Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen
Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers
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House of Commons Written Answers 7 January 2013
deputy prime minister
motorways: repairs and maintenance
health and social services: finance
national insurance contributions: new businesses
stocks and shares: tax allowances
local government byelaws (wales) bill
business, innovation and skills
communications data bill: draft
export credit guarantees: indonesia
higher education: scholarships
cabinet office
armed forces: freedom of expression
world war ii: military decorations
care proceedings: east of england
personal, social, health and economic education
primary education: yorkshire and the humber
written questions: government responses
environment, food and rural affairs
gangmasters licensing authority
office for unconventional gas and oil
slaughterhouses: closed circuit television
waste and resources action programme
foreign and commonwealth office
air ambulance services: cumbria
ambulance services: east of england
north of england cardiovascular network
home department
entry clearances: indian subcontinent
entry clearances: overseas students
human trafficking ministerial group
telephones: disclosure of information
written questions: government responses
house of commons commission
independent parliamentary standards authority committee
prime minister
written questions: government responses
women and equalities
communities and local government
affordable housing: greater london
private rented housing: barnsley
private rented housing: greater london
property: british nationals abroad
culture, media and sport
telephone services: unsolicited goods and services
energy and climate change
electricity interconnectors: hebrides
green deal scheme: computer software
industrial diseases: compensation
international development
developing countries: climate change
developing countries: tuberculosis
global fund to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria
criminal proceedings: lancashire
equality and human rights commission
human trafficking: victim support schemes
work and pensions
housing benefit: greater london
private rented housing: greater london
social rented housing: armed forces
social rented housing: north east
social security benefits: uprating
This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
7 January 2013
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Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.
Column: 1W
Deputy Prime Minister [7 January 2013]
Electoral Register [7 January 2013]
Ministers: Codes of Practice [7 January 2013]
Transport [7 January 2013]
A338 [7 January 2013]
Column: 2W
Blue Badge Scheme [7 January 2013]
Bus Services: Disability [7 January 2013]
Column: 3W
Bus Services: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Column: 4W
Conditions of Employment [7 January 2013]
Driving: Licences [7 January 2013]
East Coast Railway Line [7 January 2013]
Column: 5W
Heathrow Airport [7 January 2013]
London Midland [7 January 2013]
Motorways: Repairs and Maintenance [7 January 2013]
Column: 6W
Column: 7W
Railways: Bridges [7 January 2013]
Railways: Harrow [7 January 2013]
Roads: Accidents [7 January 2013]
Column: 8W
Rolling Stock [7 January 2013]
Transport for London [7 January 2013]
Column: 9W
Treasury [7 January 2013]
Banks: Loans [7 January 2013]
Business: East Yorkshire [7 January 2013]
Child Benefit [7 January 2013]
Column: 10W
Devolution: Wales [7 January 2013]
Employee Ownership [7 January 2013]
Column: 11W
Excise Duties: Beer [7 January 2013]
Column: 12W
Financial Services [7 January 2013]
Health and Social Services: Finance [7 January 2013]
Column: 13W
Income Tax [7 January 2013]
