Kate Green
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Acute Services (Trafford) [26 April 2011]
Age Discrimination [19 April 2012]
Amendment of the Law [23 March 2011]
Autumn Forecast [29 November 2010]
Banking [9 February 2011]
Barton Biomass Plant [Westminster Hall] [27 October 2010]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [22 March 2012]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [24 June 2010]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [22 June 2010]
Budget Responsibility and National Audit Bill [Lords] [14 February 2011]
Business of the House [26 April 2012]
Business of the House [2 February 2012]
Business of the House [20 October 2011]
Business of the House [24 March 2011]
Business of the House [27 January 2011]
Business of the House [13 January 2011]
Business of the House [28 October 2010]
Business of the House [22 July 2010]
Business of the House [24 June 2010]
Business of the House [10 June 2010]
Business Start-ups [10 November 2011]
Business, Innovation and Skills [20 December 2011]
Capital Gains Tax (Rates) [28 June 2010]
Careers Service [11 July 2011]
Child Benefit [21 December 2010]
Child Care [16 April 2012]
Child Poverty [24 January 2012]
Comprehensive Spending Review [28 October 2010]
Council Tax Benefit Localisation (Stretford and Urmston) [12 March 2012]
Couple Penalty [13 June 2011]
Defendant Anonymity [8 July 2010]
Disability Allowance [Westminster Hall] [30 November 2010]
Disability Benefit [28 November 2011]
Disability Hate Crime [Westminster Hall] [23 November 2011]
Disabled Jobseekers [10 January 2011]
Disabled Young People (Support) [Westminster Hall] [7 September 2011]
Disadvantaged Children [20 January 2011]
Domestic and Family Violence [23 February 2012]
Domestic and Sexual Violence [11 October 2011]
Domestic Violence [16 January 2012]
Domestic Violence [12 January 2012]
Economic Affairs and Work and Pensions [8 June 2010]
Education and Health [2 June 2010]
Employment (North-West) [Westminster Hall] [6 July 2011]
Engagements [18 April 2012]
Engagements [30 November 2011]
Engagements [21 July 2010]
Engagements [30 June 2010]
English for Speakers of Other Languages [Westminster Hall] [3 May 2011]
Family Migration Route [7 November 2011]
Finance (No. 3) Bill [5 July 2011]
Finance (No. 3) Bill [4 July 2011]
Finance (No. 3) Bill [4 May 2011]
Finance (No. 4) Bill [19 April 2012]
Finance Bill [28 June 2011]
Finance Bill [13 July 2010]
Finance Bill [6 July 2010]
Fire Service (Metropolitan Areas) [Westminster Hall] [7 March 2012]
First-time Buyers [10 May 2011]
Food Prices and Food Poverty [23 January 2012]
Free School Meals [Westminster Hall] [30 June 2010]
Future of Biomass [20 February 2012]
Gangs and Youth Violence [1 November 2011]
General Matters [5 April 2011]
Hate Crime [19 March 2012]
Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill [7 September 2011]
Health and Social Care Bill [28 February 2012]
Healthy Eating [29 June 2010]
Housing Benefit [Westminster Hall] [10 March 2011]
Independent Debt Advice [Westminster Hall] [8 February 2011]
Industrial Action [30 November 2011]
Information for Backbenchers on Statements [20 July 2010]
International Women’s Day [8 March 2012]
Legal Aid [13 December 2011]
Legal aid [Westminster Hall] [14 December 2010]
Legal Aid (Victims of Domestic Violence) [13 March 2012]
Legal Aid (Women and Families) [Westminster Hall] [24 January 2012]
Legal Aid Reform [29 March 2011]
Legal Aid Reform [3 February 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [24 April 2012]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [17 April 2012]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [2 November 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [1 November 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [31 October 2011]
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill [29 June 2011]
Libraries [15 December 2011]
Living Standards [5 March 2012]
Living Standards [30 November 2011]
Localism Bill [17 January 2011]
Low-income Households [Westminster Hall] [14 September 2010]
Metal Theft (Churches) [13 October 2011]
NHS (Competition and Co-operation) [7 June 2011]
NHS (Private Sector) [16 January 2012]
NHS Future Forum [14 June 2011]
NHS Reform [4 April 2011]
NHS Reorganisation [16 March 2011]
NHS Reorganisation [17 November 2010]
Off-quota University Places [10 May 2011]
Packaging Industry [Westminster Hall] [5 July 2011]
Parliamentary Reform [Westminster Hall] [3 February 2011]
Parliamentary Representation [12 January 2012]
Part-time University Course Fees [9 June 2011]
Pensioners (Fiscal Assistance) [16 November 2010]
Pensions Bill [Lords] [18 October 2011]
Points of Order [9 November 2011]
Points of Order [20 July 2010]
Post Office Network [8 July 2010]
Post-16 Education Funding [28 March 2011]
Pre-school Preparation [15 November 2010]
Pregnancy Counselling [12 December 2011]
Prisoners (Voting Rights) [Westminster Hall] [11 January 2011]
Prisoners (Work in Custody) [13 September 2011]
Protection of Freedoms Bill [19 March 2012]
Public Bodies Reform [14 October 2010]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Expenditure Reductions (Women) [6 September 2010]
Public Health White Paper [30 November 2010]
Restorative Justice [8 November 2011]
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill [22 November 2010]
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill [26 October 2010]
School Sports Funding [30 November 2010]
Sentencing Reform/Legal Aid [21 June 2011]
Service Accommodation [26 March 2012]
Social Mobility Strategy [5 April 2011]
Social Security [17 February 2011]
Solar Power (Feed-in Tariff) [23 November 2011]
Summer Adjournment [27 July 2010]
Supporting Carers [Westminster Hall] [1 July 2010]
Tackling Poverty in the UK [10 June 2010]
Tax Avoidance [8 June 2010]
The Economy [22 June 2011]
Topical Questions [26 January 2012]
Topical Questions [19 January 2012]
Topical Questions [15 December 2011]
Topical Questions [12 December 2011]
Topical Questions [17 October 2011]
Topical Questions [23 June 2011]
Topical Questions [17 May 2011]
Topical Questions [14 February 2011]
Topical Questions [23 November 2010]
Topical Questions [22 November 2010]
Topical Questions [18 November 2010]
Topical Questions [13 September 2010]
Topical Questions [20 July 2010]
Travellers (Local Authority Powers) [15 July 2010]
UN Women [10 March 2011]
Unemployment [14 December 2011]
Unemployment [6 December 2011]
Universal Credit [28 March 2011]
Voting by Prisoners [10 February 2011]
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Bill [6 March 2012]
Welfare Reform [11 November 2010]
Welfare Reform [11 October 2010]
Welfare Reform Bill [1 February 2012]
Welfare Reform Bill [13 June 2011]
Welfare Reform Bill [9 March 2011]
Welfare Reform Bill (Instruction) [9 May 2011]
Women (Government Policies) [8 June 2011]
Women’s Aid [Westminster Hall] [14 March 2012]
Work and Pensions (CSR) [Westminster Hall] [4 November 2010]
Work Programme (Performance Data) [23 January 2012]