George Freeman
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
A11 (Dualling) [Westminster Hall] [27 July 2010]
Agricultural Science [13 October 2011]
Autumn Statement [29 November 2011]
BBC Local Radio [Westminster Hall] [26 October 2011]
Biotechnology and Food Security [Westminster Hall] [12 January 2011]
Bletchley-Oxford Rail Link [Westminster Hall] [15 November 2011]
Budget Deficit [6 March 2012]
Budget Leak Inquiry [22 March 2012]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [22 March 2012]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [29 March 2011]
Budget Resolutions and Economic Situation [28 March 2011]
Business Support [13 January 2011]
Canterbury City Council Bill [5 July 2010]
Child Trust Funds [16 November 2010]
Common Agricultural Policy [24 June 2010]
Drought [26 April 2012]
Economic Growth [21 December 2010]
Engagements [18 April 2012]
Engagements [16 June 2010]
Equitable Life (Payments) Bill [14 September 2010]
European Union Bill [24 January 2011]
Eurozone Financial Assistance [24 May 2011]
Falkland Islands [20 February 2012]
Farming (Innovation) [19 January 2012]
Finance (No. 2) Bill [11 October 2010]
Finance Bill [20 July 2010]
Finance Bill [13 July 2010]
Finance Ministers’ Meeting (Ireland) [17 November 2010]
Free School Meals [Westminster Hall] [30 June 2010]
Fuel Costs [7 February 2011]
Fuel Prices [15 November 2011]
Fuel Prices and the Cost of Living [16 March 2011]
Further and Higher Education (Access) Bill [4 March 2011]
Future of Town Centres and High Streets [17 January 2012]
Global Economy [11 August 2011]
GM Food Technologies [Westminster Hall] [19 July 2011]
Graphene [8 December 2011]
Green Investment Bank [14 October 2010]
Group Lotus [24 April 2012]
Health and Social Care Bill [13 March 2012]
High Pay Commission [2 February 2012]
High-technology Manufacturing [8 February 2011]
Higher Education Fees [9 December 2010]
Horse Racing (Funding) [Westminster Hall] [22 November 2011]
Horse Racing Levy [20 January 2011]
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority [2 December 2010]
Jobs and Growth [12 October 2011]
Jobs and the Unemployed [7 July 2010]
Leveson Inquiry [25 April 2012]
Life Sciences [31 March 2011]
Living Standards [5 March 2012]
Living Standards [30 November 2011]
Localism Bill [17 January 2011]
Manufacturing [22 March 2011]
Neonicotinoid Pesticides [Westminster Hall] [25 January 2011]
Network Rail [Westminster Hall] [2 February 2012]
New Homes Bonus [17 January 2011]
NHS Care of Older People [Westminster Hall] [27 October 2011]
Office for Budget Responsibility [14 June 2010]
Offshore Gambling and the Horseracing Levy [13 July 2011]
Onshore Wind Turbines [Westminster Hall] [13 October 2010]
Pharmaceutical Industry [21 March 2012]
Planning [20 June 2011]
Points of Order [29 June 2010]
Police Grant Report [14 July 2010]
Policy for Growth [11 November 2010]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Confidence in the Media and Police [20 July 2011]
Public Disorder [11 August 2011]
Public Forest Estate (England) [2 February 2011]
Public Service Pensions [2 November 2011]
Red Diesel [12 May 2011]
Regulatory Burden [9 September 2010]
Rural Broadband [Westminster Hall] [23 March 2011]
Rural Broadband and Mobile Coverage [19 May 2011]
Rural Bus Services [Westminster Hall] [11 October 2011]
Savings Accounts and Health in Pregnancy Grant Bill [26 October 2010]
School Transport [Westminster Hall] [10 January 2012]
Science and Innovation Industry [8 July 2010]
Self-Employment [Westminster Hall] [24 January 2012]
Small Businesses [Westminster Hall] [7 September 2010]
Small Businesses (Lending) [18 November 2010]
Stem Cell Research [27 October 2011]
Summer Adjournment [19 July 2011]
Sustainable Rural Development [28 February 2011]
Taxation Changes (Families with Children) [24 January 2012]
Topical Questions [24 April 2012]
Topical Questions [13 March 2012]
Topical Questions [27 February 2012]
Topical Questions [2 February 2012]
Topical Questions [19 January 2012]
Topical Questions [14 July 2011]
Topical Questions [7 February 2011]
Topical Questions [3 February 2011]
Topical Questions [9 September 2010]
UK Economic Policy (IMF) [21 June 2011]
Volunteering Bill [10 June 2011]