Income Tax: Young People [7 January 2013]
Military Bases [7 January 2013]
Column: 14W
National Insurance Contributions: New Businesses [7 January 2013]
Northern Rock [7 January 2013]
PAYE [7 January 2013]
Staff [7 January 2013]
Column: 15W
Stocks and Shares: Tax Allowances [7 January 2013]
Tax Avoidance [7 January 2013]
Wales [7 January 2013]
Local Government Byelaws (Wales) Bill [7 January 2013]
Attorney-General [7 January 2013]
Crown Prosecution Service [7 January 2013]
Column: 16W
Olympic Games 2012 [7 January 2013]
Prosecutions [7 January 2013]
Business, Innovation and Skills [7 January 2013]
Communications Data Bill: Draft [7 January 2013]
Credit: Interest Rates [7 January 2013]
Column: 17W
Debts: Advisory Services [7 January 2013]
Employment Agencies [7 January 2013]
Employment Tribunals Service [7 January 2013]
Column: 18W
Export Credit Guarantees: Indonesia [7 January 2013]
Higher Education: Scholarships [7 January 2013]
Column: 19W
Minimum Wage: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Procurement [7 January 2013]
Redundancy [7 January 2013]
Column: 20W
Column: 21W
Redundancy Pay [7 January 2013]
Shops: Books [7 January 2013]
Speech Therapy [7 January 2013]
Column: 22W
Students: Finance [7 January 2013]
Students: Loans [7 January 2013]
Temporary Employment [7 January 2013]
Column: 23W
Cabinet Office [7 January 2013]
Charities [7 January 2013]
Column: 24W
Charities Act 2006 [7 January 2013]
Childbirth [7 January 2013]
Column: 25W
Cybercrime [7 January 2013]
Dover House [7 January 2013]
ICT [7 January 2013]
Immigration [7 January 2013]
Column: 26W
Column: 27W
Life Expectancy: Merseyside [7 January 2013]
Column: 28W
Civil Service: Pay [7 January 2013]
Pay [7 January 2013]
Column: 29W
Civil Service: Pay [7 January 2013]
Procurement [7 January 2013]
Column: 30W
Public Bodies: Thames Gateway [7 January 2013]
Teenage Pregnancy [7 January 2013]
Column: 31W
Vocational Guidance: Internet [7 January 2013]
Column: 32W
Voluntary Work: Older People [7 January 2013]
Defence [7 January 2013]
Afghanistan [7 January 2013]
Column: 33W
Armed Forces Covenant [7 January 2013]
Armed Forces: Cadets [7 January 2013]
Column: 34W
Armed Forces: Freedom of Expression [7 January 2013]
Armed Forces: Housing [7 January 2013]
Armed Forces: Redundancy [7 January 2013]
Column: 35W
Armed Forces: Scotland [7 January 2013]
Armed Forces: Sexual Offences [7 January 2013]
Column: 36W
Column: 37W
AWE [7 January 2013]
Dalgety Bay [7 January 2013]
Defence Equipment and Support [7 January 2013]
Defence: Exports [7 January 2013]
Column: 38W
Disclosure of Information [7 January 2013]
Equality [7 January 2013]
France [7 January 2013]
Guided Weapons [7 January 2013]
Column: 39W
Internet [7 January 2013]
Column: 40W
ISTAR [7 January 2013]
Column: 41W
Katrice Lee [7 January 2013]
Column: 42W
Military Bases [7 January 2013]
Column: 43W
Column: 44W
Column: 45W
National Security [7 January 2013]
Column: 46W
Porton Down [7 January 2013]
Public Expenditure [7 January 2013]
Column: 47W
RAF Lossiemouth [7 January 2013]
Redundancy [7 January 2013]
Column: 48W
Reserve Forces [7 January 2013]
Service Prosecuting Authority [7 January 2013]
Column: 49W
Sodexo [7 January 2013]
Tankers [7 January 2013]
Translation Services [7 January 2013]
Column: 50W
Unmanned Air Vehicles [7 January 2013]
Veterans [7 January 2013]
Column: 51W
World War II: Military Decorations [7 January 2013]
Education [7 January 2013]
Bookstart Scheme [7 January 2013]
Booktrust [7 January 2013]
Column: 52W
Care Proceedings: East of England [7 January 2013]
Column: 53W
Children in Care [7 January 2013]
Column: 54W
Children: Abuse [7 January 2013]
Children: Disability [7 January 2013]
Column: 55W
Children: Protection [7 January 2013]
Column: 56W
