Chris Ruane
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
A New Approach to Child Poverty [10 October 2011]
A New Approach to Child Poverty [27 June 2011]
A New Approach to Child Poverty [22 June 2011]
Absent Voting [25 October 2011]
Accident and Emergency Departments [9 December 2010]
Accident and Emergency Departments: Standards [15 November 2010]
Adoption [24 March 2011]
Advertising [30 April 2012]
Advertising [25 April 2012]
Advertising: Children [18 July 2011]
Advertising: Children [6 July 2011]
Advertising: Finance [23 January 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Misuse [15 February 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks and Drugs: Misuse [25 January 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [16 January 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [15 February 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [26 January 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Prices [28 March 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Tobacco [21 June 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Young People [1 March 2011]
Algae: Liverpool Bay [16 February 2011]
Anti-depressants [26 April 2012]
Antidepressants [30 April 2012]
Antidepressants [18 April 2012]
Antisocial Behaviour Orders [15 February 2011]
Armed Forces: Manpower [17 November 2010]
Armed Forces: Mental Health [13 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Mental Health Services [30 April 2012]
Armed Forces: Mental Health Services [1 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Mental Health Services [21 February 2012]
Armed Forces: Psychology [30 April 2012]
Armed Forces: Psychology [6 March 2012]
Armed Forces: Psychology [1 March 2012]
Arts and Sports: Public Participation [10 February 2011]
Arts: Public Participation [28 February 2011]
Arts: Public Participation [16 February 2011]
Average Earnings [5 December 2011]
Backbench Business Committee [17 October 2011]
Ballymurphy [13 December 2011]
Bankruptcy [16 January 2012]
Banks: Loans [10 June 2011]
Banks: Pay [17 January 2012]
Banks: Pay [24 May 2011]
Basic Skills [9 February 2012]
Bed and Breakfast Accommodation: Greater London [25 January 2011]
Beer: Competition [17 January 2012]
Big Society Bank [7 March 2011]
Big Society Initiative [30 March 2011]
Big Society Initiative [28 March 2011]
Big Society Initiative [9 March 2011]
Big Society Initiative [28 February 2011]
Big Society Initiative [11 February 2011]
Blood Diseases [16 April 2012]
Blood: Donors [16 February 2011]
Breast Cancer [16 April 2012]
Breast Cancer: Screening [25 April 2012]
Breast Cancer: Screening [7 July 2011]
Breast Feeding [10 October 2011]
British Nationals Abroad [10 October 2011]
Bullying: Personal Income [16 March 2011]
Business: Community Development [17 February 2011]
Business: Finance [29 June 2011]
Business: Finance [23 May 2011]
Business: Government Assistance [18 April 2012]
Cancer [25 April 2012]
Cancer [16 April 2012]
Cancer: Republic of Ireland [20 February 2012]
Cannabis: Misuse [28 February 2011]
Carbon Monoxide: Alarms [8 February 2011]
Carbon Monoxide: Poisoning [9 February 2011]
Census [26 April 2011]
Census [10 March 2011]
Charitable Donations [14 June 2011]
Charitable Donations [8 June 2011]
Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Charitable Donations [23 May 2011]
Charitable Donations [4 May 2011]
Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Charitable Donations [28 February 2011]
Charitable Donations [9 February 2011]
Charitable Donations [27 January 2011]
Charities [29 March 2011]
Charities [28 March 2011]
Charities [28 March 2011]
Charities [28 March 2011]
Charities [28 March 2011]
Charities [23 March 2011]
Charities [7 March 2011]
Charities: Finance [23 March 2011]
Charities: Finance [17 November 2010]
Charities: Internet [4 March 2011]
Charity Commission: Manpower [23 March 2011]
Child Benefit [29 November 2010]
Child Development [23 March 2011]
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission [28 February 2011]
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission: Correspondence [27 January 2011]
Child Rearing [24 April 2012]
Child Support Agency [13 September 2010]
Child Trust Fund [7 June 2010]
Childbirth [24 March 2011]
Childbirth [28 February 2011]
Childbirth [21 December 2010]
Childbirth [17 November 2010]
Children [30 April 2012]
Children [30 January 2012]
Children [25 January 2012]
Children [24 January 2012]
Children [18 January 2012]
Children [18 January 2012]
Children [17 January 2012]
Children [17 January 2012]
Children [17 January 2012]
Children [17 January 2012]
Children [23 March 2011]
Children in Care [30 January 2012]
Children in Care [4 April 2011]
Children In care [28 March 2011]
Children in Care: Disability [24 March 2011]
Children in Care: Ethnic Groups [28 March 2011]
Children in Care: Social Workers [28 March 2011]
Children's Centres [16 February 2011]
Children's Plan [28 March 2011]
Children: Abuse [10 March 2011]
Children: Carers [31 March 2011]
Children: Carers [7 March 2011]
Children: Day Care [20 February 2012]
Children: Day Care [25 January 2011]
Children: Death [27 January 2011]
Children: Deviance and Behaviour Disorders [5 May 2011]
Children: Deviance and Behaviour Disorders [30 March 2011]
Children: Disadvantaged [20 January 2012]
Children: Health [12 March 2012]
Children: Health [17 January 2012]
Children: Hyperactivity [21 November 2011]
Children: Hyperactivity [10 October 2011]
Children: Mental Health [5 May 2011]
Children: Mental Health [4 May 2011]
Children: Mental Health Services [31 January 2012]
Children: Poverty [27 April 2011]
Children: Poverty [31 March 2011]
