Bob Stewart
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Airports: Radiation Exposure [20 December 2010]
Ambulance Services: Greater London [9 February 2012]
Australia: Anniversaries [9 February 2012]
Bomb Disposal: Armed Forces [7 February 2011]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Elections [22 June 2011]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Politics and Government [14 November 2011]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Politics and Government [1 April 2011]
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Politics and Government [29 March 2011]
Businesses: Beckenham [6 July 2011]
Cabinet: Bradford and Derby [24 March 2011]
Children: Day Care [22 November 2011]
Children: Day Care [15 November 2011]
Company Accounts [30 January 2012]
Company Accounts [26 January 2012]
Departmental Correspondence [19 July 2011]
Departmental Written Questions [29 March 2011]
Disability Living Allowance [11 July 2011]
Driving under Influence [30 April 2012]
E-petition System [14 March 2011]
EC Institutions: Secondment [8 February 2011]
Economy [15 September 2010]
Employment and Support Allowance [9 May 2011]
EU Budget 2012 [10 May 2011]
EU Delegations [31 January 2011]
European External Action Service [25 January 2011]
European External Action Service [20 January 2011]
Excise Duties: Beer [31 January 2012]
Excise Duties: Beer [30 January 2012]
Exports [3 February 2011]
Exports: Afghanistan and Iraq [4 February 2011]
Forensic Science Service [24 May 2011]
Forensic Science Service [28 February 2011]
Forestry Commission [28 February 2011]
Free School Meals [3 February 2011]
Free Schools [14 March 2011]
Further Education: Curriculum [18 October 2010]
Further Education: Finance [18 October 2010]
Further Education: Non-departmental Public Bodies [19 October 2010]
GCSE [18 March 2011]
General Practitioners [29 March 2011]
Hospitals: Disclosure of Information [5 September 2011]
Influenza: Vaccination [13 January 2011]
Israel: Palestinians [24 April 2012]
Jobseeker’s Allowance: Work Experience [24 May 2011]
Legal Aid [7 March 2011]
Legal Aid: Fees and Charges [8 March 2011]
Libya: Armed Conflict [27 June 2011]
Local Government Finance [28 November 2011]
Medical Records [29 March 2011]
Meetings: Public Expenditure [10 March 2011]
Metropolitan Police: Public Appointments [27 March 2012]
Music: Finance [29 November 2010]
National Nature Reserves [17 February 2011]
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Government Procurement Card [7 February 2012]
Olympic Games 2012: Roads [15 November 2011]
Palestinians [30 April 2012]
Passports [13 December 2010]
Police: Bureaucracy [17 March 2011]
Police: Bureaucracy [14 March 2011]
Public Order Offences [29 March 2011]
Public Transport: Olympic Games 2012 [15 November 2011]
Rape: Genetics [5 September 2011]
Rescue Services [22 November 2010]
Sexuality: Housing [22 November 2010]
Small Businesses [28 June 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Mental Health [7 June 2011]
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust [12 March 2012]
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust [22 March 2012]
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust: Prisoners [8 March 2012]
Students: Fees and Charges [2 December 2010]
Suicide [18 April 2012]
Teachers: Pensions [8 November 2011]
Travellers: Caravan Sites [17 February 2011]
UK Sport: Finance [3 November 2010]
Voluntary Work: Industrial Health and Safety [18 October 2010]