Nick Herbert
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
101 Calls [15 March 2011]
101 Calls [22 June 2010]
Academic Freedom [14 February 2011]
Addison Lee [20 December 2010]
Administration: Police Time [28 June 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Antisocial Behaviour [18 October 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [22 June 2010]
All Wales School Liaison Core Programme [22 November 2011]
Animal Welfare [6 September 2011]
Anti-Semitism [6 July 2010]
Anti-Terrorism Control Orders [7 March 2011]
Anti-terrorism Control Orders [7 February 2011]
Anti-Terrorism Control Orders: Prosecutions [14 March 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [30 April 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour [11 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour [10 June 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [6 September 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Cannock Chase [11 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Kent [11 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Kent [22 July 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Young People [22 June 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour: Crime Prevention [6 September 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: Crime Prevention [28 June 2010]
Appeals [14 February 2011]
Arrest Warrants [1 April 2011]
Arrest Warrants [31 January 2011]
Arrest Warrants [17 November 2010]
Arrest Warrants: Costs [1 April 2011]
Arrest Warrants: Human Rights [1 April 2011]
Arrest Warrants: Russia [13 December 2010]
Arrests [17 November 2010]
Arrests: Children [26 April 2012]
Arrests: Ex-servicemen [31 October 2011]
Arrests: Stop and Search [22 November 2010]
Assaults on Police [28 April 2011]
Assaults on Police [1 April 2011]
Assaults: Prisons [29 November 2011]
Association of Chief Police Officers [23 April 2012]
Association of Chief Police Officers [7 February 2011]
Association of Chief Police Officers [22 June 2010]
Association of Chief Police Officers: Finance [5 September 2011]
Association of Chief Police Officers: Freedom of Information [28 February 2011]
Association of Chief Police Officers: Government Procurement Card [19 December 2011]
Avon and Somerset Constabulary: Finance [14 December 2011]
Bahrain: Politics and Government [13 December 2010]
Baton Rounds: Death [21 November 2011]
Bigamy [10 May 2011]
Black Police Association [14 March 2011]
Bomb Disposal: Armed Forces [7 February 2011]
Boston College [1 May 2012]
Boston College [30 April 2012]
Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control [24 November 2011]
Bovine Tuberculosis: Disease Control [31 October 2011]
Bramshill Police College [13 December 2011]
Bramshill Police College [29 November 2011]
British Nationality [5 April 2011]
British Nationals Abroad: Homicide [17 October 2011]
British Nationals Abroad: Homicide [10 October 2011]
Cambridgeshire Constabulary [30 April 2012]
Cambridgeshire Constabulary [11 July 2011]
Cannabis [5 July 2010]
Capita [25 October 2010]
Cheshire Policy Authority: Publicity [13 September 2010]
Children [23 June 2010]
Circulars: Home Office [23 April 2012]
Civil Disorder [26 April 2012]
Civil Disorder [7 March 2012]
Civil Disorder [29 February 2012]
Civil Disorder [28 February 2012]
Civil Disorder [22 February 2012]
Civil Disorder [30 January 2012]
Civil Disorder [10 January 2012]
Civil Disorder [15 December 2011]
Civil Disorder [14 December 2011]
Civil Disorder [13 December 2011]
Civil Disorder [8 December 2011]
Civil Disorder [7 December 2011]
Civil Disorder [5 December 2011]
Civil Disorder [24 November 2011]
Civil Disorder [8 November 2011]
Civil Disorder [7 November 2011]
Civil Disorder [1 November 2011]
Civil Disorder [20 October 2011]
Civil Disorder [20 October 2011]
Civil Disorder [17 October 2011]
Civil Disorder [10 October 2011]
Civil Disorder [13 September 2011]
Civil Disorder [6 September 2011]
Civil Disorder: Compensation [6 December 2011]
Civil Disorder: Greater London [10 January 2012]
Civil Disorder: Greater London [21 November 2011]
Civil Disorder: Lancashire Constabulary [8 February 2012]
Civil Disorder: Petrol [10 October 2011]
Cleveland Constabulary [28 November 2011]
Cleveland Police Authority [29 November 2011]
Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis [30 April 2012]
Community Development: Finance [22 November 2010]
Community Policing [31 October 2011]
Community Policing [6 September 2010]
Community Policing [5 July 2010]
Community Policing [22 June 2010]
Community Policing [10 June 2010]
Community Policing: Finance [17 November 2010]
Community Policing: Finance [15 June 2010]
Community Policing: Greater London [18 October 2010]
Community Policing: Wales [22 June 2010]
Community Relations: Finance [14 February 2011]
Community Safety Partnerships [11 October 2010]
Community Safety Partnerships: Wales [21 November 2011]
Community Safety Teams [21 November 2011]
Community Sentences [31 January 2012]
Confiscation Orders [13 September 2011]
Constitution and Home Affairs [18 October 2010]
Control Orders [8 February 2011]
Control Orders [22 July 2010]
Control Orders [5 July 2010]
Convictions: Arrests [7 February 2011]
Coroners: Legal Costs [24 January 2011]
Corruption [14 July 2010]
Cot Deaths [21 February 2012]
Counter-Terrorism [31 January 2011]
Counter-terrorism [18 November 2010]
Counter-terrorism [17 November 2010]
Counter-terrorism [15 November 2010]
Counter-Terrorism [11 October 2010]
Counter-terrorism Review [7 March 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Birmingham [5 July 2010]
Counter-terrorism: Finance [7 March 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Finance [13 December 2010]
Counter-terrorism: Plea Bargaining [28 February 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Powers [11 October 2010]
Courts: Closures [18 March 2011]
Crime [10 October 2011]
Crime [7 June 2011]
Crime [10 May 2011]
Crime [28 April 2011]
Crime [28 February 2011]
Crime [17 January 2011]
Crime [18 October 2010]
Crime [11 October 2010]
Crime [28 June 2010]
Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009 [11 October 2010]
Crime Levels [7 March 2011]
Crime Prevention [6 March 2012]
Crime Prevention [31 October 2011]
Crime Prevention [30 November 2010]
Crime Prevention [14 July 2010]
Crime Prevention [8 June 2010]
Crime Prevention: Chemicals [20 February 2012]
Crime Rate: Thames Valley Police [19 October 2010]
Crime Statistics Independent Review [14 February 2011]
Crime: Armed Forces [30 April 2012]
Crime: Diplomatic Service [28 June 2011]
Crime: Foreign Nationals [16 May 2011]
Crime: Hertfordshire [2 November 2010]
Crime: Maps [14 March 2011]
Crime: Maps [1 February 2011]
Crime: Scotland [20 February 2012]
Crime: Scotland [10 January 2012]
Crime: Statistics [13 December 2010]
Crime: Statistics [9 November 2010]
Crime: Statistics [22 July 2010]
Crime: Unemployment [27 July 2010]
Crime: USA [15 March 2012]
Crime: Victims [26 April 2012]
Crime: Victims [12 January 2012]
Crime: Victims [20 October 2011]
Crime: Victims [7 March 2011]
Crime: Wales [17 April 2012]
Crime: West Midlands [7 June 2011]
Crime: Wildlife [6 September 2010]
Crimes of Violence [21 October 2010]
Crimes of Violence: Newham [13 December 2010]
Crimes of Violence: Sports [26 April 2012]
