Embassy (Tehran) [30 November 2011]
Business of the House [15 March 2012]
Business of the House [23 February 2012]
Business of the House [19 January 2012]
Business of the House [1 December 2011]
Business of the House [3 November 2011]
Business of the House [20 October 2011]
Business of the House [4 July 2011]
Business of the House [28 April 2011]
Business of the House [17 March 2011]
Business of the House [13 January 2011]
Business of the House [2 December 2010]
Business of the House [25 November 2010]
Business of the House [16 September 2010]
Business of the House [15 July 2010]
Business of the House (Police (Detention and Bail) Bill) [7 July 2011]
Child Support [18 October 2010]
Comprehensive Spending Review [28 October 2010]
Constitution and Home Affairs [7 June 2010]
Controlling Migration [23 November 2010]
Council of Europe (UK Chairmanship) [27 October 2011]
Council of Ministers [15 March 2011]
Counter-Terrorism [20 January 2011]
Counter-terrorism and Security Powers [13 July 2010]
Counter-terrorism Review [26 January 2011]
Crime and Policing [8 September 2010]
Crown Prosecution Service [22 June 2010]
Cumbrian Shooting Incident [3 June 2010]
Cumbrian Shootings [Westminster Hall] [23 June 2010]
Data Protection in the Areas of Police and Criminal Justice (EU Directive) [24 April 2012]
Debate on the Address [25 May 2010]
Defendant Anonymity [8 July 2010]
Delegated Legislation [9 March 2011]
Detainee Inquiry [18 January 2012]
Diabetes [23 March 2012]
Diabetes [26 April 2011]
Diabetes [8 September 2010]
Diabetes [7 September 2010]
Diabetes Prevention (Soft Drinks) [18 April 2012]
Disturbances (London) [28 March 2011]
DNA and CCTV (Crime Prevention) [Westminster Hall] [6 July 2010]
Economic Affairs and Work and Pensions [8 June 2010]
Egypt [31 January 2011]
Engagements [12 October 2011]
Engagements [26 January 2011]
Engagements [16 June 2010]
EU Council [12 December 2011]
EU Council and North Africa [7 February 2011]
EU Criminal Policy [25 January 2012]
EU Sanctions (Iran) [24 January 2012]
European Affairs [3 June 2010]
European Council [26 January 2012]
European Council [24 October 2011]
European Council [27 June 2011]
European Council [20 December 2010]
European Court of Human Rights [7 February 2012]
European Investigation Order [27 July 2010]
European Union Bill [1 February 2011]
European Union Bill [24 January 2011]
Eurozone Crisis [3 November 2011]
Extradition [20 March 2012]
Extradition [Westminster Hall] [24 November 2011]
Firearms Control [20 December 2010]
Flexible Working [17 June 2010]
Foreign National Offenders [19 December 2011]
Foreign National Prisoners [31 January 2012]
Foreign National Prisoners [20 July 2010]
Foreign Nationals (NHS Services) [18 October 2011]
Foreign Students [7 November 2011]
Friends of Yemen [16 February 2011]
Future Diplomatic Network [11 May 2011]
G20 [7 November 2011]
G20 Summit [15 November 2010]
Gang Culture [13 September 2011]
Gangs and Youth Violence [1 November 2011]
Government Reductions in Policing [4 April 2011]
Guantanamo Civil Litigation Settlement [16 November 2010]
Health [20 December 2011]
Higher Education (Student Visas) [8 February 2011]
Hindi Radio Service (BBC) [14 March 2011]
Hostage Rescue Operation (Nigeria) [13 March 2012]
Human Trafficking [25 October 2011]
Human Trafficking [11 October 2011]
Human Trafficking [28 October 2010]
Humanitarian Emergency Responses [15 June 2011]
Identity Documents Bill [15 September 2010]
Identity Documents Bill [9 June 2010]
IMF [23 April 2012]
Immigration [18 November 2010]
Immigration Cap [18 November 2010]
Immigration Queues (UK Airports) [30 April 2012]
Immigration System [1 November 2010]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [15 November 2011]
Individual Electoral Registration [15 September 2010]
Informal European Council [31 January 2012]
Injunctions [23 May 2011]
Intelligence and Security Committee [21 November 2011]
Japan and the Middle East [14 March 2011]
Judiciary and Fundamental Rights [22 November 2011]
Justice and Security Green Paper [19 October 2011]
Kabul Conference [21 July 2010]
Legal Aid [15 March 2012]
Legal Aid [Westminster Hall] [11 May 2011]
Legal Aid (Immigration Appeals) [23 November 2010]
Legal Aid and Civil Cost Reform [15 November 2010]