Children's Centres [7 January 2013]
Column: 57W
Column: 58W
Column: 59W
Citizenship: Education [7 January 2013]
Conditions of Employment [7 January 2013]
Column: 60W
Curriculum [7 January 2013]
Domestic Violence [7 January 2013]
Column: 61W
Education: Assessments [7 January 2013]
Column: 62W
Education: East of England [7 January 2013]
Education: Halton [7 January 2013]
Column: 63W
EU Law [7 January 2013]
Free Schools: Newham [7 January 2013]
Column: 64W
GCSE [7 January 2013]
Column: 65W
GCSE: Leeds [7 January 2013]
GCSE: Wales [7 January 2013]
Health Education: Sex [7 January 2013]
Column: 66W
Herringham School [7 January 2013]
Immigration [7 January 2013]
Internet [7 January 2013]
Column: 67W
Languages: GCSE [7 January 2013]
Column: 68W
Meetings [7 January 2013]
Official Cars [7 January 2013]
Column: 69W
Ofsted [7 January 2013]
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education [7 January 2013]
Column: 70W
Physical Education [7 January 2013]
Primary Education: Admissions [7 January 2013]
Primary Education: Yorkshire and the Humber [7 January 2013]
Column: 71W
Psychometric Testing [7 January 2013]
Publications [7 January 2013]
Pupils: Bullying [7 January 2013]
Column: 72W
Pupils: East of England [7 January 2013]
Pupils: English Language [7 January 2013]
Column: 73W
Column: 74W
Pupils: Per Capita Costs [7 January 2013]
Runaway Children [7 January 2013]
School Meals [7 January 2013]
Schools: Equality [7 January 2013]
Column: 75W
Schools: Inspections [7 January 2013]
Schools: Measurement [7 January 2013]
Schools: Mental Health [7 January 2013]
Column: 76W
Schools: Playing Fields [7 January 2013]
Schools: Standards [7 January 2013]
Column: 77W
Science: Finance [7 January 2013]
Special Educational Needs [7 January 2013]
Column: 78W
Column: 79W
Column: 80W
Staff [7 January 2013]
Standards [7 January 2013]
Column: 81W
Teachers: Training [7 January 2013]
Teaching Methods [7 January 2013]
Written Questions [7 January 2013]
Column: 82W
Written Questions: Government Responses [7 January 2013]
Young People: Databases [7 January 2013]
Column: 83W
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [7 January 2013]
Animals: Exports [7 January 2013]
Column: 84W
Chemicals: EU Law [7 January 2013]
Column: 85W
Dogs [7 January 2013]
Farms: Floods [7 January 2013]
Food: Poverty [7 January 2013]
Column: 86W
Gangmasters Licensing Authority [7 January 2013]
Column: 87W
Ivory: South East Asia [7 January 2013]
Column: 88W
Members: Correspondence [7 January 2013]
Office for Unconventional Gas and Oil [7 January 2013]
Poultry: Animal Welfare [7 January 2013]
Column: 89W
Schmallenberg Virus [7 January 2013]
Slaughterhouses: Closed Circuit Television [7 January 2013]
Column: 90W
Smoke and Chimney Gases [7 January 2013]
Turtles: Cayman Islands [7 January 2013]
Waste and Resources Action Programme [7 January 2013]
Column: 91W
Foreign and Commonwealth Office [7 January 2013]
Afghanistan [7 January 2013]
Column: 92W
Buildings [7 January 2013]
China [7 January 2013]
Colombia [7 January 2013]
Column: 93W
Falkland Islands [7 January 2013]
Immigration [7 January 2013]
Israel [7 January 2013]
Column: 94W
Mali [7 January 2013]
Column: 95W
Pakistan [7 January 2013]
Somalia [7 January 2013]
Syria [7 January 2013]
Column: 96W
Western Sahara [7 January 2013]
Column: 97W
Health [7 January 2013]
Air Ambulance Services [7 January 2013]
Air Ambulance Services: Cumbria [7 January 2013]
Ambulance Services: East of England [7 January 2013]
Column: 98W
Ambulance Services: Preston [7 January 2013]
Colorectal Cancer [7 January 2013]
Community Nurses: Harrow [7 January 2013]
Column: 99W
Defibrillators [7 January 2013]
Diabetes [7 January 2013]
Column: 100W
Drugs: Death [7 January 2013]
Column: 101W
Drugs: Rehabilitation [7 January 2013]