Crimes of Violence: West Midlands [1 April 2011]
Criminal Investigation [17 April 2012]
Criminal Investigation: Costs [20 January 2012]
Criminal Investigations: Care Homes [15 December 2011]
Criminal Justice System [19 October 2010]
Crossbows [6 September 2011]
Crown Prosecution Service [20 January 2012]
Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press Inquiry [21 November 2011]
Curfews [13 December 2010]
Cybercrime [1 April 2011]
Cybercrime [13 December 2010]
Cybercrime [30 November 2010]
Cybercrime: EU Action [10 January 2011]
Cybercrime: Human Rights [29 November 2010]
Cybercrime: Prosecutions [18 January 2012]
Cycling: Pavements [19 April 2012]
Cycling: Theft [16 June 2011]
Dangerous Dogs [10 October 2011]
Data Protection: EU Countries [25 October 2010]
Defence and Security Equipment International: Police [18 July 2011]
Demonstrations [1 April 2011]
Demonstrations: Barking [23 June 2010]
Demonstrations: Buckingham Palace [29 June 2011]
Demonstrations: City of Westminster [17 January 2011]
Demonstrations: City of Westminster [21 December 2010]
Demonstrations: Costs [10 November 2011]
Demonstrations: Embassies [5 July 2011]
Demonstrations: Parliament Square [1 March 2012]
Demonstrations: Parliament Square [5 September 2011]
Demonstrations: Parliament Square [14 July 2010]
Demonstrations: Riot Control Weapons [21 December 2010]
Demonstrations: Westminster [13 December 2010]
Demonstrations: Whitehall [21 December 2010]
Demonstrations: Whitehall [30 November 2010]
Departmental Allowances [6 September 2010]
Departmental Assets [11 October 2010]
Departmental Billing [17 January 2011]
Departmental Billing [11 October 2010]
Departmental Billing [14 September 2010]
Departmental Billing [13 September 2010]
Departmental Billing [6 September 2010]
Departmental Billing [27 July 2010]
Departmental Billing [9 June 2010]
Departmental Buildings [13 September 2010]
Departmental Buildings [22 July 2010]
Departmental Buildings [14 July 2010]
Departmental Carbon Emissions [18 October 2010]
Departmental Civil Servants [22 July 2010]
Departmental Communication [31 January 2011]
Departmental Communication [6 September 2010]
Departmental Conferences [20 December 2010]
Departmental Conferences [13 December 2010]
Departmental Conferences [14 July 2010]
Departmental Consultants [10 May 2011]
Departmental Consultants [11 October 2010]
Departmental Consultants [27 July 2010]
Departmental Contracts [13 December 2010]
Departmental Contracts [21 October 2010]
Departmental Contracts [22 July 2010]
Departmental Courier Services [13 December 2010]
Departmental Databases [13 December 2010]
Departmental Disciplinary Proceedings [2 November 2010]
Departmental Electronic Equipment [14 July 2010]
Departmental Electronic Equipment [22 June 2010]
Departmental Empty Property [13 September 2010]
Departmental Equality [21 October 2010]
Departmental Fines [11 October 2010]
Departmental Flags [14 June 2010]
Departmental Food [29 November 2010]
Departmental Furniture [11 October 2010]
Departmental Grants [20 December 2010]
Departmental Human Resources [6 July 2010]
Departmental ICT [6 September 2010]
Departmental ICT [27 July 2010]
Departmental Innovation [13 December 2010]
Departmental Internet [27 February 2012]
Departmental Internet [22 July 2010]
Departmental Internet [15 June 2010]
Departmental Leave [20 December 2010]
Departmental Legal costs [22 July 2010]
Departmental Legislation [15 November 2010]
Departmental Lighting [14 July 2010]
Departmental Lobbying [17 November 2010]
Departmental Location [22 July 2010]
Departmental Lost Property [27 July 2010]
Departmental Manpower [17 January 2011]
Departmental Manpower [10 January 2011]
Departmental Manpower [21 October 2010]
Departmental Manpower [18 October 2010]
Departmental Manpower [22 July 2010]
Departmental Manpower [6 July 2010]
Departmental Manpower [28 June 2010]
Departmental Manpower [23 June 2010]
Departmental Manpower [22 June 2010]
Departmental Manpower [10 June 2010]
Departmental Marketing [19 July 2010]
Departmental Meetings [10 May 2011]
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [14 June 2010]
Departmental Mobile Phones [6 July 2010]
Departmental Mobile Phones [22 June 2010]
Departmental Motor Vehicles [6 September 2010]
Departmental NDPBs [6 July 2010]
Departmental Offices [8 July 2010]
Departmental Official Cars [27 July 2010]
Departmental Official Cars [19 July 2010]
Departmental Official Cars [28 June 2010]
Departmental Official Cars [23 June 2010]
Departmental Official Hospitality [8 November 2010]
Departmental Official Hospitality [11 October 2010]
Departmental Official Hospitality [14 September 2010]
Departmental Official Hospitality [27 July 2010]
Departmental Official Residences [22 June 2010]
Departmental Operating Costs [27 July 2010]
Departmental Overtime [17 January 2011]
Departmental Pay [24 January 2011]
Departmental Pay [10 January 2011]
Departmental Pay [30 November 2010]
Departmental Pay [27 July 2010]
Departmental Pay [22 June 2010]
Departmental Pensions [6 September 2010]
Departmental Photographs [14 July 2010]
Departmental Policy [17 November 2010]
Departmental Postal Services [22 November 2010]
Departmental Press [11 October 2010]
Departmental Press Releases [31 January 2011]
Departmental Press: Subscriptions [17 January 2011]
Departmental Press: Subscriptions [20 December 2010]
Departmental Press: Subscriptions [18 November 2010]
Departmental Private Finance Initiative [5 July 2010]
Departmental Procurement [8 February 2012]
Departmental Procurement [17 January 2011]
Departmental Procurement [20 December 2010]
Departmental Public Appointments [7 February 2011]
Departmental Public Appointments [14 June 2010]
Departmental Public Bodies [1 April 2011]
Departmental Public Consultation [6 September 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [8 November 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [10 January 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [18 November 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [15 November 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [8 November 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [18 October 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [13 September 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [22 July 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [19 July 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [6 July 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [5 July 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [14 June 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [9 June 2010]
Departmental Public Relations [6 September 2010]
Departmental Publications [13 December 2010]
Departmental Recruitment [21 October 2010]
Departmental Recruitment [18 October 2010]
Departmental Redundancy [6 December 2010]
Departmental Redundancy [8 November 2010]
Departmental Redundancy Pay [18 October 2010]
Departmental Redundancy Pay [9 June 2010]
Departmental Regulation [7 March 2011]
Departmental Regulation [18 November 2010]
Departmental Regulation [27 July 2010]
Departmental Rents [11 October 2010]
Departmental Research [29 February 2012]
Departmental Research [13 September 2010]
Departmental Responsibilities [24 May 2011]
Departmental Reviews [22 June 2010]
Departmental Secondment [18 October 2010]