Children: Protection [1 February 2012]
Children: Protection [22 March 2011]
Children: Research [17 January 2012]
Children: Retail Trade [31 January 2012]
Children: Social Services [1 February 2012]
Children: Stop and Search [31 January 2012]
Children: Television [29 March 2011]
Children: Television [16 February 2011]
Children: Well-being [23 March 2011]
Citizen Engagement [25 January 2011]
Citizens Advice Bureaux: Finance [7 March 2011]
Citizens Advice: Finance [16 February 2011]
Citizens Advice: Manpower [9 February 2011]
Citizenship [28 February 2011]
Citizenship Survey [28 February 2011]
Civic Society Initiatives [9 February 2011]
Civil Disorder [11 October 2011]
Civil Service [4 March 2011]
Classroom Assistants: Manpower [6 December 2010]
Collective Worship [8 February 2011]
Community Centres [8 February 2011]
Community Development [5 July 2011]
Community Development [9 May 2011]
Community Development [17 March 2011]
Community Development [7 March 2011]
Community Development [4 March 2011]
Community Development [2 March 2011]
Community Development [28 February 2011]
Community Development [16 February 2011]
Community Development [8 February 2011]
Community Development [25 January 2011]
Community Development [25 January 2011]
Community Development [21 January 2011]
Community Development: Finance [3 May 2011]
Community Interest Companies [4 May 2011]
Community Interest Companies [10 March 2011]
Community Interest Companies [17 February 2011]
Community Orders [4 July 2011]
Community Relations [4 April 2011]
Community Relations [9 February 2011]
Comprehensive Spending Review [2 February 2011]
Compulsory Purchase [10 January 2012]
Compulsory Purchase: Coastal Areas [16 December 2010]
Computers [11 January 2012]
Computers [12 December 2011]
Computers [13 October 2010]
Constituencies [6 September 2010]
Construction Industry [19 October 2011]
Consumer Direct [15 February 2011]
Consumers: Advisory Services [14 February 2011]
Consumers: Advisory Services [3 February 2011]
Consumers: Advisory Services [1 February 2011]
Corporation Tax: Tax Rates and Bands [7 June 2011]
Council Housing [12 October 2011]
Council Housing [15 September 2011]
Counselling [24 May 2011]
County Courts: Wales [27 July 2010]
Courts: Closures [27 July 2010]
Courts: Fines [18 October 2010]
Credit Unions [9 February 2011]
Credit Unions [26 January 2011]
Crime [10 January 2012]
Crime [7 June 2011]
Crime [28 April 2011]
Crime [28 February 2011]
Crime [15 February 2011]
Crime [24 January 2011]
Crime Levels [7 March 2011]
Crime: Unemployment [27 July 2010]
Crisis Loans: Vale of Clwyd [26 April 2011]
Deaths [29 March 2011]
Deaths [7 March 2011]
Deaths: Carbon Monoxide [9 February 2011]
Debts [16 January 2012]
Departmental Billing [1 May 2012]
Departmental Billing [29 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [22 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [21 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [20 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [9 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [9 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [8 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [8 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [8 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [7 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [7 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [7 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [7 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [7 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [6 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [6 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [6 February 2012]
Departmental Billing [6 February 2012]
Departmental Charitable Donations [5 September 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [18 July 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [27 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [16 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [8 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [7 June 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [24 May 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [24 May 2011]
Departmental Charitable Donations [24 May 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [27 April 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [15 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [14 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [10 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [9 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [8 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [7 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [4 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [4 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [3 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [2 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [1 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [1 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [1 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [1 March 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [28 February 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [28 February 2011]
Departmental Conditions of Employment [28 February 2011]
Departmental Equality [14 June 2011]
Departmental Equality [7 June 2011]
Departmental Equality [7 June 2011]
Departmental Equality [7 June 2011]
Departmental Equality [7 June 2011]
