Greg Clark
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Affordable Homes Programme [Statement] [9 June 2011]
Affordable Housing [20 December 2011]
Allotments [24 May 2011]
Allotments [23 May 2011]
Cala Homes [15 December 2010]
Change of Use [7 December 2011]
Climate Change: Finance [21 December 2010]
Community Budgets [19 July 2011]
Community Centres: Finance [16 February 2011]
Community Development [9 May 2011]
Community Development [26 April 2011]
Community Development [15 March 2011]
Community Development [2 March 2011]
Community Development [28 February 2011]
Community Development [16 February 2011]
Community Development [25 January 2011]
Community Development: Planning Permission [6 February 2012]
Community Development: Referendums [21 December 2010]
Community Infrastructure Levy [26 April 2011]
Community Infrastructure Levy [1 July 2010]
Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 [13 September 2010]
Community Relations [7 November 2011]
Countryside: Planning [30 January 2012]
Decentralisation and Localism Bill [3 February 2011]
Decentralisation and Localism Bill [1 December 2010]
Decentralisation and Localism Bill [28 June 2010]
Decentralisation and Localism Bill [21 June 2010]
Delegation of Powers [10 October 2011]
Departmental Expenditure [9 March 2011]
Departmental Furniture [14 March 2011]
Departmental Legal Costs [14 March 2011]
Departmental Legal Costs [29 November 2010]
Departmental Legislation [20 July 2010]
Departmental NDPBs [6 September 2010]
Departmental Redundancy [8 November 2010]
Derelict Land: Housing [17 May 2011]
Economic Growth: Liverpool [14 November 2011]
Enterprise Zones [7 November 2011]
Enterprise Zones [25 October 2011]
Enterprise Zones [13 October 2011]
Enterprise Zones [10 October 2011]
Enterprise Zones [12 September 2011]
Enterprise Zones [7 September 2011]
Enterprise Zones [5 September 2011]
Enterprise Zones [14 July 2011]
Enterprise Zones [11 July 2011]
Enterprise Zones: Heysham [5 March 2012]
Enterprise Zones: Job Creation [5 March 2012]
Enterprise Zones: Lee-on-the-Solent [25 October 2011]
Enterprise Zones: North East [27 February 2012]
Enterprise Zones: Operating Costs [5 March 2012]
Enterprise Zones: Operating Costs [27 February 2012]
Enterprise Zones: Scotland [14 November 2011]
Enterprise Zones: Staffordshire [24 October 2011]
Enterprise Zones: West Midlands [26 October 2011]
Floods: Cumbria [27 July 2010]
Gardens: Property Development [28 February 2011]
Gardens: Property Development [2 February 2011]
Government Office for the North East: Redcar [13 October 2010]
Government Office for the North West [6 September 2010]
Government Office for the North West [27 July 2010]
Government Office for the North West [26 July 2010]
Government Office for the West Midlands [8 September 2010]
Government Office Network [3 November 2010]
Government Office Network: Closures [3 November 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions [3 March 2011]
Government Offices for the Regions [18 October 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions [11 October 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions [9 September 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions [8 September 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions [6 September 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions [27 July 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions: Gallup [14 December 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions: Redundancy [13 September 2010]
Government Offices for the Regions: Voluntary Organisations [27 July 2010]
Green Belt [16 January 2012]
Green Belt [5 September 2011]
Green Belt [6 July 2011]
Green Belt [5 April 2011]
Green Belt [28 February 2011]
Growing Places Fund [21 November 2011]
High Speed 2 Railway Line [19 April 2012]
High Street Review [27 February 2012]
Homelessness [8 June 2011]
Housing [26 April 2011]
Housing: Construction [16 January 2012]
Housing: Construction [17 May 2011]
Housing: Construction [3 May 2011]
Housing: Construction [7 December 2010]
Housing: Construction [21 October 2010]
Housing: Construction [1 July 2010]
Housing: Construction [14 June 2010]
Housing: Construction [8 June 2010]
Housing: Empty Property [18 October 2010]
Housing: Environment Protection [23 May 2011]
Housing: Merseyside [13 December 2011]
Housing: Planning [4 May 2011]
Housing: Planning Permission [21 February 2012]
Infrastructure Planning Commission [8 July 2010]
Infrastructure Planning Commission [7 July 2010]