Departmental Security [14 July 2010]
Departmental Sick Leave [2 November 2010]
Departmental Speeches [22 July 2010]
Departmental Sponsorship [6 December 2010]
Departmental Stationery [27 July 2010]
Departmental Temporary Employment [27 July 2010]
Departmental Training [13 September 2010]
Departmental Training [27 July 2010]
Departmental Training [19 July 2010]
Departmental Translation Services [22 June 2010]
Departmental Travel [17 January 2011]
Departmental Travel [17 November 2010]
Departmental Travel [11 October 2010]
Departmental Travel [27 July 2010]
Departmental Travel [22 July 2010]
Departmental Utilities [21 December 2010]
Departmental Utilities [14 July 2010]
Departmental Visits Abroad [8 November 2010]
Departmental Work Experience [17 November 2010]
Departmental Working Conditions [31 January 2011]
Detainees [19 July 2010]
Detainees [19 July 2010]
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary [21 October 2010]
Diamond Districts [5 July 2010]
Diplomatic Immunity: Training [1 November 2011]
Disability: Crime [1 March 2012]
Disturbances: Greater London [5 April 2011]
DNA: Databases [15 February 2011]
DNA: Databases [17 January 2011]
DNA: Databases [21 October 2010]
Domestic Violence [1 March 2012]
Domestic Violence [6 July 2011]
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 [10 January 2012]
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal [10 May 2011]
Dorset Police: Finance [22 November 2010]
Dorset Police: Promotion [12 July 2010]
Dr Ejup Ganic [21 October 2010]
Driving Offences [11 January 2012]
Driving Offences: Insurance [27 June 2011]
Driving Offences: Speed Limits [10 November 2011]
Drug Dependency: Prisoners [11 January 2011]
Drugs: Crime [21 November 2011]
Drugs: Crime Prevention [23 May 2011]
Durham Constabulary: Cost-effectiveness [3 June 2010]
Dyfed-Powys Police: Helicopters [14 March 2011]
Economic Crime Unit [20 October 2011]
Ejup Ganic: Public Finance [20 December 2010]
Elections: Finance [26 April 2011]
Electoral Register [23 May 2011]
Electronic Surveillance [9 June 2011]
Electronic Surveillance [28 February 2011]
Electronic Surveillance [15 February 2011]
Electronic Surveillance: Internet [8 November 2010]
Electronic Warfare [22 July 2010]
Emergency Calls [7 March 2012]
Energy Supply [13 December 2010]
Equality Act 2010: Legal Opinion [1 December 2011]
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council [1 March 2012]
European Arrest Warrant: Dr Daniel Ubani [25 October 2010]
European Arrest Warrants [9 November 2010]
European Data Retention Directive [8 November 2010]
European Investigation Order [9 November 2010]
European Investigation Order [8 November 2010]
Europol [6 September 2011]
Extradition [28 April 2011]
Extradition [7 February 2011]
Extradition [31 January 2011]
Extradition [17 January 2011]
Extradition [8 November 2010]
Extradition [25 October 2010]
Extradition [22 July 2010]
Extradition: USA [15 November 2010]
Extradition: USA [18 October 2010]
Families [12 March 2012]
Faryadi Sarwar Zardad [14 February 2011]
Finance [12 October 2011]
Firearms [13 December 2011]
Firearms [5 December 2011]
Firearms [1 December 2011]
Firearms [31 October 2011]
Firearms [20 October 2011]
Firearms [17 October 2011]
Firearms: Crime [30 April 2012]
Firearms: Crime [8 December 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [17 April 2012]
Firearms: Licensing [17 January 2012]
Firearms: Licensing [20 December 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [13 December 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [10 November 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [4 July 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [7 June 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [17 January 2011]
Firearms: Young Offenders [7 June 2011]
Firearms: Young Offenders [23 May 2011]
Firearms: Young People [31 October 2011]
Fireworks: Crime [5 December 2011]
Fixated Threat Assessment Centre [17 January 2011]
Fixed Penalties [11 July 2011]
Fixed Penalties [30 June 2011]
Fixed Penalties [29 June 2011]
Fixed Penalties [23 June 2011]
Foreign National Offenders [28 June 2011]
Foreign Nationals: Bail [12 March 2012]
Forensic Science [15 December 2011]
Forensic Science: Manpower [26 April 2012]
Former Ministers: Security [11 October 2010]
Fraud [23 May 2011]
Fraud: Elections [4 April 2011]
Freedom of Information [30 April 2012]
Freedom of Information Act 2000 [18 October 2010]
G4S: Public Expenditure [16 April 2012]
Gangs [1 November 2011]
Garages and Petrol Stations: Theft [30 June 2011]
Gary McKinnon [15 June 2010]
Global Peace and Unity Conference [14 December 2010]
Google: Data Protection [11 October 2010]
Government Communications [31 March 2011]
Government Departments: Data Protection [3 June 2010]
Greater Manchester Police [24 May 2011]
Greater Manchester Police: Grants [17 January 2011]
Hacking [7 March 2011]
Heroin Addiction [23 November 2010]
Hillsborough Independent Panel [6 December 2011]
Hillsborough Independent Panel [13 September 2011]
Hillsborough Independent Panel: Expenditure [5 September 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium: Disclosure of Information [14 July 2010]
Hizb ut-Tahrir [7 March 2011]
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary [11 October 2010]
Home Office Circular [10 November 2011]
Homicide [30 April 2012]
Homicide [10 May 2011]
Homicide [8 March 2011]
Homicide [7 March 2011]
Homicide: Cumbria [22 June 2010]
Homicide: Young People [30 April 2012]
Hospitals: Disclosure of Information [5 September 2011]
Housing Benefit: Fraud [7 March 2011]
Human Rights: Russia [30 April 2012]
Human Trafficking [7 November 2011]
Human Trafficking [6 December 2010]
Humberside Police [17 October 2011]
Humberside Police: Olympic Games 2012 [10 October 2011]
Identity Theft [18 October 2010]
Immigration [17 November 2010]
Immigration and Nationality Directorate: Travel [30 November 2010]
Immigration Controls [18 October 2011]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [21 March 2012]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [30 January 2012]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [16 January 2012]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [7 December 2011]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [24 November 2011]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [Statement] [14 July 2011]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [28 April 2011]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [8 November 2010]
Independent Police Complaints Commission [14 June 2010]
Independent Police Complaints Commission (Annual Report 2009-10) [Statement] [26 July 2010]
Independent Police Complaints Commission: Finance [23 May 2011]
Independent Police Complaints Commission: Pay [2 June 2010]
Independent Police Complaints Commission: Standards [14 June 2010]
Industrial Disputes: Shrewsbury [13 December 2010]
Industrial Health and Safety [7 February 2011]
Information and Communications Technology: Recycling [13 December 2010]
Infrastructure Security and Resilience Advisory Council [4 April 2011]
Injuries [7 March 2011]
Institute for Fiscal Studies [17 November 2010]
Intercept Modernisation Programme [30 November 2010]
Intercept Modernisation Programme [10 November 2010]
Internet [13 December 2010]