Departmental Equality [7 June 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [19 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [18 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [14 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [13 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [11 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [11 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [11 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [7 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [6 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [6 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [6 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [6 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [6 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [6 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [5 July 2011]
Departmental Freedom of Information [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Hospitality [2 November 2011]
Departmental Photographs [15 November 2011]
Departmental Policy [22 March 2011]
Departmental Policy [4 March 2011]
Departmental Policy [1 March 2011]
Departmental Policy [28 February 2011]
Departmental Policy [28 February 2011]
Departmental Procurement [9 December 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [15 June 2011]
Departmental Public Expenditure [7 June 2011]
Departmental Publications [20 July 2011]
Departmental Redundancy [21 November 2011]
Departmental Research [16 June 2011]
Departmental Research [13 June 2011]
Departmental Research [10 June 2011]
Departmental Research [9 June 2011]
Departmental Research [7 June 2011]
Departmental Research [7 June 2011]
Departmental Research [7 June 2011]
Departmental Research [7 June 2011]
Departmental Research [7 June 2011]
Departmental Research [7 June 2011]
Departmental Research [24 May 2011]
Departmental Research [24 May 2011]
Departmental Research [24 May 2011]
Departmental Research [23 May 2011]
Departmental Research [23 May 2011]
Departmental Research [23 May 2011]
Departmental Research [23 May 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [10 January 2012]
Departmental Responsibilities [15 November 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [13 October 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [10 October 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [14 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [6 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [5 September 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 August 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 August 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 August 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 August 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [20 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [18 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [19 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [18 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [18 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [14 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [13 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [13 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [12 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [12 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [12 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [12 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [12 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [11 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [7 July 2011]
Departmental Responsibilities [6 July 2011]
Departmental Secondment [13 December 2011]
Departmental Statistics [19 July 2011]
Departmental Statistics [14 July 2011]
Departmental Statistics [11 July 2011]
Departmental Statistics [6 July 2011]
Departmental Statistics [6 July 2011]
Departmental Statistics [6 July 2011]
Departmental Training [15 November 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [24 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [12 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [11 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [10 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [10 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [10 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [10 January 2012]
Departmental Written Questions [20 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [20 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [20 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [19 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [14 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [13 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [12 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [12 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [12 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [12 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [12 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [8 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [8 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [8 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [7 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [7 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [7 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [6 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [6 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [6 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [6 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [6 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [5 December 2011]
Depleted Uranium [17 February 2011]
Deposit Protection Service Regulations [3 March 2011]
Depressive Illnesses [26 January 2011]
Developing Countries: Malaria [6 December 2011]
