Graham Evans
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Academies Bill [Lords] [22 July 2010]
Academies Bill [] [21 July 2010]
Access to Drugs [10 January 2012]
Access to Ministers [12 May 2011]
Apprenticeships [19 December 2011]
Autumn Statement [29 November 2011]
Broadband [25 October 2010]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [28 March 2011]
Business Committee [25 October 2010]
Business of the House [1 March 2012]
Business of the House [26 January 2012]
Business of the House [13 October 2011]
Business of the House [19 May 2011]
Business of the House [12 May 2011]
Business of the House [17 March 2011]
Business of the House [10 February 2011]
Business of the House [3 February 2011]
Cancer Survival Rates [25 January 2011]
Competitive Sport [3 March 2011]
Constituencies [21 July 2010]
Crime and Policing [8 September 2010]
Cycling [Westminster Hall] [23 February 2012]
Departmental Responsibilities [17 February 2011]
Disadvantaged Children [20 January 2011]
Early-day Motions [6 February 2012]
Electoral Register [11 October 2011]
Energy Policy [16 March 2011]
Engagements [29 June 2011]
Engagements [1 December 2010]
Engagements [23 June 2010]
Equitable Life (Payments) Bill [14 September 2010]
European Council [5 March 2012]
Family Migration [12 September 2011]
Finance (No. 4) Bill [19 April 2012]
Finance Bill [6 July 2010]
First-time Buyers [Westminster Hall] [14 March 2012]
Funding and Schools Reform [17 November 2010]
Gangs and Youth Violence [1 November 2011]
General Matters [5 April 2011]
Gypsy and Traveller Sites [Westminster Hall] [7 December 2010]
High Speed 2 (Scotland) [Westminster Hall] [18 April 2012]
High-speed Rail [10 January 2012]
High-speed Rail [Westminster Hall] [13 July 2011]
High-Speed Rail [Westminster Hall] [31 March 2011]
Higher Education White Paper [28 June 2011]
Hillsborough Disaster [17 October 2011]
Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 [Westminster Hall] [19 January 2012]
Immigration [18 November 2010]
Incinerators [Westminster Hall] [26 October 2010]
Innovation and Research [8 December 2011]
Israel [Westminster Hall] [14 December 2011]
Legislative Scrutiny [22 March 2012]
Manufacturing [24 November 2011]
Manufacturing [27 October 2011]
McNulty Report and West Coast Rail [19 May 2011]
Metropolitan Police Service [18 July 2011]
Ministry of Defence (Procurement) [Westminster Hall] [19 October 2011]
National Citizen Service [14 July 2010]
National Crime Agency [8 June 2011]
NATO [16 May 2011]
Neuromuscular Care [2 November 2010]
Neuromuscular Care (North-West) [Westminster Hall] [9 February 2011]
New Enterprise Allowance (Merseyside) [28 March 2011]
New Schools [10 October 2011]
NHS Reorganisation [16 March 2011]
NHS Risk Register [22 February 2012]
North-West Economy [Westminster Hall] [20 July 2010]
Nuclear Industry [11 May 2011]
Off-quota University Places [10 May 2011]
Onshore Wind Energy [Westminster Hall] [10 February 2011]
Onshore Wind Turbines [Westminster Hall] [13 October 2010]
Pension Industry [21 February 2012]
Police Funding [8 December 2010]
Policing in the 21st Century [26 July 2010]
Political Donations [23 March 2011]
Postal Voting [24 May 2011]
Prevent Strategy [7 June 2011]
Protection of Freedoms Bill [11 October 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Pubs (Planning Policy) [Westminster Hall] [16 February 2011]
Reform of Social Care [4 July 2011]
Royal Mail Privatisation [Westminster Hall] [18 January 2011]
Rural Broadband (Cheshire East) [Westminster Hall] [19 October 2011]
Science and Research [18 November 2010]
Security [9 February 2011]
Security Situation [6 July 2011]
Stephen Lawrence [24 April 2012]
Summer Adjournment [19 July 2011]
Terrorism Act 2000 (Section 44) [8 July 2010]
Terrorist Organisations [15 March 2011]
The Economy [22 June 2011]
The Union [22 June 2011]
Topical Questions [30 April 2012]
Topical Questions [22 March 2012]
Topical Questions [19 March 2012]
Topical Questions [20 December 2011]
Topical Questions [14 December 2011]
Topical Questions [18 July 2011]
Topical Questions [4 July 2011]
Topical Questions [28 June 2011]
Topical Questions [27 June 2011]
Topical Questions [13 June 2011]
Topical Questions [3 February 2011]
Topical Questions [19 October 2010]
Topical Questions [18 October 2010]
Topical Questions [12 July 2010]
UK Border Agency [20 February 2012]
Vocational Education [12 May 2011]
Vocational Education [7 February 2011]
Women (Government Policies) [8 June 2011]
Work Experience [Westminster Hall] [13 March 2012]
Yemen [17 November 2010]
Yemen [13 October 2010]