Column: 102W
Food: Hygiene [7 January 2013]
General Practitioners [7 January 2013]
Column: 103W
General Practitioners: Harrow [7 January 2013]
Health Foods [7 January 2013]
Health Services [7 January 2013]
Column: 104W
Maternity Services [7 January 2013]
Column: 105W
Mental Health Services [7 January 2013]
Mesothelioma [7 January 2013]
Column: 106W
NHS: Finance [7 January 2013]
NHS: Pensions [7 January 2013]
NHS: Working Hours [7 January 2013]
Column: 107W
North of England Cardiovascular Network [7 January 2013]
Obesity: Surgery [7 January 2013]
Soft Drinks [7 January 2013]
Column: 108W
Speech Therapy: Training [7 January 2013]
Home Department [7 January 2013]
UK Visitors: Economic Growth [7 January 2013]
Column: 109W
Arrest Warrants: Hungary [7 January 2013]
Asylum [7 January 2013]
Column: 110W
Crime Prevention [7 January 2013]
Entry Clearances [7 January 2013]
Column: 111W
Entry Clearances: Indian Subcontinent [7 January 2013]
Column: 112W
Entry Clearances: Overseas Students [7 January 2013]
Entry Clearances: Pakistan [7 January 2013]
Human Trafficking [7 January 2013]
Column: 113W
Human Trafficking Ministerial Group [7 January 2013]
Immigrants: Detainees [7 January 2013]
Column: 114W
Immigration: Applications [7 January 2013]
Column: 115W
Members: Correspondence [7 January 2013]
Organised Crime: Young People [7 January 2013]
Stun Guns [7 January 2013]
Column: 116W
Telephones: Disclosure of Information [7 January 2013]
UK Border Agency [7 January 2013]
Column: 117W
Written Questions [7 January 2013]
Written Questions: Government Responses [7 January 2013]
Column: 118W
House of Commons Commission [7 January 2013]
Wi-fi [7 January 2013]
Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority Committee [7 January 2013]
Members: Correspondence [7 January 2013]
Prime Minister [7 January 2013]
Conflict Resolution [7 January 2013]
Column: 119W
Ministers: Codes of Practice [7 January 2013]
Written Questions: Government Responses [7 January 2013]
Scotland [7 January 2013]
Sovereignty [7 January 2013]
Column: 120W
Women and Equalities [7 January 2013]
Homosexuality: Marriage [7 January 2013]
Communities and Local Government [7 January 2013]
Affordable Housing: Barnsley [7 January 2013]
Column: 121W
Affordable Housing: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Council Housing: Suffolk [7 January 2013]
Column: 122W
Fire Services [7 January 2013]
First-time Buyers [7 January 2013]
Well-being [7 January 2013]
Column: 123W
Homelessness [7 January 2013]
Homelessness: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Housing: Overcrowding [7 January 2013]
Column: 124W
Local Government Finance [7 January 2013]
Local Government: Assets [7 January 2013]
Column: 125W
Members: Correspondence [7 January 2013]
Mobile Homes [7 January 2013]
Parish Councils: Council Tax [7 January 2013]
Column: 126W
Planning Permission [7 January 2013]
Private Rented Housing [7 January 2013]
Private Rented Housing: Barnsley [7 January 2013]
Column: 127W
Private Rented Housing: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Property Development [7 January 2013]
Column: 128W
Property: British Nationals Abroad [7 January 2013]
Public Houses [7 January 2013]
Column: 129W
Right to Buy Scheme [7 January 2013]
Right to Buy Scheme: Barnsley [7 January 2013]
Column: 130W
Shops [7 January 2013]
Culture, Media and Sport [7 January 2013]
Basketball [7 January 2013]
Column: 131W
Betting [7 January 2013]
Broadband: Rural Areas [7 January 2013]
Column: 132W
Football [7 January 2013]
Gambling: Internet [7 January 2013]
Column: 133W
Olympic Games 2012 [7 January 2013]
Column: 134W
Redundancy [7 January 2013]
Sports [7 January 2013]
Sports: Schools [7 January 2013]
Column: 135W
Telephone Services: Unsolicited Goods and Services [7 January 2013]