Diabetes: Health Services [22 November 2010]
Disability Living Allowance [24 January 2012]
Disability Living Allowance: Clwyd [16 June 2011]
Disability: Children [1 February 2012]
Disaster Relief [3 March 2011]
Divorce [24 April 2012]
Doctors: Foreign Nationals [20 October 2011]
Driving Offences [5 May 2011]
Driving Offences: Fines [18 July 2011]
Driving: Licensing [22 November 2011]
Drugs: Alcoholic Drinks [26 April 2012]
Drugs: Crime [24 March 2011]
Drugs: Parents [28 March 2011]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [15 February 2011]
Drugs: Working Hours [29 March 2011]
Drugs: Young People [23 March 2011]
Drugs: Young People [22 March 2011]
Drugs: Young People [28 February 2011]
Drugs: Young People [15 February 2011]
Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme [7 March 2011]
Dyslexia [26 April 2012]
Dyslexia [24 April 2012]
Economic Situation [15 February 2011]
Economic Situation [9 February 2011]
Education [24 January 2012]
Education Maintenance Allowance [18 January 2011]
Education: Children [23 January 2012]
Education: Children [17 January 2012]
Education: Children [29 March 2011]
Education: Mental Health [5 May 2011]
Education: Music [8 March 2011]
Education: Personal Income [18 March 2011]
Education: Public Expenditure [22 March 2011]
Education: Young Offender Institutions [10 October 2011]
Education: Young People [23 January 2012]
Elections [5 July 2011]
Elections [8 February 2011]
Electoral Commission [5 July 2011]
Electoral Commission [5 July 2011]
Electoral Register [23 April 2012]
Electoral Register [1 February 2012]
Electoral Register [24 January 2012]
Electoral Register [23 January 2012]
Electoral Register [10 January 2012]
Electoral Register [10 January 2012]
Electoral Register [20 December 2011]
Electoral Register [19 December 2011]
Electoral Register [19 December 2011]
Electoral Register [13 December 2011]
Electoral Register [14 November 2011]
Electoral Register [8 November 2011]
Electoral Register [3 November 2011]
Electoral Register [27 October 2011]
Electoral Register [25 October 2011]
Electoral Register [20 October 2011]
Electoral Register [18 October 2011]
Electoral Register [12 October 2011]
Electoral Register [11 October 2011]
Electoral Register [5 July 2011]
Electoral Register [4 July 2011]
Electoral Register [29 June 2011]
Electoral Register [27 June 2011]
Electoral Register [23 June 2011]
Electoral Register [21 June 2011]
Electoral Register [21 June 2011]
Electoral Register [13 June 2011]
Electoral Register [13 June 2011]
Electoral Register [13 June 2011]
Electoral Register [24 May 2011]
Electoral Register [21 January 2011]
Electoral Register [7 December 2010]
Electoral Register [6 September 2010]
Electoral Register [6 September 2010]
Electoral Register [7 September 2010]
Electoral Register [26 July 2010]
Electoral Register [22 July 2010]
Electoral Register [22 July 2010]
Electoral Register [21 July 2010]
Electoral Register [20 July 2010]
Electoral Register [20 July 2010]
Electoral Register [19 July 2010]
Electoral Register [1 July 2010]
Electoral Register [29 June 2010]
Electoral Register [14 June 2010]
Electoral Register [10 June 2010]
Electoral Register [9 June 2010]
Electoral Register [8 June 2010]
Electoral Register [7 June 2010]
Electoral Register [7 June 2010]
Electoral Register [7 June 2010]
Electoral Register [3 June 2010]
Electoral Register [2 June 2010]
Electoral Register: Expenditure [19 July 2010]
Electoral Register: Finance [24 January 2012]
Electoral Register: Finance [23 January 2012]
Electoral Register: Fraud [8 December 2011]
Electoral Register: Northern Ireland [24 January 2012]
Electoral Register: Rhyl [18 October 2011]
Electoral Register: Standards [11 October 2011]
Electoral Register: Standards [5 July 2011]
Electoral Registration [25 October 2011]
Electoral Registration [24 October 2011]
Electoral Registration [20 October 2011]
Electoral Registration [19 October 2011]
Electoral Registration: Finance [20 October 2011]
Electoral Registration: Young People [20 October 2011]
Electorate [16 December 2010]
Electorate: Ethnic Groups [26 July 2010]
Electricity [8 November 2011]
Employment [16 April 2012]
Employment [13 March 2012]
Employment [5 July 2011]
Employment [14 February 2011]
Employment and Support Allowance: Mining [25 October 2011]
Employment Schemes [26 April 2011]
Employment Schemes [31 March 2011]
Employment: Clwyd [17 November 2010]
Employment: Economic Growth [15 March 2012]
Employment: Mothers [28 March 2011]
Employment: Private and Public Sector [10 October 2011]
Employment: Private Sector [30 January 2012]
Employment: Public Sector [24 October 2011]
Employment: Public Sector [17 November 2010]
Employment: Regulation [23 April 2012]
Employment: Regulation [8 March 2012]
Employment: Young People [25 October 2011]
Empty Property [6 July 2011]
Empty Property: Shops [24 January 2012]
Energy [13 March 2012]
Energy Market Competition [20 October 2011]
Energy: Billing [21 March 2012]
Energy: Complaints [19 July 2011]
Energy: Housing [9 May 2011]
Energy: Prices [21 March 2012]
EU Grants and Loans [14 March 2012]
Euthanasia: Prosecutions [12 March 2012]
Ex-servicemen [28 February 2011]
Ex-servicemen: Military Decorations [22 June 2011]
Ex-servicemen: Social Clubs [8 February 2011]
Excise Duties: Gaming Machines [23 January 2012]
Excise Duties: Gaming Machines [13 December 2011]
Exercise [8 February 2011]
Extended Schools [10 March 2011]
Extra Curricular Activities [4 March 2011]
Extracurricular Activities [31 January 2012]
Extracurricular Activities [10 March 2011]
Falkland Islands [30 April 2012]
Families [15 March 2012]
Families [12 March 2012]
