3 Risk and precaution
Henry, Whitehorn and Gill
41. A growing body of published, peer-reviewed research
studies points to an association between neonicotinoids and the
health of pollinators. Buglife summarised research on the effect
of neonicotinoids on bees and other pollinators published since
There are 41 studies but eight of them we think are
suspect, because of the dose rates being wrong or various experimental
errors or foibles. If you take those out of the equation, 94%
of the studies are showing impacts on bees, other insects and
on the environment. This includes fatalities from dust, for instance.
This includes increased disease susceptibility and death. This
includes reduced foraging and activity within bees and reduced
reproduction, particularly in bumblebees.[68]
Taken together, those scientific studies suggest
that low doses of neonicotinoid insecticides can have sub-lethal
effects that might cause sufficient disruption to the normal functioning
of bees to be a threat at the colony or population level.
42. Three important studies on the effect of neonicotinoids
on bees were published in 2012, either immediately before or during
our inquiry:
- The French Henry study found
that the non-lethal exposure of honeybees to TMX causes high mortality
due to homing failure at levels that could put a colony at risk
of collapse. Simulated exposure events on free-ranging, foraging
honeybees labelled with a radio-frequency identification tag suggested
that homing is impaired by TMX intoxication.[69]
This study led the French Government to withdraw the approval
for use in France of Syngenta's neonicotinoid pesticide Cruiser
on oilseed rape.[70]
- The Whitehorn study entailed exposing colonies
of bumblebees in the laboratory to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid,
which were then allowed to develop naturally under field conditions.
Treated colonies had a significantly reduced growth rate and suffered
an 85% reduction in production of new queens compared with control
- The Gill study investigated whether exposure
to two of the most commonly used pesticides on flowering crops
in the UK, the neonicotinoid imidacloprid and the pyrethroid lambda-cyhalothrin,
detrimentally affects bumblebee behaviour with knock-on consequences
for colony survival.[72]
43. On the significance of the emerging research,
Dr Dicks commented:
The existing published evidence about the sub-lethal
effects of neonicotinoids on bumblebees (particularly Gill et
al 2012; Whitehorn et al 2012) show that serious implications
for bumblebee colonies are possible, if they are being exposed
in the wider environment at the levels tested. Effects have been
measured on reproductive fitness (85% reduction in new queen production)
and colony foraging (69% of workers lost over four weeks when
exposed to neonicotinoid and pyrethroid combined). Such effects
would be unacceptable.[73]
44. Analysis of the Henry, Whitehorn and Gill studies
focused on the question of what might be a field-realistic exposure
level to neonicotinoids for bees. Dr Cresswell told us:
There is insufficient evidence to establish with
high certainty that the residues of neonicotinoid pesticides in
nectar and pollen threaten the sustainability of bee populations
and the pollination services that they provide to crops and wild
plants. But there is sufficient evidence to raise concern about
bumblebees. No experiment has demonstrated that neonicotinoids
threaten the viability of honeybee colonies when delivered at
realistic dietary levels. Experiments that have demonstrated impacts
on colonies used unrealistically high dosages.[74]
Syngenta also questioned the dosage of neonicotinoids
used in those studies:
All those studies, in common with a number of other
studies in the literature implicating pesticides as a particular
problem in bee decline, are purporting to be field-realistic when
in reality they are laboratory studies, usually using doses that
are very unrealistic so that you are actually getting toxic effects
on insects from insecticides.[75]
Syngenta's Chairman, Martin Taylor, put it more colourfully
in a recent radio interview:
The famous Henry study in France last year, which
began all this fuss really, gave the bees something like 10 to
30 times the dose they get in nature and found that they had difficulty
navigating home. I think I would have difficulty navigating home
if I drank 20 bottles of wine.[76]
45. Bayer CropScience criticised the nature of the
Whitehorn study:
When you first looked at the headline that came out
of there it suggested that this was a field study. In reality
it wasn't, it was a laboratory study in which essentially insects
were force-fed high levels of neonicotinoids and then given some
chance to be outside. It is very different from how a bumblebee
would normally be and therefore it is very difficult to see how
you come to a conclusion that as a result of this study there
is clearly a problem.[77]
On the other hand, Professor Goulson, who participated
in the Whitehorn study, told us:
The concentrations we used were taken from a published
scientific studyone of the few that is in the public domainthat
had measured levels of imidacloprid in oilseed rape nectar and
pollen, and we precisely copied the published levels and fed that
to the bees. So the concentrations were perfectly realistic from
what we know of what is found in oilseed rape. There is a valid
criticism of our study, which is that the bees did not have any
choice but to feed on the treated food. So we exposed them for
two weeks in their nests to treated pollen and nectar or untreated
pollen and sugar water. During that period they did not have the
option to feed on something else, whereas obviously in the real
world if a nest is close to an oilseed rape field the bees could
choose, some of them or all of them, not to feed on the rape.