Internet [18 November 2010]
Internet [25 October 2010]
Internet: Organised Crime [28 February 2012]
Interview Transcribers [16 June 2011]
Investigatory Powers Tribunal [25 October 2010]
Investigatory Powers Tribunal [18 October 2010]
Ivan Cherkasov [30 April 2012]
John Davidson [19 January 2012]
Julian Assange [15 November 2010]
Kent Police Authority: Operating Costs [10 May 2011]
Kidnapping: Children [24 April 2012]
Knife Crime [7 November 2011]
Knives [17 October 2011]
Knives [16 June 2011]
Knives: Crime [14 March 2012]
Knives: Crime [29 February 2012]
Knives: Crime [20 February 2012]
Knives: Crime [1 February 2012]
Knives: Crime [29 November 2011]
Knives: Crime [15 November 2011]
Knives: Crime [3 November 2011]
Knives: Crime [17 October 2011]
Knives: Crime [26 April 2011]
Knives: Crime [2 June 2010]
Lancashire Constabulary [1 November 2011]
Law Enforcement Agencies [30 November 2010]
Leicestershire Constabulary: Finance [6 July 2010]
Liberal Democrats: Conferences [5 September 2011]
Liberal Democrats: Conferences [21 March 2011]
Lord Wasserman [11 May 2011]
Management of Police Pursuits: Code of Practice [Statement] [23 May 2011]
Manufacturing Industries: Prosecutions [15 March 2012]
Members: Correspondence [10 January 2012]
Members: Correspondence [19 December 2011]
Members: Correspondence [7 December 2011]
Members: Correspondence [24 November 2011]
Members: Correspondence [15 November 2011]
Members: Correspondence [12 October 2011]
Members: Correspondence [10 October 2011]
Members: Correspondence [13 September 2011]
Members: Correspondence [6 September 2011]
Members: Correspondence [17 June 2011]
Members: Correspondence [10 June 2011]
Members: Correspondence [8 June 2011]
Members: Correspondence [7 June 2011]
Members: Correspondence [26 April 2011]
Members: Correspondence [7 March 2011]
Members: Correspondence [7 February 2011]
Members: Correspondence [31 January 2011]
Members: Correspondence [10 January 2011]
Members: Correspondence [21 December 2010]
Members: Correspondence [14 December 2010]
Members: Correspondence [6 December 2010]
Members: Correspondence [13 September 2010]
Members: Correspondence [27 July 2010]
Members: Security [15 June 2010]
Members: Surveillance [1 February 2012]
Metropolitan Police [20 January 2012]
Metropolitan Police [10 January 2012]
Metropolitan Police [28 November 2011]
Metropolitan Police [4 July 2011]
Metropolitan Police Authority: Finance [4 April 2011]
Metropolitan Police Professional Standards Division: Complaints [21 November 2011]
Metropolitan Police Service [22 November 2011]
Metropolitan Police Service [21 November 2011]
Metropolitan Police Service: Finance [14 March 2012]
Metropolitan Police Status Dog Unit [22 November 2010]
Metropolitan Police: Civilians [5 July 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Disability [4 July 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Expenditure [30 April 2012]
Metropolitan Police: Manpower [6 December 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Manpower [4 July 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Public Appointments [27 March 2012]
Metropolitan Police: Telephone Tapping [21 November 2011]
Mexico: Overseas Aid [14 September 2010]
Ministerial Correction [Statement] [19 July 2010]
Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency [20 October 2011]
Miscarriages of Justice: Freedom of Information [11 October 2010]
Missing Persons [7 March 2011]
Missing Persons [18 October 2010]
Missing Persons [11 October 2010]
Missing Persons: Dementia [17 January 2011]
Missing Persons: Unidentified Bodies [11 October 2010]
Mobile Phones [20 February 2012]
Mobile Phones [8 February 2012]
Monarchy: Marriage [21 November 2011]
Monarchy: Marriage [11 May 2011]
Money Laundering: Corruption [27 July 2010]
Mujaheddin-e-Khalq [15 February 2011]
Muslim Brotherhood [30 November 2010]
National Crime Agency [6 March 2012]
National Crime Agency [15 November 2010]
National Crime Agency: Costs [7 March 2012]
National Crime Agency: Northern Ireland [26 April 2012]
National Extremism Tactical Co-ordination Unit [14 December 2010]
National Police Improvement Agency [13 December 2010]
National Police Improvement Agency [6 December 2010]
National Police Improvement Agency: Missing Persons [11 October 2010]
National Policing Improvement Agency [19 April 2012]
National Policing Improvement Agency [6 March 2012]
National Policing Improvement Agency [8 February 2012]
National Policing Improvement Agency [1 December 2011]
National Policing Improvement Agency [24 November 2011]
National Policing Improvement Agency [6 July 2011]
National Policing Improvement Agency: Finance [20 December 2011]
National Policing Improvement Agency: Manpower [20 December 2011]
National Policing Improvement Agency: Public Appointments [21 March 2012]
National Public Order Intelligence Unit [23 May 2011]
National Public Order Intelligence Unit: Finance [5 April 2011]
National Referral Mechanism [27 July 2010]
National Referral Mechanism [5 July 2010]
Neighbourhood Policing Fund [21 November 2011]
Neighbourhood Policing Fund [31 January 2011]
Neighbourhood Policing Fund [22 November 2010]
Neighbourhood Policing Fund [17 November 2010]
Newspaper Press: Telephone Tapping [13 September 2011]
Newspaper Press: Telephone Tapping [5 September 2011]
Newspaper Press: Telephone Tapping [17 November 2010]
North Yorkshire Police [18 January 2012]
North Yorkshire Police [6 September 2011]
North Yorkshire Police: Expenditure [13 September 2011]
Northumbria Constabulary: Finance [11 October 2010]
Northumbria Police [23 May 2011]
Northumbria Police: Manpower [14 March 2011]
Northumbria Police: Overtime [17 March 2011]
Northumbria Police: Stun Guns [14 March 2011]
Nottingham PCSOs [24 January 2011]
Nottinghamshire Police [23 May 2011]
Nottinghamshire Police [28 June 2010]
Nottinghamshire Police Authority [13 September 2011]
Offences [10 May 2011]
Offenders: EU Nationals [10 January 2012]
Offenders: Ex-servicemen [22 November 2011]
Offenders: Ex-servicemen [10 November 2011]
Offensive Weapons: Sales [20 October 2011]
Offensive Weapons: Seized Articles [17 October 2011]
Official Cars: Prime Minister [14 March 2011]
Olympic Games 2012 [27 March 2012]
Olympic Games 2012: Kent Constabulary [21 December 2010]
Operation Viper [7 March 2011]
Organised Crime [6 July 2011]
Organised Crime: Exclusion Orders [6 July 2011]
Pakistan: Torture [19 July 2010]
Parliament Square [6 September 2011]
Parliament Square: Demonstrations [13 September 2011]
Passports: Biometrics [5 April 2011]
Passports: Fraud [14 June 2010]
Passports: Lost Property [15 June 2010]
PCSOs: Certificate in Policing [22 June 2010]
Personation [1 November 2011]
Petrol: Theft [20 February 2012]
Police [23 April 2012]
Police [14 March 2012]
Police [7 March 2012]
Police [9 February 2012]
Police [8 February 2012]
Police [1 February 2012]
Police [10 January 2012]
Police [15 December 2011]
Police [1 December 2011]
Police [21 November 2011]
Police [10 November 2011]
Police [20 October 2011]
Police [13 September 2011]
Police [7 September 2011]
Police [6 September 2011]
Police [5 July 2011]
Police [16 June 2011]
Police [7 June 2011]
Police [24 May 2011]
Police [23 May 2011]
Police [16 May 2011]
Police [10 May 2011]
Police [26 April 2011]
Police [1 April 2011]
Police [17 March 2011]
