Gavin Shuker
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Academies Bill [Lords] [22 July 2010]
Air Passenger Duty [20 October 2011]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [23 March 2012]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [23 March 2012]
Business of the House [26 January 2012]
Business of the House (Thursday) [8 December 2010]
Civil Aviation Bill [25 April 2012]
Civil Aviation Bill [30 January 2012]
Climate Change [17 March 2011]
Crown Prosecution Service [24 May 2011]
Dangerous Dogs [3 February 2011]
Domestic Violence [18 January 2011]
E-petitions [3 November 2011]
Early Reading [16 January 2012]
Education and Health [2 June 2010]
Education Bill [8 February 2011]
Engagements [13 July 2011]
Engagements [10 November 2010]
English Defence League [24 January 2011]
Environmental Protection and Green Growth [26 October 2011]
EU Council [12 December 2011]
Extradition [Westminster Hall] [24 November 2011]
Finance Bill [6 July 2010]
First Great Western [23 June 2011]
Fixed-term Parliaments Bill [13 September 2010]
Flood Defences (Exeter) [Westminster Hall] [22 February 2012]
Food Labelling Regulations (Amendment) Bill [1 April 2011]
Food Prices and Food Poverty [23 January 2012]
Formula 1 [8 September 2011]
Fourth Carbon Budget [17 May 2011]
Global Economy [11 August 2011]
Health and Social Care (Re-committed) Bill [7 September 2011]
Higher Education and Student Finance [12 October 2010]
Higher Education Fees [9 December 2010]
Higher Education Funding [3 November 2010]
Higher Education White Paper [28 June 2011]
House of Lords Reform [27 June 2011]
Human Rights on the Indian Subcontinent [15 September 2011]
Human Trafficking [5 July 2011]
Immigration [12 December 2011]
Immigration Queues (UK Airports) [30 April 2012]
Intercity Express and Rail Electrification [1 March 2011]
Jobs and Growth [12 October 2011]
Jobs and the Unemployed [7 July 2010]
Kabul Conference [21 July 2010]
Local Government Bill [Lords] [21 October 2010]
Middle East and North Africa [13 October 2011]
Mutual and Co-operative Rail Franchise Bids [Westminster Hall] [20 October 2010]
National Insurance Contributions Bill [13 January 2011]
National Insurance Contributions Bill [23 November 2010]
National Planning Policy Framework [24 April 2012]
National Planning Policy Framework [27 March 2012]
National Planning Policy Framework [20 October 2011]
National Policy Statement (Waste Water) [19 March 2012]
NHS Reorganisation (Costs) [27 March 2012]
Off-quota University Places [10 May 2011]
Office of the Chief Coroner [13 September 2011]
Payment by Results [8 November 2011]
Pensions Bill [Lords] [18 October 2011]
Police Numbers [27 June 2011]
Postgraduate Education [Westminster Hall] [25 January 2012]
Pregnancy Counselling [12 December 2011]
Procedure Committee Reports [13 October 2011]
Protection of Freedoms Bill [1 March 2011]
Public Bodies Bill [Lords] [25 October 2011]
Public Bodies Bill [Lords] [12 July 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Rail Investment [Westminster Hall] [17 February 2011]
Rail Reform [8 March 2012]
Recycling Sector (Employment) [13 October 2011]
Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 [24 April 2012]
Speaker’s Statement [16 June 2010]
Sports Clubs (VAT) [3 November 2011]
Sunday Trading (London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games) Bill [Lords] [30 April 2012]
Thameslink [2 December 2010]
Third Sector [5 December 2011]
Topical Questions [26 March 2012]
Topical Questions [18 July 2011]
Topical Questions [7 July 2011]
Topical Questions [26 April 2011]
Transport (Investment) [26 October 2010]
UK Border Agency [12 December 2011]
Vocational Education [12 May 2011]
Waste Review [24 November 2011]
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Bill [14 March 2012]
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Bill [6 March 2012]
Water Industry (Financial Assistance) Bill [29 February 2012]
Water Resources [1 March 2012]
Wild Animals (Circuses) [23 June 2011]
Wild Animals in Circuses [30 June 2011]
Zoo Inspectors [12 May 2011]