My guess is that that is not the case because they seem to love
it. To try and balance that off, we exposed them for two weeks.
In actual fact, a nest near a rape field would be exposed for
four or five weeks because that is how long it flowers for. So
on the one hand we may have exaggerated the effect by not allowing
the bees the choice of feeding on something else, but on the other
hand, we only exposed them for two weeks as opposed to four or
five. How those two things balance up is anyone's guess, but it
was the best experiment we could come up with in a world where
there are not control sites. The reason we didn't do it outside
is because there was nowhere where we could put nests where they
would not be exposed to neonicotinoids if they were free flying.[78]
Defra's response to the emerging
46. Defra stated in September 2012 that "none
of the studies give unequivocal evidence that sub-lethal effects
with serious implications for colonies are likely to arise from
current uses of neonicotinoids."[79]
Nevertheless, it was sufficiently concerned to commission FERA
to conduct field studies to test the laboratory research:
Further research will be carried out to fill identified
evidence gaps, including the questions raised about the relevance
of the recent studies to field conditions. The Government has
already put new research in place to explore further the impacts
of neonicotinoids on bumblebees in field conditions and to understand
what levels of pesticide residues and disease in bees are normal.[80]
47. In December, Defra's chief scientific adviser,
Professor Ian Boyd, told us, "We have commissioned a number
of studies to try to get to the bottom of the problem."[81]
"The key piece of research is the bumblebee study in as realistic
field conditions as possible".[82]
That approach was endorsed by the ACP, which told us that the
FERA research would provide "conclusive evidence one way
or the other."[83]
FERA's field studies underpinned recent Defra policy on neonicotinoids
in the UK and Europe. For example, Defra Secretary of State Owen
Paterson MP told the NFU Annual Conference in February 2013 that
he had "asked the [European] Commission to consider all the
evidence and to wait for the results of our field trials, rather
than rushing to a decision based on lab tests alone."[84]
48. In January 2013, the ACP considered the results
of FERA's bumblebee study. The minutes of that meeting stated:
This study was presented to the committee and the
findings discussed with the invited experts. It was concluded
that the study was very difficult to interpret as there was exposure
of bumblebees to neonicotinoid insecticides recorded at all three
sites including the control where the oilseed rape crop had been
grown from untreated seed.[85]
When we subsequently discussed the inconclusive results
of the FERA research with Professor Boyd, he pointed out that
"this is the nature of field studies, unfortunately. You
cannot control for everything."[86]
49. Defra supplied us with a note on the FERA bumblebee
field study which revealed a number of apparently fundamental
flaws in execution.[87]
First, the bumblebees that were exposed to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid
were placed outside two weeks after the control group and the
unexposed bees, which introduced seasonal variables into the experiment.
Secondly, the bees that were exposed to imidacloprid had a lower
starting mass than the other two groups, which might have skewed
the final result given that the mass of bee colonies increases
exponentially. Finally, the neonicotinoid TMX, which was not part
of the experiment, was the most abundant residue in pollen and
nectar in the unexposed hives.[88]
In other words, the unexposed hives contained higher levels of
a neonicotinoid that was not part of the experiment than the hives
that were deliberately exposed to imidacloprid; an example of
the extent to which neonicotinoid insecticides permeate the UK
agricultural environment.
50. In November 2012three months before the
results were available for analysisDr Dicks presciently
pointed out why the FERA bumblebee field study was unlikely to
be conclusive:
It is described as an edge-of-field study and it
seems very likely to me to have one-hectare treatment plots with
bumblebee colonies on the side of those treatment plots. One hectare
is 100 metres by 100 metres, and I said in my written evidence
we have some experimental research showing that bumblebees actually
prefer to forage further than 100 metres away from their colony,
so they are not likely to feed on that rape that is treated that
they are on the edge of; they are much more likely to fly over
it. The foraging range of the species they are likely to use,
which is Bombus terrestris, the buff tailed bumblebee, is probably
between one and a half and three kilometres by evidence from recent
studies. So they are not going to be feeding on the treated rape
in the study.[89]
Dr Dicks also told us that the degree of scientific
certainty required by Defra as a basis for action would require
a 10-year research project costing around £20 million.[90]
51. The
Henry, Whitehorn and Gill laboratory studies raised serious concerns
about the potential effect of neonicotinoid insecticides on bees.
While laboratory studies should as far as possible replicate field
conditions, they cannot by their nature do so precisely. One of
their virtues, however, is that they take place in controlled
conditions. The FERA bumblebee study, which Defra commissioned
to test the conclusions of the laboratory studies in the field,
was, we conclude, fundamentally flawed because the bees were placed
outside on different dates, some colonies had a lower starting
mass than others and a different neonicotinoid from the one used
in the study was present in the 'unexposed' hives. The FERA bumblebee
study is not therefore a compelling basis for inaction.
