James Brokenshire
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
2010 Drugs Strategy [23 November 2011]
Abu Qatada [30 April 2012]
Accidents: Fees and Charges [5 September 2011]
ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service and National Wildlife Crime Unit [7 July 2010]
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs [11 January 2011]
Airports: Security [22 June 2011]
Alcohol Policy (Correction to Written Answer) [Statement] [16 September 2010]
Alcohol Sales (Coalition Commitment) [Statement] [18 January 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks [8 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks [27 July 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Crime [18 January 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Age Verification [11 October 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Antisocial Behaviour [10 January 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Antisocial Behaviour [19 October 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Arrests [9 May 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Children [19 May 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [30 November 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [5 September 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [14 July 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [11 February 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [1 February 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [26 January 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [29 November 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [23 June 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [17 June 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Death [26 April 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Fixed Penalties [22 March 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [25 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [16 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [27 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [9 November 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [25 October 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [1 May 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [30 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [30 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [25 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [16 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [22 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [28 November 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [27 October 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [13 October 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [16 June 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [7 June 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [3 May 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [26 April 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [28 March 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [21 March 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [26 October 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [25 October 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [11 October 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [15 September 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [7 June 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Pricing [23 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Pricing [21 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Pricing [20 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Redditch [7 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Retail Trade [7 July 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Sales [28 November 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Sales [18 October 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Scotland [21 February 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Southampton [7 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [5 September 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [4 May 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [3 May 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [13 October 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [21 July 2010]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [7 July 2010]
Animal Experiments: Primates [16 June 2011]
Animal Welfare [21 November 2011]
Animal Welfare: Protest [19 July 2011]
Animal Welfare: Standards [28 February 2012]
Anorexia: Internet [28 February 2011]
Anti-Semitism [3 February 2011]
Anti-Semitism [15 September 2010]
Anti-Semitism [13 July 2010]
Anti-Semitism [21 June 2010]
Anti-Semitism [2 June 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour [5 March 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour [23 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour [20 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour [8 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour [14 December 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [7 November 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [31 October 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [13 September 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [6 September 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [21 June 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [19 May 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [10 May 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [7 March 