Andrew Griffiths
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Accommodation: Public Finance [22 June 2011]
Alcoholic Drinks: Excise Duties [30 April 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Excise Duties [27 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Excise Duties [26 March 2012]
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [14 September 2010]
Animal Welfare: Standards [15 September 2011]
Apples [12 July 2010]
Arts Council England: Mass Media [6 September 2010]
Arts Council of England: Information Officers [1 November 2010]
Audit Commission [29 June 2011]
Audit Commission [28 June 2011]
Audit Commission: Consultants [23 June 2011]
Audit Commission: Flowers [28 June 2011]
Audit Commission: Handbooks [14 September 2010]
Audit Commission: Labour Party [14 September 2010]
Audit Commission: National Audit Office [20 June 2011]
Audit Commission: Plants [18 October 2010]
Audit Commission: Plants [14 September 2010]
Audit Commission: Public Relations [14 September 2010]
Audit Commission: Publications [18 October 2010]
Audit Commission: Smith Institute [14 September 2010]
Betting [26 July 2010]
Bolton and Quinn [26 July 2010]
Breast Cancer: Screening [26 April 2011]
Cancer: Health Services [12 January 2012]
Citizenship [26 July 2010]
Community Development Foundation [8 March 2011]
Council Tax [16 March 2011]
Council Tax [3 March 2011]
Council Tax: Tax Rates and Bands [15 September 2010]
County Courts : Public Transport [18 October 2010]
Cycling: Accidents [7 July 2011]
Departmental Air Travel [6 September 2010]
Departmental Cars [27 July 2010]
Departmental Cleaning Services [15 September 2010]
Departmental Expenditure [9 March 2011]
Departmental Finance [9 March 2011]
Departmental Furniture [14 March 2011]
Departmental Furniture [18 October 2010]
Departmental Internet [5 July 2011]
Departmental Manpower [6 September 2011]
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [9 March 2011]
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [18 October 2010]
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [15 September 2010]
Departmental Ministerial Policy Advisers [15 September 2010]
Departmental Official Hospitality [9 June 2011]
Departmental Official Hospitality [22 March 2011]
Departmental Official Hospitality [6 September 2010]
Departmental Official Visits [4 July 2011]
Departmental Official Visits [9 June 2011]
Departmental Plants [18 October 2010]
Departmental Plants [14 September 2010]
Departmental Press [9 March 2011]
Departmental Press: Subscriptions [18 October 2010]
Departmental Press: Subscriptions [4 October 2010]
Departmental Public Expenditure [1 November 2010]
Departmental Public Relations [13 September 2010]
Departmental Sponsorship [8 September 2010]
Departmental Sponsorship [27 July 2010]
Departmental Sponsorship [12 July 2010]
Departmental Taxis [27 July 2010]
Departmental Video Recordings [9 March 2011]
Dermatology [21 June 2011]
Doctors: Africa [25 October 2010]
Domestic Waste: Complaints [16 March 2011]
Domestic Waste: Waste Disposal [7 February 2012]
Drugs [28 June 2010]
Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks: Rehabilitation [16 March 2011]
Drugs: Mental Health Services [19 January 2011]
Drugs: Misuse [18 October 2010]
Drugs: Misuse [19 July 2010]
Drugs: Prisons [28 June 2010]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [15 March 2011]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [2 March 2011]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [28 February 2011]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [2 February 2011]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [19 January 2011]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [4 November 2010]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [1 November 2010]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [25 October 2010]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [18 October 2010]
Drugs: Rehabilitation [28 June 2010]
East of England Development Agency: Lobbying [27 July 2010]
Education: Qualifications [9 September 2010]
Electoral Systems [20 October 2010]
Employment and Support Allowance [7 November 2011]
Employment Schemes [9 November 2010]
Entry Clearances [3 November 2010]
Entry Clearances [6 September 2010]
EU Grants and Loans [20 October 2010]
Eunomia Research and Consulting [17 June 2010]
European Regional Development Fund [5 July 2011]
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks [27 March 2012]
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks [26 March 2012]
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks [25 January 2011]
Excise Duties: Alcoholic Drinks [24 January 2011]