Police [14 March 2011]
Police [8 March 2011]
Police [14 February 2011]
Police [17 November 2010]
Police [9 November 2010]
Police [11 October 2010]
Police [22 July 2010]
Police [19 July 2010]
Police [2 June 2010]
Police (Firearms) [Statement] [9 June 2011]
Police Air Support (Collaboration Agreement) [Statement] [27 March 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioner [1 March 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [26 April 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [23 April 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [27 March 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [19 March 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [15 March 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [8 February 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [6 February 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [20 January 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [10 January 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners [1 December 2011]
Police and Crime Commissioners [14 February 2011]
Police and Crime Commissioners: Elections [6 February 2012]
Police and Crime Commissioners: Elections [24 January 2012]
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Code of Practice A [17 January 2011]
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Code of Practice A [29 November 2010]
Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Code of Practice A [22 November 2010]
Police Arbitration Tribunal [30 January 2012]
Police Authorities [11 October 2010]
Police Authorities [22 June 2010]
Police Authorities [3 June 2010]
Police Authorities (Funding Allocations) [Statement] [27 May 2010]
Police Authorities (Revised Grant Allocations) [Statement] [10 June 2010]
Police Authorities of Wales [8 November 2010]
Police Authorities: County Councils [6 February 2012]
Police Authorities: Pay [28 June 2010]
Police Authorities: Security [8 November 2010]
Police Authority Grants (England and Wales) [Statement] [13 December 2010]
Police Commissioners [24 November 2011]
Police Committees: Pay [3 June 2010]
Police Community Support Officer: Redundancy [14 July 2010]
Police Community Support Officer: Redundancy [6 July 2010]
Police Community Support Officers [31 January 2011]
Police Community Support Officers [6 December 2010]
Police Community Support Officers [6 December 2010]
Police Community Support Officers [29 November 2010]
Police Community Support Officers [5 July 2010]
Police Community Support Officers: Aberconwy [17 January 2011]
Police Community Support Officers: Finance [30 November 2010]
Police Community Support Officers: Greater Manchester [14 July 2010]
Police Community Support Officers: Leicester [30 November 2010]
Police Community Support Officers: Manpower [22 November 2011]
Police Community Support Officers: Nottinghamshire [20 December 2010]
Police Community Support Officers: Powers [27 July 2010]
Police Community Support Officers: Redundancy [8 March 2011]
Police Community Support Officers: South Yorkshire [20 February 2012]
Police Community Support Officers: Wales [15 November 2011]
Police Community Support Officers: Wales [17 January 2011]
Police Complaints Commissioner [22 March 2012]
Police Custody [30 April 2012]
Police Custody [26 April 2012]
Police Custody [7 September 2011]
Police Custody [5 September 2011]
Police Custody [10 May 2011]
Police Custody: Death [18 January 2012]
Police Custody: Death [13 September 2011]
Police Custody: Standards [22 July 2010]
Police Deaths on Duty [11 October 2011]
Police Federation [10 January 2012]
Police Federation of England and Wales [20 October 2011]
Police Federation of England and Wales: Civil Disorder [20 October 2011]
Police Funding Settlement [6 February 2012]
Police Grant Report England and Wales (2011-12) [Statement] [31 January 2011]
Police Grant Report in England and Wales 2012-13 [Statement] [31 January 2012]
Police National Computer [18 October 2010]
Police Numbers [12 September 2011]
Police Numbers [27 June 2011]
Police Numbers: Crime Levels [7 March 2011]
Police Officer Numbers [6 December 2010]
Police Recruitment Freeze [25 January 2011]
Police Services [7 March 2011]
Police Stations: Closures [28 November 2011]
Police Stations: Closures [5 September 2011]
Police Stations: Lincolnshire [12 March 2012]
Police Stations: Medway [10 January 2012]
Police Stations: Opening Hours [18 January 2012]
Police Stations: Opening Hours [1 November 2010]
Police Stations: Rugby [8 November 2010]
Police Stations: Temporary Accommodation [14 February 2011]
Police Time: Administration [6 September 2010]
Police: Accountability [8 February 2012]
Police: Accountability [30 January 2012]
Police: Accountability [12 January 2012]
Police: Accountability [15 December 2011]
Police: Accountability [13 December 2011]
Police: Accountability [1 December 2011]
Police: Accountability [10 October 2011]
Police: Accountability [4 July 2011]
Police: Accountability [16 June 2011]
Police: Accountability [7 June 2011]
Police: Accountability [5 April 2011]
Police: Accountability [7 March 2011]
Police: Accountability [28 February 2011]
Police: Accountability [14 February 2011]
Police: Accountability [13 December 2010]
Police: Accountability [6 December 2010]
Police: Accountability [18 November 2010]
Police: Accountability [8 November 2010]
Police: Accountability [18 October 2010]
Police: Accountability [11 October 2010]
Police: Administration [23 November 2010]
Police: Administration [28 June 2010]
Police: Advertising [11 October 2010]
Police: Airports [10 May 2011]
Police: Airwave Service [17 April 2012]
Police: Ammunition [23 May 2011]
Police: Appeals [1 December 2011]
Police: Arrests [25 October 2010]
Police: Ashfield [12 October 2011]
Police: Ashfield [5 July 2010]
Police: Assaults [11 May 2011]
Police: Autism [30 April 2012]
Police: Bahrain [27 February 2012]
Police: Bassetlaw [25 October 2010]
Police: Baton Rounds [21 March 2012]
Police: Baton Rounds [5 December 2011]
Police: Bournemouth [6 December 2011]
Police: Budget [7 September 2011]
Police: Buildings [15 November 2011]
Police: Buildings [22 November 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [23 April 2012]
Police: Bureaucracy [1 February 2012]
Police: Bureaucracy [10 January 2012]
Police: Bureaucracy [27 October 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [13 September 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [20 June 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [16 May 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [10 May 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [17 March 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [14 March 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [11 October 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [13 September 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [6 July 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [5 July 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [22 June 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [3 June 2010]
Police: Business Interests [28 June 2010]
Police: Business Partnership Programme [12 March 2012]
Police: Cambridgeshire [15 November 2010]
Police: Chauffeur-driven Cars [23 June 2010]
Police: Compensation [10 October 2011]
Police: Compensation [25 October 2010]