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [Statement] [7 February 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour [21 December 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour [19 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [7 March 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [5 March 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [20 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [1 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [3 November 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [24 May 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [4 April 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [15 February 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [24 January 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [24 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [22 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [3 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [19 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [12 October 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [6 September 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Birmingham [1 March 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Coventry [28 February 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Gateshead [15 September 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Greater London [15 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Hyndburn [15 September 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Maidstone [8 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Northumberland [10 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Oxford West [15 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Peterborough [10 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Reading Berkshire [20 December 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Rossendale [20 February 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Rossendale and Darwen [22 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Tooting [29 June 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders: Young People [15 December 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour: Alcoholic Drinks [5 March 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour: Crime Prevention [6 September 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: Crime Prevention [10 November 2010]
Antisocial Behaviour: Fixed Penalties [21 March 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: Internet [14 November 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: Noise [27 June 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: Public Houses [1 February 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: West Midlands [19 October 2010]
Arms Trade: Exports [31 October 2011]
Arrest Warrants [26 April 2012]
Arrests [18 July 2011]
Arrests: Brighton [15 March 2011]
Arrests: Drugs [22 November 2010]
Assets [9 May 2011]
Asylum [13 October 2011]
Automatic Number Plate Recognition [31 March 2011]
Automatic Number Plate Recognition [7 March 2011]
Automatic Number Plate Recognition [17 January 2011]
Automatic Number Plate Recognition [10 June 2010]
Aviation: Security [24 May 2011]
Badgers: Animal Welfare [20 July 2011]
Bail [18 July 2011]
Bank Cards: Fraud [1 February 2011]
Bank Services [14 March 2012]
Biofuels: Manufactured Goods [6 March 2012]
Birds of Prey: Conservation [30 April 2012]
Birds of Prey: Conservation [29 March 2011]
Bolivia: Drugs [23 November 2011]
Bolivia: Drugs [25 October 2011]
Bolivia: Drugs [19 October 2011]
Bolivia: Drugs [26 January 2011]
Boothby Report [14 March 2012]
Bottles: Public Houses [21 November 2011]
Breathalysers [14 March 2011]
Breathalysers: Roads [4 February 2011]
Burglary [19 March 2012]
Burglary [10 January 2012]
Burglary [13 September 2011]
Burglary [26 April 2011]
Burglary [16 March 2011]
Burglary [10 March 2011]
Burglary: Warrington [29 June 2011]
Business Crime Reduction Initiative [11 May 2011]
Cabinet Office: Internet [28 February 2011]
Cannabis [7 November 2011]
Cannabis [31 October 2011]
Cannabis [5 September 2011]
Cannabis [4 April 2011]
Cannabis [26 January 2011]
Cannabis: Crime [13 September 2011]
Cannabis: Misuse [28 February 2011]
Cannabis: Sales [13 September 2010]
CCTV [2 February 2012]
CCTV [1 February 2012]
CCTV [10 October 2011]
CCTV [14 September 2011]
CCTV [9 May 2011]
CCTV [28 June 2010]
CCTV Cameras [27 June 2011]
CCTV: Regulation [16 September 2010]
Charities: Shops [6 March 2012]
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency [6 July 2010]
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre [11 July 2011]
Child: Protection [4 March 2011]
Children: Abuse [28 June 2010]
Children: Protection [16 June 2011]
Children: Protection [17 May 2011]
Civil Disorder [31 October 2011]
Civil Disorder [25 October 2011]
Civil Disorder: Greater London [10 October 2011]
Closed Circuit Television [8 March 2012]
Closed Circuit Television [18 July 2011]
Closed Circuit Television [8 June 2010]
Code of Practice (Examining Officers) [Statement] [14 July 2011]
Community Crimefighting Fund [28 November 2011]
Community Policing [15 June 2011]
Community Safety Local Partnerships [18 May 2011]
Computers: Crime [26 April 2012]
Confiscation Orders [19 April 2012]
Confiscation Orders [18 April 2012]
Containment [8 December 2010]
Control Orders [18 July 2011]
Control Orders [11 July 2011]
Control Orders: Terrorism [11 July 2011]
Convictions: CCTV [31 October 2011]
Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children [10 January 2011]
