House of Commons Session 2012-13
Select Committees
Education Committee  - Written Evidence

CONTENTS: 2012 GCSE English results: Responses from Ofqual to Committee's questions

Q2a - Pattern of change at the A star - C Borderline by AO

Q2b -Understanding reasons for patterns in centres who did very well and vice versa

Q3b - Pattern of change at A-B, A-C and A-D borderlines for each AO

Q5 - Pattern of change at the Astar-C borderline for each AO

q6 - ASCL letter to Ofqual

Q7 - Routes taken in English and English Language 2012

Q7 - Units available for English suite 2011 2012

Q10a Entry patterns for students

Q10b - Gender and Yeargroup by centre type

Q11 - GC and unit series grading

Q12 - Candidates sitting in January and June by syllabus in England and Wales

Q14 - GCSE data for England and Wales 2011

Q19 - Glossary for terms used

Q19a - AQA GCSE English Award (4700) February 2012

Q19b - AQA GCSE English examiner standardisation (ENG1F H) January 2012

Q19c - AQA GCSE English exmainer standardisation (ENG1F H) January 2012

Q19D - AQA Moderation visits (ENG02) February 2012

Q19E - AQA GCSE English QPEC (ENG1F H) January 2012

Q19F - Edexcell GCSE English Language award (2EN01) February 2012

Q19G - Edexcel GCSE English standardisation of moderators (5EN03) January 2012

Q19H - Edexcel GCSE English Language standardisation of moderators (5EH01) January 2012

Q19I - Edexcel GCSE English Language Standardisation of examiners (5EN2 F H) January 2012

Q19J - OCR GCSE English Literature award (A661 - A664) February 2012

Q19K - OCR GCSE English Literature standardisation of examiners (A664) January 2012

Q19L - OCR GCSE English Literature Standardisation of examiners (A663) January 2012

Q20a - Evaluative report_GCSE English Lit_Jan 12 (3)

Q20b - Evaluative report_GCSE Maths_Nov 11

Q20c - Evaluative report_GCSE English ELang_Jan 12

Q20d - Evaluative report_GCSE Science A_Jan 12

Q20e - Evaluative report_GCSE ICT_Jan 12

Q20f - Evaluative report_GCSE Science B_Nov 11

Q20g - Template for A level AS other GCSE report

q20h - Evaluative report for AS and A level and other GCSE subjects

Q20i - Overview of all evaluative reports

Q20J - WJEC - GCSE Welsh report

Q20k - WJEC - GCSE ICT report

Q20l - WJEC - GCSE English Language and English report

Q20m - WJEC - GCSE Mathematics report

Q20n - WJEC - GCSE English Literature report

Q20o - WJEC - GCSE Science report

Q20p - Edexcel - GCE and other GCSEs

Q20q - Edexcel - new GCSEs

Q20r - CCEA GCSE Awards Spring Series 2012

q20s - STIG minutes 7 12 2011

q20t - stig meeting 18 01 12

q20u - stig meeting 14 03 12

Q25 - Grade boundaries are not fixed

Q25 Grade boundaries variation

q29a - WJEC Summer 2012 GCSE English Awards

Q29aa - Response to D Opposs letter of 26 6 12 - 19 7 12

q29b - Summer 2012 GCSE English and English language boundary changes

Q29bb - DO letter to Anne Marie Duffy re CCEA Examinations Outcomes Report - 22 6 12 (2)

Q29c - WJEC English-English Language 10 08 12

Q29cc - STG minutes 16 05 2012

q29d - ofqual letter to Edexcel - Summer 2012 GCSE English award (7 Aug 2012)

Q29dd - item 3 aqa-summary-of-June-2012-predictions

q29e - Ofqual letter to Edexcel - Summer 2012 GCSE English award (9 Aug 2012)

Q29ee - item 3 Edexcel Summary

q29f - Ofqual letter to edexcel Summer 2012 GCSE English Award (10 August 2012)

Q29ff - item 3 gcse-science-2011-15-yr-olds-EPA-CERT-as-of-Aug2011

q29g - Edexcel letter to Ofqual - Summer 2012 GCSE English award (8 Aug 2012)

Q29gg - item 3 gcse-science-2011-15-yr-olds-EPA-CERT-as-of-June2012

q29h - Edexcel letter to Ofqual - Summer 2012 GCSE English award (10 Aug 2012)

Q29hh - item 3 ocr-summary-of-June-2012-predictions

q29i - Edexcel to Ofqual email trail - Summer 2012 GCSE English award (9 Aug 2012)

q29ii - item 3c Summer 2012 data exchange procedures - FINAL VERSION

Q29J - AQA AH GCSE science 6 Aug mtg direction

Q29jj - item 5 STIG DRAFT terms of reference - June 2012

Q29K - AQA AH GCSE science in summer 2012 - 6 June 2012

Q29kk - item 6 Nov 2012 Tech Seminar agenda items

Q29L - Edexcel KH GCSE science 6 Aug mtg direction (2)

q29l - Ofqual letter to Execell - setting and maintaining GCSE Standards meeting 2012

Q29LL - June 20 2012 STIG agenda

Q29ll - Stig Agenda June 2012

Q29M - Edexcel KH GCSE science in summer 2012 - 6 June 2012 (2)

q29m - Ofqual letter to Edexcel - GCSE Science Summer 2012

q29mm - June 2012 STIG Minutes

Q29N - OCR SC GCSE science 6 Aug mtg direction (2)

Q29nn - Teleconference Minutes 6_7_2012

Q29O- OCR SC GCSE science in summer 2012 - 6 June 2012 (2)

Q29oo - Teleconference minutes 13_7_2012

Q29P - WJEC GP GCSE science 6 Aug mtg direction (2)

Q29pp - teleconference minutes 17.7.2012

Q29Q - WJEC GP GCSE science in summer 2012 - 6 June 2012 (2)

Q29qq - Teleconference minutes 20.7.2012

Q29R - Letter from AQA to Of

Q29RR - teleconference minutes 27.7.2012

Q29S - Ben Jones to Dennis Opposs - re GCSE Science performance standards - 20 June 2012 (2)

q29s - response AQA to Ofqual

Q29T - Letter to DO re science 18 6 12 (2)

q29t - Response edexcel to Ofqual

Q29U - Response OCR to Ofqual

Q29V - Letter to AQA - 23 04 12 (2)

Q29W - Letter to CCEA - 23 04 12 (2)

q29x - letter to Edexcel - Maintenance of GCSE and GCE Standards summer 2012

Q29Y - Letter to OCR - 23 04 12 (2)

Q29Z - Letter to WJEC - 23 04 12 (2)

q30a - AQA - GCSE English award (4700) July 2012

q30b - CCEA - GCSE English and English Language (G9290) July 2012

q30c - Edexcel - GCSE English Language award (2EN01) July 2012

Q36 Summary of Our of Tolerance - GCSE reporting 2012


Q44 Marking and moderation of controlled assessment

Redacted Q29cc - Item 2 - Minutes May 2012 STIG meeting

Response to SC Questions - Final


© Parliamentary copyright
Prepared 2 November 2012