52. The ACP, which provides Ministers with expert
advice on pesticides, shifted its position on the effect of neonicotinoids
on bees in the course of our inquiry. In November 2012, the ACP
told us that laboratory studies "have not established convincingly
that the exposures employed experimentally are likely to occur
in nature."[91]
In February 2013, however, following EFSA's revised risk assessments
which we discuss below, it concluded:
Whilst there is no single piece of evidence clearly
identifying a significant adverse effect of neonicotinoid insecticides
on bee species in the UK, the accumulation of information does
not rule out the possibility that there might be effects occurring
to bees in the field in the UK, and much of this new information
points in the direction of potential adverse effects.[92]
EFSA revised risk assessments
53. In April 2012, the European Commission asked
EFSA to reassess the risks associated with the use of the neonicotinoid
insecticides clothianidin, imidacloprid and TMX with particular
regard to their acute and chronic effects on bee colony survival
and development, their effects on bee larvae and bee behaviour,
and the risks posed by sub-lethal doses of the three substances.
EFSA published its revised risk assessments in January 2013. The
risk assessments focused on three main routes by which bees are
exposed to neonicotinoids: exposure from residues in nectar and
pollen in the flowers of treated plants; exposure from dust produced
during the sowing of treated seeds or application of granules;
and exposure from residues in guttation fluid produced by treated
plants.[93] EFSA produced
its risk assessments by evaluating the studies submitted for the
approval of the active substances at EU level, the authorisations
of plant protection products at Member State level, relevant scientific
literature and monitoring data recorded at national level.
54. EFSA conducted its assessments in line with its
Scientific Opinion on the risk assessment of plant protection
products in relation to bees, which it had published in May
2012. This Opinion proposed a more comprehensive risk assessment
for bees, including sub-lethal effects, and a higher level of
scrutiny for the interpretation of pesticide field studies. Member
States are yet to agree this Opinion.[94]
In its revised risk assessments, EFSA judged the available evidence
against a higher standard of environmental protection for honeybees
than had previously been applied, derived from its Opinion. Bayer
CropScience commented: "In the case of EFSA's proposed guidance
for insecticides
the [knowledge] gaps are very big
We have estimated that 96% of all pesticides, whether it is an
insecticide or otherwise, would fail on that knowledge gap."[95]
55. Although the European Commission tasked EFSA
with assessing the effect of all neonicotinoids on pollinators,
EFSA conducted risk assessments on imidacloprid, clothianidin
and TMX rather than on all five substances. When we asked Herman
Fontier, Head of Pesticides at EFSA, why EFSA had not risk assessed
thiacloprid and acetamiprid, he replied:
In the first instance, we had been mandated by the
Commission to look into these as well, but then, because the task
was just too much for us, the Commission said, "Forget for
the time being about acetamiprid and thiacloprid." Why? Because
they are much less toxic to bees. It is a factor of 1,000. It
is a huge difference.[96]
56. EFSA drew the following conclusions on the three
neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, clothianidin and TMX) which it risk
Exposure from pollen and nectar. Only uses on crops
not attractive to honeybees were considered acceptable.
Exposure from dust. A risk to honeybees was indicated
or could not be excluded, with some exceptions, such as use on
sugar beet and crops planted in glasshouses, and for the use of
some granules.
Exposure from guttation. The only risk assessment
that could be completed was for maize treated with thiamethoxam.
In this case, field studies show an acute effect on honeybees
exposed to the substance through guttation fluid.[97]
EFSA categorises asparagus, cotton, maize (corn),
oilseed rape, sunflower, pumpkin and linseed (flax) as crops that
are attractive to bees.[98]
This assessment therefore excludes wheat, barley, sugar beet and
oats, along with many other crops.
57. EFSA does not make recommendations; it conducts
risk assessments.[99]
The European Commission judges how to manage any risks identified
by EFSA. In that light, Defra Minister Lord de Mauley queried
the use of the word "acceptable" in the EFSA press release
summing up the revised risk assessments.[100]
In fact, in its pesticide peer reviewsthe primary sourceEFSA
identified the following "concerns" in relation to imidacloprid,
clothianidin and TMX. On imidacloprid, EFSA concluded:
Several issues that could not be finalised were identified
in relation to the exposure of honeybees via dust, from consumption
of contaminated nectar and pollen, and from exposure via guttation
fluid. In addition, the risk to pollinators other than honeybees,
the risk from residues in insect honey dew, and the risk from
exposure to residues in succeeding crops could not be finalised
A high acute risk to honeybees was identified from exposure
via dust drift for the authorised uses in cereals, cotton, maize
and oilseed rape. A high acute risk was also identified for exposure
via residues in nectar and/or pollen for the authorised uses in
cotton, oilseed rape and sunflowers.[101]
On clothianidin, EFSA concluded:
Several issues that could not be finalised were identified
in relation to the exposure of honeybees via dust, from consumption
of contaminated nectar and pollen, and from residues in exposure
via guttation fluid. In addition, the risk to pollinators other
than honeybees, the risk from insect honey dew, and the risk from
exposure to residues in succeeding crops could not be finalised
A high acute risk to honeybees was identified from exposure
via dust drift for the seed treatment uses in maize, oilseed rape
and cereals. A high acute risk was also identified from exposure
via residues in nectar and/or pollen for the uses in oilseed rape.[102]
On TMX, EFSA concluded:
Several issues that could not be finalised were identified
in relation to the exposure of honeybees via dust, from consumption
of contaminated nectar and pollen, and from exposure via guttation
fluid. In addition, the risk to pollinators other than honeybees,
the risk from residues in insect honey dew, and the risk from
exposure to residues in succeeding crops could not be finalised
A high acute risk to honeybees was identified from exposure
via dust drift for the authorised uses in cereals, cotton, oilseed
rape (except for uses with the lowest application rate authorised
in the EU) and maize. A high acute risk was also identified for
exposure via guttation fluid for the authorised uses in maize.[103]