Counter-terrorism [27 October 2011]
Counter-terrorism [19 October 2011]
Counter-terrorism [10 October 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Birmingham [12 July 2010]
Counter-terrorism: Birmingham [28 June 2010]
Counter-terrorism: Finance [27 October 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Finance [10 October 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Finance [6 July 2011]
Counter-terrorism: Leicester [5 July 2011]
Counterfeit Manufacturing: Euro [18 April 2012]
Crime [7 March 2012]
Crime [5 March 2012]
Crime [10 January 2012]
Crime [13 September 2011]
Crime [6 September 2011]
Crime [19 July 2011]
Crime [11 May 2011]
Crime [9 May 2011]
Crime [3 May 2011]
Crime [24 March 2011]
Crime [28 February 2011]
Crime [15 February 2011]
Crime [24 January 2011]
Crime [22 November 2010]
Crime [26 July 2010]
Crime [8 July 2010]
Crime [7 July 2010]
Crime [29 June 2010]
Crime Prevention [13 September 2011]
Crime Prevention: Business [29 June 2011]
Crime Prevention: EU Action [22 March 2012]
Crime Prevention: Expenditure [20 December 2011]
Crime Prevention: Motor Vehicles [27 March 2012]
Crime Prevention: Vehicle Number Plates [28 April 2011]
Crime Prevention: Young People [3 May 2011]
Crime Prevention: Young People [15 February 2011]
Crime Statistics: England and Wales [Statement] [18 July 2011]
Crime: Alcoholic Drinks [5 April 2011]
Crime: Alcoholic Drinks [7 December 2010]
Crime: Alcoholic Drinks [6 December 2010]
Crime: Anti-Semitism [21 July 2010]
Crime: Anti-Semitism [19 July 2010]
Crime: Anti-Semitism [15 July 2010]
Crime: British Nationals Abroad [10 June 2010]
Crime: Business [13 July 2011]
Crime: Children [5 September 2011]
Crime: Closed Circuit Television [15 December 2011]
Crime: Control Orders [19 March 2012]
Crime: Databases [29 November 2010]
Crime: Databases [8 November 2010]
Crime: Devon [23 March 2011]
Crime: Drugs [16 April 2012]
Crime: Drugs [12 May 2011]
Crime: Drugs [16 February 2011]
Crime: Drugs [14 February 2011]
Crime: Economic Situation [10 January 2012]
Crime: Football [19 October 2011]
Crime: Fraud [27 July 2010]
Crime: Haringey [26 April 2012]
Crime: Hate [29 November 2010]
Crime: Maps [4 March 2011]
Crime: Motor Vehicles [22 March 2011]
Crime: Nature Conservation [30 April 2012]
Crime: Nature Conservation [14 March 2012]
Crime: Offensive Weapons [11 October 2010]
Crime: Older people [5 September 2011]
Crime: Overseas Companies [11 January 2011]
Crime: Prevention [26 April 2011]
Crime: Retail Trade [30 November 2011]
Crime: Rural Areas [8 November 2011]
Crime: Summertime [10 November 2010]
Crime: Theft [15 September 2010]
Crime: Victims [18 July 2011]
Crime: Warwickshire [4 February 2011]
Crime: York [19 July 2011]
Crime: Young People [19 July 2011]
Crime: Young People [14 March 2011]
Crime: Young People [24 November 2010]
Crimes of Violence [9 May 2011]
Crimes of Violence [3 May 2011]
Crimes of Violence [4 April 2011]
Crimes of Violence: Alcoholic Drinks [5 March 2012]
Crimes of Violence: Arrests [15 February 2011]
Crimes of Violence: Females [17 February 2011]
Crimes of Violence: Females [7 June 2010]
Crimes of Violence: Havering [29 June 2011]
Crimes of Violence: Night Clubs [9 November 2011]
Crimes of Violence: Pedicabs [14 March 2012]
Crimes of Violence: Young Offenders [2 November 2011]
Criminal Records: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Criminal Records: EU Action [28 February 2012]
Crossbows [18 January 2011]
Cyber Crime [10 November 2011]
Cybercrime [26 March 2012]
Cybercrime [21 March 2012]
Cybercrime [20 March 2012]
Cybercrime [19 March 2012]
Cybercrime [27 February 2012]
Cybercrime [2 February 2012]
Cybercrime [25 October 2011]
Cybercrime [5 September 2011]
Cybercrime [22 March 2011]
Cybercrime [10 January 2011]
Cybercrime [21 December 2010]
Cycling: Fines [10 May 2011]
Cycling: Theft [22 June 2011]
Dactyloscopic Data [13 December 2010]
Dangerous Dogs [10 November 2011]
Databases: Telecommunications [1 May 2012]
Databases: Telecommunications [30 April 2012]
Databases: Telecommunications [26 April 2012]
Databases: Telecommunications [19 March 2012]
Databases: Telecommunications [29 February 2012]
Databases: Telecommunications [20 February 2012]
Death: British Nationals Abroad [18 July 2011]
Death: Weapons [27 July 2010]
Debt Collection [18 October 2011]
Defence Equipment [21 June 2011]
Demonstrations [20 July 2011]
Demonstrations: City of Westminster [17 January 2011]
Demonstrations: City of Westminster [21 December 2010]
Demonstrations: City of Westminster [13 December 2010]
Demonstrations: English Defence League [24 January 2011]
Demonstrations: Parliament Square [10 January 2011]
Demonstrations: Parliament Square [8 December 2010]
Departmental CCTV [13 June 2011]
Departmental Chief Scientific Advisers [10 October 2011]
Departmental Contracts [11 October 2010]
Departmental Databases [17 June 2010]
Departmental ICT [5 March 2012]
Departmental ICT [28 February 2012]
Departmental Manpower [18 July 2011]
Departmental Manpower [19 October 2010]
Departmental Official Hospitality [11 October 2010]
Departmental Press Releases [21 December 2010]
Departmental Public Bodies [30 March 2011]
Departmental Security [18 October 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [15 March 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [9 December 2010]
Departmental Written Questions [25 November 2010]
Detection Rates [9 September 2010]
Detection Rates: Essex [2 June 2010]
Detection Rates: York [19 July 2011]
DNA [20 December 2011]
DNA: Databases [18 April 2012]
DNA: Databases [1 November 2011]
DNA: Databases [13 October 2011]