Families [23 January 2012]
Families [23 March 2011]
Family Intervention Programme [24 November 2011]
Family Intervention Programme [10 October 2011]
Family Intervention Programme [15 September 2011]
Fashion: Health Hazards [5 May 2011]
Females [7 March 2011]
Fines [13 December 2010]
Firearms: Crime [30 April 2012]
Fixed Penalties [11 July 2011]
Fixed Penalties: Noise [18 July 2011]
Flexible Working [13 March 2012]
Flexible Working [23 January 2012]
Flexible Working: Parental Leave [31 March 2011]
Flood Control [28 February 2011]
Flood Control: Finance [9 February 2012]
Flood Control: Finance [28 February 2011]
Flood Control: Wales [16 February 2011]
Floods [9 February 2012]
Floods: Insurance [9 February 2012]
Folk Music [26 March 2012]
Food: Children [5 July 2011]
Food: Safety [26 April 2012]
Food: Safety [16 April 2012]
Foreign Companies [16 January 2012]
Forests [9 March 2011]
Free School Meals [1 February 2012]
Free School Meals [23 January 2012]
Free School Meals [20 January 2012]
Free School Meals [18 January 2011]
Free School Meals: Wales [2 November 2010]
Freedom of Information [22 February 2012]
Fruit [1 February 2012]
Fuel Poverty [14 February 2011]
Fuel Poverty [10 February 2011]
Fuel Poverty [31 January 2011]
Future Jobs Fund [29 March 2011]
Future Jobs Fund [10 February 2011]
Future Jobs Fund [16 December 2010]
Future Jobs Fund [26 July 2010]
Future Jobs Fund [28 June 2010]
Future Jobs Fund [9 June 2010]
GCSE [28 March 2011]
General Practitioners [27 June 2011]
General Practitioners [7 June 2011]
Gold [4 May 2011]
Government Equalities Office [5 September 2011]
Government Food: Farm Assured Sources [24 June 2010]
Health [28 February 2012]
Health [20 January 2012]
Health [7 June 2011]
Health [1 March 2011]
Health [16 February 2011]
Health Education [24 April 2012]
Health Professions: Patients [23 May 2011]
Health Services: Ex-servicemen [25 April 2012]
Health Services: Ex-servicemen [29 February 2012]
Health Services: Social Enterprises [15 February 2011]
Health: Children [19 January 2012]
Health: Children [7 June 2011]
Health: Disadvantaged [24 May 2011]
Health: Disadvantaged [8 March 2011]
Heart Diseases [24 May 2011]
Heating [22 November 2011]
Higher Education: Admissions [25 January 2011]
Higher Education: Student Numbers [9 June 2010]
History: GCSE [10 June 2011]
Homeless [26 April 2011]
Homelessness: Finance [7 July 2011]
Homelessness: Temporary Accommodation [17 November 2010]
Homicide [30 April 2012]
Homicide [10 May 2011]
Homicide [14 March 2011]
Homicide [10 March 2011]
Homicide [8 March 2011]
Homicide [7 March 2011]
Homicide: Young People [30 April 2012]
Hospital Wards: Standards [24 May 2011]
Hospitals: Construction [7 July 2011]
Hospitals: Infectious Diseases [5 May 2011]
Hospitals: Voluntary Work [28 February 2011]
Hospitals: Waiting Lists [17 November 2010]
Housing [31 January 2012]
Housing [25 October 2011]
Housing Benefit [2 February 2012]
Housing Benefit [10 October 2011]
Housing Benefit [16 May 2011]
Housing Benefit: Wales [10 October 2011]
Housing: Standards [15 December 2010]
Housing: Students [16 January 2012]
Immigrants: Income [8 March 2011]
Immigrants: Wealth [26 April 2011]
Immigration [16 September 2010]
Infant Mortality [27 January 2011]
Influenza: Vaccination [31 October 2011]
Infrastructure [10 January 2012]
Internet [9 February 2011]
Internet [8 February 2011]
Investment [17 November 2010]
Irish Sea: Pollution [28 February 2011]
Irish Sea: Pollution [17 February 2011]
Irish Sea: Pollution [16 February 2011]
Job Creation [1 March 2011]
Job Creation [16 February 2011]
Job Security [9 February 2011]
Jobcentre Plus [27 June 2011]
Jobcentre Plus: Telephone Calls [12 October 2011]
Jobclubs [1 November 2011]
Jobseeker's Allowance [10 October 2011]
Jobseeker’s Allowance [27 October 2011]
Law Officers' Dept [19 July 2011]
Legal Profession [16 February 2011]
Libya: Bombs [17 January 2012]
Life Expectancy [20 June 2011]
Life Expectancy: Television [24 October 2011]
Limb Reduction Deformity: Babies [3 May 2011]
Liquefied Petroleum Gas [1 November 2011]
Liquefied Petroleum Gas [31 October 2011]
Liquefied Petroleum Gas [20 October 2011]
Literacy [23 March 2011]
Liver Diseases [24 March 2011]
Loans [15 February 2011]
Loans [3 February 2011]
Local Government: Voluntary Work [28 February 2011]
Lone Parents [26 January 2011]
Lottery [26 January 2011]
Low Birthweight Babies [18 October 2011]
Low Birthweight Babies [27 January 2011]
Magistrates Courts [22 July 2010]
Magistrates Courts: Closures [27 July 2010]
Magistrates Courts: Closures [22 July 2010]
Magistrates Courts: Fines [15 September 2010]
Magistrates Courts: Repairs and Maintenance [22 July 2010]
Magistrates Courts: Unpaid Fines [22 July 2010]
Manufacturing Industries [23 January 2012]
Married People [24 May 2011]
Mass Media [4 March 2011]
Medical Treatments [25 April 2012]
Medical Treatments [29 February 2012]
Members: Correspondence [15 June 2011]
Mental Health [21 November 2011]
Mental Health [24 May 2011]
Mental Health [4 May 2011]
Mental Health Services [25 April 2012]
Mental Health Services [24 January 2012]
Mental Health Services [23 January 2012]
Mental Health Services [24 October 2011]
Mental Health Services [3 October 2011]
Mental Health Services [24 March 2011]
Mental Health Services: Children [1 February 2012]
Mental Health Services: Finance [24 October 2011]
Mental Health: Children [3 October 2011]
Mental Health: Children [28 March 2011]
Mental Illness [24 March 2011]
Mental Illness [8 February 2011]
Mental Illness: Advertising [7 March 2011]
Mental Illnesses [25 April 2012]
Minimum Wage [6 July 2011]
Minimum Wage [16 November 2010]