Energy and Climate Change [7 January 2013]
Carbon Emissions [7 January 2013]
Column: 136W
Electricity Interconnectors: Hebrides [7 January 2013]
Employment Agencies [7 January 2013]
Energy: Conservation [7 January 2013]
Column: 137W
Energy: Fines [7 January 2013]
Column: 138W
Column: 139W
Column: 140W
Energy: Meters [7 January 2013]
Equality [7 January 2013]
EU Energy Policy [7 January 2013]
Column: 141W
Fracking [7 January 2013]
Fracking: Fylde [7 January 2013]
Fuel Poverty: Pendle [7 January 2013]
Green Deal Scheme [7 January 2013]
Column: 142W
Green Deal Scheme: Computer Software [7 January 2013]
Column: 143W
Industrial Diseases: Compensation [7 January 2013]
Nuclear Power Stations [7 January 2013]
Column: 144W
Nuclear Reactors [7 January 2013]
Olympic Games 2012 [7 January 2013]
Procurement [7 January 2013]
Column: 145W
Public Expenditure [7 January 2013]
Redundancy [7 January 2013]
Column: 146W
Redundancy Pay [7 January 2013]
Renewable Energy: Timber [7 January 2013]
Column: 147W
Renewables Obligation [7 January 2013]
Column: 148W
Senior Civil Servants [7 January 2013]
Temporary Employment [7 January 2013]
Column: 149W
Warm Front Scheme: South East [7 January 2013]
Wind Power: Carmarthenshire [7 January 2013]
Wind Power: Wales [7 January 2013]
International Development [7 January 2013]
Charities [7 January 2013]
Column: 150W
Developing Countries: Climate Change [7 January 2013]
Developing Countries: Tuberculosis [7 January 2013]
Column: 151W
Equality [7 January 2013]
EU Aid [7 January 2013]
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria [7 January 2013]
Column: 152W
Overseas Aid [7 January 2013]
Palestinians [7 January 2013]
Column: 153W
Procurement [7 January 2013]
South Asia [7 January 2013]
UN Women [7 January 2013]
Column: 154W
Zambia [7 January 2013]
Justice [7 January 2013]
Bill of Rights Commission [7 January 2013]
Courts: Interpreters [7 January 2013]
Column: 155W
Crime: Victims [7 January 2013]
Column: 156W
Criminal Proceedings: Lancashire [7 January 2013]
Column: 157W
Column: 158W
Electronic Tagging [7 January 2013]
Equality [7 January 2013]
Equality and Human Rights Commission [7 January 2013]
Fines: Surcharges [7 January 2013]
Column: 159W
Human Trafficking: Victim Support Schemes [7 January 2013]
Column: 160W
Judicial Review [7 January 2013]
Prisoners: Marriage [7 January 2013]
Column: 161W
Remand in Custody: Death [7 January 2013]
Column: 162W
Column: 163W
Column: 164W
Roads: Accidents [7 January 2013]
Young Offenders [7 January 2013]
Young Offenders: Reoffenders [7 January 2013]
Column: 165W
Column: 166W
Young Offenders: Sentencing [7 January 2013]
Column: 167W
Work and Pensions [7 January 2013]
Carers [7 January 2013]
Disability Living Allowance [7 January 2013]
Column: 168W
Emergencies [7 January 2013]
Column: 169W
European Social Fund [7 January 2013]
Housing Benefit [7 January 2013]
Column: 170W
Housing Benefit: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Personal Independence Payment [7 January 2013]
Column: 171W
Column: 172W
Private Rented Housing: Greater London [7 January 2013]
Column: 173W
Remploy [7 January 2013]
Column: 174W
Remploy: Edinburgh [7 January 2013]
Column: 175W
Sickness Absence [7 January 2013]
Column: 176W
Social Rented Housing: Armed Forces [7 January 2013]
Social Rented Housing: North East [7 January 2013]
Column: 177W
Social Security Benefits [7 January 2013]
Social Security Benefits: Uprating [7 January 2013]
Television: Licensing [7 January 2013]
Column: 178W
Unemployment [7 January 2013]
Column: 179W
Universal Credit [7 January 2013]
Column: 180W
Vocational Guidance [7 January 2013]
Winter Fuel Payments [7 January 2013]
Work Capability Assessment [7 January 2013]
Column: 181W
Column: 182W