DNA: Databases [14 September 2011]
DNA: Databases [18 July 2011]
DNA: Databases [19 May 2011]
DNA: Databases [9 May 2011]
DNA: Databases [28 April 2011]
DNA: Databases [26 April 2011]
DNA: Databases [4 April 2011]
DNA: Databases [1 April 2011]
DNA: Databases [31 March 2011]
DNA: Databases [30 March 2011]
DNA: Databases [3 March 2011]
DNA: Databases [4 February 2011]
DNA: Databases [31 January 2011]
DNA: Databases [27 January 2011]
DNA: Databases [11 January 2011]
DNA: Databases [20 December 2010]
DNA: Databases [14 September 2010]
DNA: Databases [9 September 2010]
DNA: Databases [6 September 2010]
DNA: Databases [13 July 2010]
DNA: Databases [7 July 2010]
DNA: Databases [23 June 2010]
Domestic Violence [13 June 2011]
Domestic Violence [14 September 2010]
Domestic Violence [21 July 2010]
Domestic Violence [20 July 2010]
Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 [24 June 2010]
Domestic Violence: Immigrants [14 September 2010]
Domestic Violence: Immigrants [9 September 2010]
Domestic Violence: Immigrants [6 July 2010]
Domestic Violence: Refuges [20 July 2010]
Domestic Violence: Victim Support Schemes [13 June 2011]
Drinking Banning Orders [28 November 2011]
Drinking Banning Orders [21 November 2011]
Driving Offences [18 May 2011]
Driving Offences [17 May 2011]
Driving Offences [16 May 2011]
Driving Offences [12 May 2011]
Driving Offences [10 May 2011]
Driving Offences [28 April 2011]
Driving Offences [2 February 2011]
Driving Offences [22 November 2010]
Driving Offences: Fines [18 July 2011]
Driving Offences: Fraud [1 November 2010]
Driving Offences: Speed Limits [9 November 2011]
Driving Offences: Speed Limits [16 March 2011]
Driving Offences: Victims [5 September 2011]
Driving Under Influence: Drugs [16 February 2011]
Driving under Influence: Drugs [20 December 2010]
Driving Under Influence: Drugs [6 September 2010]
Driving: Health [28 February 2011]
Drug Interventions Programme [13 July 2011]
Drug Interventions Programme [11 July 2011]
Drug Interventions Programme [7 December 2010]
Drug Seizures [16 March 2011]
Drug Seizures [30 November 2010]
Drug Seizures: Northern Ireland [22 March 2011]
Drug Strategy [Statement] [8 December 2010]
Drugs [19 March 2012]
Drugs [14 March 2012]
Drugs [6 March 2012]
Drugs [2 February 2012]
Drugs [10 January 2012]
Drugs [6 July 2011]
Drugs [27 June 2011]
Drugs [19 May 2011]
Drugs [9 May 2011]
Drugs [4 April 2011]
Drugs [10 January 2011]
Drugs [15 December 2010]
Drugs [6 December 2010]
Drugs [15 November 2010]
Drugs [28 June 2010]
Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks: Crime [23 June 2010]
Drugs: Arrests [10 January 2012]
Drugs: Arrests [21 November 2011]
Drugs: Bolivia [14 February 2011]
Drugs: Bolivia [9 February 2011]
Drugs: Crime [27 March 2012]
Drugs: Crime [7 March 2012]
Drugs: Crime [21 November 2011]
Drugs: Crime [13 September 2011]
Drugs: Crime [14 June 2011]
Drugs: Crime [13 June 2011]
Drugs: Crime [24 March 2011]
Drugs: Crime [17 February 2011]
Drugs: Crime [24 January 2011]
Drugs: Crime [6 December 2010]
Drugs: Crime [14 June 2010]
Drugs: East of England [10 March 2011]
Drugs: EU Action [5 March 2012]
Drugs: International Co-operation [5 March 2012]
Drugs: Ion Spectrometry Technology [6 September 2011]
Drugs: Latin America [10 June 2010]
Drugs: Law and Order [12 January 2012]
Drugs: Misuse [27 October 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [29 June 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [27 June 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [21 June 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [9 May 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [5 April 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [29 March 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [15 February 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [1 February 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [9 December 2010]
Drugs: Misuse [22 November 2010]
Drugs: Misuse [24 June 2010]
Drugs: Misuse [21 June 2010]
Drugs: Professor Nutt [26 January 2011]
Drugs: Regulation [27 March 2012]
Drugs: Regulation [9 May 2011]
Drugs: Technology [24 May 2011]
Drugs: Working Hours [29 March 2011]
Drugs: Young People [10 January 2012]
Drugs: Young People [16 June 2011]
Drugs: Young People [22 March 2011]
Drugs: Young People [28 February 2011]
Drugs: Young People [15 February 2011]
EC Law [19 July 2010]
Electronic Tagging [9 February 2011]
Emergencies [14 November 2011]
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students [26 April 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [20 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [19 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [14 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [6 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [19 December 2011]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [14 July 2011]
EU Justice and Home Affairs [11 November 2010]
EU Justice And Home Affairs [27 July 2010]
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council [23 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council [14 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs Council [5 March 2012]
EU Justice and Home Affairs Policy [Statement] [21 January 2011]
EU Law [7 December 2011]
EU Law [14 November 2011]
EU Law [27 June 2011]
EU Law [3 December 2010]
EU Law [30 November 2010]
EU Law [14 September 2010]
European Commission: Legislation [16 January 2012]
European Gendarmerie Force [30 March 2011]
European Gendarmerie Force [19 January 2011]
European Union [1 May 2012]