Infrastructure: Environment Protection [19 April 2012]
Infrastructure: Planning [21 March 2011]
Infrastructure: Planning Permission [5 April 2011]
Land: Planning Permission [30 April 2012]
Local Authorities: Powers [31 January 2011]
Local Democracy [Statement] [9 February 2012]
Local Democracy [Statement] [16 January 2012]
Local Democracy [Statement] [1 November 2011]
Local Development Frameworks [11 October 2011]
Local Development Frameworks [10 October 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships [6 July 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships [Statement] [8 June 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships [Statement] [10 February 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships [23 November 2010]
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Liverpool [29 November 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Wiltshire [14 November 2011]
Local Enterprise Partnerships: Worcestershire [7 November 2011]
Local Government [14 November 2011]
Local Government [2 March 2011]
Local Government [9 February 2011]
Local Government [27 October 2010]
Local Government [22 June 2010]
Local Government Executive [25 January 2011]
Local Government Finance [12 March 2012]
Local Government Services [26 April 2011]
Local Government Services [29 June 2010]
Local Government: Aarhus Convention [25 January 2011]
Local Government: Greater Manchester [5 March 2012]
Local Government: North East [7 March 2012]
Local Government: Petitions [25 January 2011]
Local Government: Petitions [6 September 2010]
Local Government: Powers [14 February 2011]
Local Government: Powers [7 February 2011]
Local Government: Public Consultation [18 October 2010]
Local Government: Referendums [25 January 2011]
Local Government: Sustainable Development [21 November 2011]
Local Government: Voluntary Work [28 February 2011]
Local Nature Partnerships [19 April 2012]
Local Planning Regulations [Statement] [15 March 2012]
Localism [7 February 2011]
Localism Act 2011 [28 November 2011]
Localism Bill [17 October 2011]
Localism Bill [27 June 2011]
Localism Bill [3 February 2011]
Localism Bill [2 February 2011]
Localism Bill: Wales [20 June 2011]
Major Infrastructure Planning Reform [Statement] [20 December 2010]
Mayoral Referendums [30 April 2012]
Mayors: Coventry [30 January 2012]
Mayors: Coventry [19 January 2012]
Mayors: Greater Manchester [16 April 2012]
Mayors: Greater Manchester [5 March 2012]
Mayors: Referendum [20 March 2012]
Mayors: Referendum [20 February 2012]
Members: Correspondence [6 September 2010]
Microgeneration Equipment (Non-domestic Premises) [Statement] [15 March 2012]
Minister for Cities [6 September 2011]
Multiple Occupation: Licensing [26 July 2010]
National Planning Policy Framework [Statement] [20 December 2010]
Neighbourhood Planning Consultation [Statement] [13 October 2011]
Newspaper Press [2 March 2011]
Northern Rock: Newcastle [3 May 2011]
Planning [30 April 2012]
Planning [16 January 2012]
Planning [4 May 2011]
Planning [26 April 2011]
Planning [28 March 2011]
Planning [16 March 2011]
Planning [21 December 2010]
Planning [16 December 2010]
Planning [15 December 2010]
Planning [27 July 2010]
Planning [15 July 2010]
Planning Aid: Finance [21 December 2010]
Planning Circulars (HMOs) [Statement] [4 November 2010]
Planning for Growth [Statement] [24 March 2011]
Planning Obligations [13 July 2010]
Planning Permission [1 May 2012]
Planning Permission [30 April 2012]
Planning Permission [24 April 2012]
Planning Permission [19 April 2012]
Planning Permission [6 March 2012]
Planning Permission [5 March 2012]
Planning Permission [27 February 2012]
Planning Permission [20 February 2012]
Planning Permission [10 January 2012]
Planning Permission [20 December 2011]
Planning Permission [1 December 2011]
Planning Permission [30 November 2011]
Planning Permission [28 November 2011]
Planning Permission [24 November 2011]
Planning Permission [22 November 2011]
Planning Permission [21 November 2011]
Planning Permission [14 November 2011]
Planning Permission [25 October 2011]
Planning Permission [24 October 2011]
Planning Permission [18 October 2011]
Planning Permission [13 October 2011]
Planning Permission [10 October 2011]
Planning Permission [5 April 2011]
Planning Permission: Appeals [12 March 2012]
Planning Permission: Appeals [22 November 2011]
Planning Permission: Appeals [10 October 2011]
Planning Permission: Appeals [25 January 2011]
Planning Permission: Appeals [10 January 2011]
