The road to UNFCCC COP 18 and beyond - Energy and Climate Change Contents

List of printed written evidence

1  Department of Energy and Climate Change(DECC)  Ev 59; Ev 62

2  Institution of Mechanical Engineers  Ev 65

3  UNICEF UK  Ev 67

4  EEF, The Manufacturers' Organisation  Ev 69

5  World Wildlife Fund- UK  Ev 74

6  Christian Aid  Ev 79

7  Professor Sir David King, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment  Ev 82

8  Dr Robert Falkner, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment  Ev 87

9  Prof Jouni Paavola and Dr Stavros Afionis  Ev 90

10  Oxfam GB  Ev 97

11  Shell International Ltd  Ev 98

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Prepared 25 July 2012