European Union [6 September 2011]
European Union Justice and Home Affairs Measures [Statement] [14 March 2012]
Europol [8 March 2012]
Europol [29 November 2011]
Extremism [21 June 2011]
Extremist Groups: Finance [10 October 2011]
Families [19 March 2012]
Families [14 March 2012]
Federation of Student Islamic Societies [20 December 2011]
Federation of Student Islamic Societies [3 November 2011]
Female Genital Mutilation [14 September 2010]
Financial Services [14 November 2011]
Financial Services: Crime [24 January 2011]
Firearm and Knife Injuries [1 November 2010]
Firearms [17 March 2011]
Firearms [21 December 2010]
Firearms [15 November 2010]
Firearms [19 October 2010]
Firearms [12 October 2010]
Firearms [11 October 2010]
Firearms [20 July 2010]
Firearms [19 July 2010]
Firearms [15 June 2010]
Firearms [14 June 2010]
Firearms: Arrests [19 October 2010]
Firearms: Children [19 October 2010]
Firearms: Forensic Science [14 March 2012]
Firearms: Greater London [27 July 2010]
Firearms: Licensing [14 November 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [17 January 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [10 January 2011]
Firearms: Licensing [3 November 2010]
Fixed Penalties [26 April 2011]
Fixed Penalties [16 March 2011]
Fixed Penalties [20 January 2011]
Fixed Penalties [6 December 2010]
Fixed Penalties: Noise [18 July 2011]
Fly-Tipping [19 October 2011]
Football Banning Orders [15 July 2010]
Football: Poland and Ukraine [27 January 2011]
Football: Security [27 July 2010]
Football: South Africa [29 November 2010]
Forensic Science [23 March 2012]
Forensic Science [10 October 2011]
Forensic Science [28 March 2011]
Forensic Science [22 March 2011]
Forensic Science [2 February 2011]
Forensic Science [1 February 2011]
Forensic Science [Statement] [14 December 2010]
Forensic Science Regulator [Statement] [13 January 2011]
Forensic Science Regulator: Finance [29 February 2012]
Forensic Science Research and Development [Statement] [30 June 2011]
Forensic Science Research and Development [Statement] [27 January 2011]
Forensic Science Service [10 January 2012]
Forensic Science Service [24 November 2011]
Forensic Science Service [7 November 2011]
Forensic Science Service [7 June 2011]
Forensic Science Service [24 May 2011]
Forensic Science Service [26 April 2011]
Forensic Science Service [28 February 2011]
Forensic Science Service [31 January 2011]
Forensic Science Service [17 January 2011]
Forensic Science Service [16 June 2010]
Forensic Science Service [15 June 2010]
Forensic Science Service [8 June 2010]
Forensic Science Service: Closure [14 July 2011]
Forensic Science Service: Closures [28 February 2012]
Forensic Science Service: Contracts [26 April 2011]
Forensic Science Service: Criminal Investigation [27 January 2011]
Forensic Science Service: Drugs [10 January 2012]
Forensic Science Service: Research [26 April 2011]
Forensic Science Service: United Arab Emirates [31 January 2011]
Forensic Science Services Stakeholder Perception Audit 2010: Finance [3 December 2010]
Forensic Science: DNA [9 September 2010]
Forensic Science: DNA [20 July 2010]
Forensic Science: DNA [15 July 2010]
Forensic Science: Expenditure [28 February 2012]
Forensic Science: Innovation [10 October 2011]
Forensic Science: Law and Order [12 January 2012]
Forensic Science: Terrorism [22 March 2011]
Forgery: Coinage [15 July 2010]
Fraud [13 June 2011]
Fraud [9 May 2011]
Fraud: Credit Cards [15 July 2010]
Fraud: Crime Prevention [28 February 2012]
Freedom Bill [24 January 2011]
Freedom Bill [8 December 2010]
Freedom Bill [27 October 2010]
Freezing Orders [22 March 2012]
Freezing Orders: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Gang Injunctions [21 November 2011]
Gang Injunctions [25 October 2011]
Gang Injunctions: Greater London [21 November 2011]
Gang-Related Violence [Statement] [16 December 2010]
Gang-related Youth Violence: London [24 January 2011]
Gangs [2 November 2011]
Gold: Theft [14 March 2012]
Greater Manchester Police Authority [19 May 2011]
Harassment [14 June 2011]
Harassment [13 June 2011]
Harassment [15 February 2011]
Harassment: Mobile Phones [15 February 2011]
Harlow: Crime Statistics [21 June 2010]
Hemp: Licensing [6 December 2010]
Heroin [12 January 2012]
Heroin: Misuse [5 July 2011]
Hillsborough Independent Panel [18 July 2011]
Hillsborough Independent Panel [12 October 2010]
Hinkley Point Power Stations: Demonstrations [26 January 2011]
Hizb ut Tahrir [2 February 2012]
Hizb ut-Tahrir [19 April 2012]
Hizb-ut Tahrir [30 June 2011]
Homicide [27 April 2011]
Homicide [26 April 2011]
Homicide [4 April 2011]
Homicide [14 March 2011]
Homicide [10 March 2011]
Homicide: Offensive Weapons [13 June 2011]
Homicide: Offensive Weapons [15 February 2011]
Homicide: Pathology [15 November 2010]
Human Trafficking: Football [28 February 2011]
Human Trafficking: Prostitution [11 October 2010]
Hunting Act 2004 [27 July 2010]
Hunting Act 2004 [13 July 2010]
Identification Parades: Video Recordings [20 July 2011]
Identity Cards [21 November 2011]
Imitation Firearms [3 May 2011]
Imitation Firearms [17 March 2011]
Immobilisation of Vehicles [19 October 2010]
Immunity Certificates [27 March 2012]
Incitement: Internet [14 June 2010]
Independent Domestic Violence Advocate: Expenditure [13 June 2011]
Inter-departmental Ministerial Group on Missing Persons [22 March 2011]
Internet [30 April 2012]
Internet [9 February 2012]
Internet Service Providers Association [8 March 2012]
Internet: Children [28 June 2010]
Internet: Fraud [12 March 2012]
Internet: Regulation [31 October 2011]
Interpol: Political Impartiality [21 November 2011]