58. EFSA's risk assessments were not comprehensive.
In some cases, EFSA was "unable to finalise the assessments
due to shortcomings in the available data."[104]
Those shortcomings were largely due to the new, higher standard
of environmental protection for bees applied in these risk assessments,
which has rendered inadequate the data generated by many of the
original field trials on which approvals were based.[105]
Under the current EU pesticides approval regime, the European
Commission is responsible for managing the risk where EFSA is
unable to finalise its assessments due to insufficient data.
59. EFSA found that dust drift posed "a high
acute risk" to honeybees in the cases of all three neonicotinoids
that it risk assessed. We heard that this observation might not
apply to the UK. In Italy, the suspension of imidacloprid, TMX
and clothianidin as maize treatments was driven by the discovery
that dead bees had been in direct contact with airborne contaminated
dust generated during the drilling of treated seed. Dust from
abraded seed coatings was found to contain 20% neonicotinoid content,
which was more than 2,000 times the dosage in spray treatments.[106]
Improving the seed treatment process and modifying the drilling
equipment were proposed as ways to reduce that exposure route.[107]
60. The NFU told us that "the standards of agricultural
practice in the use of pesticides in the UK are among the highest
in Europe".[108]
It also pointed out that "careful stewardship of all pesticide-treated
seed is undertaken by the industry. This includes improving seed
applications to reduce risks of pesticide dusts, and by encouraging
operator care to avoid seed spills and ensure seeds are properly
buried when drilled."[109]
Defra set out how it believed that the risks associated with contaminated
dust do not apply in the UK:
The suspensions in Germany, Italy and Slovenia followed
particular incidents in which poor practice in treating and sowing
seed led to bee kills due to the creation of excessive dust contaminated
with neonicotinoids. Our assessment is that the risk of similar
incidents in the UK is negligible. There are several reasons for
that conclusion. First, the dose rates used in the seed treatment
in Germany were almost double those which would be used in the
UK. Second, the problems related to maize and drilling was taking
place at an unusual time of year when adjacent crops were in flower.
Third, seed treatments in the UK are carried out by professional
contractors, which minimises the risk of a sticker not being applied
(stickers help the pesticide adhere to the treated surface). Fourth,
drilling equipment in the UK is either built differently or has
been adapted so that it directs dust towards the ground, thus
minimising the risk of drift.[110]
Similarly, Bayer CropScience and Syngenta highlighted
the safeguards in UK agricultural equipment and the application
of 'stickers'.[111]
Precautionary principle
61. The 1992 United Nations Rio Declaration stated:
In order to protect the environment, the precautionary
approach shall be widely applied by States according to their
capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible
damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as
a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental
This statement was adopted by the European Commission
in the Lisbon Treaty:
Union policy on the environment shall aim at a high
level of protection taking into account the diversity of situations
in the various regions of the Union. It shall be based on the
precautionary principle and on the principles that preventive
action should be taken, that environmental damage should as a
priority be rectified at source and that the polluter should pay.[113]
Although the EU has never adopted a comprehensive
definition of the precautionary principle, it nevertheless informs
not only EU environmental policy, but EU laws on food, consumer
protection, trade, research, and technological development.
62. Several witnesses told us that Defra "is
not taking a sufficiently precautionary approach."[114]
Defra's September 2012 document, Neonicotinoid insecticides
and bees: The state of the science and the regulatory response,
did not include the words "precaution" or "precautionary
principle". Instead, it justified its policy on the basis
that none of the recent studies (paragraph 41) provided "unequivocal"
evidence of serious implications for bee colonies, which might
be taken as the opposite of the precautionary principle.[115]
When we put this to Lord de Mauley, he told us:
Let me be very clear that Defra fully accepts that
the precautionary principle applies to decisions on the regulation
of pesticides.[116]
I fully accept that the use of the word "unequivocal"
was inappropriate. We are not seeking unequivocal evidence, and
recognise that scientific studies can never meet such a test.
