The road to UNFCCC COP 18 and beyond - Energy and Climate Change Contents

11  Conclusions

100. In this inquiry we have considered the approach which the UK should take before and during COP 18 in Doha. We conclude that the priorities should be the following:

  • Improving the monitoring, reporting and verification systems;
  • Increasing UK and EU influence through the introduction of more ambitious decarbonisation policies, including in particular raising the EU 20% emissions reduction target (on 1990 levels) by 2020 to 30%;
  • Continuing to support the UNFCCC process as the principal means of delivering an international agreement, but using forums (such as the GLOBE World Summit of Legislators, IMO, ICAO, WTO and Montreal Protocol) where these will be helpful, for example to deal with issues such as HFCs;
  • A reasonable and proportionate approach to surplus AAU elimination;
  • Investigating how to disburse public and private funding in an efficient, effective manner;
  • Resolving legislative anomalies that hamper the deployment of finance at scale to tackle deforestation;
  • Concentrating negotiation and diplomatic efforts on the Durban Platform; and
  • Finding a fair and equitable global agreement, legally binding or otherwise.

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© Parliamentary copyright 2012
Prepared 25 July 2012