Justice and Home Affairs (Post-Council Statement) [Statement] [15 November 2010]
Justice and Home Affairs (Pre-Council Statement) [Statement] [4 November 2010]
Justice and Home Affairs Council [Statement] [10 June 2010]
Justice and Home Affairs Informal Council [Statement] [22 July 2010]
Justice and Home Affairs pre-Council Statement [Statement] [25 April 2012]
Justice and Home Affairs pre-Council Statement [Statement] [2 June 2010]
Kerb Crawling: Newham [24 January 2011]
Ketamine [16 April 2012]
Khalid Tantouch [20 February 2012]
Khat [14 September 2011]
Khat [20 July 2011]
Khat [18 July 2011]
Khat [24 May 2011]
Khat [22 November 2010]
Khat [10 November 2010]
Khat [25 October 2010]
Khat [13 October 2010]
Khat [27 July 2010]
Khat: Drug Seizures [5 March 2012]
Knives [28 March 2011]
Knives [1 November 2010]
Knives: Crime [7 December 2011]
Knives: Crime [14 November 2011]
Knives: Crime [14 July 2011]
Knives: Crime [3 May 2011]
Knives: Crime [29 March 2011]
Knives: Crime [10 March 2011]
Knives: Crime [8 June 2010]
Knives: Crime [3 June 2010]
Knives: Crime [2 June 2010]
Knives: Greater London [27 July 2010]
Lasers [27 March 2012]
Late Night Drinking (Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Orders) [Statement] [17 January 2012]
Late Night Levy [15 December 2010]
Law Enforcement Agencies: Assets [26 October 2010]
Law Enforcement Agencies: Expenditure [1 November 2010]
Legal Highs [26 January 2011]
Legal Opinion [5 March 2012]
Licensed Premises: Alcoholic Drinks [2 February 2011]
Licensed Premises: Greater London [7 March 2012]
Licensed Premises: Security [25 April 2012]
Licensing [6 September 2011]
Licensing [7 December 2010]
Licensing Act 2003 [14 November 2011]
Licensing Act 2003 [1 November 2010]
Licensing Hours (Royal Wedding) [Statement] [12 January 2011]
Licensing Laws [16 April 2012]
Licensing Laws [28 November 2011]
Licensing Laws [25 October 2011]
Licensing Laws [26 April 2011]
Licensing Laws [28 February 2011]
Licensing Laws [15 September 2010]
Licensing Laws: Olympic Games 2012 [9 November 2011]
Licensing: Alcoholic Drinks [28 February 2012]
Local Authority Funding [15 February 2011]
Local Child Curfew Schemes: Suffolk [9 March 2011]
Local Government [7 June 2011]
Local Licensing Act [Statement] [1 December 2010]
Members: Correspondence [20 March 2012]
Members: Correspondence [15 December 2011]
Members: Correspondence [22 November 2011]
Members: Correspondence [7 November 2011]
Members: Correspondence [20 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [26 January 2011]
Members: Correspondence [6 December 2010]
Members: Correspondence [4 November 2010]
Members: Correspondence [13 September 2010]
Mental Health [9 November 2010]
Mephedrone [2 June 2010]
Metal Theft [13 December 2011]
Metals [7 December 2011]
Metals [9 November 2011]
Metals [10 October 2011]
Metals [14 September 2011]
Metals: Sales [30 March 2011]
Metals: Theft [23 March 2012]
Metals: Theft [7 March 2012]
Metals: Theft [23 February 2012]
Metals: Theft [2 February 2012]
Metals: Theft [28 November 2011]
Metals: Theft [21 November 2011]
Metals: Theft [19 October 2011]
Metals: Theft [5 September 2011]
Metals: Theft [29 June 2011]
Metals: Theft [22 March 2011]
Methadone [28 June 2010]
Metropolitan Police [1 February 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Cybercrime [5 March 2012]
Metropolitan Police: Firearms [19 July 2011]
Military Aircraft: Fuels [22 March 2011]
Missing Children [3 May 2011]
Missing Children and Adults [Statement] [5 December 2011]
Missing People [28 February 2011]
Missing Persons [17 May 2011]
Missing Persons [16 March 2011]
Missing Persons [15 March 2011]
Missing Persons [8 March 2011]
Missing Persons [4 March 2011]
Missing Persons Bureau [11 October 2011]
Missing Persons: West Midlands [26 March 2012]
Misuse of Drugs [30 November 2010]
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 [16 April 2012]
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 [26 January 2011]
Money Laundering [27 March 2012]
Motor Vehicles: Theft [10 October 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Theft [15 June 2011]
Motorcycles: Theft [10 October 2011]
Motoring: Fines [17 June 2010]
Multiple Temporary Event Notices [27 July 2010]
National Crime Agency [5 March 2012]
National Crime Agency: Finance [16 June 2011]
National DNA Database [7 September 2011]
National DNA Database [24 January 2011]
National DNA Database Ethics Group [Statement] [30 June 2011]
National DNA Database Ethics Group [Statement] [15 February 2011]
National DNA Ethics Group (Third Annual Report) [Statement] [26 July 2010]
National Policing Improvement Agency [10 January 2012]
National Public Order Intelligence Unit [18 July 2011]
National Security Council [19 July 2011]
National Wildlife Crime Unit: Finance [29 March 2011]
Nature Conservation: Crime [7 November 2011]
Neighbourhood Watch Schemes [4 March 2011]
Neighbourhood Watch Schemes [15 February 2011]
North East [21 December 2010]
North Yorkshire Police Authority: Finance [5 September 2011]
North Yorkshire Police Authority: Finance [18 July 2011]
North Yorkshire Police: Manpower [18 July 2011]
Off-licences [15 September 2010]
Offences [25 January 2012]
Offences Against Children [30 June 2011]
Offences against Children [27 June 2011]
Offences against Children [17 May 2011]
Offences Against Children [16 May 2011]
Offences Against Children [28 April 2011]
Offences against Children [13 December 2010]
Offences against Children [8 December 2010]
Offences against Children: British Nationals Abroad [29 March 2011]