Police: Complaints [7 December 2011]
Police: Complaints [5 September 2011]
Police: Complaints [7 June 2011]
Police: Complaints [23 May 2011]
Police: Complaints [28 April 2011]
Police: Complaints [7 February 2011]
Police: Comprehensive Spending Review [27 July 2010]
Police: Conditions of Employment [1 February 2012]
Police: Conditions of Employment [13 September 2011]
Police: Conditions of Employment [6 July 2010]
Police: Conduct [17 January 2011]
Police: Consultants [26 April 2012]
Police: Contracts [8 March 2011]
Police: Corruption [10 May 2011]
Police: Council Housing [20 February 2012]
Police: Court Orders [13 March 2012]
Police: Court Orders [27 February 2012]
Police: Court Orders [20 February 2012]
Police: Court Orders [30 January 2012]
Police: Crime [21 November 2011]
Police: Crime [15 March 2011]
Police: Crime [30 November 2010]
Police: Crime Prevention [28 October 2010]
Police: Crime Prevention [18 October 2010]
Police: Crime Prevention [11 October 2010]
Police: Crimes of Violence [6 December 2011]
Police: Crimes of Violence [13 December 2010]
Police: Criminal Proceedings [27 July 2010]
Police: Croydon [2 February 2012]
Police: Cybercrime [29 November 2010]
Police: Dangerous Dogs [21 November 2011]
Police: Defamation [7 March 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [5 December 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [28 June 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [16 June 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [5 April 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [7 March 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [31 January 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [24 January 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [10 January 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [30 November 2010]
Police: Demonstrations [17 November 2010]
Police: Diamond Jubilee 2012 [1 April 2011]
Police: Disability [8 November 2010]
Police: Disciplinary Proceedings [13 December 2010]
Police: Disciplinary Proceedings [29 November 2010]
Police: Disciplinary Proceedings [22 July 2010]
Police: Dismissal [30 January 2012]
Police: Dismissal [19 July 2010]
Police: Domestic Violence [6 September 2010]
Police: Doncaster [6 September 2010]
Police: Dorset [17 June 2011]
Police: Dorset [25 October 2010]
Police: Durham [22 July 2010]
Police: Ealing [6 September 2011]
Police: Elections [5 July 2010]
Police: Elections [23 June 2010]
Police: Electronic Equipment [22 July 2010]
Police: Email [12 October 2011]
Police: Employment [19 March 2012]
Police: Employment Tribunals [22 July 2010]
Police: Equality [31 October 2011]
Police: Equipment [2 November 2010]
Police: Equipment [25 October 2010]
Police: Essex [18 October 2010]
Police: Essex [22 June 2010]
Police: Ethnic Groups [8 November 2010]
Police: EU Countries [11 October 2010]
Police: EU Countries [14 September 2010]
Police: Expenditure [8 February 2012]
Police: Fees and Charges [28 April 2011]
Police: Females [8 November 2010]
Police: Finance [5 December 2011]
Police: Finance [10 November 2011]
Police: Finance [28 June 2011]
Police: Finance [5 April 2011]
Police: Finance [7 March 2011]
Police: Finance [7 February 2011]
Police: Finance [25 January 2011]
Police: Finance [8 November 2010]
Police: Finance [2 November 2010]
Police: Finance [25 October 2010]
Police: Finance [21 October 2010]
Police: Finance [18 October 2010]
Police: Finance [11 October 2010]
Police: Finance [14 September 2010]
Police: Finance [6 September 2010]
Police: Finance [22 July 2010]
Police: Finance [19 July 2010]
Police: Finance [6 July 2010]
Police: Finance [23 June 2010]
Police: Finance [22 June 2010]
Police: Finance [10 June 2010]
Police: Finance [9 June 2010]
Police: Firearms [13 December 2011]
Police: Firearms [1 December 2011]
Police: Firearms [10 May 2011]
Police: Firearms [17 March 2011]
Police: Firearms [19 July 2010]
Police: First Aid [30 April 2012]
Police: Football [26 April 2012]
Police: Freedom of Information [31 January 2011]
Police: Funding [22 June 2010]
Police: G4S [15 March 2012]
Police: Graduates [26 April 2011]
Police: Grants [22 July 2010]
Police: Greater London [18 October 2010]
Police: Greater London [8 July 2010]
Police: Greater Manchester [27 February 2012]
Police: Greater Manchester [5 July 2010]
Police: Halifax [28 February 2011]
Police: Haringey [23 April 2012]
Police: Harrow [10 May 2011]
Police: Helicopters [17 January 2011]
Police: Helicopters [17 November 2010]
Police: Helicopters [8 November 2010]
Police: Helicopters [18 October 2010]
Police: Housing [16 June 2011]
Police: ICT [1 February 2012]
Police: Incentives [13 September 2011]
Police: Incentives [30 June 2011]
Police: Income Tax [17 April 2012]
Police: Indemnity Insurance [5 September 2011]
Police: Infant Mortality [9 February 2012]
Police: Information [13 December 2010]
Police: Information and Communications Technology [7 March 2012]
Police: Information and Communications Technology [27 February 2012]
Police: Information and Communications Technology [20 February 2012]
Police: Information and Communications Technology [9 February 2012]
Police: Information and Communications Technology [8 February 2012]
Police: Internet [10 May 2011]
Police: Investigations [14 February 2011]
Police: Jamaica [23 May 2011]
Police: Jet Skis [5 July 2010]
Police: Kent [14 September 2010]
Police: Lambeth [27 July 2010]
Police: Lasers [30 January 2012]
Police: Length of Service [7 March 2011]
Police: Liverpool [7 March 2011]
Police: Local Government [15 March 2011]
Police: Management [8 November 2010]
Police: Manpower [30 April 2012]
Police: Manpower [16 April 2012]
Police: Manpower [17 January 2012]
Police: Manpower [10 January 2012]
Police: Manpower [13 December 2011]
Police: Manpower [7 December 2011]
Police: Manpower [23 November 2011]
Police: Manpower [15 November 2011]
Police: Manpower [31 October 2011]
Police: Manpower [20 October 2011]
Police: Manpower [10 October 2011]
Police: Manpower [13 September 2011]
Police: Manpower [7 September 2011]
Police: Manpower [27 June 2011]
Police: Manpower [13 June 2011]
Police: Manpower [8 June 2011]
Police: Manpower [23 May 2011]
Police: Manpower [16 May 2011]
Police: Manpower [11 May 2011]
Police: Manpower [10 May 2011]
Police: Manpower [3 May 2011]
Police: Manpower [28 April 2011]
Police: Manpower [26 April 2011]
Police: Manpower [1 April 2011]
Police: Manpower [28 February 2011]
Police: Manpower [14 February 2011]
Police: Manpower [8 February 2011]
Police: Manpower [31 January 2011]
Police: Manpower [13 December 2010]
Police: Manpower [30 November 2010]
Police: Manpower [6 September 2010]
Police: Manpower [27 July 2010]
Police: Manpower [22 July 2010]
Police: Manpower [19 July 2010]
Police: Manpower [14 July 2010]
Police: Manpower [7 July 2010]
Police: Manpower [10 June 2010]
Police: Mass Media [23 May 2011]
Police: Mass Media [7 March 2011]
Police: Mental Illness [30 November 2010]
Police: Mental Illness [11 October 2010]
Police: Misconduct [18 January 2012]
Police: Misconduct [7 December 2011]
Police: Misconduct [14 February 2011]
Police: Missing Persons [11 October 2010]
Police: Mobile Homes [5 September 2011]
Police: Mobile IT [28 June 2010]
Police: Motor Vehicles [1 February 2012]
Police: Motorways [6 September 2010]
Police: Newham [13 December 2010]
