Business, Innovation and Skills CommitteeWritten evidence submitted by the Remit Group

1. Executive Summary

The FE sector structure.

Quality of Apprenticeships.

Funding methodology for 16–18 and 19–24 year olds.

1.1 The FE sector has faced many challenges as the Young People’s Learning Agency (YPLA), the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) and the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) took over the previous responsibilities of the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) and the arrangements for all FE learning. These changes to the FE sector have been challenging for Providers (and more importantly the learner and employer stakeholder groups) and ideally the structure should be simplified moving forward.

1.2 NAS has been successful in some cases, particularly around the “Apprenticeship” brand, which is very strong and has made a positive impact in the sector, although communication from NAS regions to Providers has been varied since April 2009. We as a Provider have strong relationships with some NAS colleagues, however this can vary from region to region. Certain NAS requirements vary from region to region, which is unfortunate as some of the information required could be supported on a national basis.

1.3 The NAS brand has had a positive impact with learners and employers, however more can and should be done.

1.4 The quality of apprenticeships is generally good and meets the needs of the learners, employers and respective stakeholders. Independent Training Providers graded at outstanding or good during Ofsted inspections in 2011, has increased by 8%.1

1.5 The funding methodology utilised by the SFA (formerly LSC) over the last few years has moved towards a higher employer contribution with qualifications hitting the 50% mark for 19+ learners. In the current economic climate this is applying pressure to all sectors across the UK and will start to impact on the volume of apprenticeships for young people. This methodology also has adverse effects if a learner starts a level 2 qualification, but does not progress until after their 19th birthday, meaning they move onto the lower rate of funding, even though no break in learning has occurred. In this instance funding should stay at the 100% rate.

2. Introduction/Provider Background

2.1 Remit is committed to being the learner focussed training provider of choice. We provide structured apprenticeships and adult learning across the UK, predominantly funded by the Government through the Skills Funding Agency, Skills Development Scotland and the Welsh Assembly Government.

2.2 Remit is a commercial organisation committed to supporting learner needs, the people development of its staff supporting the learners and the employers within the sectors in which it operates.

2.3 Remit provides Intermediate Apprenticeships, Advanced Apprenticeships, stand alone qualifications and adult learning. This is delivered through on and off the job training for a variety of sectors and programmes to circa 5,400 learners. Three main delivery methods for off the job training are utilised; delivery at one of 104 subcontracted colleges/partners, distance based delivery on a one to one basis at the workplace or block release delivery in training centres.

2.4 Remit employs people with passion, pride and commitment. It is these qualities that have ensured strong, positive and powerful working relationships with:



Government funding bodies.

Awarding Organisations.


2.5 Vision

“To be the learner focussed training provider of choice”.

2.6 Mission

“To maximise the skills of everyone in their chosen industry”.

2.7 Values


Honesty and integrity.





2.8 The Senior Management Team consists of the Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer, Quality & Group Services Director and Scotland & Wales Director, who are available to be viewed at

3. Factual Information


How satisfied are you with your whole learning experience with Remit? Would you say you are…

Very satisfied



Fairly satisfied



Fairly dissatisfied



Very dissatisfied




How satisfied are you with your whole learning experience with Remit? Would you say you are…

Very satisfied



Fairly satisfied



Fairly dissatisfied



Very dissatisfied



4. Recommendations

Further development of the Apprenticeship brand.

More consistency across NAS regions.

Additional funding linked to the quality of Apprenticeship provision.

Changes in funding methodology around six week leavers.

Increase funding percentage of 19+ learners to 100%, when learners are continuing with no break in learning.

4.1 To ensure the “Apprenticeship” brand is continued to be communicated effectively to all stakeholders.

4.2 NAS regional requirements to be more standardised and linked to the national strategy.

4.3 Enhanced funding should be used to improve the Apprenticeship provision and continue the momentum generated in the FE sector. This funding should be output based against successful achievement of qualification and full time employment. This method would be a better use of a “bonus” scheme, than on a “golden hello” basis, which encourages learners and employers to start an apprenticeship, but not finish the journey. This form of bonus would gain further commitment from all stakeholders and lock them into the journey.

4.4 No return of funds if learners leave within 6 weeks—an awful lot of work is done at the beginning, often at cost to the Provider. Even though the learner has been supported from recruitment to induction and then start of their programme, if they leave within six weeks of start date, all the funding is returned. This funding should be kept by the Provider and used to support the learner moving into a different job and thus staying out of unemployment.

4.5 Current funding methodology to be updated to stop the disadvantaging of learners by age group, especially when they progress to level 3 from level 2 and no break in learning has occurred. This would mean these learners receiving 100% full funding, regardless of age band.

10 February 2012

1 The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills 2010/11.

Prepared 5th November 2012