Legal Aid Reform [3 February 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [2 November 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill (Programme) (No. 2) [31 October 2011]
Libya [5 September 2011]
Libya (London Conference) [30 March 2011]
Libya and the Middle East [7 March 2011]
Limits on Non-EU Economic Migration [28 June 2010]
London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Amendment) Bill [29 November 2011]
Metropolitan Police Service [18 July 2011]
Middle East [14 February 2011]
Middle East and North Africa [13 October 2011]
Middle East and North Africa [4 July 2011]
Middle East and North Africa [26 April 2011]
Middle East, North Africa, Afghanistan and Pakistan [16 May 2011]
National Crime Agency [12 December 2011]
NHS Risk Register [22 February 2012]
North Africa and the Middle East [24 March 2011]
North Africa and the Middle East [17 March 2011]
North Africa and the Near and Middle East [28 November 2011]
Olympics and Paralympics (Funding) [27 February 2012]
Parliamentary Representation [17 June 2010]
Passenger Name Records [10 May 2011]
Patient Information [7 December 2010]
Phone Hacking [13 July 2011]
Phone Hacking [6 July 2011]
Phone Hacking and the Media [11 July 2011]
Points of Order [26 March 2012]
Points of Order [23 May 2011]
Points of Order [29 November 2010]
Points of Order [8 July 2010]
Police [8 February 2012]
Police [9 February 2011]
Police (Detention and Bail) Bill [7 July 2011]
Police (Public Trust) [Westminster Hall] [13 October 2010]
Police Detention [30 June 2011]
Police Forces [Westminster Hall] [5 July 2011]
Police Forces (Paperwork) [7 March 2011]
Police Funding [8 December 2010]
Police Funding [6 September 2010]
Police Funding (Greater Manchester) [Westminster Hall] [22 June 2010]
Police Grant Report [14 July 2010]
Police Numbers [12 September 2011]
Police Numbers [27 June 2011]
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill [12 September 2011]
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill [30 March 2011]
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill [13 December 2010]
Policing [Westminster Hall] [12 January 2012]
Policing in the 21st Century [26 July 2010]
Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism [19 January 2011]
Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism [14 July 2010]
Privilege [9 September 2010]
Protection of Freedoms Bill [19 March 2012]
Protection of Freedoms Bill [11 October 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Disorder (NUS Rally) [11 November 2010]
Public Order Policing [13 December 2010]
Reforming Civil Justice [29 March 2011]
Regulatory and Banking Reform [16 June 2011]
Rehabilitation and Sentencing [7 December 2010]
Rehabilitation Revolution Green Paper [28 June 2011]
Running Costs [26 July 2010]
Sex Offenders Register [16 February 2011]
Small Businesses (Assistance) [13 January 2011]
Sovereign Grant Bill [14 July 2011]
Sovereign Grant Bill (Allocation of Time) [14 July 2011]
Spring Adjournment [24 May 2011]
Stephen Lawrence [24 April 2012]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [4 November 2010]
Student Visas [Westminster Hall] [16 June 2011]
Student Visas [22 March 2011]
Succession to the Crown [18 January 2011]
Temporary Immigration Cap [20 December 2010]
Terrorism Act 2000 (Section 44) [8 July 2010]
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill [29 November 2011]
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill [5 September 2011]
Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Bill [Lords] [15 November 2010]
The Riots [Westminster Hall] [13 October 2011]
Topical Questions [28 February 2012]
Topical Questions [7 September 2010]
Trafficking in Human Beings [9 May 2011]
Transparency and Consistency of Sentencing [2 February 2012]
Treatment of Detainees [6 July 2010]
Tunisia [17 January 2011]
UK Border Agency [20 February 2012]
UK Border Force [7 November 2011]
UK-India Trade [Westminster Hall] [25 January 2012]
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 [21 March 2011]
Victims and Witnesses Strategy [30 January 2012]
Work in Prisons [13 March 2012]
Yemen [8 November 2011]
Yemen [1 April 2011]
Yemen [30 March 2011]
Yemen [17 November 2010]
Yemen [13 October 2010]
Young Offender Institutions [8 November 2011]
Zimbabwe [14 September 2010]