Police: North Wales [7 June 2011]
Police: North Yorkshire [27 July 2010]
Police: Northumbria [13 December 2010]
Police: Northumbria [18 October 2010]
Police: Nottinghamshire [26 April 2012]
Police: Obesity [17 October 2011]
Police: Offenders [13 December 2010]
Police: Offenders [29 November 2010]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [19 March 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [21 February 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [20 February 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [7 November 2011]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [27 October 2011]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [4 April 2011]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [1 April 2011]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [15 November 2010]
Police: Opening Hours [28 November 2011]
Police: Operating Costs [2 November 2010]
Police: Overtime [5 September 2011]
Police: Overtime [10 May 2011]
Police: Overtime [26 April 2011]
Police: Overtime [1 April 2011]
Police: Overtime [11 October 2010]
Police: Overtime [27 July 2010]
Police: Pay [8 February 2012]
Police: Pay [30 January 2012]
Police: Pay [19 December 2011]
Police: Pay [24 October 2011]
Police: Pay [13 September 2011]
Police: Pay [17 June 2011]
Police: Pay [16 June 2011]
Police: Pay [26 April 2011]
Police: Pay [25 October 2010]
Police: Pay [14 September 2010]
Police: Pay [6 September 2010]
Police: Pay [27 July 2010]
Police: Pay [22 July 2010]
Police: Pay [3 June 2010]
Police: Pensions [27 February 2012]
Police: Pensions [13 December 2011]
Police: Pensions [22 November 2011]
Police: Pensions [24 October 2011]
Police: Pensions [20 October 2011]
Police: Pensions [5 September 2011]
Police: Pensions [23 June 2011]
Police: Pensions [21 June 2011]
Police: Pensions [28 April 2011]
Police: Pensions [5 April 2011]
Police: Pensions [21 March 2011]
Police: Pensions [8 March 2011]
Police: Pensions [15 February 2011]
Police: Pensions [14 February 2011]
Police: Pensions [31 January 2011]
Police: Pensions [24 January 2011]
Police: Pensions [13 December 2010]
Police: Pensions [8 November 2010]
Police: Ports [6 September 2011]
Police: Ports [29 November 2010]
Police: Ports [15 June 2010]
Police: Powers [30 January 2012]
Police: Powers [27 July 2010]
Police: Private Sector [23 April 2012]
Police: Private Sector [27 March 2012]
Police: Procurement [12 July 2011]
Police: Procurement [19 October 2010]
Police: Procurement [18 October 2010]
Police: Public Expenditure [13 December 2010]
Police: Public Finance [21 March 2012]
Police: Public Order [7 March 2011]
Police: Race Relations [27 July 2010]
Police: Radiation Exposure [17 November 2010]
Police: Recruitment [20 December 2011]
Police: Recruitment [5 September 2011]
Police: Recruitment [28 April 2011]
Police: Recruitment [26 April 2011]
Police: Recruitment [5 April 2011]
Police: Recruitment [28 February 2011]
Police: Redundancy [22 November 2011]
Police: Redundancy [16 May 2011]
Police: Redundancy [26 April 2011]
Police: Redundancy [8 November 2010]
Police: Redundancy Pay [3 May 2011]
Police: Reform [14 September 2010]
Police: Retirement [16 May 2011]
Police: Retirement [21 March 2011]
Police: Retirement [7 February 2011]
Police: Retirement [7 July 2010]
Police: Retirement [6 July 2010]
Police: Riot Control Weapons [10 May 2011]
Police: Rugby [24 October 2011]
Police: Rule A19 [9 May 2011]
Police: Rural Areas [11 January 2012]
Police: Rural Areas [10 May 2011]
Police: Rural Areas [15 June 2010]
Police: Scotland [27 July 2010]
Police: Shropshire [24 January 2011]
Police: Sick Leave [23 April 2012]
Police: Sick Leave [10 October 2011]
Police: Sick Leave [21 December 2010]
Police: Sick Leave [25 October 2010]
Police: Sick Leave [22 July 2010]
Police: Sick Leave [22 June 2010]
Police: Sonae [23 June 2011]
Police: South Wales [6 December 2011]
Police: South Wales [23 June 2011]
Police: Southwark [10 October 2011]
Police: Southwark [26 April 2011]
Police: Sri Lanka [13 December 2010]
Police: Standards [30 January 2012]
Police: Stun Guns [24 June 2010]
Police: Surveillance [10 January 2012]
Police: Surveillance [6 December 2011]
Police: Surveillance [5 April 2011]
Police: Surveillance [17 March 2011]
Police: Tasers [7 February 2011]
Police: Television [5 July 2010]
Police: Termination of Employment [17 October 2011]
Police: Termination of Employment [12 October 2011]
Police: Termination of Employment [17 June 2011]
Police: Termination of Employment [8 June 2011]
Police: Termination of Employment [23 May 2011]
Police: Termination of Employment [1 April 2011]
Police: Trade Unions [23 May 2011]
Police: Training [13 December 2011]
Police: Training [10 May 2011]
Police: Training [28 April 2011]
Police: Training [17 March 2011]
Police: Training [7 February 2011]
Police: Training [10 January 2011]
Police: Training [6 September 2010]
Police: Training [27 July 2010]
Police: Training [14 June 2010]
Police: Training [3 June 2010]
Police: Travel [23 June 2011]
Police: Unidentified Bodies [9 November 2010]
Police: Unidentified Bodies [11 October 2010]
Police: Unmanned Air Vehicles [30 January 2012]
Police: Vacancies [13 December 2010]
Police: VAT [14 July 2010]
Police: VAT [5 July 2010]
Police: Vehicles [27 February 2012]
Police: Vehicles [21 February 2012]
Police: Vehicles [20 February 2012]
Police: Voluntary Organisations [16 April 2012]
Police: Voluntary Work [7 March 2011]
Police: Wales [10 January 2012]
Police: Wales [8 December 2011]
Police: Wales [5 September 2011]
Police: Wales [20 December 2010]
Police: Wales [8 November 2010]
Police: West Midlands [13 December 2010]
Police: Wolverhampton [11 October 2010]
Police: Working Hours [22 November 2011]
Police: Working Hours [10 May 2011]
Police: Working Hours [5 April 2011]
Police: Working Hours [25 October 2010]
Police: Yorkshire and the Humber [14 March 2011]
Policing in the 21st Century [Statement] [1 December 2010]
Policy: Bureaucracy [7 March 2011]
Powers of Entry [22 June 2010]
Pre-charge Detention [6 July 2010]
Pre-charge Detention [5 July 2010]
Prince William: Marriage [10 May 2011]
Prince William: Security [17 January 2011]
Prison Population (Drugs Act) [7 September 2010]
Prisoners’ Release [13 September 2011]
Private Investigators [21 March 2012]
Proceeds of Crime [29 February 2012]
Proceeds of Crime [11 October 2010]
Proceeds of Crime Act 2000 [17 January 2012]
Production Orders: North East [20 February 2012]
Production Orders: Wales [28 February 2012]
Production Orders: Wales [27 February 2012]
Production Orders: Wales [20 February 2012]
Prostitution [18 January 2012]
Provisional Police Funding Announcement [Statement] [8 December 2011]
Public Expenditure: Wales [23 June 2010]
Public Houses: Crime [8 June 2011]
Public Interest Immunity Certificates [31 January 2011]
Public Order [13 December 2010]
Public Order Act 1986: Arrests [14 September 2010]
Public Order Offences: Police [26 April 2012]
Public Sector [8 November 2011]
Public Spending Control [19 July 2010]
Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal [20 October 2011]
Quilliam Foundation: Finance [5 April 2011]
Racially Aggravated Offences [28 April 2011]
Radicalism [8 November 2010]
Radicalism: Internet [17 January 2011]
Radicalism: Publications [31 January 2011]
Raoul Moat [8 November 2010]
