Too Little, Too Late: Committee's observations on the Government Response to the Report on Overseas Students and Net Migration - Business, Innovation and Skills Committee Contents

Conclusions and recommendations

Government strategy and support

1.  The Government's loose timetable of "between now and next summer" for a strategy to promote the Higher Education sector is unacceptable. The Government has to produce a deliverable strategy to support UK Universities far more quickly, and in any case before the end of June 2013. This would give us the opportunity to review it before the summer recess. (Paragraph 10)

Fudging the facts?

2.  If the Government is to deliver credible response to our recommendations it needs to set out the facts in far greater depth and detail. The current evidence base is too weak to justify a policy with such profound implications for the FE and HE sectors. As a start, we expect the Government to respond to the questions raised as a matter of urgency. (Paragraph 16)


3.  The Government's Response was late, woefully short on detail and fails to take account of recent developments. It seeks to underplay the urgency of the problem and thus excuse the failure to act decisively to address this serious matter. The Government should listen, think again and change course. (Paragraph 18)

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Prepared 28 February 2013