Planning Permission: Appeals [29 November 2010]
Planning Permission: Biodiversity [7 December 2011]
Planning Permission: Carbon Emissions [13 December 2011]
Planning Permission: Carbon Emissions [7 December 2011]
Planning Permission: Fees and Charges [27 February 2012]
Planning Permission: Finance [27 February 2012]
Planning Permission: Green Belt [30 April 2012]
Planning Permission: Leiston [16 January 2012]
Planning Permission: Milton Keynes [7 November 2011]
Planning Permission: Norfolk [24 November 2011]
Planning Permission: Rural Areas [10 January 2012]
Planning Permission: Sustainable Development [12 March 2012]
Planning Permission: Urban Areas [14 December 2011]
Planning Permission: Urban Areas [5 September 2011]
Planning Reform [Statement] [19 October 2011]
Planning Reform [Statement] [18 November 2010]
Planning Reform [Statement] [29 June 2010]
Planning: Finance [27 February 2012]
Planning: Gateshead [25 January 2011]
Planning: Referendums [20 December 2010]
Planning: Referendums [16 December 2010]
Planning: Referendums [15 December 2010]
Planning: Skipton [7 November 2011]
Planning: Urban Areas [10 January 2012]
Previously Developed Land (Density) [Statement] [9 June 2010]
Provision of Local Services [17 January 2011]
Public Expenditure [14 March 2011]
Regeneration: Liverpool [14 November 2011]
Regional Development Agencies: Property Transfer [26 October 2011]
Regional Government [9 December 2010]
Regional Growth Fund [5 July 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [7 December 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [27 June 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [16 May 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [3 May 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [26 April 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [5 April 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [10 January 2011]
Regional Planning and Development [17 November 2010]
Regional Planning and Development [15 November 2010]
Regional Planning and Development: Worcestershire [27 June 2011]
Regional Spatial Strategies [14 June 2010]
Regional Spatial Strategies [10 June 2010]
Religious Buildings: Planning Permission [15 December 2010]
Renewable Energy [10 January 2012]
Renewable Energy [9 September 2010]
Renewable Energy: Planning Permission [22 November 2010]
Review of Statutory Duties [Statement] [7 March 2011]
Review of Statutory Duties on Local Authorities [Statement] [30 June 2011]
Rights of Way [24 October 2011]
Sheltered Housing Wardens [9 May 2011]
Shops: Planning [13 June 2011]
Sports: Facilities [5 April 2011]
Sports: Planning Permission [10 October 2011]
Sportsgrounds: Planning Permission [29 March 2011]
Sustainable Communities [10 October 2011]
Sustainable Communities Act [Statement] [29 March 2011]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 [30 April 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 [20 February 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 [6 February 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 [2 February 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 [30 January 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 [17 January 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (Amendment) Act 2010 [30 April 2012]
Sustainable Communities Act and Barrier Busting [Statement] [15 December 2010]
Sustainable Development [26 April 2011]
Sustainable Development [5 April 2011]
Sustainable Development [31 March 2011]
Sustainable Development [9 March 2011]
Sustainable Development [28 February 2011]
The Planning Inspectorate and Major Infrastructure Planning [Statement] [10 March 2011]
Third Sector [26 April 2011]
Third Sector [5 April 2011]
Third Sector [9 March 2011]
Third Sector [2 March 2011]
Town Centres [15 March 2011]
Transport: Planning Permission [16 April 2012]
UK Competitive Advantage [2 February 2012]
Unlocking Growth in Cities [Statement] [20 March 2012]
Unlocking Growth in Cities [Statement] [7 February 2012]
Unlocking Growth in Cities [Statement] [8 December 2011]
Vacant Land [17 October 2011]
Vacant Land [9 March 2011]
Voluntary Organisations [21 December 2010]
Voluntary Organisations: Finance [15 December 2010]
Voluntary Sector [28 February 2011]
Voluntary Work [2 March 2011]
Voluntary Work: Young People [2 March 2011]
Wellingborough [15 March 2012]
Wildlife: Planning [13 December 2011]
Wind Power: Planning Permission [5 July 2010]
Written Questions: Government Responses [23 November 2011]