Reduced Street Lighting: Effect on Crime [6 February 2012]
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 [21 October 2010]
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 [13 December 2011]
Remand in Custody [4 April 2011]
Reoffenders: Dartford [14 December 2010]
Rescue Services [17 November 2010]
Riots (Damages) Act 1886 [7 March 2012]
Road Traffic Offences: Fixed Penalties [8 June 2011]
Royal Family: Electronic Surveillance [22 June 2010]
Rural Police Forces [1 November 2010]
Russia: Espionage [15 June 2010]
Safer Neighbourhood Teams [17 November 2010]
Safer Neighbourhood Teams: Finance [6 September 2010]
Security Services [22 July 2010]
Security: Expenditure [13 September 2010]
Security: Olympic Games 2012 [10 May 2011]
Security: Olympic Games 2012 [21 December 2010]
Seized Articles: Landfill [7 November 2011]
Self-defence Law [15 June 2010]
Serious and Organised Crime Agency: Finance [20 December 2011]
Serious Organised Crime Agency [6 March 2012]
Serious Organised Crime Agency [27 February 2012]
Serious Organised Crime Agency [21 June 2011]
Serious Organised Crime Agency [23 May 2011]
Serious Organised Crime Agency (Annual Report) [Statement] [20 July 2010]
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Government Procurement Card [17 October 2011]
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Manpower [7 June 2011]
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Moscow [30 April 2012]
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Northern Ireland [26 April 2012]
Serious Organised Crime: Finance [1 April 2011]
Serious Organised Crime: Manpower [1 April 2011]
Serious Organised Crime: Northern Ireland [1 April 2011]
Serious Organised Crime: Terrorism [1 April 2011]
Sexual Offences [22 July 2010]
SMU 100 Laser Device [20 December 2011]
Smuggling: Wildlife [14 September 2010]
Southern Investigations [22 November 2011]
Special Constables [8 March 2011]
Special Constables [7 February 2011]
Special Constables [31 January 2011]
Special Constables [17 January 2011]
Special Constables [6 September 2010]
Special Constables [5 July 2010]
Special Constables [22 June 2010]
Special Constables: Greater London [10 January 2011]
Special Constables: Recruitment [11 October 2010]
Special Constables: Recruitment [2 June 2010]
Specialist Crime Division 9 [17 January 2012]
Speed Limits: Cameras [21 February 2012]
Speed Limits: Cameras [24 January 2012]
Speed Limits: Cameras [6 September 2011]
Speed Limits: Fines [14 July 2010]
Speed Limits: Training [27 February 2012]
Sponsors [7 March 2011]
Squatting [8 November 2010]
Stalking [1 March 2012]
Stalking [21 November 2011]
Stalking: Homicide [6 December 2011]
Stay Safe Campaign [5 July 2011]
Stephen Lawrence [18 January 2012]
Stephen Lawrence [16 January 2012]
Stephen Lawrence Death Inquiry [29 November 2011]
Stop and Search [11 July 2011]
Stop and Search [17 May 2011]
Stop and Search [16 May 2011]
Stop and Search [29 November 2010]
Stop and Search [8 November 2010]
Stop and Search: Complaints [22 November 2010]
Stop and Search: Dartford [14 February 2011]
Stop and Search: Ethnic Groups [29 November 2010]
Stop and Search: Ethnic Groups [22 November 2010]
Stop and Search: Greater London [28 February 2011]
Stop And Search: Greater London [27 July 2010]
Stop and Search: Terrorism [16 May 2011]
Stop and Search: Terrorism [29 November 2010]
Stop and Search: Young People [1 February 2012]
Stop the Drift [21 December 2010]
Stop-and-Search Authorisation [Statement] [10 June 2010]
Strategic Defence and Security Review [10 November 2010]
Suicide [21 March 2012]
Suicides and Homicides [17 April 2012]
Surrey Police: Redundancy [12 March 2012]
Surveillance [5 September 2011]
Surveillance [14 February 2011]
Surveillance [21 October 2010]
Surveillance [18 October 2010]
Surveillance: Finance [6 July 2010]
Taxis [11 October 2010]
Telecommunications: Databases [8 March 2011]
Telecommunications: Databases [7 March 2011]
Telecommunications: Databases [15 November 2010]
Telephone Tapping [6 September 2011]
Telephone Tapping [5 September 2011]
Telephone Tapping [28 June 2011]
Telephone Tapping [18 October 2010]
Telephone Tapping [27 July 2010]
Telephone Tapping [22 June 2010]
Telephone Tapping: Newspaper Press [16 June 2011]
Telephone Tapping: Newspaper Press [1 April 2011]
Telephone Tapping: Newspaper Press [7 March 2011]
Telephones: Nuisance [1 December 2011]
Terrorism [31 January 2011]
Terrorism [13 December 2010]
Terrorism [18 November 2010]
Terrorism [8 November 2010]
Terrorism [18 October 2010]
Terrorism [22 July 2010]
Terrorism Act 2006: Arrests [11 October 2010]
Terrorism: Arrests [27 July 2010]
Terrorism: Bail [7 February 2011]
Terrorism: Biological Weapons [7 March 2011]
Terrorism: Control Orders [21 October 2010]
Terrorism: Convictions [6 July 2010]
Terrorism: Convictions and Offences [14 February 2011]
Terrorism: Coventry [7 March 2011]
Terrorism: Ethnic Groups [14 February 2011]
Terrorism: Extradition [11 October 2010]
Terrorism: Islam [17 January 2011]
Terrorism: Legislation [14 September 2010]
Terrorism: Northern Ireland [10 May 2011]
Terrorism: Olympic Games 2012 [28 April 2011]
Terrorism: Public Expenditure [13 December 2010]
Terrorism: Stop and Search [22 July 2010]
Terrorism: Stop and Search [22 June 2010]
Terrorism: Wales [21 November 2011]
Theft [16 June 2011]
Theft: Agriculture [21 March 2012]
Theft: Metals [29 November 2011]
Third Sector [7 March 2011]
Trade Unions [6 September 2010]
Trade Unions [9 June 2010]
Trafficking Victim Support Scheme [31 January 2012]
Translation Services [7 March 2011]
Travel Restrictions: Russia [30 April 2012]
Travellers [19 April 2012]
Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalab [12 November 2010]
Union of Good [30 November 2010]
Vetting [10 May 2011]
Vetting: Police [5 September 2011]
Victims Groups [15 June 2010]
Violent and Sex Offender Register [22 March 2012]
Wales [14 September 2010]
Wanstead Flats (2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games) [Statement] [20 January 2011]
Wanstead Flats (Olympics 2010) [Statement] [16 September 2010]
Warwickshire Police Authority [7 September 2011]
Warwickshire Police Authority [6 September 2011]
Welsh Language [20 December 2010]
West Midlands Police [7 March 2012]
West Midlands Police [8 February 2012]
West Midlands Police [16 June 2011]
West Midlands Police Authority [12 March 2012]
West Midlands Police Authority: Warwickshire Police Authority [13 September 2011]
West Midlands Police: Finance [28 November 2011]
West Midlands Police: Manpower [30 June 2011]
West Midlands Police: Overtime [30 June 2011]
Western Sahara: Politics and Government [31 January 2011]
Whitemoor Prison [11 July 2011]
Wigan [15 June 2010]
Windsor Review of Police Officers [15 December 2011]
Wines [11 October 2010]
Witness Care Units: Finance [20 December 2010]
Wood [6 December 2010]
Written Questions: Government Responses [23 November 2011]
Written Questions: Government Responses [8 November 2010]
Written Questions: Government Responses [15 September 2010]
Written Questions: Government Responses [28 June 2010]
Young Offenders [10 May 2011]
Youth Custody [1 May 2012]
Youth Custody [1 March 2012]
Yvonne Fletcher [27 February 2012]
Yvonne Fletcher [9 February 2012]
Yvonne Fletcher [27 July 2010]
Yvonne Fletcher [7 July 2010]