Offences against Children: Care Homes [9 February 2011]
Offences against Children: International Cooperation [14 December 2010]
Offences against Children: Internet [24 June 2010]
Offences Against Children: Prosecutions [19 July 2010]
Offensive Behaviour: Football [10 January 2012]
Offensive Weapons [1 November 2010]
Offensive Weapons [20 July 2010]
Offensive Weapons [19 July 2010]
Offensive Weapons: Advertising [9 December 2010]
Offensive Weapons: Arrests [15 February 2011]
Offensive Weapons: Crime [24 November 2010]
Offensive Weapons: Internet [14 September 2010]
Offensive Weapons: Sentencing [9 March 2011]
Offensive Weapons: West Midlands [19 October 2010]
Office of Surveillance Commissioners: Public Appointments [18 April 2012]
Oil: Theft [23 February 2012]
Olympic Games 2012 [22 February 2012]
Olympic Games 2012 : Security [12 January 2012]
Olympic Games 2012: Security [15 June 2011]
Operation RAMP [25 January 2012]
Opt-in Decision (Parliamentary Scrutiny) [Statement] [15 March 2012]
Organised Crime [27 March 2012]
Organised Crime [31 October 2011]
Organised Crime [19 July 2011]
Organised Crime: Coventry [30 November 2011]
Organised Crime: Crime Prevention [19 December 2011]
Organised Crime: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Organised Crime: Greater London [8 February 2012]
Organised Crime: Injunctions [7 February 2012]
Organised Crime: Proscribed Organisations [23 March 2012]
Organised Crime: West Midlands [20 February 2012]
Organised Crime: West Midlands [8 February 2012]
Oxycodone: Imports [25 January 2012]
Paedophilia [10 October 2011]
Piracy [29 November 2011]
Poaching [17 June 2010]
Police [18 July 2011]
Police [19 July 2011]
Police [16 May 2011]
Police Cautions [19 July 2011]
Police Custody [28 April 2011]
Police Patrolling [19 July 2011]
Police Reform and Social Responsibility Bill [15 July 2010]
Police: Accountability [18 July 2011]
Police: Automatic Number Plate Recognition [18 January 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [18 July 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [19 July 2011]
Police: Civilians [20 July 2011]
Police: Conditions of Employment [18 July 2011]
Police: Corruption [24 April 2012]
Police: Demonstrations [3 February 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [26 January 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [10 January 2011]
Police: Demonstrations [8 December 2010]
Police: Demonstrations [12 July 2010]
Police: Domestic Violence [27 July 2010]
Police: Drugs [10 May 2011]
Police: Fees and Charges [3 March 2011]
Police: Finance [18 January 2011]
Police: Forensic Science [22 November 2011]
Police: Forensic Science [4 April 2011]
Police: Forensic Science [28 March 2011]
Police: Health [20 July 2011]
Police: Length of Service [19 July 2011]
Police: Manpower [19 July 2011]
Police: Noise [2 February 2011]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [27 February 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [25 January 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [24 January 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [10 January 2012]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [22 June 2011]
Police: Pay [19 July 2011]
Police: Powers [3 February 2011]
Police: Recruitment [19 July 2011]
Police: Roads [18 January 2011]
Police: Surveillance [1 November 2011]
Police: Surveillance [19 July 2011]
Police: Surveillance [7 June 2011]
Police: Surveillance [19 October 2010]
Police: Training [19 July 2011]
Police: Unmanned Air Vehicles [10 June 2010]
Police: Vetting [16 May 2011]
Police: Wales [20 July 2011]
Prescription Drugs [19 March 2012]
Prescriptions [20 February 2012]
Prescriptions [18 October 2011]
Prescriptions [14 September 2011]
Prevent Funding [10 October 2011]
Prevent Funding [13 September 2011]
Prevent Strategy [10 January 2012]
Preventing Violent Extremism Pathfinder Fund [19 April 2012]
Proceeds of Crime [19 April 2012]
Proceeds of Crime [19 March 2012]
Proceeds of Crime [28 February 2012]
Proceeds of Crime [Statement] [19 July 2011]
Proceeds of Crime [10 November 2010]
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 [25 October 2011]
Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Annual Report) [Statement] [16 November 2010]
Proceeds of Crime: Bolton [15 November 2010]
Proceeds of Crime: EU Action [16 April 2012]
Proceeds of Crime: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Proceeds of Crime: EU Action [26 March 2012]
Proceeds of Crime: EU Action [12 March 2012]
Prosecutions: Anti-Semitism [15 July 2010]
Prostitution [11 October 2010]
Prostitution: Olympic Games 2012 [3 November 2011]
Protocol on Transitional Provisions [12 October 2010]
Public Consultation [26 April 2012]
Public Health England [7 February 2012]
Public Houses: Closure [21 December 2010]
Public Houses: North West [15 November 2010]
Public Order [19 July 2011]
Public Order Offences [21 December 2010]
Public Order Offences [20 December 2010]
Public Order Offences [8 December 2010]
Public Reading Stage [28 February 2011]
Quilliam: Finance [16 June 2011]
Rape [27 July 2010]
Rape [15 June 2010]
Rape [2 June 2010]
Rape: Convictions [6 July 2010]
Rape: Genetics [5 September 2011]
Rape: Warrington [24 June 2010]
Regional Asset Recovery Team [31 January 2011]
Rendition [1 December 2011]
Reoffenders [26 April 2011]
Riot Control Weapons [8 November 2011]
Risk Assessment [27 July 2010]
Risk Assessment: Domestic Violence [27 July 2010]
Robbery [22 March 2011]
Rohypnol [14 December 2011]
Safer Neighbourhood Teams [8 February 2012]
Schengen Agreement [15 September 2010]