Money Lenders: Crime [14 February 2011]
Money Lenders: Crime [2 February 2011]
Mortality Rates [23 May 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Insurance [24 May 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Manufacturing Industries [8 February 2011]
Motor Vehicles: Testing [5 July 2011]
Multiple Occupation: Crime [26 January 2011]
Multiple Occupation: Licensing [20 December 2010]
Multiple Occupation: Licensing [14 December 2010]
Multiple Occupation: Licensing [13 July 2010]
Multiple Occupation: Licensing [5 July 2010]
Museums and Galleries [9 February 2011]
Music: Finance [26 April 2011]
Mutual Societies: Finance [28 February 2011]
National Identity [28 February 2011]
Natural Gas: Exploration [23 April 2012]
Nature Reserves [16 February 2011]
NEETs [16 April 2012]
Neighbourhood Watch Schemes [15 February 2011]
Neurology [8 March 2011]
New Enterprise Allowance [13 June 2011]
New Enterprise Allowance [24 May 2011]
New Enterprise Allowance [11 May 2011]
New Enterprise Allowance: Wales [24 May 2011]
Newspaper Press [2 March 2011]
Newspaper Press [17 February 2011]
NHS: Expenditure [7 March 2011]
NHS: Finance [1 March 2011]
NHS: Manpower [17 November 2010]
NHS: Private Sector [17 October 2011]
NHS: Training [25 April 2012]
Non-Domestic Rates [10 January 2012]
Nutrition [24 May 2011]
Nutrition [7 March 2011]
Obesity [24 May 2011]
Obesity [24 March 2011]
Obesity [23 March 2011]
Obesity [8 March 2011]
Obesity [2 March 2011]
Obesity [28 February 2011]
Obesity [26 January 2011]
Obesity: Children [16 March 2011]
Obesity: Children [10 February 2011]
Obesity: Departmental Coordination [7 February 2011]
Occupations [9 February 2011]
Office for Civil Society [4 March 2011]
Office for Civil Society: Finance [28 February 2011]
Office for National Statistics [16 April 2012]
Organs: Donors [5 September 2011]
Owner Occupation [20 December 2011]
Pain: Mental Illnesses [25 April 2012]
Parent Teacher Associations [24 March 2011]
Parental Leave [29 March 2011]
Parental Responsibility [28 March 2011]
Parenting Classes [5 April 2011]
Parenting Classes [24 March 2011]
Parenting Classes: Prenatal classes [24 March 2011]
Parents: Advisory Services [23 March 2011]
Parents: Education [1 February 2012]
Parking: Fees and Charges [10 January 2012]
Parking: Urban Areas [10 January 2012]
Parliamentary Questions [31 October 2011]
Parliamentary Questions [31 October 2011]
Patents [9 March 2011]
Pay [8 December 2011]
Payroll [28 February 2011]
Payroll Deduction Scheme [3 March 2011]
Pensioners: Poverty [30 June 2011]
Pensioners: Poverty [9 June 2011]
Pensioners: Poverty [23 May 2011]
Pensioners: Poverty [16 December 2010]
Pensioners: Wales [20 October 2010]
Pensions [26 January 2012]
Performance Related Pay [31 March 2011]
Performing Arts [25 April 2012]
Personal Income [24 May 2011]
Personal Income [15 February 2011]
Personal Income: Surveys [1 March 2011]
Personal Savings [3 February 2011]
Personal Taxation [10 October 2011]
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education [31 January 2012]
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education [31 January 2012]
Pesticides [28 April 2011]
Pesticides [27 April 2011]
Pesticides: Food [14 June 2011]
Pesticides: Poisoning [3 May 2011]
Planning: Enforcement [21 June 2011]
Planning: Urban Areas [10 January 2012]
Police [8 March 2011]
Police [22 July 2010]
Police Deaths on Duty [11 October 2011]
Police Funding Settlement [6 February 2012]
Police Numbers [12 September 2011]
Police: Crime [15 March 2011]
Police: Finance [22 July 2010]
Police: Manpower [19 July 2010]
Police: North Wales [7 June 2011]
Police: Voluntary Work [7 March 2011]
Politics and Government: Public Participation [2 February 2011]
Poverty [10 October 2011]
Poverty [26 April 2011]
Poverty: Children [22 June 2011]
Poverty: Children [22 June 2011]
Poverty: Children [17 June 2011]
Poverty: Children [8 June 2011]
Poverty: Children [7 June 2011]
Poverty: Children [19 May 2011]
Poverty: Children [26 April 2011]
Poverty: Children [7 December 2010]
Pre-school Education [24 April 2012]
Pre-school Education: Research [23 March 2011]
Pregnant Women: Stress [8 March 2011]
Prescription Drugs [19 April 2012]
Prescription Drugs [16 April 2012]
Prescription Drugs [16 April 2012]
Prescriptions [26 January 2011]
Primary Education: Finance [17 March 2011]
Prisoners [5 July 2011]
Prisoners [8 March 2011]
Prisoners [7 March 2011]
Prisoners: Ex-servicemen [12 March 2012]
Prisoners: Mental Health [22 March 2012]
Prisons: Mental Health Services [24 April 2012]
Prisons: Mental Health Services [20 February 2012]
Prisons: Mental Health Services [21 February 2012]
Private Sector: Employment [18 November 2010]
Psychiatry [4 February 2011]
Psychiatry: Children [15 February 2011]
Public Contentment [8 February 2011]
Public Expenditure [7 June 2011]
Public Expenditure [9 May 2011]
Public Finance [24 January 2011]
Public Houses [17 January 2012]
Public Houses [16 January 2012]
Public Houses [14 February 2011]
Public Houses [10 February 2011]
Public Houses [4 February 2011]
Public Houses: Closures [17 January 2012]
Public Houses: Mutual Societies [17 January 2012]
Public Lavatories [19 December 2011]
Public Libraries [28 February 2011]
Public Libraries [15 February 2011]
Public Sector: Employment [17 November 2010]
Public Sector: Employment [16 November 2010]
Public Sector: Manpower [20 February 2012]
Public Sector: Wales [16 September 2010]
Pupil Exclusions [18 July 2011]
Pupil Premium [21 November 2011]
Pupils: Disability [16 March 2011]
Pupils: Disadvantaged [10 October 2011]
Pupils: Disadvantaged [7 March 2011]
Racial and Religious Hatred [2 March 2011]
Radio: Wales [26 January 2012]