Excise Duties: Beer [28 March 2011]
Freedom of Information [13 October 2011]
Freedom of Information [9 March 2011]
Fruit [15 September 2010]
Gifts and Endowments [5 September 2011]
Gifts and Endowments [20 July 2011]
Gifts and Endowments [9 June 2011]
Government Procurement Card [20 July 2011]
Government Procurement Card [9 March 2011]
Government Procurement Card [7 March 2011]
Government Procurement Card Scheme [10 March 2011]
Health Care Insurance [7 March 2011]
Health Inequalities Unit: Awards [8 September 2010]
Health Services [7 March 2011]
Health Services: Alcoholic Drinks [27 June 2011]
Health Services: Drugs [27 June 2011]
Heroin [24 March 2011]
Homes and Communities Agency: Procurement [6 July 2011]
Hospitals: Alcoholic Drinks [26 April 2011]
Hospitals: Nurses [26 April 2011]
Hotels [6 September 2010]
Housing Ombudsman Service: Public Relations [11 October 2010]
Immigration [12 October 2010]
IVF [9 September 2011]
Labour Party: Finance [20 July 2010]
Labour Party: Finance [8 July 2010]
Large Goods Vehicles [7 July 2011]
Licensing laws [6 September 2011]
Licensing: Electronic Government [15 March 2011]
Local Authority: Pay [7 March 2011]
Local Development Frameworks [18 October 2010]
Local Government Association [9 June 2011]
Local Government Executive [15 June 2010]
Local Government Finance [9 March 2011]
Local Government Funding [10 March 2011]
Local Government: Finance [31 March 2011]
Local Government: Pay [3 March 2011]
London Thames Gateway Development Corporation [11 October 2010]
Members: Allowances [6 September 2011]
Mental Health Services: Hospital Beds [12 December 2011]
Methadone [28 October 2010]
Methadone [28 June 2010]
Methadone: Prescriptions [14 September 2010]
National Apprenticeship Service [10 November 2010]
National Audit Office: Audit Commission [28 June 2011]
National Audit Office: Government Procurement Card [18 July 2011]
National Drug Treatment Monitoring System [2 March 2011]
NHS: Drugs [14 February 2011]
NHS: Pay [10 February 2011]
Nuclear Power [14 March 2011]
Nurses: Africa [25 October 2010]
OGC Buying Solutions: Official Hospitality [12 July 2010]
Opposition: Finance [26 July 2010]
Ordnance Survey: Public Relations [4 October 2010]
Passports: Islamabad [25 October 2010]
Pensions [7 September 2011]
Planning Inspectorate: Handbooks [15 September 2010]
Planning: Internet [13 September 2010]
Poland: Political Parties [21 October 2010]
Poland: Political Parties [18 October 2010]
Police: Olympic Games 2012 [7 November 2011]
Population [14 September 2010]
Preventing Violent Extremism Programme [28 March 2011]
Preventing Violent Extremism Programme [24 March 2011]
Prisoner Escapes [12 September 2011]
Promotional Merchandise [31 March 2011]
Promotional Merchandise [7 March 2011]
Public Expenditure [31 March 2011]
Public Expenditure [14 March 2011]
Public Expenditure [8 March 2011]
Public Expenditure [3 March 2011]
Public Houses: Manpower [28 March 2011]
Pupils: Disadvantaged [20 January 2011]
Qualifications: Plumbing [4 October 2010]
Regional Development Agencies [15 July 2010]
Regional Development Agencies [21 June 2010]
Regional Development Agencies [15 June 2010]
Regional Development Agencies [15 June 2010]
Regional Development Agencies: Lobbying [26 July 2010]
Rent Service: Red Fish [20 June 2011]
Revenue and Customs: Correspondence [3 November 2010]
Rolling Stock: Procurement [19 July 2011]
Rolling Stock: Procurement [20 July 2011]
Rolling Stock: Public Finance [9 September 2011]
Skills Funding Agency: Manpower [10 November 2010]
Smith Institute [15 September 2010]
Social Security Benefits: Students [7 September 2011]
Social Security Benefits: Students [2 November 2010]
South East England Development Agency: Advertising [13 September 2010]
Students: Illnesses [7 September 2011]
Teachers: Pensions [7 November 2011]
Third Sector [9 March 2011]
Third Sector [3 March 2011]
Thurrock Thames Gateway Development Corporation [15 September 2010]
Trade Unions [20 June 2011]
Trade Unions [17 March 2011]
Trade Unions: Subscriptions [9 September 2011]
Translation Services [8 March 2011]
Travellers: Finance [9 March 2011]
UK Film Council: Portland [4 November 2010]
UK Film Council: Portland [11 October 2010]
Unemployment [20 February 2012]
Unemployment [26 April 2011]
Valuation Office Agency: Databases [16 September 2010]
Visas: Pakistan [26 July 2010]
Voting Systems [8 March 2011]
Waste and Resources Action Programme: Government Procurement Card [27 June 2011]
West Northamptonshire Development Corporate: Public Relations [15 September 2010]
West Northamptonshire Development Corporation: Public Relations [15 September 2010]