Steve Rotheram
Written material by subject
Includes all written questions and statements from this MP during the current session.
Academies: Teachers [9 September 2011]
Afghanistan: Peace Negotiations [18 July 2011]
Antisocial Behaviour: Internet [14 November 2011]
Apprentices [6 December 2010]
Apprentices [3 December 2010]
Apprentices: Construction [20 July 2010]
Arts [22 November 2011]
Aviation: Security [19 July 2011]
Bankruptcy [20 October 2011]
Banks [20 October 2011]
Big Society Capital: Grants [22 November 2011]
British Nationals Abroad [18 July 2011]
British Sky Broadcasting: News Corporation [19 July 2011]
Broadband: YouView [14 July 2011]
Building Schools for the Future Programme [20 July 2010]
Bullying: Internet [25 November 2011]
Business [24 October 2011]
Business: Finance [13 October 2011]
Business: Loans [22 November 2011]
Cancer [7 July 2011]
Challenger Weapons [11 August 2011]
Community Cohesion [30 January 2012]
Constituencies [2 February 2012]
Constituencies: River Mersey [26 July 2010]
Construction: Safety [18 October 2011]
Cross-Departmental Working [13 September 2011]
Cultural Education Review [23 November 2011]
Cyber Crime [2 February 2012]
Cybercrime [2 February 2012]
Cybercrime: Prosecutions [18 January 2012]
Cybercrime: Prosecutions [23 November 2011]
Cybercrime: Sentencing [5 December 2011]
Departmental Official Hospitality [6 September 2011]
Departmental Photographs [20 July 2011]
Departmental Redundancy [20 July 2011]
Departmental Training [20 July 2011]
Departmental Travel [28 November 2011]
Disability: Public Transport [27 October 2011]
Disability: Transport [24 November 2011]
Education [11 July 2011]
Energy: Billing [17 January 2012]
English Baccalaureate: Teachers [18 July 2011]
English Baccalaureate: Teachers [11 July 2011]
Equipment: Defence [11 August 2011]
Fair Trade Procurement [8 June 2011]
Forensic Science Service: Closure [14 July 2011]
Further Education: Capital Investment [19 July 2010]
Future Force 2020 [11 August 2011]
GCSE [10 October 2011]
Government Departments: Procurement [10 November 2011]
Government Departments: Procurement [31 October 2011]
Government Departments: Procurement [27 October 2011]
Government Departments: Procurement [19 October 2011]
Government Departments: Procurement [18 October 2011]
Graduates: Unemployment [7 September 2011]
Harassment: Internet [6 February 2012]
Higher Education [19 July 2011]
Hillsborough Independent Panel [6 December 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [20 October 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [17 October 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [17 October 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [17 October 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [17 October 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [17 October 2011]
Hillsborough Stadium [13 October 2011]
Hillsborough: Stadium [13 October 2011]
Homelessness [14 July 2011]
Homelessness: Liverpool [5 September 2011]
Housing Benefit [20 July 2010]
Housing Benefit [6 July 2010]
Housing Benefit: Liverpool [10 June 2011]
Housing Benefit: Liverpool [6 July 2010]
Housing: Construction [26 July 2010]
Housing: Employment [12 July 2011]
Housing: Graduates [12 September 2011]
Housing: Regeneration [19 July 2010]
Immigration: Liverpool Airport [29 November 2011]
International Assistance: Afghanistan [18 July 2011]
Jobseeker's Allowance: Liverpool [6 July 2010]
Libya: Reconstruction [8 September 2011]
Liverpool Vision [27 October 2011]
Local Government Finance [7 December 2010]
Local Government Finance [6 December 2010]
Local Government Finance: Liverpool [6 December 2010]
London Olympics [8 September 2011]
Mayors [12 July 2011]
Members: Correspondence [22 November 2011]
Mortgages: Government Assistance [20 July 2010]
Museums and Galleries [10 January 2012]
Museums and Galleries: Concessions [6 September 2010]
National Lottery: Grants [5 December 2011]
National Security Adviser [19 July 2011]
National Security Adviser [19 July 2011]
National Security Council [5 September 2011]
National Security Council [5 September 2011]
National Security Council [5 September 2011]
National Security Council [5 September 2011]
National Security Council [19 July 2011]
National Security Council [19 July 2011]
National Security Council [20 July 2011]
National Security Council [18 July 2011]
National Security Council [19 July 2011]
National Security Council [18 July 2011]
News Corporation [6 September 2011]
News Corporation [14 July 2011]
News Corporation [13 July 2011]
News International [13 October 2011]
News International [5 September 2011]
Non-domestic Rates [12 July 2011]
Olympic Games 2012 [9 September 2011]
Olympic Games 2012 [12 July 2011]
Olympic Games 2012: Construction [6 September 2010]
Pakistan: Overseas Aid [20 July 2011]
Police [10 January 2012]
Police [19 July 2011]
Political Parties: Finance [25 April 2012]
Postgraduate Education [5 September 2011]
Postgraduate Education [20 July 2011]
Postgraduate Education: Fees and Charges [5 September 2011]
Postgraduate Education: Fees and Charges [20 July 2011]
Public Expenditure [19 December 2011]
Public Expenditure: Liverpool [19 December 2011]
Public Expenditure: Merseyside [19 July 2010]
Public Service Broadcasters [9 February 2012]
Pupil Premium: Free School Meals [30 April 2012]
Regeneration: Liverpool [13 October 2011]
Regional Growth Fund: Merseyside [20 December 2011]
Rescue Services [6 September 2011]
Roads: Repairs and Maintenance [24 November 2011]
Roads: Snow and Ice [24 November 2011]
Schools: Closures [11 July 2011]
Schools: Liverpool [23 January 2012]
Social Security Benefits: Liverpool [20 February 2012]
Social Security Benefits: Liverpool [20 July 2010]
Sports: Facilities [1 December 2011]
Sports: Training [17 January 2012]
Teachers: Foreign Nationals [9 September 2011]
Teachers: Training [5 September 2011]
Third Sector [19 July 2011]
Third Sector [19 July 2011]
Tourism [12 July 2011]
Tourism: VAT [14 July 2011]
UK Border Agency: Redundancy [18 July 2011]
Unemployment: Young People [12 July 2011]
United States of America [11 July 2011]
Universal Credit [17 January 2011]
University Technical Colleges [15 September 2011]
University Technical Colleges [15 September 2011]
VAT [18 October 2011]
VAT [12 September 2011]
VAT: Tax Rates and Bands [18 July 2011]
VAT: Tax Rates and Bands [13 July 2011]
Vetting [19 December 2011]
Voluntary Work [8 September 2011]
Voting Rights: Prisoners [20 July 2010]
Warrior Weapons [11 August 2011]
Young People: Voluntary Work [19 July 2011]
Youth Services: Finance [12 July 2011]