Education Committee - Fourth Report
Children first: the child protection system in England

Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 October 2012.


Terms of Reference


1  Introduction

The evidence base for our inquiry

Background to the child protection system

Children in care and child protection figures

2  Neglect

3  Older children

4  Thresholds for intervention

5  Conclusion

Conclusions and recommendations

Annexes 1-6

Annex 1: Visit to independent children's homes in Barnsley, October 2011

Annex 2: Visit to NSPCC Adult Helpline and Child Line, March 2012

Annex 3: Visit to Tower Hamlets children's services, March 2012

Annex 4: Visit to City of York Children's Services, March 2012

Annex 5: Visit to Doncaster County Council children's services, March 2012

Annex 6: Meeting with young people, 17th April 2012

Formal Minutes


List of printed written evidence

List of additional written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Oral and Written Evidence

19 October 2011

2 November 2011

30 November 2011

13 December 2011

11 January 2012

7 March 2012

16 May 2012

22 May 2012

Written Evidence

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© Parliamentary copyright 2012
Prepared 7 and 13 November 2012