Douglas Carswell
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [27 October 2011]
Afghanistan: Peacekeeping Operations [23 May 2011]
Aircraft Carriers [1 November 2010]
Aircraft Carriers: Contracts [15 November 2010]
Armoured Fighting Vehicles [6 July 2011]
Army [7 July 2010]
BAE Systems [21 December 2010]
BAE Systems [15 November 2010]
Beyond Visual Air-to-Air Missile Programme [7 July 2011]
C-704 Missiles [30 March 2011]
Citizens’ Pension [14 February 2011]
Copyright: Internet [11 October 2010]
Defence [21 June 2010]
Defence [9 June 2010]
Defence Equipment [28 June 2010]
Defence Equipment and Support [30 April 2012]
Defence Equipment and Support [19 April 2012]
Defence Equipment and Support: Salaries [1 July 2010]
Defence: Equipment and Support [6 July 2011]
Defence: Procurement [27 October 2010]
Defence: Procurement [29 June 2010]
Defence: Procurement [16 June 2010]
Departmental Directors [12 July 2010]
Departmental Directors [7 July 2010]
Deportation: Illegal Immigrants [9 February 2011]
Dr Michael Savage [9 March 2011]
Economic and Monetary Union [15 February 2011]
Economic and Monetary Union; EC Grants and Loans [15 December 2010]
Economic Policy: EU Action [18 November 2010]
Economic Policy: EU Action [18 November 2010]
Economic Policy: EU Action [8 November 2010]
Energy: EU Law [26 March 2012]
Energy: Older People [17 January 2012]
Energy: Older People [16 January 2012]
Energy: Prices [19 January 2012]
Energy: Prices [17 January 2012]
EU Budget [16 May 2011]
European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism [23 May 2011]
European Investigation Order [9 November 2010]
European Investigation Order [8 November 2010]
Excise Duties: Fuels [16 February 2011]
Excise Duties: Fuels [2 February 2011]
Export Credit Guarantees [13 September 2010]
Exports: Defence [14 September 2010]
Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft [7 July 2011]
General Practitioners: Clacton [1 March 2011]
Health: Tendring [7 March 2011]
Illegal Immigrants [8 December 2010]
Illegal Immigrants: Deportation [9 November 2010]
Indirect Fire Precision Attack Programme [11 July 2011]
Inflation [22 March 2011]
Iran [15 March 2011]
Iran: Radar [4 April 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Pay [9 March 2011]
Lynx Helicopters [3 February 2011]
Lynx Helicopters [17 June 2010]
Merlin Helicopters [11 July 2011]
Migration [23 November 2010]
Migration [9 November 2010]
Military Aircraft [7 July 2011]
Military Aircraft: Helicopters [10 November 2011]
Monetary Policy [28 February 2012]
Mozambique: Overseas Aid [27 July 2010]
Munitions [17 February 2011]
NHS Services: Local Authority Funding [2 November 2010]
Office of UK Permanent Representative to EC [20 January 2011]
Office of UK Permanent Representative to EC [18 January 2011]
Office of UK Permanent Representative to EC [18 January 2011]
Office of UK Permanent Representative to EC [20 December 2010]
Office of UK Permanent Representative to EC [11 October 2010]
Planning [14 March 2011]
Private Finance Initiative [15 March 2012]
Puma Helicopters [14 March 2011]
Register of Lobbyists [7 February 2012]
Rescue Services: Helicopters [11 July 2011]
Television: Local Broadcasting [19 May 2011]
UK Permanent Representative to EC [11 October 2010]
Unmanned Air Vehicles [21 June 2010]
USA: Arms Trade [8 November 2010]
USA: Military Alliances [18 October 2010]
Wealth [18 January 2012]