The reality is that we do consider the weight of evidence and,
at present, the evidence suggests that the effects do not occur
in the field.[117]
63. Defra's position on applying the precautionary
principle contrasts with that in other European countries. The
Pesticide Action Network told us:
Whilst Defra have clearly decided that no action
needs to be taken in the short term, the French regulatory authorities
have taken a different view and have, for some years, instituted
further controls and restrictions on some neonicotinoids. Following
the publication of the Henry et al and Whitehorn et al studies,
in March this year, the French suspended the approval for the
use of thiamethoxam for oilseed rape seed treatments in June 2012.
We do not understand why Defra came to a different conclusion,
particularly as the cropping systems for OSR [oilseed rape] are
similar in both countries. The Italian authorities, and to some
extent, the German authorities have also adopted different approaches
to the UK in regard to suspensions.[118]
64. EU Regulation on plant protection products states
that "the objective of protecting human and animal health
and the environment should take priority over the objective of
improving plant production."[119]
However, Defra linked economic factors to the application of the
precautionary principle. Lord de Mauley told us, "We have
put the case for a proportionate and evidence-based approach to
this whole issue. On the one hand, there are important issues
about the protection of pollinators and, on the other, there are
real economic concerns."[120]
65. In 2012, nearly all oilseed rape sown in the
UK was seed treated with a neonicotinoid insecticide.[121]
Oilseed rape has recently become an important crop for UK arable
farmers, driven in part by the increase in commodity prices in
recent years. Previously grown as a break crop to help control
pests and diseases in cereals, it now provides a similar output
to wheat. Oilseed rape suffers from pests and diseases, such as
the peach-potato aphid and the flea beetle. An agronomist, Peter
Riley of Prime Agriculture, told us:
As advisers I guess we have been led, in the past,
towards seed treatments on account of the much lower levels of
active ingredient used. In the case of neonicotinoids, it has
made a huge difference, particularly in something like oilseed
rape, which means that we get a much more consistent establishment
of crop. Generally, the industry now uses something like probably
a third of the seed that we were using 10 years ago.[122]
66. We asked our agronomist witnesses whether a hypothetical
moratorium on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides would render
it impossible to farm certain crops in the UK. Peter Riley told
I am not necessarily suggesting that it would become
uneconomical, but it would have a profound effect on the average
margin that a farmer would have. I simply don't know exactly what
the full ramifications were, but I could imagine it could be quite
difficult for farmers certainly.[123]
Chris Bean of Agrii added:
It is the sort of question that you can't give an
exact answer to because things will differ from year to year
It is not necessarily every field on the farm, but some fields
would be badly affected. For those that were badly affected prior
to the development of the seed treatments it was a case of re-drilling
or giving up on the oilseed rape and putting some winter wheat
in or something instead. That is a significant drain on a farmer's
Certainly, trials that we have done, trials that
the manufacturers of the seed treatments have done have suggested
anything from a 10% to 25% yield loss as a result of virus damage
to the crop
In sugar beet, I would imagine it is far more
damaging than that.[124]
67. On the other hand, the Pesticide Action Network
pointed out:
If you look at the example of Italy, where they have
banned certain seed dressings on maize crops, not using them has
not led to any increase in pest or disease problems. It has also
not resulted in any kind of loss of yield or profitability to
the people growing the maize.[125]
The Soil Association also referred to the Italian
After the restrictions on neonicotinoids came in,
they did some detailed studies on the yield and found that overall
there was no negative effect. Even in terms of the affected maize
plants, they found that only 10% were affected by any of the major
soil dwelling pests. There was no overall impact on production
levels and less than 3% of sample fields were affected.[126]
68. The Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture estimated
the economic worth of neonicotinoid seed treatments in the European
Union.[127] It concluded
that "over a five-year period, the EU could lose 17
billion and more; 50,000 jobs could get lost economy-wide; and
more than a million people engaged in arable production and their
livelihoods would certainly suffer".[128]
That analysis was predicated on a total ban on all neonicotinoid
pesticides on all crops and is not congruent with either the evidence
we heard from agronomists or the Italian experience of farming
maize without neonicotinoids. In addition, the Humboldt Forum
analysis did not take into account the agricultural and economic
value of pollinators, which we explore in Part 4. Neonicotinoid
pesticides are not fundamental to the general economic or agricultural
viability of UK farming, although there may be specific issues
in relation to oilseed rape that might require careful management
if neonicotinoids were not available to growers.
69. Defra policy
on pesticides must be evidence-based. Where the available scientific
evidence is either incomplete or contradictory, Defra must apply
the precautionary principle rather than maintaining the status
quo while waiting for further evidence. Defra policy in relation
to neonicotinoids is not currently founded on the precautionary
principle as set out in the 1992 United Nations Rio Declaration
and the Lisbon Treaty, in that Defra will not countenance imposing
a moratorium if it would not be "proportionate". Ministers
currently consider that a decision on a moratorium should be informed
by potential economic impacts as well as by clearer proof about
harm to bees than is currently available or is likely to be produced
in the near future. We recognise the agricultural value of neonicotinoid
insecticides, but economic factors should not blur environmental
risk assessment and risk management, where the protection of people
and the environment must be paramount. Defra must review
how it exercises the precautionary principle. Economic considerations
should not form part of environmental risk management decision
making, but rather should be a function of a distinct and transparent
subsequent political process.
