Yasmin Qureshi
Written material by date
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session (most recent first).
1 May 2012
30 April 2012
23 April 2012
16 April 2012
Employment Schemes: Young People
5 March 2012
27 February 2012
20 February 2012
Employment and Support Allowance: Work Capability Assessment
9 February 2012
8 February 2012
12 December 2011
8 December 2011
7 December 2011
2 November 2011
7 September 2011
6 September 2011
Disability Living Allowance: Care Homes
Personal Independence Payment: Visual Impairment
5 September 2011
20 July 2011
4 July 2011
30 June 2011
28 June 2011
27 June 2011
23 June 2011
22 June 2011
Kashmir: Politics and Government
Palestinians: International Assistance
Public Holidays: St George's Day
21 June 2011
20 June 2011
16 June 2011
Higher Education: Disadvantaged
15 June 2011
24 May 2011
23 May 2011
Palestinians: International Assistance
18 May 2011
British Nationals Abroad: Sexual Offences
17 May 2011
British Nationals Abroad: Offences against Children
Palestinians: International Assistance
3 May 2011
28 April 2011
27 April 2011
26 April 2011
4 April 2011
1 April 2011
Vetting: International Organisations
31 March 2011
30 March 2011
29 March 2011
English Language: Greater Manchester
Hip Replacements: Waiting Lists
Offences against Children: British Nationals Abroad
21 March 2011
18 March 2011
17 March 2011
Aiming High for Disabled Children
Education Maintenance Allowance: Bolton South East
16 March 2011
10 March 2011
Bahrain: British Nationals Abroad
9 March 2011
8 March 2011
Citizens’ Advice Bureaux and Law Centres: Closures
7 March 2011
14 February 2011
Part-time Education: Admissions
11 February 2011
8 February 2011
Prisoners’ Release: Young Offenders