Schengen Agreement (Correction to Written Answer) [Statement] [14 October 2010]
Scientific Expertise on the Advisory Council for the Misuse of Drugs [31 January 2011]
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964 [19 April 2012]
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964 [16 April 2012]
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964 [31 January 2012]
Scrap Metal Dealers Act 1964 [10 October 2011]
Security Services: Data Protection [23 May 2011]
Security: Football [27 March 2012]
Security: Olympic Games 2012 [22 February 2012]
Security: Olympic Games 2012 [9 February 2012]
Sentencing: EU Action [12 March 2012]
Serious and Organised Crime Agency [29 November 2011]
Serious Crime Divisions: Prostitution [25 October 2010]
Serious Organised Crime Agency [21 March 2011]
Sex Offenders Act 1997 [3 November 2010]
Sexual Harassment [26 April 2012]
Sexual Offences [9 November 2011]
Sexual Offences [9 May 2011]
Sexual Offences [28 April 2011]
Sexual Offences [20 July 2010]
Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Amendments) [Statement] [5 March 2012]
Sexual Offences: Convictions [19 October 2010]
Sexual Offences: EU Action [17 May 2011]
Sexual Offences: Registration [16 April 2012]
Sexual Offences: Registration [21 March 2012]
Sexual Offences: Registration [17 November 2010]
Sexual Offences: Registration [23 June 2010]
Sexual Offences: Registration [10 June 2010]
Sexual Offences: Registration [9 June 2010]
Sexual Offences: Travel Restrictions [19 July 2010]
Sexualisation of Young People Review [1 July 2010]
Shoplifting [14 June 2011]
Shoplifting [18 May 2011]
Shotgun Certificates [3 March 2011]
Smuggling: Fuels [22 March 2011]
Smuggling: Tobacco [11 October 2011]
Sojourner Project [20 July 2010]
South Africa: Football [17 June 2010]
Speed Limits: Cameras [15 November 2010]
Speed Limits: Cameras [29 June 2010]
Speed Limits: Fines [2 February 2011]
Speed Limits: Fixed Penalties [16 March 2011]
Stalking: Crime Prevention [13 June 2011]
Stop and Search: Terrorism [22 June 2011]
Summertime: Crime [22 November 2010]
Surveillance [25 October 2011]
Tattooing: Children [2 February 2011]
Telecommunications: Databases [14 March 2012]
Telecommunications: Databases [16 January 2012]
Telephone Tapping: Warrants [31 January 2012]
Terrorism [1 May 2012]
Terrorism [23 March 2012]
Terrorism [19 March 2012]
Terrorism [22 February 2012]
Terrorism [12 January 2012]
Terrorism [28 November 2011]
Terrorism [21 November 2011]
Terrorism [27 October 2011]
Terrorism [5 September 2011]
Terrorism [19 July 2011]
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures [1 February 2012]
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill [14 December 2011]
Terrorism: Foreign Nationals [5 July 2011]
Terrorism: Greater London [18 July 2011]
Terrorism: International Cooperation [29 February 2012]
Terrorism: Northern Ireland [7 February 2012]
Terrorism: Racial Incitement [28 February 2012]
Theft [6 March 2012]
Theft [30 November 2011]
Theft [5 September 2011]
Theft [31 January 2011]
Theft: Agriculture [20 March 2012]
Theft: Bicycles [13 July 2011]
Theft: Churches [30 November 2011]
Theft: Churches [18 January 2011]
Theft: Dogs [4 February 2011]
Theft: Electronic Equipment [29 June 2010]
Theft: Gold [13 December 2010]
Theft: Large Goods Vehicles [14 November 2011]
Theft: Metal [18 October 2011]
Theft: Metal [19 July 2011]
Theft: Metals [1 May 2012]
Theft: Metals [30 April 2012]
Theft: Metals [26 April 2012]
Theft: Metals [19 April 2012]
Theft: Metals [16 April 2012]
Theft: Metals [27 March 2012]
Theft: Metals [6 March 2012]
Theft: Metals [5 March 2012]
Theft: Metals [20 February 2012]
Theft: Metals [24 January 2012]
Theft: Metals [10 January 2012]
Theft: Metals [19 December 2011]
Theft: Metals [7 December 2011]
Theft: Metals [30 November 2011]
Theft: Metals [10 October 2011]
Theft: Metals [6 September 2011]
Theft: Metals [20 July 2011]
Theft: Motor Vehicles [29 March 2011]
Theft: Oil [4 February 2011]
Theft: Retail Trade [14 November 2011]
Third Sector [28 February 2012]
Tigers [16 April 2012]
Tobacco: Packaging [1 May 2012]
Traffic Wardens [23 March 2011]
UK Border Force [26 April 2012]
UN Office on Drugs and Crime: Finance [21 June 2011]
Union of Good [19 December 2011]
Union of Good [15 December 2011]
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime [8 July 2010]
Vacancies [26 April 2012]
Vandalism [17 March 2011]
Vehicle Number Plates: Fraud [25 January 2012]
Vetting [21 December 2010]
Victim Support Schemes [22 June 2011]
Victim Support Schemes [21 June 2011]
Victim Support Schemes [14 June 2011]
Victims [9 March 2011]
Violence Against Women [11 October 2010]
Violent and Sex Offender Register [13 September 2011]
Violent and Sex Offender Register [10 June 2011]
Violent and Sex Offender Register [20 July 2010]
Violent and Sex Offender Register: Offences Against Children [27 July 2010]
Violent and Sex Offender Register: Offences Against Children [20 July 2010]
Voluntary Organisations [1 February 2012]
Voluntary Organisations: Finance [24 January 2011]
War Crimes: EU Action [27 March 2012]
Written Questions: Government Responses [25 April 2012]
Written Questions: Government Responses [6 September 2011]
Young Offenders [14 July 2011]
Young Offenders [26 April 2011]
Young Offenders [28 February 2011]
Young Offenders [26 January 2011]
Young Offenders: Arrests [27 January 2011]
Young Offenders: Wales [7 November 2011]
Young People: Films [9 May 2011]
Youth Justice: Greater London [19 November 2010]
Youth Offending Teams [18 April 2012]
Youth Offending Teams: Finance [1 May 2012]