European Commission
70. Following EFSA's revised risk assessments, the
European Commission exercised its risk management function by
introducing an Amending Regulation to alter the conditions of
approval for use of imidacloprid, clothianidin and TMX in the
European Union.[129]
This proposal would have introduced a two-year moratorium on the
use of the three neonicotinoids on crops that are attractive to
bees, with exceptions in the cases of winter cereals (because
dust exposure during autumn is not considered a major issue) and
of bee-attractive crops grown in greenhouses, and prohibited the
sale and use of neonicotinoids to non-professional users (paragraph
71. This proposal was subject to a qualified majority
vote of Member States on 15 March 2013, when no qualified majority
was reached either in favour or against the proposal. Although
the European Commission does not publicise how Member States voted,
Defra set out why the UK abstained:
Bee health is extremely important but decisions must
be based on sound scientific evidence and rushing this through
could have serious unintended consequences both for bees and for
food production. We are not opposing the EU's proposals. We have
been clear all along that we want any decision on neonicotinoids
to be based on science. We are currently finalising studies that
will give us the evidence on which to base a proper decision.
But as we do not have the evidence yet it is impossible for us
to vote either way. There are seven other member states we expect
to abstain along with us and we expect nine countries to oppose
the Commission's proposals as they currently stand.[130]
72. Defra cited the need to analyse the FERA research
studies as a factor in its decision to abstain (paragraph 46).
The inconclusive outcome of the 15 March vote allows the European
Commission the option of appealing the decision, which would lead
to a further vote of Member States, or revising and reintroducing
the proposal.
73. Under the EU Directive on the Sustainable Use
of Pesticides, which was transposed into UK law by the Plant Protection
Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012, the UK was obliged
to establish an action plan to promote the sustainable use of
pesticides.[131] Member
States were required to develop and submit national action plans
to the European Commission "by 14 December 2012".[132]
Defra published the UK National Action Plan for the Sustainable
Use of Pesticides on 26 February 2013. When we asked Defra Minister
Lord de Mauley why the publication of the UK plan was delayed,
he stated that "It is purely the process of giving due consideration
to the responses to the consultation."[133]
However, Lord de Mauley's officials were unable to point to a
substantive difference between the draft consultative action plan
and the published final action plan. Dave Bench, Director of Science,
Engineering, Analysis and Chemicals Regulation at the Health and
Safety Executive, explained: "In terms of substantive content,
is there anything radically different in this draft to what we
would have had in draft prior to the Christmas period? No, there
is not anything radically different."[134]
Dave Bench was, however, unwilling to accept the contention that
the consultation might not have been "effective".[135]
74. On the content of the UK plan, the pesticides
directive stipulated that "Member States shall adopt National
Action Plans to set up their quantitative objectives, targets,
measures and timetables to reduce risks and impacts of pesticide
use on human health and the environment."[136]
Dave Bench told us, "Our position has been for some time
that we are not in favour of quantitative reduction targets of
that kind of nature because they are generally fairly meaningless."[137]
We asked whether the UK plan therefore complied with the directive.
Dave Bench replied, "Now we believe, and have checked with
our lawyers, that what we have put into the National Action Planwhich
of course is intended to be an ongoing, developing document; not
staticis compliant with the requirements of the directive."[138]
That it was necessary to
take legal advice whether the UK National Action Plan for the
Sustainable Use of Pesticides complied with the minimum requirements
of the EU directive suggests that the UK failed to take this opportunity
to address pesticide use to benefit human health and the environment.
It is difficult to see how pesticide use will change without the
implementation of the objectives, timetables, measures and targets
that officials dismissed as "meaningless".
75. The pesticides directive also stated that action
plans should "encourage the development and introduction
of integrated pest management."[139]
The published UK plan stated that "this part of the UK National
Action Plan will be developed over the coming months
will consider what more might be done to help and encourage users
in this area."[140]
Professor Potts underlined the merit of the objective set out
in the directive:
What we need, in my opinion, is a longer-term phased
reduction in all pesticides, not just neonicotinoids, and increasing
uptake of more IPM [integrated pest management] strategies, things
like biocontrol, better crop management and so on. A lot of those
tools are out there and if we are going to get co-benefits of
good production, food security and good environmental quality,
then we need to be a lot smarter about the way we intensively
76. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a broad approach
to plant protection that discourages the development of populations
of harmful organisms, keeps the use of pesticides and other forms
of intervention to levels that are economically and ecologically
justified and reduces or minimises risks to human health and the
environment. IPM emphasises the growth of a healthy crop with
the least possible disruption to ecosystems and encourages natural
pest control mechanisms. Many UK farmers already utilise practices
which are in line with IPM principles, particularly due to the
requirements of farm assurance schemes, retailer requirements
or other national or international production standards.