Regulation [28 February 2011]
Repossession Orders [5 July 2011]
Rescue Services [5 July 2011]
Research [15 June 2011]
Research [9 June 2011]
Research [7 June 2011]
Research [24 May 2011]
Research [19 May 2011]
Research: Finance [4 May 2011]
Residential Developments [31 January 2012]
Residents’ Associations [17 February 2011]
Respite Care [28 February 2011]
Retail Trade [11 January 2012]
Retail Trade: Annual Reports [24 January 2012]
Retail Trade: Empty Property [10 January 2012]
Roads: Accidents [7 June 2011]
Roads: Accidents [11 May 2011]
Schizophrenia [16 February 2011]
School Leaving and Truancy [9 March 2011]
Schools [24 January 2012]
Schools [30 March 2011]
Schools [28 March 2011]
Schools: Budgeting [31 January 2012]
Schools: Capital Investment [11 July 2011]
Schools: Sports [14 March 2011]
Schools: Voluntary Work [10 March 2011]
Science: Finance [23 January 2012]
Seas and Oceans: Environment Protection [28 February 2011]
Secure Accommodation [13 March 2012]
Self-Control: Curriculum [6 March 2012]
Self-Control: Curriculum [5 March 2012]
Sellafield [15 February 2011]
Sentencing [7 March 2012]
Sentencing: Mental Health [7 March 2012]
Sentencing: Young People [7 March 2012]
Shift Work [23 January 2012]
Shops: Empty Property [28 June 2011]
Shops: Empty Property [14 March 2011]
Smoking [25 April 2012]
Smoking [28 March 2011]
Smoking: Working Hours [28 March 2011]
Smoking: Young People [24 March 2011]
Social and Emotional Learning [24 January 2012]
Social Conditions [10 March 2011]
Social Conditions [8 March 2011]
Social Conditions [1 March 2011]
Social Enterprises [28 February 2011]
Social Enterprises [11 February 2011]
Social Enterprises [7 February 2011]
Social Enterprises [19 January 2011]
Social Mobility [9 March 2011]
Social Security Benefits [2 February 2012]
Social Security Benefits [23 November 2011]
Social Security Benefits [24 October 2011]
Social Security Benefits [20 October 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Advisory Services [28 February 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Advisory Services [3 February 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Disability [23 April 2012]
Social Security Benefits: Disability [28 February 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Fraud [10 October 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Interviews [27 June 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Offenders [12 July 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Publicity [10 November 2011]
Social Services: Children [31 January 2012]
Social Services: Manpower [5 April 2011]
Social Trust [9 February 2011]
Social Trust [8 February 2011]
Social Workers [1 March 2011]
Social Workers [28 February 2011]
Solar Power: Birds [14 September 2011]
Spain: Tourism [24 January 2012]
Special Educational Needs [7 July 2011]
Speed Limits [2 February 2012]
Sport [16 February 2011]
Sport [7 February 2011]
Sport: Finance [16 February 2011]
Sport: Finance [7 February 2011]
Sports: Community Development [10 February 2011]
Sports: Finance [1 March 2011]
Statistics [6 July 2011]
Statistics [14 June 2011]
Stress [1 May 2012]
Stress [7 June 2011]
Stress [23 May 2011]
Stress [31 March 2011]
Stress [30 March 2011]
Stress [29 March 2011]
Stress [28 March 2011]
Stress [28 March 2011]
Stress [28 March 2011]
Stress [28 March 2011]
Stress [28 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [24 March 2011]
Stress [22 March 2011]
Stress [23 March 2011]
Stress [23 March 2011]
Stress [23 March 2011]
Stress [22 March 2011]
Stress [22 March 2011]
Stress [28 February 2011]
Strokes [25 April 2012]
Students: Fees and Charges [14 February 2011]
Students: Loans [25 January 2011]
Substance Misuse [24 March 2011]
Suicide [7 March 2011]
Suicide [27 January 2011]
Suicides and Homicides [17 April 2012]
Sure Start [16 March 2011]
Sure Start Programme [21 December 2010]
Sure Start: Finance [31 March 2011]
Tax Allowances [25 April 2012]
Tax Credit [20 February 2012]
Taxation [5 May 2011]
Teachers: Manpower [6 December 2010]
Teachers: Pensions [21 October 2011]
Teachers: Suicide [2 February 2012]
TED TV [12 March 2012]
Teenage Pregnancy [5 May 2011]
Teenage Pregnancy [27 April 2011]
Teenage Pregnancy [29 March 2011]
Teenage Pregnancy [28 March 2011]
Teenage Pregnancy [14 February 2011]
Teenage Pregnancy [31 January 2011]
Teenage Pregnancy: Personal Income [17 March 2011]
Television [30 April 2012]
Television [26 April 2012]
Television [25 April 2012]
Television: Advertising [23 January 2012]
Television: Children [16 February 2011]
Television: Violence [21 October 2011]
Television: Voluntary Work [4 March 2011]
Televisions [16 February 2011]
Third Sector [15 November 2011]
Third Sector [20 June 2011]
Third Sector [7 June 2011]
Third Sector [23 May 2011]
Third Sector [13 May 2011]
Third Sector [10 May 2011]
Third Sector [9 May 2011]
Third Sector [27 April 2011]
Third Sector [26 April 2011]
Third Sector [5 April 2011]
Third Sector [4 April 2011]
Third Sector [4 April 2011]
Third Sector [4 April 2011]
Third Sector [31 March 2011]
Third Sector [31 March 2011]
Third Sector [31 March 2011]
Third Sector [30 March 2011]
Third Sector [28 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [24 March 2011]
Third Sector [22 March 2011]
Third Sector [23 March 2011]
Third Sector [23 March 2011]
Third Sector [23 March 2011]
Third Sector [23 March 2011]
Third Sector [23 March 2011]
Third Sector [22 March 2011]
Third Sector [17 March 2011]
Third Sector [17 March 2011]
Third Sector [14 March 2011]
Third Sector [14 March 2011]
Third Sector [10 March 2011]
Third Sector [10 March 2011]
Third Sector [9 March 2011]
Third Sector [9 March 2011]