77. Seed treatments entail the application of pesticides
before the onset and extent of any pest population can be known.
Some have argued that such prophylactic seed treatment is often
unnecessary and therefore inconsistent with the principles of
IPM. The Pesticide Action Network pointed out:
It is impossible for a farmer to buy non-seed-treated
oilseed rape seed, so 100% of the oilseed rape in this country
is grown with a systemic pesticide in it. There is no indication
whether any of that is dealing with any kind of real-life pest
threat whatsoever. It is simply an insurance policy.[142]
The Soil Association told us:
There is a wide range of pest-control alternatives
to the use of pesticides for insect control. Many crop pest species
have natural predators (e.g. ladybirds for aphids) or parasites
(e.g. nematodes for slugs and snails). These can be deliberately
introduced to a crop or encouraged by providing suitable habitat
(e.g. rough, unfarmed areas around fields). Often natural predators
get removed from the system by pesticides, either directly or
through dramatic reduction in prey, resulting in die-off of the
predators and subsequently disrupting ecosystems by adversely
affecting food webs. Therefore reducing pesticide usage and encouraging
natural predators can help control pest species as well as improving
the health of the whole ecosystem.[143]
78. We asked Lord de Mauley to explain his view on
We are pursuing integrated pest management with great
keenness. In fact, pesticide users are going to be required to
use it from 1 January 2014, and all pesticide users soon will
be required to be trained in it, it includes integrated approaches.
Of course, many farmers and growers already are familiar with
IPM and adopt practices in line with it, but it is certainly something
that we are extremely focused on.[144]
Professor Boyd added, "Integrated pest management
is the future. We have to move in that direction and we have to
move as quickly as possible."[145]
The promotion of IPM principles is a key feature of the EU Directive
on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides, and Member States are required
to implement the provisions on IPM by 1 January 2014.[146]
79. The NFU raised the possibility that the alternatives
to neonicotinoids might be more environmentally harmful than neonicotinoids
themselves.[147] Similarly,
Bayer CropScience argued, "What is the consequence of a loss
of neonicotinoids? Farmers will have to go back to the old way
of doing things."[148]
If the IPM component of the EU Directive on the Sustainable Use
of Pesticides is implemented effectively in the UK, farmers will
be informed and incentivised to make choices other than "the
old way of doing things".
80. In the interests
of the environment, food security, minimising resistance among
pests and maximising agricultural incomes, it is desirable that
the minimal possible amount of chemical pesticides is used in
agricultural production. This means moving away from any excessive
use of chemical pesticides and utilising integrated pest management.
Such an approach would prevent any ban on neonicotinoids necessarily
causing the increased use of potentially more harmful substances.
Defra must develop the UK National Action Plan for the Sustainable
Use of Pesticides in line with both the spirit and the requirements
of the European Directive on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides.
To that end, Defra should prioritise the development of the action
plan in its business plan and accordingly provide an appropriate
level of resource. The UK plan should include quantitative objectives,
targets, measures, timetables and indicators, as stipulated by
the directive. The promotion of
integrated pest management principles is a key feature of the
EU Directive on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides, and Member
States are required to implement the provisions on IPM by 1 January
Defra should introduce clear incentives for farmers to drive take
up of IPM.
81. Defra
should prepare to introduce a moratorium in the UK on the use
of imidacloprid, clothianidin and thiamethoxam on crops that are
attractive to bees by 1 January 2014, and support such a proposal
in the EU.
Private gardens and amenities
82. Many of the UK's largest home improvement retailers
and garden centres, including Notcutts, Hillier, Squires, Blue
Diamond, SCATS Countrystores, B&Q, Wickes and Homebase, have
implemented the precautionary principle by voluntarily withdrawing
plant protection products for non-professional use that contain
neonicotinoids from their stores.[149]
Trained and licensed contractors apply neonicotinoids in the agricultural
industry, which is important because neonicotinoids are lethal
to pollinators if they are incorrectly applied when plants are
blooming. Lord de Mauley was confident that the current regulations
for amateur use provided sufficient safeguards for insect pollinators:
"The products for use in gardens have very clear instructions
for use."[150]
83. Throughout our inquiry, Defra repeatedly stressed
the need to apply the precautionary principle in a "proportionate"
fashion given the economic and agricultural value of neonicotinoids.[151]
This argument does not appear to apply to private gardens and
amenities such as golf courses. Furthermore, the suspension of
neonicotinoids for public use could create an urban safe haven
for pollinators, which might facilitate future field studies without
the problems of neonicotinoid contamination experienced in the
FERA field study of bumblebees (paragraph 46). In addition, Professor
Graham Stone of Edinburgh University told us that "the potential
exists for cities to become net exporters of pollinators. They
can't do that if they [pollinators]are being killed in gardens".[152]
84. There is
no compelling economic or agricultural case for neonicotinoid
use in private gardens and on amenities such as golf courses,
which provides Defra with an opportunity to exercise its stated
commitment to the precautionary principle. Defra must immediately
withdraw the approvals for use in the UK of neonicotinoid pesticides
marketed for amateur application in private gardens and on amenities
in order to create neonicotinoid-free zones for pollinators in
non-agricultural areas.