Third Sector [9 March 2011]
Third Sector [7 March 2011]
Third Sector [7 March 2011]
Third Sector [4 March 2011]
Third Sector [4 March 2011]
Third Sector [4 March 2011]
Third Sector [4 March 2011]
Third Sector [3 March 2011]
Third Sector [3 March 2011]
Third Sector [2 March 2011]
Third Sector [1 March 2011]
Third Sector [1 March 2011]
Third Sector [1 March 2011]
Third Sector [28 February 2011]
Third Sector [28 February 2011]
Third Sector [28 February 2011]
Third Sector [28 February 2011]
Third Sector: Finance [7 March 2011]
Third Sector: Home Office [3 May 2011]
Tobacco [24 April 2012]
Tobacco: Prices [28 March 2011]
Trading Systems [9 February 2011]
Transition Fund [4 April 2011]
Transitional Fund [23 March 2011]
Transport: Finance [23 February 2012]
Travellers: Caravan Sites [12 December 2011]
Truancy [23 March 2011]
UK Border Agency: Correspondence [15 February 2011]
UK Border Agency: Correspondence [27 January 2011]
UK Farm Finance Group [20 February 2012]
Unemployed People: Per Capita Costs [13 December 2010]
Unemployed People: Voluntary Work [28 February 2011]
Unemployed: Social Conditions [28 February 2011]
Unemployment [10 October 2011]
Unemployment [17 June 2011]
Unemployment [26 April 2011]
Unemployment [9 March 2011]
Unemployment Benefits [6 July 2011]
Unemployment: Mining [1 November 2011]
Unemployment: Training [10 October 2011]
Unemployment: Vacancies [24 October 2011]
Unemployment: Wales [17 November 2010]
Unemployment: Young People [4 July 2011]
Unemployment: Young People [7 February 2011]
Universal Credit: Carers [2 February 2012]
Universities [21 December 2010]
Utilities: Competition [5 September 2011]
Utilities: Fees and Charges [18 July 2011]
Vacancies [2 November 2011]
VAT: Wales [20 July 2010]
Verification Sampling [11 July 2011]
Veterans [30 April 2012]
Veterans [1 March 2012]
Veterans: Finance [1 March 2012]
Veterans: Health Services [1 March 2012]
Veterans: Suicide [1 May 2012]
Veterans: Suicide [13 March 2012]
Victims [9 March 2011]
Video Games [25 April 2012]
Voluntary Organisations [17 May 2011]
Voluntary Organisations [26 April 2011]
Voluntary Organisations [7 March 2011]
Voluntary Organisations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Organisations [28 February 2011]
Voluntary Organisations [9 February 2011]
Voluntary Organisations: Finance [9 May 2011]
Voluntary Organisations: Finance [26 April 2011]
Voluntary Organisations: Finance [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Organisations: Training [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Sector [28 February 2011]
Voluntary Work [7 June 2011]
Voluntary Work [17 May 2011]
Voluntary Work [28 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [28 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [22 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [7 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [2 March 2011]
Voluntary Work [28 February 2011]
Voluntary Work [28 February 2011]
Voluntary Work [25 January 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [22 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [17 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [15 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [9 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [9 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [8 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [8 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [7 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [7 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [7 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [7 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [4 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [3 March 2011]
Voluntary Work and Charitable Donations [3 March 2011]
Voluntary Work: Charities [3 March 2011]
Voluntary Work: Public Finance [28 February 2011]
Voluntary Work: Young People [4 May 2011]
Voluntary Work: Young People [2 March 2011]
Voluntary Work: Young People [9 February 2011]
Volunteering [8 February 2011]
Volunteering England: Finance [23 March 2011]
Voter Registration [20 October 2011]
Walking [7 June 2011]
Walking [7 March 2011]
Walking [15 February 2011]
Water Companies [11 August 2011]
Welfare Reform Bill [26 January 2012]
Welfare Tax Credits and Child Benefit: Wales [18 October 2010]
Welfare Tax Credits: Public Houses [19 January 2012]
Well-being [16 April 2012]
Well-being [14 June 2011]
Well-being [7 June 2011]
Well-being [29 March 2011]
Well-being: Children [7 June 2011]
Work Capability Assessment [16 April 2012]
Work Capability Assessment [20 March 2012]
Work Capability Assessment [6 March 2012]
Work Capability Assessment [14 November 2011]
Work Capability Assessment [10 November 2011]
Work Capability Assessment [24 October 2011]
Work Capability Assessment [21 October 2011]
Work Capability Assessment [18 October 2011]
Work Experience [31 January 2012]
Working Hours [23 January 2012]
Working Hours [24 January 2011]
Working Hours: EU Law [24 January 2012]
Working Hours: EU Law [7 February 2011]
Working Tax Credits: Lone Parents [20 June 2011]
Written Questions [6 December 2011]
Young Offenders: Arrests [27 January 2011]
Young Offenders: Rehabilitation [22 March 2012]
Young People [9 February 2011]
Young People: Alcoholism [28 March 2011]
Young People: Television [9 February 2011]
Young People: Unemployment [18 March 2011]
Youth Clubs: Finance [24 March 2011]
Youth Custody [30 January 2012]
Youth Custody: Advocacy [1 February 2012]
Youth Custody: Education [30 January 2012]
Youth Custody: Mental Health Services [30 January 2012]
Youth Custody: Standards [31 January 2012]