68 Q 26 Back
Mickaël Henry et al, "A Common Pesticide Decreases Foraging
Success and Survival in Honey Bees", Science, vol
336 (2012), pp 347--350 Back
Ev 154 Back
Penelope R. Whitehorn, Stephanie O'Connor, Felix L. Wackers, Dave
Goulson, "Neonicotinoid Pesticide Reduces Bumble Bee Colony
Growth and Queen Production", Science, vol 336 (2012),
pp 351-352 Back
R. J. Gill, O. Ramos-Rodriguez and N. E. Raine, "Combined
pesticide exposure severely affects individual and colony-level
traits in bees", Nature, vol 491 (2012) Back
Ev 160 Back
Ev 149 Back
Q 156 Back
Radio 4, "Today", 8 February 2013 Back
Q 156 Back
Q 126 Back
Defra, Neonicotinoid insecticides and bees: The state of the
science and the regulatory response, September 2012, para
2 Back
Ev 199 Back
Q 343 Back
Q 345 Back
Q 258 Back
"Owen Paterson speech at the National Farmers Union Annual
Conference", Defra online, February 2013, www.defra.gov.uk Back
Advisory Committee on Pesticides, "Minutes of the 359th meeting",
January 2013 Back
Q 621 Back
Ev 250 Back
Ibid. Back
Q 123 Back
Qq 258-259 Back
Ev 223 Back
Ev 252 Back
Guttation is the process by which some plants exude sap in droplets
that resemble dew. Back
EFSA,"GuidanceDocumentontheRiskAssessmentofPlantProtectionProductsonBees",Draft Back
Q 384 Back
Q 519 Back
"EFSA identifies risk to bees from neonicotinoids",
EFSA press release, 16 January 2013 Back
EFSA, "Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk
assessment for bees for the active substance imidacloprid",
EFSA Journal, 2013, p 17 Back
Q 513 Back
Q 596 Back
EFSA, "Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk
assessment for bees for the active substance imidacloprid",
EFSA Journal, 2013, p 34 Back
EFSA, "Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk
assessment for bees for the active substance clothianidin",
EFSA Journal, 2013, p 37 Back
EFSA, "Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk
assessment for bees for the active substance thiamethoxam",
EFSA Journal, 2013, p 45 Back
"EFSA identifies risk to bees from neonicotinoids",
EFSA press release, 16 January 2013 Back
EFSA, "Conclusion on the peer review of the pesticide risk
assessment for bees for the active substance thiamethoxam",
EFSA Journal, 2013, p 2 Back
Marzaro et al, "Lethal aerial powdering of honey bees with
neonicotinoids from fragments of maize seed coat", Bulletin
of Insectology, vol 64 (2011), pp 119-126 Back
Tapparo et al, "Assessment of the environmental exposure
of honeybees to particulate matter containing neonicotinoid insecticides
coming from corn coated seeds", Environmental Science
and Technology, vol 46 (2012), pp 2592-2599 Back
Ev 137 Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 197 Back
Q 170 Back
United Nations, Rio Declaration, Principle 15 Back
European Union, Lisbon Treaty, Article 191 Back
Ev 125, 145-146 Back
Defra, Neonicotinoid insecticides and bees: The state of the
science and the regulatory response, September 2012, para
2 Back
Q 343 Back
Q 344 Back
Ev 126 Back
Council Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009, Recital 24 Back
Q 585 Back
Ev 138 Back
Q 569 Back
Q 572 Back
Ibid Back
Q 48 Back
Q 80 Back
Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture, The value of neonicotinoid
seed treatment in the European Union, 2013 Back
Ibid, p 34 Back
Commission Amending Regulation, SANCO/10262/2013 Back
"What is the value of bees?", The Guardian, 15
March 2013 Back
Council Directive 2009/128/EC Back
ibid, Article 4(2) Back
Q 351 Back
Q 628 Back
Q 629 Back
Council Directive 2009/128/EC, Article 4(1) Back
Q 630 Back
Q 636 Back
Council Directive 2009/128/EC, Article 4(1) Back
Defra, UK National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides,
March 2013, para 16.2 Back
Q 244 Back
Q 48 Back
Ev 118 Back
Q 667 Back
Ibid. Back
Ev 205 Back
Q 65 Back
Q 391 Back
"Garden centres weed out insecticides to help save bees",
The Guardian, 20 February 2013 Back
Q 359 Back
Q 649 Back
Q 127 Back